Chapter Thirteen

Erin cautiously opened Abel’s back door the next morning, holding her breath as it creaked slightly. Last night had dragged on forever as she’d wanted desperately to spend it with Abel. Instead, she’d sat through supper with her brothers enduring their banter and small talk about work, crops, and town gossip. Nathan had watched her constantly. She’d wondered if he’d suspected something when he’d casually asked her if she’d talked to Carly.

She’d managed to talk to her, but it had been brief as Carly had worked a double shift yesterday when one of her waitresses had called in sick. Her friend had sounded tired but excited. Erin figured if they didn’t talk soon, Carly would show up at the house and drag her upstairs until she spilled her guts about everything. She might be small, but she was tough. Erin grinned as she imagined Carly grilling her about her “mystery” date.

Finally, she eased Abel’s back door open and let herself inside. She didn’t want to wake him if he was still asleep. In fact, she was hoping he was still sleeping so she could hop in bed and surprise him.

Instead, she found him already sitting at the kitchen table, slumped over a cup of coffee. “Well, darn. I was hoping to surprise you.” She walked to the counter, grabbed a mug, and poured herself a cup of coffee from the mostly full pot.

There was silence behind her. No teasing reply or quick comeback. Only silence. Concerned, she turned back towards the table. He hadn’t moved a muscle. Leaving the coffee on the counter, she hurried over to the table to his side. “Abel?” Her voice shook slightly. His unnatural silence was beginning to scare her.

When he raised his head, she was appalled at the stark look of despair in his bloodshot eyes. His clothing was rumpled and his face unshaven, suggesting that he hadn’t slept at all night. Tortured was the word that popped into her head. He looked like a man trapped in absolute anguish, and it was this look that had her wrapping her arms around him and hugging his face to her chest. “Whatever is wrong, I’ll help you through it.”

The sound of her voice seemed to penetrate his misery. “Erin?” Like a man coming out of a trance, he tugged her into his arms and gripped her so tight she could barely breathe. His desperation was a living breathing thing. Every muscle in his body was tense and she could see the strain on his unnaturally pale face.

“Should I call Jackson or Nathan?” She didn’t have any idea what could have upset him like this, but she was ready and willing to mobilize everyone she knew to help him. She started to ease out of his arms so she could use the phone.

“No,” his voice was raw. “Stay.”

Erin cupped his face in her hands. “I won’t leave you, but tell me what has happened.”

He shook his head and looked away. Determinedly, she brought his face back around so he was forced to look at her. “You’re scaring me, Abel. If you can’t talk to me, will you talk to Jackson or Nathan?”

Abel opened his mouth and closed it. He swallowed hard and tried again. “Mom and Dad,” he began.

“What about them? Was it something you found in their papers?” She couldn’t begin to imagine what he could have found that would have upset him so. All those papers were at least fourteen years old or more.

“They’re not my parents.”

“What?” Erin couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re adopted?” She could understand why that would shock him. But he was more than just shocked, whatever he’d discovered had wounded him deeply.

His laugh was harsh and angry. “Adopted. I wish.” He rubbed one of his hands over his face and sighed. “I was purchased for cash from another couple.”

Erin was too stunned to speak for a moment. “Isn’t that illegal?”


Abel closed his eyes and tipped his head back. She could see he was fighting down the emotions that welled up inside him. “How did you find out?” If she could pull together all the details, then maybe she could help him work through this.

“I found the bill of sale. Look for yourself.” He leaned forward and plucked a piece of paper off the table and handed it to her.

Erin glanced nervously at the document, but she was determined to read it. Perhaps Abel had misunderstood what he’d read. Even as she had that thought, she was discarding it. Abel was a top-notch investigative writer, and he would have checked and double-checked his facts before believing them.

Her hand was shaky as she took the seemingly innocent sheet of yellowed paper from him. Amazing to think such a simple thing could cause such huge problems. Scanning it quickly, she noted the sum of ten thousand dollars was paid to a Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin for the adoption of their son, Abel.

