Chapter Four

Abel kept his hand on the small of her back as they walked down the stairs. “How did you get in the house and how did you know I was here?”

Erin’s smile was genuine and her eyes were alight with mischief. “Now you know that the entire town knows you’re back. After all, you did stop for groceries this morning.”

Abel chuckled and was surprised by the sound. He had all but forgotten how to laugh, but had done so several times since discovering Erin in his bed this morning. “I’d forgotten how fast the local grapevine works.”

“Anyway, Jackson told me you were back. He got it from Jed, the mailman, who got it from his wife, Alma at the Stop and Shop.”

“I get the picture.” Abel interrupted her. “But did you come here just to seduce me? Not that I minded,” he added, letting his hand fall lower so he could squeeze her luscious ass.

His body was primed and ready to go again, but his conscience was reasserting itself. It didn’t matter that Erin had climbed in bed with him. He was the older and more experienced of the two of them, and he’d taken advantage of her. Yes, she was an adult, but she’d lived a sheltered life and was one of his best friend’s baby sister.

“Why, I brought you a welcome-home present.” She batted her eyelashes coyly. “I know you like apple pie.”

That explained the cinnamon smell from his dream. “But how did you get in?”

“We’ve got a key. Who do you think takes care of this place while you’re gone?”

Erin’s words struck him. He’d never thought about that in all the years he’d been gone. Whenever he’d stopped back for a visit the house was always clean and smelled fresh, something he’d always taken it for granted. The thought that she’d kept his home ready and waiting for him moved him deeply. “I’m sorry.” The phrase was totally inadequate to express how he was feeling. “Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure.” Quickly she brushed aside his praise. “I liked your mother, and couldn’t bear to see her home fall into disarray. It’s her pie recipe I used.” Erin bit her lip and bounced on her toes, looking for all the world like a child who needed approval.

Abel stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and drew her into his arms. Leaning down, he traced the soft contours of his lips with his tongue. He knew he couldn’t let this go any further, but damn it, it had been way too long since he’d taken such pleasure from having a woman’s body next to his.

The soft mounds of her breasts were flattened against his chest as Erin kissed him with abandon. The woman didn’t seem to have any protective instincts, giving herself to him totally. She made little sounds of pleasure as he stroked her tongue with his. Her hands clutched at him, her nails digging hard into his shoulders.

Moving slightly, he grabbed her behind with one hand and tugged her close to him. One of Erin’s hands slid from his shoulders and cupped his rigid cock through the stiff denim of his jeans. Abel tore his mouth away from hers and he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent. The smell of her arousal was driving him mad. She was ready and willing, ripe for the taking. And his.

So lost was he in his own desires, that he almost came in his pants when she wrapped her arms around his neck and hoisted both her legs around him, locking her ankles behind him. She pushed her mound against his cock, moaning as she pleasured herself. The sight of Erin, totally abandoning herself to the passion that sizzled between them snapped his tenuous control.

Blind with need, he shoved her against the wall and tugged at the top of her overalls, pulling the straps down over her arms. She struggled to help him, releasing her hold on him long enough for him to push up her soft cotton shirt and sports bra to expose her breasts. Small, but perfectly proportioned, the pert nipples were like ripe strawberries just waiting to be plucked. He’d always been partial to strawberries.

Plumping her breasts with his hands, he bent his head, nibbling and tasting her lush flesh. Her skin was salty and sweet, and her soft moans of pleasure filled the air as she continued to grind her pussy against his cock. Even between their layers of clothing he was unbelievably aroused.

Abel could feel the sweat rolling down between his shoulder blades as he struggled to regain a thread of control. It took an effort, but he kept reminding himself to be careful with her, but she wasn’t making it easy. Erin tugged eagerly at his clothing, and he pulled back long enough to tear his own shirt over his head and toss it on the floor.

Slowly, he covered her torso with his chest as he lowered his mouth to hers. The rasp of her nipples against his chest and his cock against her hot pussy was incredible. Needing even more, he devoured her mouth, plundering the dark, moist cavern. Their bodies touched everywhere, but it still wasn’t enough.

The hand on her bottom squeezed tight for a moment before sliding along the cleft of her jeans. He could tell that she was wet and ready for him as even the fabric was damp. “You’re ready for me again, aren’t you, baby?”

“Yes,” she groaned and ground her hips hard against his cock.

