Chapter Nine

As she sat there and drifted into a stupor, Erin became uncomfortably aware of the hot evening sun blistering her naked flesh. The heat was beating down upon them both as they sat entwined in the chair, but she was shading most of Abel’s body with her own.

“I have to move.” She said it out loud, hoping it would inspire her to action. “I really have to move,” she repeated groggily. “My skin is burning.”

“Damn it.” Abel gingerly eased his cock out of her body and helped her to her feet. He looked closely at her prickly flesh. “I think you’re going to have a slight sunburn.”

Standing, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her towards the back door. “I’m sorry, honey. It never occurred to me that we were exposing virgin flesh to the sun.”

His teasing made her laugh even though her backside was beginning to sting slightly. “You’re just lucky that I sheltered you from the worst of it.”

Abel tugged on the door handle and then used his shoulder to prop open the door as he carried her into the house. The cool interior was a welcome relief. “Where are you taking me?” She didn’t care where they were going, but she was mildly curious.

Abel shifted her higher in his embrace, and she gave a little shriek as she threw her arms around his neck, gripping him tight. He took her straight through the kitchen and then started climbing up the stairs.

When he reached the top, he turned and padded down the hallway towards the bathroom. “I’m going to put you in a cool tub of water while I go and start the barbecue again. The coals have probably burned themselves into dust.”

Cautiously, he deposited her on the side of the tub while he bent over and started the water running. Once it was partially filled and adjusted to his liking, he scooped her up and placed her in the tub.

Erin gasped for breath as the cool water touched her slightly baked skin. It stung slightly, but after a moment, the pain subsided and it actually began to soothe the abused areas of her body. A soft washcloth plopped into the tub next to her, and she grabbed it and laid it gently across her breasts. Sighing in relief, she eased back in the tub and rested her head on the cold enamel rim.

Turning her head slightly, she watched Abel as he laid out a large fresh bath towel and a bottle of aloe gel. He turned off the water and leaned over her, kissing her forehead. “You just relax and let me take care of everything. I’ll be back with a glass of water for you as soon as I get the barbecue going again.” He cupped her warm cheek with the palm of his hand. “I didn’t take care of you properly. That won’t happen again.”

“I’m fine.” Erin was surprised that Abel was angry with himself. She could see it in the set of his shoulders and the thin lines bracketing the lines of his mouth. “The sun was going down, so it wasn’t that strong. It’ll only be a slight burn and probably gone by the morning.”

He shook his head in denial. “You rest, and I’ll come and help you out before I put the steaks on the grill. I want to make sure you’re coated in that gel so that maybe you won’t sting quite so badly.” Abel was up and gone before she could respond.

Allowing herself to relax, she lolled in the tub, feeling slightly better as the cool water revived her. It was strange to her just how quickly she’d become accustomed to being naked around Abel. She’d been hot and sticky all over when he’d carried her upstairs, and it hadn’t bothered her in the least. And surprisingly enough, it didn’t seem to bother him either.

It felt amazingly good to be so at ease with another person. Around Abel, she felt free to be herself. He not only accepted her, but he seemed to be honestly interested in her. The warmth inside her had nothing to do with a sunburn and everything to do with the man downstairs.

Erin bit her lip and fought down the emotions that rose to the surface. She’d done exactly what she’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t do. She had gone and fallen head over heels in love with the man. It felt so right, but she knew that it was one-sided. Abel would be leaving at some point. He always did. His work would lead him to another town or city, and he would leave here without a backwards glance. But this time when he left, it would hurt her even more.

She wet the cloth and washed her face, scrubbing her eyes to keep the tears at bay. This was her problem. She was a mature woman and this was supposed to be an adult relationship. In truth, it was a summer fling. Abel hadn’t promised her anything, and she had readily accepted his terms.

The last thing she wanted was for him to find out about her stupid feelings and regret their time together. He would end up feeling responsible and it would only make him feel bad. Erin was afraid if he sensed her deep feelings for him, his own personal code of honor might force him to put an end to their relationship to protect her from further hurt.

She loved Abel and wanted to spend as much time with him as she could get. It had taken her a long time to find a man to give her heart to, and she knew that she might never find another. A fierce need to protect him rose up in her. No, she had only one choice. Abel never had to know. They would enjoy a healthy sexual relationship that was based on mutual liking and respect, and she would happily set him free when it was time for him to go. Even if it killed her.

Hearing his feet on the stairs, she took a deep breath and rinsed her face once more. By the time Abel came through the door with a tall cool glass of water in his hand, she already had a smile on her face.

* * *

Erin sat back in her chair and rested her hands on her stomach, thankful that they’d cleared away the supper dishes before indulging in their dessert and coffee. “I can’t eat another bite.”