“I don’t believe this.” She felt her anger rising. Erin had loved Abel’s parents, but especially his mother, Sarah, who had taught her so much. If she felt their betrayal so deeply, she figured it must cut Abel right to the very marrow of his bones. “I’m so sorry, Abel.”

A part of her still wanted to believe that this was all just some kind of horrible mistake. “You’re sure there’s no mistake?”

“None.” He gestured to the journal sitting on the table. “I read it in her diary after I found the papers. Part of it was around the same time they got me. Same dates. Everything matches…”

“Tell me,” she encouraged as his voice trailed off and he started to stare absently off into space.

Gathering himself for a moment, he launched into his tale. “Apparently, she miscarried when they were traveling through Illinois on a holiday. She ended up in the same hospital as the Benjamin family. Mom was despondent and the Benjamins were poor and couldn’t afford two children, so they sold their youngest one. Both couples went home with a child and everyone lived happily ever after.”

Bitterness filled his voice, but Erin focused on the most appalling part. “What do you mean they couldn’t afford two children?”

Abel continued to stare at the table, so she grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shook him. He barely budged and was hardly even startled by her physical outburst. “Tell me!” she yelled.

“I have a twin brother.” His voice broke on the last word and he buried his face in his hands. “All these years I’ve been alone and I have a brother. How could they do that?” He swiped at his eyes and looked at her as if she had the answers for him. “How could they not tell me?”

“Oh, sweetheart, I don’t know.” Wrapping her arms around him, she rocked him gently, trying to soothe some of the pain in his heart. Betrayed by those who supposedly loved him best. Desperately, she tried to find something to help him. “Perhaps they meant to tell you on your eighteenth birthday, but never got the chance. They were killed just two weeks before. Remember?”

“You really think so?” Like a drowning man, he grabbed onto the lifeline she threw him.

“I do.” She nodded emphatically. “I might not approve of what they did, but your parents loved you more than anything. Like most of us, they probably figured they had all kinds of time to tell you. And besides, they probably knew you’d want to find your brother right away, but until you were both of legal age, it’s possible his parents could have kept you apart.”

Abel nodded, more thoughtful now. “I didn’t finish reading everything, but I got the feeling that the Benjamins were at their local hospital that night. They probably lived close by.” She could see the wheels beginning to turn in his head. Now that he had something concrete to focus on, it seemed to give him new strength.

“I’ll bet you can find them in no time.”

“I don’t give a damn about them.” His voice was harsh and condemning. “But I want to find my brother. Even if nothing ever comes of it, I want to meet him face to face.”

Abel buried his face in her neck and hugged her tight. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you,” she reassured him. He was such a strong, independent man so all she could do was offer her assistance and hope that he took whatever he needed.

“Thank you.” His voice was muffled against her neck, and a moment later, she felt his lips nibbling the sensitive skin behind her ear.

She could feel his cock pressing against her side and knew that he was channeling all his emotion into sexual energy. Sex was something he could deal with and it would help him vent some of his frustrations. She sensed he was holding back until she gave him the okay, and her heart melted. This was the man she loved and she would gladly give him anything. Right now, he needed the mindless release of wild, hot sex and she was more than willing provide him with just that.

Slipping from his arms, she stood next to the chair and held out her hand. “Let’s go upstairs.”

“You’re sure?”

She smiled at him and gently tugged him to his feet. “Very sure.”

“I don’t know if I can be gentle right now.” She didn’t know if he was trying to warn her or himself.

“Be gentle later then,” she told him. “I can wait.”

Swooping down like a marauding Viking, he scooped her up into his steely arms and carried her towards the stairs. His mouth came down on hers hard and desperate. Their tongues met in a frantic duel and Erin sensed he was near the breaking point. Kneading her hands against his chest, she met his tongue stroke for stroke.