“Come for me,” he coaxed her. He needed to pleasure her. Wanted her pleasure. “You can do it,” he encouraged. His fingers rubbed hard against the crotch of her jeans even as he nibbled his way down her jawline and bit lightly on her neck.

“Abel…” she cried just as her body convulsed. He could feel her pulsing against his crotch and he ground his teeth and prayed he wouldn’t come in his pants. With her head tilted back in the throes of her pleasure, she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. She held nothing back from him.

Holding her tight, he cradled her in his arms until she finally stopped shivering. Sighing, she went boneless in his embrace and her legs slid down his sides until her feet were touching the ground again. Levering himself away from her, he gazed at her, pleased by the smile that played across her lips. “I’m not going to apologize for that.”

“I’d be angry with you if you did.” Snuggling closer to him, her hand grazed the front of his jeans and he grabbed her hand in an iron grip before moving it away.

“That’s not a good idea.” He was riding the razor’s edge at the moment and the last thing he wanted to do was disgrace himself. Erin had him hotter than a teenage boy with his first girl.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Squirming against him, she rubbed her bare breasts across his chest.

Abel pulled away from her and stood there totally bewitched by the erotic picture before him. With her back against the wall, her legs spread, her breasts bare, and her lips rosy, she was every man’s wet dream. He wanted nothing more than to heft her over his shoulder, carry her back upstairs to his bed and keep her there for at least three days. He raked his hands through his hair and over his face, trying to regain his composure.

Erin continued to stand there and smile at him. Finally in an act of self-preservation he reached out and tugged her bra and shirt down to cover her tempting breasts. “Enough, Erin.”

Shooting him a look of irritation, she pulled her overall straps back over her shoulders and tucked her shirt back in. Abel waited until she was finished pulling herself back together. God, she looked good enough to eat. He shook his head at his wayward thoughts and allowed his nose to lead him towards the kitchen. “Come on,” he growled as unfulfilled lust roared through him. “I’ve got to taste that pie.” He really wanted to eat her pussy, but pie would have to do.

Erin followed Abel to the kitchen. It was either that or be left behind. What she really wanted to do was drag him back to the comfortable bed upstairs and demand he make love to her again. But that was impossible. One didn’t drag a man of his size anywhere.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he strode towards the kitchen. That man looked great coming and going. Right now, she was enjoying watching the way his tight butt filled out his jeans. It looked good enough to take a bite out of. Look what that magazine had done to her. She’d had more lustful thoughts today than she had in the last seven years combined. Maybe, she was just long overdue for some fun.

Abel looked even better than she remembered, and her memory was excellent. The faded denim of his jeans were molded to the muscles in his thighs and cupped the large bulge in the front, displaying it to perfection. His waist was thick due to his size, but there wasn’t an inch of flab on him. Erin was just glad that he hadn’t felt the need to put his shirt back on. The muscles of his back and arms looked like they were sculpted out of bronze.

Sighing, she wished he’d turn around again just so she could ogle his washboard stomach again. She knew she was being disgraceful. After all, she had two strong, muscular brothers not much smaller than Abel. A great male body shouldn’t have her panting after him like this. But there was just something about Abel that called to her as a woman and made her glad to be one.

He stood beside the counter for a moment and just closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of the pie. The sheer look of pleasure on his face made every moment of making it and baking it well worth it. Hurrying past him, she opened a cupboard and took down a plate. Tugging open the drawer next to him, she pulled out a fork and knife. Abel hadn’t moved a muscle. He was still standing there with his head tilted back and his eyes closed, breathing deeply.

It occurred to her then, that Abel was tired. Not a regular tired, but a deep down to your soul exhausted. She didn’t know how she knew, only that she did. This was a man at the end of his rope, mentally and physically. What he needed was some old-fashioned TLC, and she was just the woman to provide it. Biting her lip, she reminded herself that this thing with him had to be a summer fling. He wouldn’t be around much longer than that, and if she let her heart get involved she was asking for a world of hurt.

Reaching in front of him, she snagged the pie plate and dragged it in front of her. Wielding her knife with skill, she cut a huge slab of pie. Actually, it was more like a quarter of the pie. She slid the fork underneath it and scooped it onto the plate. He still hadn’t moved.

“Abel.” She laid her hand on his forearm and could feel the muscle jump under her palm. “Come sit down and eat.”

It seemed to take an effort on his part, but he opened his eyes, rolled his shoulders, and allowed himself to be led to the table. When he was seated, she popped the plate of pie in front of him and handed him a fork. “Eat.”

