Chapter Ten

At the same time on the outskirts of town, Nathan Connors sat in his parked truck and stared at Carly’s Ames little bungalow. A soft light still glowed in the living room window, but he couldn’t see any movement inside. He didn’t know why, but for some reason Nathan felt uneasy about Erin. His sister had seemed jittery this morning and slightly distracted tonight before she had gone out. Almost secretive. And that just wasn’t like her.

He’d done his best to put it out of his mind, but it had done him no good. She’d been on his mind all evening long, and he knew deep in his gut that there was more to this evening then just a “girls only” evening. So here he was, just after eleven at night sitting outside of Carly’s house trying to get up the nerve to go up and knock on the front door.

It was probably nothing but his imagination, but he knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight if he didn’t check on Erin in person. She’d probably get mad at him and accuse him of being as bad as Jackson, but it couldn’t be helped.

Then there was Carly. Just the thought of her name made him sweat. With her short brown hair, pale blue eyes, and gamine face, she looked like a combination somewhere between an angel and a pixie. She was short, but she was rounded in all the right areas, especially her breasts and her ass. Nathan ate at the diner almost every day just so he could watch her ass as she walked away from him. He’d lusted after her for years, but had kept her at arm’s length, because Carly was what was known as a good girl, and Nathan’s taste in sex would probably shock her to death. Plus, she was his sister’s best friend. There were unwritten rules about dating your sister’s best friend, and a smart man avoided all contact if he knew what was good for him.

Nathan swore at himself and heaved himself out of his truck. For a man who had faced down drunks and armed men during his career as a deputy sheriff in this town, it was ridiculous for him to be nervous about facing two women. His boots echoed on the cobblestone walk as he strode purposefully up the driveway, climbed the three steps to the porch, and pounded on the front door.

A moment later, the outside light went on and he could see Carly’s face in the window beside the front door. She looked shocked to see him. “Open up.”

She hesitated for a moment before turning the locks and pulling the door open a crack. “What do you want?” A silky blue robe was wrapped around her body. She was obviously ready for bed.

Not exactly the warmest welcome in the world, but he hadn’t really expected one. “I want to talk to Erin.”

She shifted and stared directly at the center of his shirt, not meeting his eyes. “Erin’s not available right now, but I’ll let her know you stopped by.”

The door started to close in his face and it was only instinct that made him shove his boot inside the doorframe to keep her from closing it. She glared at him, but said nothing.

“I want to see Erin. Now.” The hairs on the back of Nathan’s neck were standing on end, a sure sign that something wasn’t right. If that wasn’t enough to warn him that something was wrong, then the guilty look on Carly’s face convinced him he was right.

Using his left shoulder for leverage, he muscled his way through the front door, and forced her to back up. He automatically scanned the entryway before closing the door behind him. The silence was deafening as they stood there and stared each other down. Nathan was determined to know what was going on, and Carly was staring at him with her arms crossed under her chest, a mutinous look on her face.

It really wasn’t fair of her to cross her arms like that. The action pushed her sizeable breasts up even higher, distracting him from his goal. He could easily imagine himself uncovering her extraordinary tits and burying his face between them. Nathan groaned as his cock swelled and jeans grew far too tight for comfort.

“Are you okay?” Her soft words freed him from his enthrallment and he raked his hands through his hair, trying to regain control over himself and the situation.

“Where is Erin?” All signs of her concern for him vanished in the blink of an eye, and she once again appeared perturbed with him. His own temper began to flare. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just look for her myself.” Without waiting for a reply, he brushed past her and began a methodical search of the small bungalow.

“You can’t do this.” She was close on his heels, tugging on the back of his shirt.

“Watch me.” He pulled away from her grasp and went through her home one room at a time until he reached her bedroom. The door was closed, but as he started to reach for it, Carly threw herself in front of it. Nathan barely managed to keep the grin off his face as he knew that would only infuriate her further. But it was ridiculous, almost to the point of being funny that this small woman thought she could keep him out of the room.

“You can’t go in there. I forbid it.” She stamped her small slippered foot against the hardwood floor as she spread her arms wide to block the door. Her robe slipped open slightly at the neckline and he caught a glimpse of her milky white skin and her bountiful breasts. When she widened her stance, the robe slipped away, exposing one of her firm, pale thighs.