Abel stopped on the landing halfway up the stairs and shifted her so that her legs were on either side of his waist. Pushing her back against the wall, he jammed her there and yanked at her shirt. He released her mouth long enough to tear the shirt over her head, and then ground his lips against hers once again. Erin gripped his sides with her knees for support, trying to give herself more stability. The move pushed her pelvis right against his erection, causing her to moan with pleasure.

Abel pushed her legs downward, ripped her shorts open, and tore them and her underwear off in one motion. Before she could even comprehend what he’d done, she was back in his arms. His desperation was fueling her own growing arousal and she was quickly becoming as frantic as he was. Her hands tugged at Abel’s shirt, pushing her hands beneath it so she could touch his warm flesh. Leaning forward, she licked and sucked at the throbbing pulse at the base of his neck.

His fingers groped between her legs as she hung in the air with her back against the wall and her legs locked around his waist. He sucked in a deep breath when he found her pussy already damp and willing. The moment his fingers stroked her slick folds, she arched her head back against the staircase wall and moaned. Her whole body burned for his touch.

Abel shoved her bra out of his way, covered one of her nipples with his mouth and suckled hard. “Yes,” she hissed as she tugged him even closer.

Suddenly, he reached between their bodies and jerked open his own jeans. Shoving them and his underwear down far enough to release himself, he drove his hard, pulsing cock deep inside her.

Although she was ready and eager, the shock of his sudden entry made her cry out. She could feel his desperation as he drove himself into her. He felt large and thick inside her as he held her pinned against the wall, ramming his cock into her. With each thrust, she tried to relax her body until the uncomfortable feeling was gone and the pleasure began to grow. She clung to him, unable to do anything, but allowing him to take whatever he needed from her.

She could feel her own arousal growing as he gripped her behind in his hands and drove his cock deep. But Abel was already too far gone and, on the next stroke, he came deep inside her. Erin squeezed her inner muscles tight around him, giving him everything that she could. Finally, he stopped pumping into her and slowly slid to the floor with her still gripped tight in his arms.

Partially lying on the landing and partially sprawled on the stairs, they remained locked in each other’s arms. Erin was uncomfortable as she was partially crushed beneath his much larger frame, but she didn’t move. Abel needed the comfort of her body at the moment, and she offered it to him without hesitation or restriction. After a long moment, he stirred in her arms.

He shook his head as if trying to regain his muddled senses. Erin was unable to stifle a groan when he shifted one of his legs. His laser green gaze pinned her to the spot where she lay flat on her back against the hard floor, with her legs trailing down over the stairs. Shrugging her shoulders, she gave him a tentative smile. “Sorry, but the position is a little awkward.”

Abel swore and pulled away from her. She lay on the landing in front of him in a tangled mass of clothing. Too tired and worn out to move, she promised herself she’d only rest for a moment and then she’d get up.

Abel stared down at Erin and felt bile rising in his throat. He’d fucked her like some mad animal in heat with no regard for her pleasure whatsoever. While he was still completely dressed, she lay almost totally naked beside him, except for her bra, which was twisted, around her chest.

Her hair was a tangled mess, her face pale, and her eyes closed. He didn’t blame her. He didn’t think that he’d be able to look at himself either. God, he’d all but raped her against the damn wall. Shaking his head to try and regain his senses, he realized that she hadn’t been ready when he’d plunged into her. Her pussy had been slick, but no where near ready for what he’d demanded of her.

All she’d wanted to do was help him, and he’d hurt her. Swallowing hard, he pushed his anger and loathing at himself to one side. Right now, all that was important was Erin. Somehow, he had to make things right with her. He couldn’t bear to lose her from his life.

It came to him then, as clear as crystal, that he loved her. It was a fine time to realize that after he’d mindlessly fucked her. If she could manage it, she’d probably run from him. He almost dreaded for her to open her beautiful blue eyes. Abel didn’t think he could endure it if she looked at him with either fear or loathing.

He staggered to his feet, tugged his shirt down, and hitched his jeans back up over his hips. Bending down, he carefully eased his arms under Erin and lifted her into his arms. She felt slight and delicate in his massive arms. As he climbed the rest of the stairs, she said nothing, but snuggled closer to him.