He gave her a glance from under his heavy eyelids that warned her that he wouldn’t always obey her orders. But she didn’t care as long as he ate. “Do you want something to drink?” She knew she was hovering, but she couldn’t help herself.

“I think there’s some milk in the fridge.” He forked up a piece of pie. She watched as his mouth opened and the pie disappeared inside. His teeth scraped against the fork as he pulled it back out and his tongue licked his lips.

Liquid flowed from her crotch and she ached with emptiness. Her imagination conjured up all kinds of things he could do with that talented tongue. Right now, Erin wanted to do nothing more than sit on his lap facing him, haul off her shirt, and offer him her breasts to feast on. She could feel her nipples poking against the front of her bra and thanked the lord that she was wearing overalls. It wouldn’t do for him to know that she could get all hot and bothered just by watching him eat.

“Erin?” His voice brought her back to her senses. “Are you all right?”

“Fine. I’m fine. Everything is just… fine.” Turning on her heel, she hurried to the refrigerator and opened the door. The cold air felt good as it washed over, allowing her to regain at least part of her composure. She rummaged around until she found the carton of milk and plunked it, and two glasses from the cupboard, onto the table.

Taking her time, she filled the two glasses with the cold milk. She wanted to make sure she approached this in the right manner. Abel seemed oblivious to her turmoil as he continued to shovel down the pie. Scraping his plate clean, he sat back with a contented sigh and took a mouthful of milk to wash it down. It was now or never.

“I want to have a summer fling with you.”

Milk spewed everywhere as Abel began to choke and sputter. “Woman,” he roared. “Are you trying to kill me?” He started to cough, so she leaned over and thumped him on the back a few times.

Pushing her away, he stood up from the table and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked very intimidating, and for a moment, she hesitated. But only for a moment. She’d known him all her life and she trusted him.

Sitting back in her chair, she saluted him with her glass of milk before taking a sip. “No. I’m offering you a no-strings summer affair.” She carefully set the glass back on the table.

Leaning forward, he gripped her upper arms and plucked her out of her chair as if she was a child. “What happened between us shouldn’t have happened, and I take full blame for that. But it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t caught me so unaware.” He said each word slowly as if she was dimwitted and he was trying to make her understand him. “You are Jackson’s baby sister.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” he repeated, his tone incredulous. “That’s got everything to do with it.”

“Why?” Taking advantage of her proximity to him, she placed her palms on his chest and kneaded the tense muscles there. “We’re both adults. I want you, and I know that you want me.” Slipping one hand down the front of his stomach and over the front of his jeans, she cupped his bulging cock.

“Damn it, Erin.” He pulled away from her, backing up as he continued talking. “Just stop. I know it’s like closing the barn door after the horse is out, but it can’t happen again. I apologize for taking advantage of you earlier, but this is not going to go any further. It can’t.”

The counter was right behind him, so she stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms went behind his head to remove her hands, but before he could, she stepped up on the tip of her toes and kissed him.

He froze immediately with his hands wrapped around her wrists. Emboldened, she feathered soft little kisses across his lips while pushing as close to him as she could. His stiff cock pressed against her stomach and once again she felt the answering ache pulsing between her legs.

For a moment he did nothing and just allowed her to kiss him. When he didn’t respond, she began to lose her courage. She could feel the heat crawling up her cheeks, and she closed her eyes as shame washed over her. Because of what he’d done in the bedroom, she’d felt bold and womanly. She’d forgotten for a moment that she was just plain old Erin. A man like this didn’t need her when he could get any woman he wanted, and he’d probably only had sex with her because he was horny and she’d made herself readily available. Closing her eyes against the pity she was sure would be there in his eyes, she tugged her arms from his neck.

He pounced the moment she moved. As if she had awakened the sleeping giant, she found herself hauled into his arms, and clasped so tight, she could barely breathe. One large hand cupped the back of her head and angled it for his comfort as his lips took hers in a searing kiss.

Heat sizzled through her veins and she knew that she was in danger of becoming a puddle at his feet. This man could kiss. There was no part of her lips, mouth and tongue that he didn’t taste, explore and savor. As if he had all the time in the world, he consumed her slowly, one kiss at a time. Giving herself over to his skillful embrace, it wasn’t long until she was returning the favor. She’d always been a quick learner.