“Are you sure?” Abel pushed the cheesecake closer to her, grinning.

“You are totally evil to tempt me with more after the supper I’ve already packed away.” The two of them were seated across from each other, at the patio table, with the remnants of their late supper scattered around them. She’d been impressed by the fact that not only had he cooked her a mouthwatering steak, baked potato and salad, but he’d also remembered dessert. And not any old dessert, but a rich, creamy cheesecake that had a swirl of chocolate through it and was topped with a thin layer of dark chocolate.

She eyed the cheesecake and wondered if she could squeeze in another tiny piece. Abel laughed and pulled the plate back closer to himself.

“You’ll hate yourself if you do.”

“I know, but I can at least think about it.” Erin sighed wistfully, and contented herself with sipping her coffee instead.

“Come over tomorrow and you can have another piece.” Abel was sprawled in a patio chair, the picture of a man totally at ease with himself and his surroundings. He hadn’t bothered to get fully dressed after they’d made love, but had just pulled on his jeans. He’d opened the button on his jeans shortly after he’d started eating his dessert. His torso looked almost bronze in the setting sun, his muscles glistening beneath a light layer of sweat. Even though the sun was almost gone down for the day, the air was still hot.

“I’d really like to…” she trailed off, uncertain how to explain it to him.

“But you’re worried about your brothers.” The look on his face said that he was less than pleased, but he didn’t say anything else about it. Instead, his expression turned thoughtful at first and then mischievous. “How about a picnic at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the old swimming hole?”

Abel’s family was lucky enough to have a small pond near the far end of their property. As kids, they’d all snuck away from chores whenever they could and head straight for the pond. Erin hadn’t been there in years, but she’d spent many happy hours there with her brothers and Abel. “I’d love to. I don’t know if I can be there exactly at three, but I’ll be there.”

“Good enough,” he said.

They sat there in silence for a while, and it was a comfortable silence. The slight breeze felt good on her skin and she closed her eyes enjoying the sensation. Hitching the tails on the shirt she was wearing out of her way, Erin extended her long legs in front of her, trying to get more comfortable.

“Are you feeling okay?” The concern in his voice washed over her, making her feel very cared for.

He had probably asked her the same question a half dozen times since he’d helped her out of the bathtub. She opened her eyes and she gave him the same reply she’d been giving him all evening. “I’m fine.”

Abel had returned to the bathroom just as she’d been about to climb out of the tub. He’d helped her out, carefully drying her slightly burnt skin for her, before applying a liberal amount of the aloe gel to her entire body. There had been no teasing comments as he’d stroked her breasts, belly and behind. He’d been totally absorbed in what he was doing and occasionally scowled when he reached a particularly red patch.

When he was finished, he’d held open one of his soft, white cotton shirts while she’d slipped her arms into the sleeves. Then he’d eased it over her shoulders and buttoned the shirt until it just covered her breasts. The long tail of the shirt hung down to cover the tops of her thighs much like a short dress. He’d escorted her back down to the deck seated her at the table, and proceeded to cook and serve her supper.

She couldn’t seem to convince him that the burn wasn’t serious and that she’d probably be fine in the morning. At least she hoped she would. Her breasts still stung slightly and it would be impossible to wear a bra if it didn’t subside overnight. But there had been no harm done, and it had been well worth it, in her opinion.

Abel spoke again, drawing her attention away from her meanderings. “I started going through the boxes of Mom and Dad’s stuff today.”

Erin sat up straight and gave him her total attention. This was a big deal for Abel. After his parent’s sudden death, he’d packed up all their papers and personal belongings and stashed them in several closets in the house before donating their clothing to charity. It had been too much for him to deal with as a young man, and it was only now that he was an adult, that he’d been able to even consider facing the painful task.

“I can help if you want.” Her offer came straight from her heart, but she didn’t want him to feel obligated to accept. “But I understand if it’s something you want to do on your own,” she hastily added.

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind if I start to get bogged down.” He moved his feet closer to hers and started to play with her toes. “So far I’ve been through a couple of boxes of old papers and shredded just about all of them.” He laughed, but the sound held a touch of bitterness. “It’s been so damned long that none of it matters anymore.”

Leaning over, she wrapped her hand around his forearm, offering him what comfort she could. “It will always matter.”

Abel stared at her for a moment before giving her a slight nod. He twisted his arm around until their places were reversed and he was gripping her arm in his hand. “Sit with me.” He gave her a little tug of encouragement and she soon found herself ensconced in his lap with his arms wrapped around her.