Sighing in relief, he carried her into the bedroom, and although he didn’t want to relinquish her, he forced himself to place her on the bed. He left her for a moment to go to the bathroom and wring out a soft washcloth with warm water. The least he could do was try and make her more comfortable.

Sitting beside her on the bed, he gently eased her legs apart and pressed the cloth against her abused flesh. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at him.

“I’m sorry,” he began.

A look of concern crossed her face. “What for?” She seemed confused.

“I took you like a damned rutting animal.” There, he had said it and it was now out in the open between them. “Forgive me?”

Erin reached out her hand and placed it again his cheek. Her soft skin felt good against his face and it helped soothe his anger at himself. “There’s nothing to forgive.” She gave him a perplexed look. “You didn’t take anything I didn’t give you.”

His heart pounded heavily against his chest. The more time he spent with this woman, the more his love and admiration for her grew. She gave so freely of herself and not just physically, but emotionally as well. He could tell by the way she was looking at him, that she really meant it when she said there was nothing to forgive.

She might feel that way, but he knew that he had a lot to make up for, and if she wasn’t too sore, he was determined to begin right now. “How do you feel?”

Stretching like a cat, she moved her arms and legs. “I feel good.” At the skeptical look on his face, she tried to reassure him. “Really, I do.”

By some miracle, Erin wasn’t upset by what had just happened. Perhaps she was still too stunned by what had transpired to think clearly about the whole thing. Now was the time to consolidate his position before she had a chance to change her mind. Her bra was still pushed up over her breasts, so he unhooked it and slipped it off her, hoping to make her more comfortable.

Her skin was flushed, as she lay sprawled across the crisp white sheets. She looked so damned good, he just wanted to eat her up. Her red hair was spread across his pillows and the lush pubic hair between her legs left no room for doubt that Erin was a natural redhead. He sifted his fingers through the curls, loving the way they wrapped around his fingers as if trying to trap them there. The lush color looked even brighter against his dark skin.

Plucking up a pillow, he guided it beneath her hips. She watched him intently but never once moved to stop him. Pushing himself off the mattress, he stood beside the bed and started to strip off his own clothes. Yanking his t-shirt over his head, he dropped it to the floor beside him before shoving his jeans down over his legs. Bending down, he tugged his jeans and socks off and kicked them away.

He knelt on the bed and positioned himself between her legs. Wrapping his hands around her knees, he then slid them upwards over her silky skin, spreading her thighs wide as he went. Leaning forward, he kissed the inside of her knee before leaving a string of kisses up her long, pale thigh.

When he reached the top of her thigh, he traced the crease with his tongue before performing the same delicate ritual to the other thigh. Erin gave a startled laugh and then groaned. “Ticklish are you?” He gave her a wicked grin.

She reached down and swatted at his hand. “I won’t be responsible if I accidentally kick you,” she warned.

“I’ll take my chances.” Abel wanted to make this good for her. No, he needed to make it great for her. He wanted her to remember only pleasure when she thought back to this day and not the harsh way he’d taken her on the stairs.

Gently, he skimmed the juicy pink folds of her labia. She shuddered and her thighs opened even further. Pleased, he stroked her until he could feel her arousal growing once again. Using one hand to open her wide, he gently teased her clit until Erin was moaning and arching her hips.

“I’ve got to taste you.” Unable to resist, he bent his head and took a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of her arousal. “God, you smell hot.” His tongue lapped at the folds of her vulva, tasting her exotic flavor.

Erin got tired of waiting and grabbed him by the hair, tugging him to where she wanted him. Abel allowed himself to be pulled higher until his mouth was over the nub of her arousal. Taking his time, he blew gently on her, loving the sound of her voice as she cried out. His tongue flicked out to stroke her clit. Back and forth and round and round he went. Erin’s hips were pumping higher now, her heels digging into the mattress.