It was far too easy to imagine wrapping his hand around the belt of her robe, and tugging until it came open. Instead of indulging his fantasy, he bent over, gripped Carly by the waist, picked her up, and deposited her out of the way before opening the door. He strode into the room and came to a dead stop. Never in his life would he have imagined that her bedroom would look like this, and he had indeed imagined it many times in his life. In his dreams, it was soft, white, and feminine. This room was a study in rich vibrant colors and sensuality.

The four-poster bed was covered by a lush burgundy spread, which was turned back to expose matching sheets, and loaded down with pillows in a rainbow of jewel tones. The walls were a rich cream color, and a plush burgundy rug lay atop the hardwood floor. The furniture was all a dark cherry tone and the drapes were the same material as the bedspread.

Carly rushed over to him, grabbed his arm and tried to haul him out of the room. “Get out of my bedroom before I call the cops.”

“I am the cops,” he said. Nathan didn’t budge and finally she stopped pulling on him and threw up her hands in defeat. He was two inches over six feet and he wasn’t moving until he had answers. “Where is my sister?”

Carly gave up all pretenses. “I don’t know.”

Her simple answer knocked the wind right out of him. “What the hell do you mean, you don’t know?” he yelled. “She was supposed to be spending the night with you.” Concern for his sister made him crazy and before he even realized what he was doing, he’d backed Carly up against one of the bedposts. Wrapping his hands around her shoulders, he shook her slightly.

“Stop it.” She clawed at his hands. “Stop it.”

The fear in her voice brought him back to his senses and shook him to his very core. Never in his entire life had he ever frightened a woman, and the fact it was the woman he’d wanted for years shamed him. He wrapped his arms around her and stilled her frantic struggles while crooning in her ear. “I’m sorry, honey. It’s all right. Everything’s fine.” It took a minute, but finally she settled down in his arms.

She felt so good in his embrace, with her breasts pressed against his chest. His cock was nestled against her silky stomach, but there was nothing he could do about that. The fact was around this one woman, he had no control. It bothered him, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. He’d tried for years, but had long ago given up the struggle. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven when instead of pulling away from him, she snuggled tighter against him.

Unable to resist, he placed a small kiss on the top of her head while he took a deep breath, inhaling her unique scent. She always smelled of a combination of vanilla and something uniquely Carly. He gave her one more hug before forcing himself to step away.

She looked up at him with her big blue eyes, but he forced himself to ignore their plea. If anything else but his sister’s safety were at stake, he’d probably be putty in the woman’s hands.

“Please?” He said nothing else. If nothing else, all his years in law enforcement had taught him the value of patience.

She hesitated for a moment and took a step back before speaking. “I really don’t know where she is. She asked me to cover for her because she was going on a date with a guy she’s really stuck on. I don’t know who it is, but I gather he’s someone new. She promised to give me details tomorrow.” Carly spewed it all out in one continuous stream, not pausing for breath. When she was finished, she heaved a sigh of relief. Her hands clenched the top of her robe tight, wrinkling the fragile material.

Nathan rubbed his hands over his face telling himself not to panic. So his sister was out all night with some guy he didn’t know. He could handle this. Carly’s soft hand patted his arm in comfort. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you more.”

Nathan nodded. He was totally convinced that she was telling him the truth. The sincerity of her words was all too real. “Did she give you any clues?”

Her brow wrinkled as she pondered, but finally she just shrugged and sighed. “I really can’t think of anything.” She hesitated for a second and thought some more. “But I got a feeling that although it’s someone new, she knows and trusts him. Does that make any sense?”

Unfortunately for Nathan, it was beginning to make too much sense. A picture was beginning to form in his mind and he wasn’t quite sure what he thought of it. Abel Garrett and his sister. It hurt his head to even think about it. It was one thing to intellectually know that your sister was a grown woman, but it was quite another to picture her in bed having sex with some guy, especially a guy you knew. He didn’t know what he was going to say to Erin, but he was certainly going to pay a visit to Abel first thing tomorrow morning. Well, maybe not quite first thing. He’d damned well make sure his sister had left first.

Shifting closer to him, she rubbed his back with her hand, soothing him. “Trust her, Nathan. Your sister is a good judge of character and is capable of taking care of herself. You and Jackson saw to that.”

