Consciousness brought its own bitterness. She could have pretended to be in a faint. But curiosity brought Laurie to open her eyes. She knew someone had changed her restraints. The girl no longer was in the pillory, her ass banging free, her wrists and ankles thrust through wooden holes. But there was a stretching feeling Laurie knew couldn't be denied. Slowly she opened her eyes, peering through her long lashes, not daring to make a move for fear of attracting attention too soon. Her arms were spread widely above her head, stretched to the tearing point, she thought, feeling a painful pressure in both her shoulder sockets. Laurie kept her head down, feeling the tips of her silken hairs brushing over her pink, erect nipples.

Moving her hands slightly, she saw immediately they were attached to something – probably a pole of sorts – and definitely bound with rope to the object. Her legs too had been bound, spread quite a distance apart. Ropes too had been lashed around her ankles tightly, restraining them to something in the floor. They had stretched her tightly, her feet arched above the concrete, her arches hurting from the pulling pressure while she hung there helpless. Laurie knew instinctively she made a large X, her tits pulled flat from the pressure against her chest as she kept her head down. She could hear mumbling from one corner of the room, punctuated by muffled higher-pitched groans. Lieutenant Harrington! She was supposed to be here, and doubtless was.

Laurie flinched, feeling hands rubbing up and down her thighs. She betrayed herself.

"The little slut's alive."

"Wake up, bitch, or I'll stick a match up your ass," Jack said threateningly.

Laurie pulled her head up, shaking the loose blonde hair from her eyes. Yes, she was right. There was Lieutenant Teri Harrington in front of her, stripped naked, her ripped khaki uniform lying in tatters on the floor. She had been hog tied with bits of cord and rope, her hands fastened behind her back, another rope wrapped around her throat and pulled tight across her back and threaded through the line keeping her wrists bound.

The result was that Lieutenant Harrington feared to move her hands or head too much. The more she twisted, the tighter the rope became around her neck. But what was particularly grotesque was what they had done with her next. Laurie could see they were in the same space as before. The pillory device had been shoved into one corner, while this other thing had been brought forward.

Lieutenant Harrington was impaled, a long steel pole having been driven up her cunt, spreading the dark-haired cunt wide open and exposing her rich red inner pussylips. Someone had slipped a pink dildo on the tip of the stand, most of which was already buried in the dark meat of the woman's pussy. She was standing on her tiptoes now, sweat beading on her forehead and rolling down her thunderous tits to two metal rings that Jack had clamped tightly onto her hard nipples.

She was panting heavily, trying to keep her feet up, but obviously growing tired. Laurie watched as the woman's arches finally gave way and she sank back down, her feet flattening on the cold floor. More of the rod pushed into her cunt, making her thighs ridge and ripple at this self-fucking while her asscheeks clenched together like two tight fists. She was groaning, her head puffing back, the rope tightening around her throat while her tits jutted out from her heaving upper chest.

"Looks like she's a damned lucky woman, right Laurie?" the captain said, pointing at his impaled executive officer and laughing. Lieutenant Harrington grew flushed, her face reflecting the shame and degradation she obviously felt.

"Sure wish I were a woman with something that nice to sit on," Jack taunted.

"Ever have one bigger than that, baby? You're a frigid bitch, but you're not a virgin. We saw that when we wrestled you to the floor here," the captain said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Lieutenant Harrington was scarlet, her cunt halved by that awful thing while the men mocked her in front of Laurie. She looked plaintively at the girl, shaking her head as best she could while the rope pressed more tightly against her throat and made her cough.

"You could drive your cunt up and down on that thing – you know, fuck yourself. That's probably how she lost her cherry anyway, driving a damned Coke bottle up her pussy. She needs a real prick to thaw her out," the captain said derisively.

"Come on, Captain, let's see what else we can do to make these girls less tired," Jack said with a merry wink.

The two men disappeared from the space, leaving the two women alone to contemplate their fates. Laurie sighed, blinking away the tears. She had hoped somehow that the lieutenant would be able to get word to someone, anyone to help. It had been a vain hope. Lieutenant Teri Harrington was as much a victim of Jack's and the captain's, perhaps more judging from the vehemence in the captain's voice. He had obviously been thinking about doing this to her for some time. Laurie had been the catalyst. And now both of them were going to suffer the consequences.