The other hand moved down her back until he was cupping her behind. Pulling her tight to his arousal, he used his grip to urge her to move her hips in a circular motion. His hand dropped from the back of her head and suddenly both of them were gripping her ass. That was her last thought as her feet left the floor. Wrapping her arms tight around his neck and her legs around his waist, she was ready to do whatever he wanted her to.

Moaning, she peppered his face with kisses. Both of them were breathing hard now, and she could feel his hot breath on her neck as he placed stinging little love bites there. “Fuck me, Abel.”

The minute she uttered the words, she knew she had made a huge mistake. Her voice seemed to shake him out of his sensual haze. His large body froze, every muscle drawn tight. Slowly, he released his grip on her, and she felt her legs slide down his until her feet touched the floor.

She stumbled slightly and his hand shot out to steady her before pulling away. Feeling unsteady, Erin groped behind her and gripped the back of a chair. Carefully, she lowered herself until she was sitting.

Abel looked like a man in pain. It was etched across his face and evident in every straining muscle in his massive body. “Erin,” he began. Rubbing his hand over his face, he took a deep breath and tried again. “It’s not you.”

Erin couldn’t bear to hear the “it’s not you, it’s me” line. This was the beginning of the pity speech that every plain girl got when being turned down by a gorgeous guy. Next thing he’d be telling her what a great personality she had. Every woman knew that that was the code word for at best, plain, at worst, ugly.

“You’re a great girl.”

She held up her hand to stop him. If he kept going she’d probably disgrace herself by crying, and that just wouldn’t do.

“You don’t have to say anything more. I’m sorry for throwing myself at you.” She gave a little laugh, trying desperately to lighten the mood and not let him know that her stomach was cramping, and her heart was crushed. “I forgot who I was for a moment.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” His frustration was evident now.

It was time for her to end this and leave while she could still manage it with some dignity. “I’m plain old Erin, everybody’s buddy.” Standing, she inched towards the back door. “Jackson’s and Nathan’s baby sister.”

Abel stalked towards her, looking more displeased than she’d ever seen him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

She had to get out of here. Now. “Gotta go. You’re invited to supper.” Her hand was on the back door. Safety was a few steps away.

Turning, she pushed open the door and heaved a sigh of relief. Just when she thought she’d made it, a large hand clamped over her shoulder and spun her around. “You’re not going anywhere until you explain that last statement.”

Anger bubbled up inside her. What did he want? Her heart on a platter. She was sick and tired of people acting like she really didn’t have any feelings at all. Tired of being seen as an extension of her two older brothers. She was a person in her own right, and although people didn’t seem to realize it, she was a woman. She had wants and needs too.

“What don’t you understand?” Taking the offensive, she poked him in the chest as she spoke. She’d learned early to never give ground when dealing with a man. If they sensed fear or weakness, they pounced in a moment. It was something she always kept in mind when dealing with her brothers, but for a moment with Abel she’d let down her guard. “I made an offer. You declined. Simple.”

“It doesn’t seem that simple,” he muttered.

“You’ve made it obvious that I don’t appeal to you and that’s fine. You don’t need to use your friendship with Jackson as an excuse. I understand that a man like you is probably used to having beautiful women fall all over them.” She was horrified as a thought crossed her mind. “You don’t have a girlfriend do you? Or a wife?” Her gaze shot to his left hand. It had never crossed her mind to look for a wedding ring. What had she done?

“No. No girlfriend. No wife.”

Relief filled her, but he wasn’t finished.

“What the hell kind of man do you think I am?”

Before she could reply, he held up his hand to stop her. “I don’t think I want to know.”

She bit her lip hard to keep the tears at bay. This was getting worse and worse. First she threw herself at him, and when he tried to let her down nicely, she insulted him. Erin wanted to die on the spot. She’d felt silly and foolish lots of times in her life, but she couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt quite this bad before.

Before she ran home and crawled under a rock, she owed Abel an apology. His expression was still thunderous and she couldn’t blame him. She’d all but accused him of being a two-timing snake, and it would have been all her fault if it had happened.

“I’m sorry.” She couldn’t think of what else to say. “I’m really sorry.” The look he was giving her told her that he wasn’t finished talking to her yet, but she was done. “You’re invited to supper. Jackson is looking forward to seeing you. Bye.”

Turning, she ran as fast as her long legs would carry her. In five seconds flat, she was in her truck, had it started, and was tearing down the road towards home. The dirt was flying behind her, but she didn’t even glance in the rearview mirror. She couldn’t bear to see him and her dreams disappearing in the distance.
