"I don't believe you."

"But ma'am, it's the truth."

"I know what you told the captain. I know what you said in there. But I don't believe this. You're too much of an honest girl in the first place to lie for the first time. Someone or something's gotten to you, Laurie, and I want to know what."

The female officer sat in front of her, her eyes firm, anxious, compassionate. Laurie was miserable. She had had to recant her story, looking like a slut while hiding the whip marks Jack had given her. All along she thought of those rats crawling all over her, of the horrors that would wait for her.

"Nothing happened, ma'am, I swear it. I… it's just like what I told the captain. I've got to go now."

She knew word of what she'd done and said would be all over the station. They would be laughing behind her back, sniggering and calling her slut and whore. She would have to leave the Sea Scouts. Thank goodness her mother didn't know anyone in the program. She would be spared having to explain what she'd done to her mother. The female officer rose from behind her desk just as Laurie reached the door, putting a light, friendly hand on her narrow shoulders.

"I don't believe you, Laurie. You're not that kind of girl," she said softly, her voice caressing the girl's confused mind. "I'm not giving up on you. I'm going to find out what's happened here whether you like it or not."

"Please, don't… oh, what's the use?" Laurie cried, brushing away a tear and rushing from the office.

She could hear the woman's voice calling out for her. But Laurie could only think of rushing away from the office into the light. She saw some of the enlisted personnel of the reserve center staring at her, the men grinning while the women frowned. She was already branded. Fitting her small black and white ribboned hat over her head, Laurie was halfway out the door when she spotted the lieutenant coming up the broad concrete path.

Laurie turned, feeling her heart sinking into her shoes. She wouldn't talk with him. She just wouldn't have anything to do with him and his lies. It was the captain who took her by the wrist and forced her to stay there just as Jack walked through the door, his sardonic smile penetrating her very soul. People were watching her from behind, laughing while she stood there turning scarlet.

"You've told me the truth, Laurie. Now it's time you apologize publicly to the lieutenant here."

"I'm… I'm sorry for having lied like that," she whispered, the words choking in her throat.

Why was she feeling so hot between her legs? Even now standing here befriending the man who had hurt and degraded her, the young teen could only feel sexual flames of lust licking up her thighs and tingling her pussy. She turned away, breaking from the captain and rushing from the door. She held her face in her hands, running pell-mell down the path toward the docks. It was Lieutenant Jack Barrington who caught up with her, his fingers gripping her arm as they always had – unquestioningly, firmly. Laurie stopped as if by magic, terrified to make one move.

"That was good, very good. Now I want to show you what your reward is."

They were all watching her. If she spat in his face as one part of her wanted to do, they would consider her an ingrate and never speak to her again. Perhaps her mother might even hear about the scandal. Laurie stood her ground, shivering in her shoes as she thought of the barge.

"You know the executive officer, right? She's got a little something for you… a mother instinct, I think. I want to fuck her."

Laurie's eyes widened, her heart racing as she pulled back from Jack.
