"I find that hard to believe, Cadet Wooster." Laurie felt her cheeks burning with shame as she shuffled her feet back and forth under the high-backed wooden chair she was seated in. Captain Farraday looked ashen, his fingers pressing against one another as he stared hard at her. It had nearly been one week since Jack had fucked her, raped her, she thought bitterly, her asshole still smarting at times whenever she thought of that fat prick reaming out her shitter.

She hadn't told anyone. But images of Captain Farraday, the highest moral force in the Navy, Laurie thought, haunted her nightly. She had to tell him what Lieutenant Barrington had done to her. It was her duty, no matter what happened.

"It's true, Captain," Laurie sniffed, wiping her nose and feeling as if the floor would fall from under her.

"I… I don't know what to say. Of course, there'll be an investigation."

"Oh, no, no, please, no!" Laurie exploded, wringing her hands and looking wildly at the captain.

She remembered Jack's threat, the awful way he'd looked at her. She was certain he would get back at her, if not today, then another day, but he surely would seek his revenge. She could still feel his fingers around her throat while his jizz oozed from her stretched, violated asshole. There would be whips, more pain, more fucking. Her mind whirled at the horrid possibilities while her cunt swelled and sweated as well.

"I'm afraid I have no choice," the captain said with a shrug, his face darkening as he stared at her. "You realize, if I find there's no cause for your accusations, you'll have a good deal to answer for."

Laurie nodded her head sharply up and down, feeling as if a weight had been dropped on her shoulders. She wanted to run from the room but still sat there as Captain Farraday took down her report, grimacing every now and then as she grew graphic. When it was over, he dismissed her with a sharp nod. Laurie grabbed her hat and rushed from his office, gasping for breath. She hardly heard greetings from Kathy Beddingfield, the reserve centers executive officer who was in charge of the Sea Cadet program. It was only when she ran into Jack Barrington at the side doorway that the girl realized what she'd done.

"I heard about what you're doing," he said, his mouth pulled tightly across his teeth. "I saw you in there with the captain."

His fingers were gripping her arm tightly now, twisting it around until Laurie was about to scream. She bent over at the waist, feeling her elbow joint cracking as he continued twisting her about and pushing her against the wall. The girl looked around, her eyes wide with fright and pain. She could call out. But something kept her quiet.

"You little slut. You like doing what we did, then you turn around and turn me in. I'm not gonna stand for that," he whispered, jerking her arms back. "We've got places for bitches like you. Remember, I told you that?"

It was a nightmare come true. Laurie twisted away from him and rushed to the small hall that emptied into a rear courtyard. She hammered her fists against the locked glass door, turning around just in time to see Jack's right arm cocked high. She screamed once just before his clenched fist smashed against her right jaw. There was a horrible shock of pain, then blackness.

How long she had remained unconscious Laurie had no idea. When she awoke, she felt her brain filled with fuzz. At first the teen had no idea where she was. A sharp biting sensation on her arm brought her around. Blinking her eyes clear, the girl found herself face to face with a hungry brown sewer rat who had tentatively approached her and had bitten her elbow.

Laurie screamed, jerking back and frightening the hungry rodent. That was when she realized something was restraining her. Again she pulled, realizing that her movements had been severely limited. She looked around wildly, her eyes taking in the low-ceilinged room, the rusty gray metal walls around her. Laurie thought she could hear gentle sloshing sounds behind the wall. The air was warm and thick with humidity. Pulling at her hands, she realized both wrists had been bound together with quarter-inch line and the end threaded through a rusty iron ring bolted to the bulkhead in front of her. She drew herself up, tugging at the rope, her eyes scanning the dim dirty space for the animal that had tried eating her.

Laurie's mind raced while sweat, broke out over most of her body. Whoever had put her here had stripped her half-naked. She hung there, clad only in her bra and panties. When she heard footsteps clattering more loudly over an iron deck, Laurie remembered the old barges moored off Long Beach. They were deserted, waiting for eventual demolition at the yard in San Pedro. Jack had taken her there, somehow, avoiding detection. And now she was there, at his mercy, with no one around to help her.

Jack walked in.

"I told you I'd be around for you," he said, a thin grin covering his face. "Now, you're going to tell the good captain that everything you said was a lie. That you were in love with me, and then when you approached me and I rejected you, you thought up this little scheme for revenge."

"But that's not true!" Laurie screamed, her eyes rounding with indignation.

"Of course it isn't. But it's the only way you're going to get out of here."

She would be disgraced, laughed at, vilified by everyone she knew. She couldn't put herself through something like that, no matter what the penalty would be. Screwing up her courage yet again, Laurie shook her head, lowering her eyes.

"Well, I didn't think you'd be cooperative – at first, anyway," he sighed, taking off his combination cover and flicking off an imaginary speck. "In fact, I was counting on that fact. I wanted to have some enjoyment before I made progress. You see, I enjoyed fucking your ass. And I'm gonna enjoy fucking your cunt now."

