4. When Porfiro Lomdzharia came out of prison, Jeune gave him 400 roubles for his brother Silvester’s funeral and the substantial sum of 3,000 roubles. Since the Lomdzharia brothers were Stalin’s enforcers with whom he often stayed, it is likely that he was involved. Later, Stalin raised money using protection-rackets, by threatening the families of businessmen or by demanding money in return for not striking. Perhaps the 3,000 roubles was to prevent any more fires at the refinery. RGASPI 161.1.11.GF IML–222, Kotsia Kandelaki, including Armenian help with printing from Spandarian. Spandarian lover: Nikolaevsky Vulikh in box 207–9. Spandarian, a womanizer and fate of wife of Bolshevik: Olga Spandarian letter to Shaumian in Vestnik Archivov Armenii, no. 1, 1996 “Suren Spandarian in Siberian exile.” RGASPI 558.4.537, D. A. Vadachkoria and official version Batumskaya, pp. 106–12. Bakinsky Rabochyi, 12 Jan. 1937. Porfiro Kuridze. François Jeune: Otar Gogolishvili in interview with Ostrovsky, pp. 586–87. Payments to and from Lomdzharia: GARF 102.1900.4871.I. S. Chulek, Ocherki istorii Batumskoi kommunisteskoi organizatsis, Batumi 1970, pp. 90–91.
