Chapter Twenty

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when Erin eased the back door open and snuck into Abel’s kitchen. It was a beautiful September morning and Erin had walked through the fields rather than driving over in her truck. The blueberry bushes were almost all bare now that the season was coming to a close. Her hard work was behind her for this year, but she was already looking forward to next year’s crop. On the other hand, the apple harvest was in full swing, the trees heavy with ripe fruit. She’d enjoyed both the brisk early morning walk and the solitude. It had helped calm and settle her for the hectic day ahead.

She knew that she shouldn’t be here, but she desperately wanted to see him. The thought of Abel lying naked, tousled, and alone in his bed was too big a lure to resist. They hadn’t had too much time together in the last few weeks as she’d been running from sunup to well past sundown while her blueberries were harvested. Many nights, she’d tumbled into bed too tired to do anything but collapse facedown in the pillow. She missed making love with him, sharing her body with him as he enjoyed hers. But that was all about to change.

The kitchen was empty, so she crept up the stairs and down the hallway until she was just outside his bedroom. Standing in the doorway, she stared as the sunlight drifted into the bedroom, bathing Abel in its golden light. Her heart clenched as she watched him sleep, and she gave a contented little sigh. She could still hardly believe that he belonged to her. And as of today, she would officially belong to him.

Her sneakers made no sound as she tiptoed across the floor to stand beside the bed. Abel filled the bed completely, his feet sticking out over the end. Erin was glad that the king-sized bed they’d ordered had arrived yesterday. There were plenty of things they could do in a bed that big, and her heart sped up as erotic images of the two of them, their bodies entwined as they made love, popped into her head.

Groaning, she shook her head, reminding herself of why she’d risked sneaking over here this morning. It was a morning much like this just two months ago, that she’d snuck into this very room. But this time she didn’t strip off her clothing. Instead, fully dressed she stretched out beside him, propped her head on one hand, and reached out with the other to stroke his hard abdomen.

His skin was firm, and his muscles rippled over her fingers as she slid them upward, kneading his firm chest. His chest rumbled, much like a large lion purring, as his green eyes opened and captured her in their gaze. Wrapping his large hands over her shoulders, he dragged her on top of him and pulled her head down to his.

Seizing her mouth with his, he rubbed his lips back and forth over hers until they parted. Thrusting his tongue inside, he stroked every inch of her mouth, exploring every crevice. Cupping her face in his large, warm hands, the man kissed her senseless. Erin enjoyed the erotic sensations of her tongue dueling with his. Her toes curled in her sneakers, and her body tingled with growing arousal. Erin sucked on his tongue, and was rewarded when he moaned.

She was totally breathless when he finally pulled away. “Good morning,” she gasped.

“It certainly is.” Abel’s voice was deep and low, as he stroked her back and bottom with his hands.

Erin could feel his cock growing beneath the sheet, pressing into her belly. She slipped her hand down and cupped his hard length through the thin sheet, squeezing and shaping it as she stroked up and down. “I’m not supposed to be here.”

He gripped her hand in his, pushing it harder against his erection. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

Leaning down, Erin nuzzled his chest, loving the crisp feel of his body hair against her nose. She nipped at his chest playfully, biting and licking his hard muscles, before lapping at one of his small male nipples. Abel wrapped his hand around the back of her head and held her there as she used her tongue to tease and delight him.

She tightened the hand that she had wrapped around his cock, gripping him hard as she began to move it up and down. Slowly at first, and then harder and quicker.

“Why do you still have clothes on?” he muttered as he tugged at her top.

Laughing she released him and rolled off him, standing up next to the bed. Gripping the ends of her top, she flipped it up to give him a glimpse of the soft skin beneath.

“Don’t tease me, honey.” He threw back the sheet exposing his engorged cock. “I’m a man in need.”

Erin licked her lips and Abel groaned. A pearly drop of fluid seeped from the slit at the tip of his cock. Her panties were already soaked, her pussy soft, wet and ready for him.

Lying naked on the bed, disheveled, and totally aroused, Erin thought he was the most gorgeous man in the world. The early morning stubble of his beard, and his heavy-lidded green-eyed gaze made him look sexy as hell. She could almost come just from looking at him. Her breasts ached with need and she cupped them with her hands, rubbing her fingers over the pointy tips that were visible from beneath her shirt.

“Strip for me, baby.” His command made her even hotter, and she shivered as she watched him grip his cock and stroke himself. “Get naked and ride me.”

Her temperature soared as she yanked her top over her head. Abel never took his eyes off her as he continued to pump his shaft with his hand. Just as she reached for the front closure of her bra, a distant sound caught her ears. Abel’s house was set too far back from the main road for it to be just someone passing by. She came back down to earth with a solid thump.

Racing to the window, she saw a cloud of dust moving closer by the second. “Omigod, someone’s coming.” Frantically, she grabbed her top and yanked it back over her head.