He hung his head and tried to rub the tension out of the back of his neck. “I know you’re right, but that doesn’t make it any easier.”

“I know.”

Nathan didn’t want to leave. He was basking in Carly’s presence and the feel of her soft body pressed against his. But he’d done what he came here to do and it was time to leave. Turning abruptly, he headed for the front door. If he didn’t leave now, he’d probably lock her in the bedroom and make love to her all night long.

“Thanks for everything.” He tossed the comment over his shoulder as he neared the front door.

“Wait,” she cried.

Nathan stared at the door. He was so close, but there was no way he could ignore her soft plea. He made himself turn around and face her. “What?” His answer was abrupt, but he was holding onto his control by a thread.

“Stay.” Tugging on the belt, Carly opened her robe wide. Pushing it off of her shoulders, it pooled at her feet. She was totally naked.

Nathan couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her skin was the color of cream and he longed to lap at every inch of it. Her spectacular breasts were even more magnificent uncovered. Her pink nipples were puckered tight, and a neat covering of brown curls covered her pussy. She belonged to him. She always had. But neither of them had been willing to admit it until now.

“Stay,” she repeated.

Like a man finally coming home after being away far too long, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the bedroom. “There’s no going back.” It was both a threat and a promise. She’d wanted him and she was getting all of him.

“I don’t want to.” Relaxing totally in his arms, she allowed him to carry her to bed.

Carly couldn’t believe that it was finally happening after all these years. Nathan was in her bedroom, and he wanted her. She’d fantasized about this moment since she was fifteen and had seen Nathan working out at the farm without a shirt on. As she’d grown older, and gotten to know him as a man, the attraction had deepened. She’d never met a finer man in her life and knew that he was the one for her.

Until this moment, she’d been too afraid to take a chance, but a voice inside her head had urged her to grab the moment. Go for it, the voice commanded. The scariest thing she’d ever done in her life was to drop that robe to the floor. For a second, she’d really thought he was going to leave, but then he’d looked at her. Pure passion burned in the depths of his eyes, like blue fire. She knew she’d made the right decision when he’d snatched her up in his arms. She’d always dreamed of being carried off the bed and being totally ravished by him.

The door closed behind him with a solid thump, shutting the world outside. Nathan carried her to the bed and carefully placed her in the center. Stepping back, he searched her face as if looking for something. She reached out to him, but he stepped back from her.

“There are some things you need to understand before we go any further.” He stood at the end of her bed, a large and unapproachable male.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable about lying there totally naked while he was still fully dressed, she started to pull a sheet over herself. “No.” She stilled at his command and looked uncertainly at him. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to comply. Slowly, she dropped the cover from her hands. Now she was more than a little nervous.

“I want you lying there naked, waiting just for me.” Nathan prowled around the room as he spoke. “If we’re going to have any kind of a relationship, then you have to accept that I’m in charge in the bedroom.”

Carly was slightly appalled by his blunt statement even as she found herself being aroused by it. Images of her being at Nathan’s every sexual whim filled her head and her breathing quickened. As if sensing her chaotic emotions, Nathan continued to explain.

“I respect you as a woman and an equal in life, Carly, but in here—” he swung his arm around to encompass the entire room, “— I’m in charge. You have to trust that I’ll never do anything I know would hurt you or demean you. This is about pleasure, both mine and yours.” His slow smile was filled with sexual promise. “I’ll be good to you,” he teased.

She was definitely intrigued by his proposition. She’d never pictured herself deferring to a man sexually. It sent a shiver down her spine, imagining what he would ask of her, what he would do to her. Even just lying here naked in front of him because he’d told her to was a huge turn-on. Her nipples were tight and she could feel the dampness between her legs.

Carly trusted Nathan implicitly, and knew that he would never ever hurt her. She wanted to please him, and if she was honest with herself, his very words had conjured images in her head that made her hot and achy. She’d always wondered what it would be like to be dominated sexually by a man, captive to his every whim, and Nathan was the only man she could ever trust enough to allow it to happen.

As if sensing her very thoughts, he walked to the side of the bed and looked down at her. “Spread your legs.”

She hesitated for a moment before spreading them slightly.


He stood patiently beside her. Waiting. She sensed he was testing her resolve, so she opened her legs wider.