"I'm so sorry, Lieutenant. But… but they made me do it," Laurie said, feeling her fingers grow icy from the pulling pressure of the ropes around her wrists.

"That's all right, Laurie. I should have guessed about these two… ohhhhhh!"

Lieutenant Harrington's body shivered. Laurie realized she had been moving her cunt up and down, sliding her pussy on the long steel rod while her clit rubbed back and forth against the slick surface. She was masturbating, bringing herself off just as the officers said she would. Her nipples were turning a darker red, swelling against the nibbling clamps while her thighs rippled from the delight obviously surging through her body. She was trying to stop biting her lip, struggling against the rope strangling her throat.

But nothing could stop the delight she obviously felt. She was gasping and twisting now, making the steel rod shiver and move against the floor as she tossed her lovely head and whipped her long chestnut colored hair across her jiggling tits. She was having a climax right in front of Laurie, her belly flushing and tensing while she bounced up and down, up and down, feeding her sucking pussy with more and more of that rodding dildo.

She stiffened, her spine arching back as she thrust her tits forward and shuddered against the poling dildo. Juice dribbled from her cunt, streaking her ridged inner thighs while she came shamelessly in front of the gawking young blonde teen. Finally Teri sighed, her feet resting flat on the floor as the dildo nudged against her cervix.

"I'm so ashamed, but I couldn't help myself," she sobbed, blinking away the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Laurie wanted to say something to assuage the woman's guilt. But then Jack and the captain returned. The lieutenant moved behind Teri, working on something that lay on the floor while Jack strode up to the teen and hefted her heavy, pendulous tits with both hands. She stood there stoically, feeling his fingers massaging the round bottoms while that prickling, tingling feeling around her nipples started up once more. When he began pinching one, his eyes fastened on hers, watching for the slightest show of pain.

Jack doubled his fist, bringing it crashing into the soft spot of her belly and knocking the wind from her. Laurie let out a whooshing sound, her eyes popping from her head while the teeth rattled in her skull. Teri started to object, but her cry was stopped short by a hard slap across the face from the captain.

"You always shoot your fuckin' mouth off too much in the office. This is going to make you think twice about doing that."

"Animal!" she shot back, her face reddening as she felt him feeling her ass once more. "You'll never get away with this. I'll tell the Naval Board of Inquiry. They'll put you away until you're an old man!"

"If you're around to shoot off your mouth, that is," the captain warned, his eyes narrowing.

While they were arguing, Laurie had time to notice what the captain had been doing. Something was trailing out from behind the stand still impaling the lieutenant's cunt. Wires! Suddenly the girl realized what they were about to do – at least to the executive officer. They were going to electrocute her, send current surging through her body while Laurie watched. She wanted to say something, to warn her. But one look at Jack and the girl closed her lips, grimly watching and waiting for the ax to fall.

That small fire, she knew, couldn't heat it that much. But it was still hot, warm enough to injure her, she thought as he brought it up to her throat, then quickly dropped it to her right nipple.

Laurie shrieked, her body vibrating, like a struck tuning fork as she felt the fiery spike melting into her tit tip. Shocks of agony and incredible heat blasted through her tits, ricocheting through her body until she thought the flesh would tear from her bones. Jack pulled the spike away, shoving it down to her pussy and letting the ebbing warmth stimulate her clit. Laurie let out a soft moan, ashamed she was giving in to this horrid man.

"Okay, back here, Jack."

The captain's voice was firm, almost commanding. Laurie pulled up her head, clearing her eyes with a blink and seeing that indeed the senior officer had unraveled the wires behind the strung female lieutenant. Teri was twisting her head around as best she could now, the look of studied composure she had had earlier quickly crumbling into one of concerned fear. Her muscles tensed, her body swaying dangerously on the steel pole still halving her body as the captain connected up the final few wires to what appeared to be a small panel box built into the oaken well.

"I don't know what this thing was used for before," the captain admitted, "but whatever it was sure helps us out now. It's a transformer – or the closest thing to it, and I've wired it up to the pole you're fucking yourself on, Lieutenant. Enjoy fucking yourself?"

