
"I want you to get her alone, tell her anything you want, but tell her you have to prove it. I'll be there," he said, nodding in the direction of the barge. "I've got it fixed up for the two of you. In fact," he said, leading her by the elbow toward a black government car, "I'll show you myself."

Laurie wanted to scream, to protest what he was doing to her. But she would only make a fool of herself, and no one would believe her. Reluctantly she followed the lieutenant into the car, looking back ruefully and watching the others stare back at her. Doubtlessly, they were marveling at Barrington's magnanimity, his forgiveness.

Laurie gripped the armrest and gasped for breath. Jack pushed her from the car. There were no accusing eyes here, no one to please on this deserted dock. He rushed her over the rotting planks into the barge, grabbing her roughly and sticking his tongue down her throat while feeling her ass.

Laurie was taken aback, her fists pummeling his chest, useless as cotton balls as she felt him opening her slacks and pulling them down. His hands were crawling over her ass like spiders, milking the buns against one another. When she managed to pull her hands up and scratch her fingernails across his face, Jack reared back, touching his scarred cheeks and seeing droplets of blood smeared on his fingertips.

"You hurt me enough! I won't go through with this! I won't let you have her either," she cried.

"So that's it, huh? Jealous little slut! You want me all to yourself, eh?"

The words horrified Laurie. She screamed at him, her blouse having torn open in the struggle. She threw herself at him, her fingers curled for attack. Jack was ready this time, however, twisting her arms around and pulling them back behind her until she felt her joints being stretched to the tearing point.

Laurie screamed, her shrieks echoing off the rusty bulkheads while her feet slipped in every direction over the slick steel deck plates. He threw her from one side to the other, kicking her ankles, stepping on her feet while hustling her through one small doorway after another. At times he purposely banged her forehead against the steel plating, laughing as the sound of her shattered skull echoed through the empty, rolling barge. With one swooping move, the big man ripped the uniform from her, tearing her blouse but careful not to shred her jacket and black slacks. Laurie watched with terrible dismay as he kicked the uniform to one side, then bundled her through another doorway into a dark room.

At first she thought it was the passageway where she'd seen the rats scrambling over one another earlier, and she screamed, her arms flailing wildly all about her. But this one was different. It was dark, terribly dark. When she tried to edge back, Jack rewarded her with a double-fisted hammer blow between her shoulder blades. Laurie screamed, the pain crashing up her spine and exploding in her skull as she fell to her knees. The door banged behind her, sealing the teen in this sea-rocking dungeon.

Laurie lay huddled in a tight little ball for some time, listening to the gentle sloshing of the harbor waves against the rusty sides of the barge. She thought of the reserve center, of her awful interview with the captain who mocked and stared at her. Covering her cars, Laurie felt haunted by her own words. How they had accused her! How that senior officer looked at her as if she were the lowest thing that crawled on the earth.

Laurie groaned, drawing her fret under her naked ass and feeling her spine pressing against the bulkhead behind. She could only hear the stony echo of her own breath bouncing off the cold, slick walls.

Laurie stiffened. There was that claw-like shitter and pause of some small animal. Again she thought of those horrid animals crawling all around her, biting her, nibbling at her until there was nothing left to eat. She shivered, feeling the sour bile rising in her throat. It would be like him to be watching her now, seeing how she would freak out while those animals crawled over her body.

It was almost a relief when, after some time had passed, the door reopened and Jack stood there, stripped to the waist. What surprised her was another man standing directly behind the lieutenant. He was more portly, almost fat. It was almost a minute before she recognized that figure to be the captain himself, the man who had accused her of so many things!

It was a nightmare come true! No wonder Jack could act with impunity on the base! But why did he want her to confess to a man who knew what already had happened here? The captain stood there in the doorway, his arms crossed over his belly while his chest rose and fell.

"I bet you want to know why I'm here," he said levelly. "I think Jack can explain all that to you later on. Right now, we're here to enjoy you, that's all."

Laurie drew one hand up and shielded her eyes from the glare of the light behind the captain. She pulled away from Jack, feeling her heart sink even farther than before. Passively the girl let the big man push her from the room, her hands dropping automatically in front of her crotch even though she still had managed to keep on her panties.

The captain stopped her, knocking her upper arms away from her tits and staring at the pink, stiff nipples. He pinched them, twisting them around between his large, callused fingers until Laurie let out a scream. She tried knocking his hands away. But the big man kept on, biting his fat lips, his face glowing with lust. When her knees started to buckle, he stopped, wiping his sweaty hands on his shirt and giving Jack a nod.

"He started all this – the barge, the whole thing," Jack explained. "Wait 'till you see how he's outfitted this thing. You'll appreciate it, and it's all with fed money."

The captain was behind the whole thing. He called out that they should hose her down before he fucked with her. Laurie couldn't believe he was talking this way. She stumbled forward over another sill of a doorway, raising her hands to sweep the hair from her face. The aches in her muscles from lying on the floor made her walk awkwardly. She tripped again and fell sprawling on her hands and knees just inside the raised sill of a large, white painted place. Jack turned Laurie around by the shoulders and pulled her arms down roughly, pinching her sore nipples yet again, then tearing down her panties. When she tried to stop him, he knocked her hands away, pushing her down onto the deck plates and kicking her in the belly.