Laurie gaped open-mouthed at his free admission. She screamed at him, tugging crazily at her ropes, feeling her thunderous tits jiggling against one another in her bra. Surprisingly to her, the sticky hot mess of cuntjuice had begun to flow the second Jack had entered the space, dampening the front of her white cotton panties. Her eyes went wide as she tried to hide her tits with her upper arms as Jack approached. The lieutenant's eyes narrowed and his lips twitched toward a sneering smile.


She knew what he was going to do. Without moving his body much, Jack smashed his doubled fist into her belly. Laurie screamed again, a whoosh escaping from between her parted lips as she fell to the floor. When she still continued to scream, Jack drove the toe of his heavy shoe into her belly with a sickening thud. A piercing scream ripped from her throat. Her wrists were held up by the ropes restraining her arms. She retched violently, bile building up in her tightening throat while her ass flattened against the cold steel plates of the deck. The roaring, sloshing sound of the ocean outside slowly brought the girl around as she dragged herself back to her knees, her head spinning around wildly.

"A taste," he said with a grin, "a taste of what you put me through with your stupid confession. I'll be damned if a little slut like you is going to ruin my career."

"But it's true," Laurie complained, sobbing through her tears.

"So what?"

Laurie felt another scream building up inside her. Her nostrils flared wide, dragging in air that burned her throat. She backed away, tugging at the rope, a silver trail of her juice trickling down her inner thighs.

Jack glanced down and saw the telltale sign of arousal and grinned more hellishly. Laurie was about to scream when she felt him push something awful-tasting in her mouth. It was a dirty handkerchief stuffed way down into her throat. He secured it to her skull with several wrappings of tape. When she struggled, he slapped one hand against her temple, stunning her into immobility.

Laurie couldn't think straight. It was as if she were outside herself, watching herself and unable to move while Jack began taking off his shirt. She watched him strip off his khaki officer work uniform until he stood there just in his jockey shorts. He was enjoying himself immensely. She could see that in the way the piss-flap of his white cotton briefs was bulging out, pushed that way by his stiff prick. Her head throbbed dully. He was going to kill her, or at least make her wish she were dead. The space was quiet, the only sound being her occasional moans through the cotton gag. When she finally came around, the girl found herself face to face with the lieutenant. Laurie shrank back, feeling the same disgust and horror she had felt when she discovered the rat nibbling at her.

"Now, are you going to tall the captain you lied?" Jack asked, twisting her arm again and making her kneel down at his feet.

Once more Laurie shook her head.

"Good. You don't buckle under easily. That's better than half these girls who whimper whenever you so much as look at them, let alone fuck them."

Jack slapped her across the face, his palm smacking dully against her ear and stunning the girl while she fell sideways to the hard, cold floor. With his bare heel Jack pressed his foot against her ankle, making the teen cry out in pain. She twitched and jerked against the plating, her thighs rubbing painfully over the cold steel while she chomped down on the gagging cotton.

The lieutenant raised his thick bushy black eyebrows, pleased more than ever at her resistance. Moving slowly to his khaki shirt, he bent over, withdrawing a packet of cigarettes and tapping one out.

"You don't smoke, I imagine. Not too many young people do. It's a filthy habit, one I plan to kick. But right now," he said with a smile as he pulled one from the yellow packet and pushed it into the corner of his mouth, "I'm glad I'm still hooked."

He stood to one side of her, lighting the cigarette quickly, then bringing it up to the girl's right nipple.

"You know, there's a fine line between pleasure and pain. I think," he said, his lips curling into a knowing smile, "you enjoy this and are purposely holding out just to feel more pain. Some people are like that, you know."

Again Laurie shook her head no, looking away from the big man as he brought the glowing tip of the cigarette up to her pink nipple.

At first the teen thought he was going to tease her with that thing only. He seemed to be drawing it away. But then Jack brought the hot tip up against her nub, watching as her face grew white with agony and her body jerked away.

Laurie thought she would faint from the pain. She screamed through the spit-soaked gag, biting down hard while the hot, searing pain tore through her burned nipple. Stumbling back, the girl tripped over her own ankles, falling toward the floor but kept partially upright only by the restraining ropes.

Jack grinned approvingly, taking another puff of the cigarette and blowing the blue smoke into her face. Laurie coughed, doing her best to breathe while she endured the pain of that burning injury.

Jack moved up again, squatting behind her and bringing the burning tip of the cigarette an inch away from the tendon of her left inner thigh. The glowing head reddened her flesh. She writhed against the wall, a sob moving past the salty gag in her mouth. She looked from the cigarette to Jack's face, seeing how his dark blue eyes glittered with wild excitement while his cock was pushing open the front of his shorts. Laurie strained not to, cry out. But then he touched the head of the cigarette to her skin, drawing it up, up toward her cunt.

