7. Two escapes: RGASPI 558.4.659 (also Sergei Alliluyev, Proidennyi put, p. 109). RGASPI 558.1.14. RGASPI 558.11.1494, A. Gusinsky. RGASPI 558.4.655, M. I. Kun-garov letter. K. Chernenko, I. V. Stalin v sibirskoi ssilke, pp. 22–25, 32–37. Drink for driver: GF IML 8.5.205. Stalin boasts of tricking peasant driver of sledge and showing sword, as told by Stalin in 1910 to Ivan Kukulava: GF IML–10. Police spy ID: GF IML, D. Vadachkoria. I. Petrov, “Pervye shagi revolyutsionoi deatelnosti tov Stalina,” Molodoi Bolshevik, vol. 21, 1939, p. 25. Sieve: Trotsky, My Life, p. 37. Trotsky in Volkogonov, Trotsky, pp. 44–45. Boots and Sergei Alliluyev’s many escapes: Radzinsky, Stalin, p. 76. Police card: Kun, pp. 62–64. Police: GARF 102.00.1904.6.313, RGASPI 558.4.92. GF IML, Anna Nikitin-Geladze. Tsarist agent and escapes: I am indebted in this section, unless specifically attributed, to the researches of Ostrovsky, especially on timing of escape, p. 212; also pp. 431–62 and his analyses of Okhrana and Gendarme archives, 1900–10; on escapes from exile, pp. 431–36; Ostrovsky quote, pp. 436–38; quotation by police official L. A. Rataev, p. 437; money for agents, pp. 438–39; corruption of police Dvali, p. 515, Zubov and Zaitsev, pp. 545–47; Fikus report on intelligence gathering by Stalin, p. 578;on 800-rouble bribe, Y. Sverdlov, Izbrannye proizvedeniya, p. 595. Stalin’s five escapes: Charkviani, “Memoirs.” RGASPI 671.1.287, Turukhansk money receipts, 1913–15, collected by NKVD boss N. I. Yezhov and found in his safe. Ordzhonikidze and Zaitsev: RGASPI 558.4.258. P. A. Japaridze, Vospominaniya o P. A. Japaridze, pp. 61–62. GARF 110.19.119. Stalin meets police official on street and Gendarme tip-offs: GDMS 167, G. Varshamian. GARF 102.00.5–61-A. Tucker, pp. 109–10, quoting Roy Medvedev on story of E. P. Frolov. Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge, pp. 314–24. Service, Stalin, p. 74. For discussion of Eremin letter: Eric Lee, “Eremin Letter: Documentary Proof That Stalin Was Okhrana Spy?” Eremin text in Smith, p. 306. General Ivan Serov memo to First Secretary N. S. Khrushchev and Politburo: RGASPI 558.11.1288, 4 June 1956. Stalin and Spandarian versus Shaumian by Ekaterina Shaumian: Mikoyan, Memoirs, p. 72. Shaumian tensions, Tartars in meetings, Stalin’s protection-rackets, killing informers, Spandarian debauchery, Stalin true boss, gangsterism: Tatiana Vulikh to Boris Nikolaevsky, Nikolaevsky box 207, folder ID 207–9. Uratadze, p. 67. Arsenidze, pp. 72 and 224. Jordania, “Stalin,” in which Jordania quotes Shaumian. Olga Shatunovskaya: RGASPI 558.4.671. Shaumian’s jobs; buy-out from arrest to Capt. Zaitsev: Akopian, Shaumian, pp. 64–76. Prison director Vachiev, 150 roubles each to free prisoners: Iz proshlogo nashei partii: Stati i vospominaniya iz istorii Bakinskoi organizatsii, pp. 146–47. B. Kaptelov and Z. Peregudova, “Byl li Stalin agentom Okhranki?,” Rodina, no. 5, 1989, pp. 67–69. B. Slavin, “Stalin i Okhranka,” Alternativy, no. 1, 1998, pp. 78–81. Okhrana surveillance, 1908–13: Krasny Arkhiv, no. 2 (105), 1941, pp. 4–31. Stalin on betrayal, death: GF IML 8.6.312, D. Chekheidze (Turdospireli). Stalin edits his own Short Course biography including number of arrests: “I. V. Stalin sam o sebe: redakzionnaya pravka sobstennoy biografii,” Izvestiya TsKKPSS, no. 9, 1990.