“That’s a good girl,” he praised her even as his fingers dipped between her legs and stroked her clit. Her legs started to tighten around his hand, but he withdrew it quickly. She moaned in protest.

“You’ve got to decide what you want. I know you’re frightened, but you’re also aroused and intrigued. I’ve stayed away from you for years because I didn’t think you could handle my sexual demands, but you offered yourself to me and I’m not fool enough to turn you down.” Nathan’s face was grim as he watched her. “I love you, Carly, but if you can’t accept me for who I am, then I’d rather walk out the door now than have you regret things later.”

Her mind was reeling with his words. He loved her. The words rolled over and over in her mind. It was what she’d always wanted. Deep down, his intense sexuality frightened her a little, but she’d trust him with her life. She knew she’d loved him for years and had never been able to even look at another man. Faced with accepting him or losing him, there really was no decision to make.

“I love you too.” Her voice was soft, but strong as she made her declaration. She could tell that he understood exactly what she was telling him by the sudden look of relief in his eyes, quickly followed by a flaring of passion.

Nathan walked to her dresser and began opening the drawers and rummaging around. He stopped when he got to the third one and took out two items. Curious, she tried to see what he had in his hands. Turning, he sauntered back towards the bed. A pair of black silk stockings hung from his large hands.

“I like your taste in lingerie, but I’ll buy you some even better stuff that you can wear for me. Next time, I’ll be better prepared, but this will do for now.” Nathan sat on the side of the bed, leaned down and placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips.

“Raise your arms and spread them wide.” Carly inhaled a deep breath, told herself to be brave, and raised her arms over her head. Slowly she spread them wide, having a good idea what was coming.

Nathan kissed her again before wrapping one of the stockings around her right wrist and then anchoring it to the post of the bed. When he was finished, he walked slowly around the bed and did the same with the other. She never took her eyes off of him, but he was fully absorbed in his task. It was only when he was finished, and both her hands were securely tied to the bedposts, that he looked at her. “Does that feel okay?”

“I can’t move them.” Her voice sounded shaky and frightened to her own ears.

“I know you can’t move them. That’s not what I asked you.” He stood silently, waiting for her to answer his question.

“It feels fine, I guess.”

“Good. Don’t pull on them and you’ll be fine.” He stood at the bottom of the bed and studied her for a moment. Her large breasts were thrust upwards, her nipples hard. She moved her legs restlessly on the bed under his intense scrutiny. He smiled as if pleased.

He reached behind his head and grabbed his cotton shirt with both hands before pulling it off over his head and dropping it to the floor. He yanked off his boots and tossed them aside before unbuttoning his jeans and pushing both them and his underwear to the floor at the same time. She drank in the sight of his large, hard body and her fingers itched to touch his skin and explore every inch of him.

Climbing up the end of the bed, he settled himself between her spread legs. “You are so damned gorgeous, you take my breath away.” Totally enthralled, he used his hands to spread her legs even wider before bending over and licking the soft folds of her aroused flesh. “Mmm, you taste amazing.”

Carly could feel the heat in her face at his words. No man had ever spoken to her in this way before. Nathan was very blunt and unabashedly sexual. “Thank you,” she managed to squeak, not quite knowing what else to say.

Nathan laughed and crawled up over her until they were face-to-face. “You’re welcome, but it’s only the truth.” He cradled her head in his massive hands, his eyes intense. “I’m the one who should be thanking you. You’ve given me my heart’s desire.”

Nathan’s lips covered hers, sliding back and forth over them until she parted them, silently asking for more. His tongue eased inside, slowly tasting and teasing hers until they were both gasping for breath. “We’ll keep it simple this time. I just can’t wait.”

His stark words thrilled her. She could feel his erection pressing against her stomach, and knew his desire for her was great. As he kissed his way down her neck, she could feel a trail of dampness being left on her skin as traces of his arousal seeped from the tip of his cock. Even though she couldn’t move her arms, she felt powerful. As strong as he was, he couldn’t hide the effect she had on him. It evened things out for her and she found it easier to give herself over to his particular style of lovemaking.

Nathan cupped her breasts in his hands and kneaded them slowly. The contrast of his dark fingers on her pale skin excited her. “Please,” she gasped, and he bent his head and swirled his tongue over her aching nipples. First one and then the other received his undivided attention.