“Let me know if I’m hurting your sunburn.” He kissed the top of her head as she placed her head on his shoulder and got comfortable.

“I will,” she promised softly.

They sat there until the sun was long sunk behind the distant hills. The night was alive with the sounds of crickets and various other insects. The air cooled slightly, and at one point Erin heard the hoot of an owl. It was only then that Abel stirred.

“Let’s go to bed,” he whispered in her ear.

Goose bumps slid down her spine as he placed a kiss on her neck. Erin slipped out of his lap and began gathering up the few remaining dirty dishes. Abel checked to make sure the barbecue ashes were all out and then held the door open for her as she carried the dishes inside.

“Just dump them in the sink. We’re both beat, and I can do them tomorrow.” Abel closed and locked the back door, and then waited patiently as she piled the dishes in the sink. She was sure he could hear the sound of her heart pounding over the clinking sound of the plates and glass as she stacked them.

Her stomach was filled with butterflies and her legs felt like jelly as she walked up the stairs to bed. Abel followed close behind her, his hand resting on the base of her spine. It was such a small thing, but it was very intimate, like the sort of thing a man did for his wife on the way to bed.

Erin experienced a sharp pang in her heart, yearning for that kind of committed relationship with him. If she let herself, she could easily imagine herself living here, and suddenly an image of a dark-haired baby popped in her head.

Enough, she warned herself. He’d already given her more than she’d thought any man ever would. Straightening her spine, she kept climbing straight up the stairs. She wasn’t going to ruin this moment with regrets.

Erin was quick in the bathroom, and Abel went in when she was finished. She was brushing out her hair when he joined her in the bedroom. Swiping the brush across her hair a few more times, she tossed the brush onto the dresser, and headed for bed.

Abel stopped her before she climbed into bed and undid several of the buttons before sliding the shirt down her arms and letting it drop to the floor. “You’ll sleep better without it,” he promised her.

Erin climbed gingerly into bed, watching Abel while he shucked his jeans. Her mouth watered as he casually eased his arms over his head and stretched. It was impossible for him to extend his arms fully given his height, so his elbows were bent. He was the perfect picture of masculinity. As she watched, his cock stirred and began to grow. Her breasts swelled slightly in response and she accidentally brushed them against the sheet. Caught off guard, she winced slightly. Her chest seemed to be a little sorer than she thought it was.

Abel, of course, noticed immediately. “I knew it was worse than you let on.” He climbed into bed and carefully settled her into the warm crook of his arm.

Erin let her hand drift to his groin and grazed his growing erection. Her fingers had barely touched him before he gripped her hand and pulled it away. She looked at him, surprised by his action. “Why?” she questioned, lifting her head so she could see him. After all, he’d asked her to stay the night.

Cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her. Long and slow, it was a kiss that seethed with underlying passions. His tongue discovered every crevice of her mouth before he withdrew. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled on it for a moment before soothing it with his tongue. Placing one final kiss on her lips, he drew her body back down into his arms.

“I want you. Don’t for one second think that I don’t.” His hand smoothed a lock of hair away from her face. “But not when you’re not feeling well. If it can’t be good for you, then it won’t be good for me. Understand?”

His chest hair tickled her nose as she nodded, and she was glad for the excuse to rub her face. His declaration had touched her beyond belief. This action, more than anything else, reassured her that she’d made the right choice in loving this man. It showed her that he did indeed have feelings for her, and he cared about her well-being. That, plus great sex wasn’t such a bad deal. Sighing contentedly, she snuggled closer to his chest.

She really tried to go to sleep, but her body was still humming with desire and she could feel his erection nudging her hand as it lay on his stomach. Casually, she extended one finger and brushed the tip of his penis.

He groaned and shuddered. “Baby, you’re killing me here.”

Erin grinned. She liked the idea that she could make him want her so much. It made her feel very womanly and powerful. Then she had a brilliant idea. “You know,” she began, still stroking the bulbous tip with her finger. “There was a position in that magazine that we could do with no problem.”

“Is that so?” he rumbled. “Tell me.”

She licked her lips that were suddenly very dry. “We both lie on our sides, but my head is facing your feet.” Trailing off, she glanced at his face, “It’s called sixty-nine.”

“It’s a classic, but instead of our sides, do you think you could lie on top of me without hurting yourself?” His low sexy voice rolled over her, making her blood sizzle.

“I’m sure I could.” At this point she didn’t care if it did hurt. This was an opportunity not to be missed. Before he could change his mind, she twisted around in the bed until she was facing his feet, straddling him, and then she carefully lowered herself on top of him.