The girl wriggled, jerking back, flattening her body against the rusty bulkhead. But Jack pursued her, holding her quiet with one hand while drawing the cigarette up, up until it was close to her cunt. She could hear the crackling, the sounds of her pussy hairs burning, turning black and curling back from the heat of the cigarette. The pain was horrible. More juice seeped from her pussy to put out the flames, the horrid fire burning into her cunt. With a tearing pain in her throat, her breath went out, dragging a moan with it. Laurie felt her tears flow, stinging the small cut on her temple.

"Good, very good," he said, drawing the cigarette away for a moment, then pressing the glowing head just a quarter inch below her clit.

She thought the world had ended. Laurie screamed, her head snapping back while more shrieks tipped from her throat. Her knees snapped together as she twisted to the left, her body shivering from the horrid pain. Jack moved around to the front, gripping her hipbones and wheeling the girl around before throwing her like a sack of shit against the bulkhead. Laurie screamed through the gag yet again, feeling her skull crush against the cold steel. He was jabbing two fingers into her cunt, pushing them in and twisting them around until he brushed against her cherry.

"Well, I'll be…"

Jack looked at her with surprise, his smile fading for a second.

"You're a fuckin' virgin. Never thought I'd run into one of those again who wasn't a nun. Shit! Well, I'm not going to mess my prick up with that."

Laurie felt herself deflate with relief. He would leave her alone. How nice that was! Perhaps he had done all he was going to do. She had won! She wouldn't give into him, wouldn't lie to the captain.

But her triumph was short-lived. Lieutenant Barrington twisted her around again until her arms crisscrossed over one another, her wrists chafing horribly against the cutting hemp. Her knees slammed against the bulkhead, the caps aching from the blow while he told her to stay in that position or suffer the consequences. Laurie did as she was told, her chest heaving and rising and falling with each heavy breath she took. It was difficult to obey his orders, hearing the young officer scurrying about behind her. When he came back to the girl, Laurie felt a cold shiver run up and down her spine. Something awfully cold was pressing against the back of her neck.

It was then Laurie felt something sharp rip down her back, stopping at her asscrack. She jerked her head around, finding herself eyeing what appeared to be a long spike with sharp sides. It was a marlin spike, dangerous-looking and lethal if used improperly. She and the other cadets had seen experienced boatswains use it to sew sails or other types of canvas together as well as thread heavy hemp through small holes. Jack held this like a knife, running the point along her right call.

Laurie gasped. She curled her toes against the floor plates, feeling her chest tighten. Jack held the rusty spike in an easy, accustomed grip. Quickly he sliced a thin line across her right asscheek.

Laurie jerked, trying to inch away from the sharp, cutting pain. Pushing her tongue against the handkerchief, she managed to shove it to one side, backing up against the wall, bracing her knees against the plating.

Jack was licking his lips while red oozed from the stripe on her right asscheek. Laurie wanted to ask him what he was going to do to her. But terror kept her from saying one word. Instead the young girl shivered with absolute terror, a fear that anesthetized her mind and body as she didn't dare look back at the man behind her. She tried closing her eyes. But something kept her alert, refusing to give in one inch as she felt the juice flowing from her pussy and trickling through the frazzled forest of her cunthairs.

Laurie turned her head, pressing her flushed cheek against the cold bulkhead. The quivering in her asscheeks made the smooth lightly tanned globes move, tightening and reining in an inviting dance. Jack breathed a little harder, his right hand gripping the spike while his left massaged his stiff prick through his shorts.

Laurie felt him puffing down her panties until they puddled around her ankles. He was spreading her thighs apart, telling her to bend forward a little while keeping her palms flat against the bulkhead.

"Now, bitch, now."

He was pressing the tip of the spike against one asscheek, then tracing it over to the other, watching as she stood instinctively on her toes and pressed her belly and cunt against the wall. Laurie trembled, her knees shivering against the bulkhead while her assring opened and let out tiny, smelly fans of excitement and fear. Laurie wanted to weep, but she knew that the slightest move might put that spike right through her flesh.

Jack slid the marlin spike back up her spine, tracing all the bumps and hollows until Laurie let out a scream. He was cutting her lower back, leaving long white cut marks against her flesh while he grabbed at her ass and pulled her cheeks wide apart. She bit her lip, her face wrinkling into a mask of intense concentration.

She felt the tip of that awful thing poking against her asshole, creasing against the gray-pink flesh and threatening to poke holes in it. Laurie cried out, banging her knees against the bulkhead again, thinking he was going to rip her bowels out.

Then the thing went away.


It was back, this time at the center of her hot unplowed cunt. The shocking chill of it made her pussy snap shut against the edges, small slits appearing in the puffy, hot lips while more juice seeped from her cunt and trickled down her shivering white thighs. Gasping, Laurie threw back her head and let her long blonde hair sweep over the tops of her asscheeks. Her ordeal, she felt, had just begun.