In spite of her resolve, she tugged at the silken bonds, wanting to stroke his body. “Let me touch you,” she pleaded. Every time he licked her nipples, she felt an answering pulse between her legs. Her moist, hot slit longed to be filled by his cock.

“Later,” he promised. His fingers skimmed down her stomach and straight between her legs where he slid two of them straight inside her. “I love that your pussy is hot and wet for me.” Moving his fingers in and out of her, he continued to praise her.

“Your pink nipples are all tight and aching for my touch.” He flicked out his tongue and rasped at one of her sensitive nipples. She writhed on the bed, moving her hips to drive his fingers deeper inside her.

“Come for me.” His thumb pressed hard on her swollen clit even as his fingers continued to move in and out of her throbbing body. “Come for me.” His voice was strained, and she shivered as he blew lightly on her damp breasts.

She could feel her orgasm building deep inside her and gave herself over into his keeping. Focusing on the sensations racking her entire body, she felt herself peak. Crying out, she came against his fingers. With his body wedged between her legs, she couldn’t close them and Nathan kept moving his fingers until she collapsed back against the sheets, shivering and moaning.

Nathan quickly moved between her sprawling legs, sat back on his knees, lifted her hips, and plunged deep inside her. Unbelievably, she came again, convulsing around him. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock, and he groaned, gripping his arm tight around her waist before pulling back and then thrusting long and deep inside her.

Carly was unable to take her eyes off his face as he continued to drive himself hard within her pussy. His eyes were closed and his concentration complete. She moaned again and managed to wrap her legs around his waist, drawing him even deeper inside her. Shuddering, he came. She could feel the power of his orgasm as he emptied himself inside her. When he was finally finished, he rested his head between her breasts.

Exhausted, her legs dropped back to the bed. Now that they were both spent, she noticed that her arms were feeling a little sore, but before she could summon the energy to ask him to untie her, he stirred. Heaving himself up, he untied both of her hands, lowering her arms carefully, and massaging her shoulders. Sighing, she allowed her arms to flop to the mattress beside her.

“It gets easier with practice,” he promised her. His face was filled with emotion as he gathered her in his arms and pillowed her against his chest. “That was the most amazing experience of my life.”

Carly rested one of her hands on his chest, enjoying the feel of his muscles beneath her palm. “Me, too.”

“I didn’t use protection,” he pointed out.

“I’m on the pill,” she told him, thinking to put his mind at ease. Instead, he heaved a huge sigh.

“You’d look gorgeous carrying my child, but I guess we can worry about that after we’ve been married a while. I’ll admit, I’d like a few years of having you too myself.” Nathan toyed with her hair as he spoke.

Carly was stunned by the ease with which he spoke about their future. “You’re assuming a lot, aren’t you.” She knew that she loved him, but she was slightly perturbed by his easy assumption that she’d fall in line with his plans.

“No, I’m not.” His voice was drowsy and filled with contentment. “You would never have allowed me to do what we just did if you didn’t love me.”


“So, now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting you go.” He dropped a kiss on the side of her forehead. “We’re not kids playing games, Carly. There’s a promise between us now, and if you’re truthful with yourself, you know that it’s been there for years.”

“I know,” she conceded. “But, I don’t want you to get the idea that you’re always in charge.”

“The only thing I want to be in charge of is your sexual pleasure.” His wicked words made her shiver and the devil knew he’d aroused her again if his laughter was any indication. Her head shook as his chest rumbled with laughter. She didn’t know if she should be peeved with him or amused. She chose to be amused.

“Hey, just to prove what an easy guy I am to get along with, I’ll let you pick the wedding date.”

Carly sat up in bed and swiped her hair out of her face. “Are you proposing to me?”

Nathan sat up next to her and took her cold hands in his. “Yes I am. Carly, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Tears filled her eyes and began to roll down her cheeks. Sighing, he released one of her hands and swiped the tears with his fingers. “Please tell me they’re tears of joy.”

“Yes,” she said suddenly.

He froze at her words and searched her face. “Yes?”

“Yes,” she nodded emphatically.

Nathan clutched her tight in his arms and held her against the frantic beat of his heart. Tilting her head back, he whispered one short phrase before proceeding to kiss her senseless. The sound of his simple, heartfelt “thank you” echoed in her ears as the passion overtook her once more.