“Who cares?” he cajoled. “They’ll go away. Come here.” Then he closed his eyes and groaned. “Shit! I bet it’s Jackson.”

Erin started for the door, but Abel reached out and grabbed her, toppling her back onto the bed. Throwing one of his large thighs over her legs, he pinned her to the mattress. The sound of the vehicle was getting closer and closer, and she struggled to escape Abel’s grasp.

The devil just laughed and planted a quick hard kiss on her lips. “Good morning, Erin.”

She shot him a harried glance. “I should have known better than to try and sneak over here this morning.”

“Why did you?” He tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her braid behind her ear.

“I missed you.” She knew her eyes were filled with love as she stared up at him. His green eyes softened for a moment before blazing with passion. He was bending towards her when a truck door slammed.

Erin’s head came up off the bed so fast, she smacked Abel in the nose. Laughing, he rolled off her, rubbing his nose as he did. “It’s not funny,” she hissed in a low whisper. “I can’t be caught here this morning of all mornings.”

Abel seemed to catch her distress and heaved himself off the bed just as Jackson’s voice called up from below. “Are you up yet?”

“Yeah,” he yelled back. “I’ll be down after I get a shower. Start a pot of coffee.”

Erin shrank back against the wall, praying her brother wouldn’t come upstairs. “Are you gonna leave me like this?” Abel’s cock bobbed as he sauntered towards her.

“Just think of it as foreplay.” Erin was desperate for escape. Scurrying to the window, she shoved it up higher, and then swung one of her legs over the sill. She already had one foot planted on the roof when Abel grabbed her wrist in his hand.

“Be careful,” he admonished her. “You need to be healthy for later tonight.” He slipped his hand between her legs and cupped her sex. “Nice and wet.” His fingers rubbed her slit and she widened her legs. “Don’t wear any underwear when you get ready later.”

She made a sound of protest, but he silenced it with a kiss. “I want you naked underneath that dress. Hot, wet, and waiting for me.”

Erin nodded urgently, at this point willing to agree to anything so that he would let her go. She hurried onto the roof, but he was right behind her. Holding her by the wrists, he lowered her to the porch roof. Erin swung herself over the side and dropped the short distance to the ground. Abel watched her while she raced back across the fields.

He’d just climbed back in through the window when Jackson’s voice drifted in from the hallway. “Is she gone yet?”

Abel’s eyes narrowed as his friend leaned casually against the doorway. The smug look on Jackson’s face suddenly penetrated his foggy brain. “You bastard. How the hell did you know she was here?” Clenching his hands, he propped his fists on his hips and glared at Jackson.

“I didn’t. Until now.” Jackson just laughed and glanced knowingly at Abel’s prominent erection. “I figured Erin wouldn’t be able to stay away.” Pushing and straightening himself away from the doorframe, he sauntered towards Abel and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s just say we’re even now for the times you snuck around behind my back. A little abstinence and frustration is good for you. It’ll make you appreciate her more later.”

Abel grinned wryly and chuckled. “Go make me breakfast while I shower.” Stalking out of the room, he headed towards the bathroom.

“Yes, dear.” Jackson’s mocking laugher followed him down the hallway, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

The wind rustled through the trees as Abel stared down at the beautiful woman standing next to him in the garden. The slight breeze ruffled the wisps of hair that had escaped her fancy braid. His fingers itched to smooth the flyaway hair out of her face.

Listening to her promise to love and cherish him for the rest of their lives made his chest tighten with emotion. This was a woman who kept her promises, a woman a man would be proud to have by his side for a lifetime, a woman to grow old with.

She looked beautiful in a strapless white dress that fell to just above her ankles. The material clung to her curves, accentuating her femaleness. Abel knew she damned well wasn’t wearing a bra with that dress. But what really had him sweating was wondering if she was wearing any panties beneath it. Her legs were covered with white stockings, and Abel shook himself slightly as the thought of Erin wearing nothing but a garter belt and stockings occupied his mind.

“Abel.” He looked down at Erin as she tugged on his arm. His brain registered the fact that there was total silence around them, and everyone was staring at him.

The minister cleared his voice. “The ring,” he prompted.

Jackson stood beside him, barely holding back his laughter as he handed Abel the ring. Abel just shrugged, unwilling to apologize for his actions. He took the thick gold band from Jackson and slipped it onto Erin’s finger. Then held out his hand as she did the same for him. Taking her smaller, work worn hand firmly in his, Abel gazed down into her laughing blue eyes, and repeated the vows that would bind them together. Forever.

Her eyes were misty by the time he was finished. Her gaze was solemn as she repeated her own vows to him. He held her hand tight as the minister blessed them. As quick as that, it was all over, and they were turning to face the small crowd that had gathered in the garden of the Connors homestead. The moment the minister told him he could kiss the bride, Abel heaved a sigh of relief. It was over now, and she was his.