He drew the nub into his mouth and sucked as he slipped one of his fingers inside her wet channel. The feeling of her moist pussy closing around his finger made his already growing cock stand completely at attention. Closing his eyes, he sought some small measure of control. He had to have her again. His cock was as hard as stone again and throbbing for release. But, this time, she had to come first.

Easing another finger inside her, he stroked in and out, pressing on the front of her vagina as he did so. Keeping her clit captive between his teeth, he flicked his tongue over the hot button as he moved his fingers deliberately within her.

Her head thrashed from side to side, and she cried out as if in pain. She was so close. He could feel her orgasm rising within her as she mindlessly arched her hips against his hand. Abel worked his fingers in and out of her pussy, moving them faster and driving them deeper.

Erin let go a long, thin scream as she came long and hard. Her thighs clamped tight around his head and he could feel her body pulsing around his fingers. His cock pulsed in time with her inner muscles and he pushed himself hard against the mattress to try and ease some of the painful pressure.

They rode out the storm together and when it was over, Erin’s thighs relaxed once again and dropped open. Her hands fell to the sheets beside her, and her body sank deep into the mattress. Abel sat back on his heels and just stared at her. She was the most erotic creature he had ever seen. The way she responded to him was amazing. A man could certainly become addicted to this.

His own arousal was clamoring at him as she opened her eyes and smiled at him. It was a sleepy, sultry smile that made his cock twitch violently. Abel clenched his teeth and swore under his breath, but Erin smiled her sultry, siren’s smile and held her arms open. “I need you,” was all she said, but it was everything to him.

Picking up her feet, he placed one against either shoulder. She looked startled for a moment and then, slowly but surely, intrigued. Abel needed to give her a sense of control this time because he didn’t know if she was sore from earlier. He wanted this to be about mutual pleasure. Wrapping his hands over her waist, he bent forward and eased his cock inside her. Her wet warmth welcomed him immediately and he shuddered as he forged his way inside. Her inner muscles were still swollen, but she was so wet he was able to seat himself to the hilt with no problem.

For a moment, he just sat there, content to be inside her. Her breasts heaved as her breathing deepened, and he enjoyed the way they moved. Her nipples were large and red, and he reached up and ran his thumb across one of the taut peaks.

“Abel.” Her voice was low, husky, and pleading. He felt himself swell even larger within her.

“Tell me what you want.” He continued to feather her nipple with his thumb.

“I want you hard and so deep that I’ll never forget what it’s like to have you inside me.” Her eyes blazed with passion as she spoke.

Abel was aroused but slightly angered by her words. Jealousy rose within him at the thought of her forgetting him, or worse, having another man inside her. Gripping her waist once again with both hands, he pulled back and plunged deep within her. “You’re mine now and you damn well won’t ever forget me.”

He withdrew again and drove himself hard against her again. “I’ll fuck you until you can’t remember how it ever was without me.” He meant his words as both a threat and a promise. No matter what it took, he decided, he would find a way to bind Erin to him. “You’ll want me whenever you’re not with me.”

He thrust harder and faster. “You’re mine.” He could feel his testicles pulling tight against his body and knew he was close to release. Wrapping one arm tight around her, he moved the other one between their bodies and stroked her clit. He needed her to come with him, but more than that, he needed her to give herself to him totally. “You’re mine,” he told her again.

“Yes, I’m yours.” The softly spoken words sent him over the edge and he came hard. He continued to stroke inside her, not wanting to let go of the intense feeling of release. She came a moment later, her body shuddering and shaking against his. Abel closed his eyes and threw back his head as the powerful wave washed over his entire body. It had never been this good before.

When he finally came back to his senses, he was slumped forward, half on top of Erin. Her legs were bent back towards her head, keeping him from crushing her. Easing himself back and out of her, he straightened her legs before collapsing next to her.

Wrapping her in his arms, he tucked her against his body until her ass was tight against his dick and her head was tucked under his chin. Tired mentally and physically, he released the tension of the morning and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.