"You… you bastard!" Teri spat out, her lower lip trembling while her eyes widened in growing fear. Laurie could see perspiration starting to shine on the taut, attractive body in front of her.

"You can call me anything you want," he answered. "By the time I'm through with you, though, it'll only be respect I'll be hearing."

"Never!" she vowed.

The captain tested the dial one more time, then switched on the small machine and twisted the black dial. Laurie watched with growing fascination, her eyes dropping to the woman's split-open cunt and the steel prick driven well up into it. Teri's eyes widened, her eyebrows meeting while her forehead wrinkled. Her eyes sparkled while she sucked in a ragged breath, the shot of electricity catching her by surprise. Laurie watched the woman squirm atop the fucking pole, her thighs starting to relax and tighten, relax and tighten in a rippling effect. Her toes curled, bracing against the floor as she leaned forward and let her long hair partially curtain her face.

"There now, that's not bad, is it?"

The captain held up one hand, restraining Jack as he turned the dial clockwise another notch. Teri stiffened, bracing backward with a sharp jerk while her lower jaw slackened. She moaned, her teeth chattering against one another while her tits slapped gently together. Laurie could see what the increase of current was doing to the female lieutenant. Her nipples were growing darker, far longer and stiffer while her thighs were ridging sexily. Laurie couldn't take her widening eyes off Teri's cunt, watching the hairs uncurl and stick out as the electricity charged the woman's convulsing cunt.

Another notch! Laurie's mouth opened. She could hardly feel the strains of her bonds any longer, so intense was her fascination with what was happening. Teri started jerking, nearly falling off the pole twice as her flesh darkened. She was swaying back and forth in rapid, jerky movements while her eyes rolled back until only the whites showed. It was grotesque, wild. She was squatting, then jerking up, squatting and jerking up, fucking herself while rubbing her clit continually against the sparking pole. Her wrists twisted around so grotesquely that Laurie wondered if the woman were trying to break her own bones. Her cheeks puffed out and fluttered, and nothing but incomprehensible moans and cries escaped from her purpling lips. Droplets of spittle stood out against her chin and cheeks like diamonds while more and more electricity seared into the woman's body.

The captain was impressed at Teri's ability to withstand the current, giving the dial another twist and sending more electricity through her body. Teri went wild, her shoulders shaking in a wild dance while her head jerked and lolled from shoulder to shoulder. She was making obscene, guttural grunts now, fucking herself faster and faster, her cunt glowing hot while juice sparked from her cunt to put out the lusty fire burning between her shivering legs. She had no control over her body.

Laurie watched in shock as the woman pissed on herself, jerking forward and obviously cumming quickly after that. She was in a steady state of climax now, rutting and cumming again and again while twisting and writhing like a speared fish on that pole. The captain tried turning the dial even more to the right. But he had reached the maximum. Cursing, he shut down the machine with a sweep of his right hand, watching as Teri continued to jerk and writhe her body on the spear.

"Knock the bitch off. She's had enough for a while."

Laurie gasped when Jack drew his hands together, then brought both sets of knuckles crashing down hard against the back of Teri's head. The woman screamed, her body snapping forward while her legs flew out from under her. For a second Laurie feared the woman would spear herself on the pole, truly impaling herself. But the forward force of Jack's blow was enough to knock her up and off the pole. Teri shot forward, her hands still roped behind her back, and fell face-down on the floor.

She was still squirming, her tits pillowed against the floor while her legs shot widely apart. Jack moved behind her, bringing his booted toes up against her cunt and shoving them in. He twisted his foot round, working his boot in while Teri shot her ass up and squirmed like a snake across the carpet. She had one cheek pressed against the floor as she dug in her knees and tried crawling away from the cuntal offense. But Jack was all too superior, kicking her there, working his foot in while the woman moaned in helpless horror.

"That's enough, Jack. We don't want to wear her out too soon."

"That's the last time she's gonna have any shit to say about my fitness reports."

Ted lay defeated, juice oozing from her violated cunt as Laurie hung there watching her. Thank goodness, she thought to herself, that she had been spared the humiliation. But now that this scene was over, Jack and the captain seemed to have more up their sleeves. Laurie tensed, waiting for the inevitable, hoping secretly that Lieutenant Harrington would suffer the brunt of the men's frustrations.