Cupping her smiling face in his hands, he bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. She gasped and her lips parted slightly. Abel couldn’t resist the temptation and his tongue swept into her mouth, claiming it for himself. She tasted so damned enticing, an addictive combination of sweetness and woman.

Abel could hear laughter in the background as someone thumped him on the shoulder. He reared back with a scowl on his face.

Jackson stood there shaking his head as he plucked Erin out of Abel’s arms and gave her a big hug. “Be happy.”

Erin’s smile was almost blinding as she returned her brother’s hug. “I will,” she promised.

Then it was Nathan’s turn as he picked Erin up and swung her around in a circle. Abel watched them, loving the way they interacted together as a family. Jackson stood beside him as they watched Nathan and Erin together. “Welcome to the family.” He stuck out his hand as he spoke.

Abel took his best friend’s hand and held it tight. “I’ll make her happy,” he promised.

Jackson nodded, but then the moment passed and was gone as they were swarmed by the other guests. Everyone congratulated them all at once. Abel snagged Erin from her brother’s arms and kept her close by his side as they shook hands and accepted warm wishes from their guests.

Abel felt a bit awkward when his newfound brother Cain stepped up before him and offered him his large hand. The two men eyed each other as they shook hands. “Thanks for coming.” They were finding their way slowly, but surely, but it would take time.

“You’re welcome,” Cain’s deep voice rumbled. Then he gave a snort of laughter. “Our wives wouldn’t have it any other way.” Both men turned and watched Erin and Katie as they chatted and hugged. The women had struck up an instant friendship that only seemed to be getting stronger over time.

“I’m still glad you came.”

Cain stared at him for a moment before a rare grin crossed his face. “Me too.”

Excusing himself, Cain led his wife away to allow other people to speak to the new bride and groom. Carly was laughing and kissing both him and Erin, and she was followed by a parade of Erin’s friends from town. It was a small wedding by most standards, but it was more than big enough for Abel. The thirty or so guests filled the yard as they all milled about chatting and socializing.

It was a beautiful evening for a wedding, and everyone helped themselves to a buffet supper. People sat in clusters around the picnic tables that had been set up around the yard. Food was consumed, toasts were made, and everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves.

Finally, it was time for the first dance. Abel led Erin to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and pulled her into his arms as the local band they’d hired began to play a slow love song. Erin snuggled against his chest and he could feel his cock swelling at her nearness. He’d wanted her desperately since he’d laid eyes on her before the ceremony.

“You look like an angel,” he whispered in her ear. He licked behind her ear, and she shivered.

She gazed up at him, her blue eyes luminous and her red hair glowing in the patio lanterns. “Thank you.” Shifting closer to him, she pressed her stomach against his growing erection.

Abel laughed and held her close as he swung her around the floor to the whoops and laughter of their friends. “You’re playing with fire,” he cautioned her.

She just shot him a knowing smile. “Maybe I want to get burned.”

Abel swooped Erin up in his arms and turned to the crowd. “Enjoy yourselves. We’ll see you in a few days.”

Amidst much catcalling and shouted encouragement, Abel carried his new wife to his truck. Carly rushed forward to hand Erin her bouquet as they passed her. Erin buried her nose in the fragrant roses, enjoying their scent and beauty one final time. She looked up at him, gave him a wink, and then tossed the bouquet back over his shoulder. Carly was startled, but caught it in both hands. Erin laughed and waved at her friend as he tucked her into the truck. Giving the group one last wave, he gunned the engine and started the short trip back to their new home.

Nathan walked up behind Carly as she buried her nose in the roses of his sister’s wedding bouquet. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest. “I can’t wait much longer.” His days were filled with frustration, as he and Carly could barely seem to get two minutes together lately.

“I know.” She leaned back against his chest and sighed. “I’ve just been so busy with two of my staff down with the flu.”

“And I’ve been working double-shifts. Some of the guys at work are down with the same damned thing.” Nathan tugged Carly back into the shadows and kissed the back of her neck.

“Hmm,” she agreed as she tilted her neck to one side to give him better access.

“I don’t think I can take three more weeks of waiting,” Nathan grated out between clenched teeth. His cock was so hard against the front of his pants he thought he might explode. He tortured himself further by rubbing it over her rounded backside.

Moaning, she pushed her ass back against him. His hands started to slide up towards her breasts. “Carly.” A woman’s voice broke the sensual spell between them. Nathan groaned and buried his face in her hair.

Nathan kept Carly in front of him as her mother walked towards them. Nathan liked both her parents, but right now he wished them to the devil. They’d come home a week ago to spend the month with Carly and help her get ready for the wedding. Since then they hadn’t managed to get two minutes alone, even for a quickie.

Carly shot him a pleading look, begging him to understand. He bent down and nipped her earlobe. “Soon,” he promised. “I won’t wait much longer.”

He nodded to her mom before stalking off in the other direction. He needed to be alone for a while. With his cock rock-hard, making a huge bulge in the front of his dress pants, he wasn’t fit for polite company.