His large hands gripped her thighs guiding her backwards until she felt his breath on her already slick feminine folds. Taking his time, he adjusted her until he was satisfied with her position, and then his tongue snaked out and licked her entire length. Erin cried out, but his hands had clamped around her thighs, holding her in place so she couldn’t move.

“I’m going to eat your pussy until you come.” His words started a fire deep within her.

“Yes,” she moaned and then lost her breath as his clever tongue curled around her clit, making her squirm.

Deciding that this worked both ways, she lowered her head to his cock, and with no warning, took him deep in her mouth. Now it was his turn to groan as she moved her mouth up and down his length, using her tongue to stimulate the sensitive flesh.

In retaliation, he stabbed his tongue inside her, thrusting it in and out as he used his fingers to stimulate her clit. It was almost too much for her to handle, but he wasn’t finished. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he thrust two of them deep inside her and began to move them slowly in and out. With his other hand, he traced the cleft of her behind, before using his teeth to nip at her ass cheeks.

Erin moaned and the sound vibrated along the length of his cock. Wrapping her hand around the base, she stroked him as she continued to lick and suck at the tip. She used her other hand to stroke and cuddle his testicles before moving to the sensitive skin just under them. His hips flexed as he tried to drive his cock deeper into her mouth. Taking him as deep as she could, she lost herself in the pleasure of the moment.

The smell of sex permeated the air, as he continued to stroke her clit and lick her flesh. She flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock, licking at the milky liquid seeping from the tip before she worked her way lower and sucked at his balls. Rubbing her nose against the hair of his groin, she inhaled his addictive scent.

His hips jerked, rubbing his cock against her cheek. Turning her face towards it, she rubbed her cheek across his hard length. His fingers dug into her ass cheeks and she could feel his heated breath on her pussy as he gasped for breath.

His arousal was driving hers even higher and she knew that she wouldn’t last much longer. But this time, she wanted him to come first. She inched back until she could take his cock deep in her mouth once again. Letting it slid back as far as she could, she sucked hard, and when his testicles drew up close to his body, she knew he was close.

Redoubling her efforts, she used both her hands and her mouth, stroking, licking, and sucking. She was rewarded a moment later when he stiffened and shot his load into her mouth. Erin didn’t stop, but continued to pump his dick with her hand and suck on the tip until he made her stop. Rolling off him, she came up on her knees next to him, and looked him straight in the eyes as she swallowed and licked her lips.

“I’m not done with you yet.” Abel was urging her closer as he spoke. “Sit on my face.”

Erin didn’t hesitate, but eagerly straddled his face. She ached with the need to come. She was so close. Raising her hands, she cupped her breasts carefully, as they were very sensitive. Using her fingertips, she teased her aching nipples. She licked her lips, and the taste of him made her inner muscles clench with need.

Abel didn’t wait for her to settle, but pulled her pussy down to his face. His long fingers forged deep inside her as his tongue lapped at her wet lips and sucked her clit. Stroking hard and deep, her inner muscles clamped tight around them.

Abel rubbed his other hand over her pussy, coating it with her juices before using it to explore the dark cleft of her ass. She shrieked when she felt one of his wet fingers slowly, but steadily push its way inside her behind. It was a tight fit, and his finger stretched her. At first she wasn’t sure she liked the sensation, but then he plunged two of his fingers deep into her vagina even as he pushed his other finger further up her ass. She felt so full, she just wanted to explode.

“It’s all right, baby,” he reassured her. “Just relax and enjoy.” He withdrew his finger slightly before pushing it further inside her behind. “Your ass is so hot and tight, but you like this. Don’t you, honey.”

He moved his finger as he spoke and Erin moaned and gripped the headboard tight, giving herself up to the amazing new sensations coursing through her. When her inner muscles clenched around his fingers, she was almost afraid to move. “Yes,” she hissed. She’d never imagined a man putting his fingers up her ass, but with Abel she found it exciting. She didn’t think she could take much more. Her blood sizzled and her body was on fire.

When he inserted a third finger inside her pussy, she came on the upstroke. Exploding around his fingers, she came in a sudden gush.

Abel kept his fingers pumping and his tongue licking until she begged him to stop. Even then, he kept it up for a minute longer and Erin was shocked when her inner muscles contracted once again. This time the feelings were so intense that she screamed and arched back, letting her orgasm consume her.

She didn’t remember moving, but when she came back to her senses a few moments later, she was sprawled across Abel’s chest. Yawning, she snuggled against it, rubbing her cheek against the thatch of soft hair there.

“Sleep.” She heard his voice as if from a distance, but couldn’t summon the strength to answer him. The effects of her explosive orgasm, the long day, the sunburn, and the big meal all caught up to her, and she drifted off to sleep.