Laurie was stunned, sliding back, gasping for breath as she tried to hide her cunt and tits from the captain and Jack. The whip marks on her thighs and ass were all too evident, something the captain noticed with pleasure. When Laurie tried to crawl away, the senior officer walked up to her, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling back her head until she thought he would snap her neck.

"You listen to me. We had to go through this little charade to put everything on the books, understand? You accuse the lieutenant. Well, then you had to recant in my office. All for the books. And now, this is off the record, understand? And believe me, you'll pay for it all, even if you enjoy it, as the lieutenant seems to think."

Laurie groaned through her clenched teeth, staring up at the threatening figure as he spat into her face, then threw her back down to the deck. She crawfished back, her tits slapping gently against one another while she looked from left to right, wondering what they would do to her.

The young girl didn't have to wait long for an answer. Jack and the captain unraveled two long fabric hoses used normally for fighting deck fires. Laurie had used them in training and knew the tremendous pressure that came from the nozzles. She felt a blast of cold water smashing into her rib cage. She tore open her mouth in surprise, the pressure of the water knocking her back into the bulkhead behind her.

Laurie slipped to the floor, crawling around on her hands and knees, her tits dangling so that her nipples barely touched the floor. Jack was holding one hose, blasting the cold icy water in her face, then playing it up against her tits until the big boobs slapped upward and the pink rubbery tips touched her chin.

Laurie cried out, falling down onto her belly, flattening out while she crawled slowly to the other side of the space.

The water roared and splashed about in the small room, quickly filling the large area. When she managed to pull her face up, a sudden wash of something wet and smelly blasted her in the face. The young teen reeled back, coughing and choking, hardly able to draw a breath without her lungs stinging and burning from the effort. Her eyes bulged while phlegm surged from her flared nostrils. She had seen that chemical used on magnesium fires. And now the captain was using it on her, training the second hose on the screaming teen while her feet slipped and slid across the uneven deck plates.

"No, please! Don't, you'll kill me!"

Neither of the men appeared interested in that possibility. Turning, Laurie wiped the chemical from her face, struggling to get clean air back in her lungs while Jack played the cold water around her ankles.

Laurie screamed, her arms swinging out to either side of her body as she fell to the right and crashed hard on the floor, nearly breaking her shoulder.

The pain seared her brain. She would have given into it if the captain hadn't continued playing the chemical across her body. The foam coated her now, burning into her flesh, making her lungs sting once more. She coughed and gagged, her face turning red. Then Jack took over, cleansing the awful chemical from her flesh with the heavy stream. The water hit like a hammer on her sensitive flesh, playing down her fluttering belly, then blasting into her pussy.

Jerking backward, falling on her ass, Laurie let out a long groan. She could feel that water setting up a lusty flash of fire on her clit. She doubled up, her mouth opening wide as the blast of erotic sensation nearly paralyzed her.

No, she wouldn't give in to these men. She rolled onto her belly, trying to get her pussy away from the moving stream. Her long blonde hair tangled around her neck, catching under her shoulders while her knees scraped bloodily over the deck plates. The captain shot the chemical right between her long thighs, sending the white foamy stuff boiling into her cunt. The resulting sting made her clit stand straight up, her knees snap protectively together.

Someone kicked her. Laurie rolled back, crawfishing on her ass, feeling the hose looping over one of her ankles while Jack drove the icy water into her cunt. She panted heavily, looking from one man to the other, her body sweating from arousal and panic. The captain hosed her down once more with the foam, laughing as she screamed and waved her hands maniacally over her face and body. The shame and pain of feeling herself crawl around naked in front of these men made her want to give up. Then Jack once more hosed her down, spraying the burning foam off her body, then directing the heavy rush of water into her cunt. Laurie rolled over and over, her body banging hard against the bulkhead behind her.

The captain turned off the chemical, throwing the heavy hose to one side while Jack finished hosing the mix of foam and water down a drain to the far left. Laurie lay on her right side, her hands covering her face, her knees drawn up against her belly. She was gasping for breath, her skin prickling and burning from the chemical burns. She looked up through the wet tangle of her hair, seeing the captain sneering down at her. He put his booted foot down on her pussy, working the toe into her cunt. Laurie cried out in a mixture of pain, shame and lust, letting her upraised knees fall open. She tried to stop the insane growth of her cuntal heat by knocking that boot away. But the captain still kept it there. She turned her head to the side, coughing and gasping for air.

"Get up."

His words were harsh, authoritative. Gathering her strength, Laurie stood up carefully, her feet slipping on the slick deckplates. Carefully the captain pushed her forward, jabbing two fingers into her asshole just as she started climbing out of the space.

Laurie squawked, losing her balance and tumbling over the sill onto the floor in front of her. The captain planted one booted foot on her ass, kicking her several times against the tailbone until Laurie stretched out her arms and crawled forward to get away from the aching pain of his foot against her butt. Her hair streamed out between her jutting shoulder blades as she crawled inch after agonizing inch away from the men behind her, unaware of where she was heading. They were herding her like a cow, beating and whipping her with their feet and hands, laughing as she shivered and groaned until she came to the end of the passageway.

"We've got her cleaned up now. Let's see if the little twit can take as much as you say," the captain said, his eyebrows arching.
