Chapter Twelve

Erin ambled towards the pond, feeling slightly guilty for playing hooky from work. She justified her time off by reminding herself that in less than a week, her blueberry fields would be ready for picking and she’d be working nonstop until all the berries were harvested for the season.

Usually, she loved this time of year. It was the thrill of bringing in her crop and seeing all her hard work finally pay off that pleased her most. But this year, she found herself just a little resentful of the time it would force her to spend away from Abel, especially when she had no idea when he would be leaving. He said he was staying for the summer, but she knew that could change at a moment’s notice.

It was a perfect July day. The sun was shining, but a light breeze kept it from being too uncomfortable. The bees were buzzing and the occasional bird song could be heard. There was a stillness hovering over the fields as most of the insects and birds sought the shade through the hottest part of the day. Later tonight, they would be much more active.

Erin enjoyed the feeling of the sun’s rays on her face, shoulders and legs. This time she was ready for it, as she’d coated her entire body with waterproof sunscreen. Parts of her were still a little pink, and she didn’t want to take any chances. She wanted nothing to keep them from enjoying each other’s bodies whenever the mood arose.

Her day had been wonderful so far. Waking up in Abel’s arms had filled her with a sense of rightness. It had convinced her, that no matter what happened in the end, she’d done the right thing by pursuing a relationship with Abel. Some of her muscles ached slightly from the unusual positions she’d been put it in, but they felt good now as she stretched her arms and legs.

Erin was more aware of herself physically then she’d ever been in her entire life. The softness of her skin, the hollows and curves of her body, and an innate sensuality that she hadn’t even known existed, all delighted her.

Up until now, she’d seen her body as a source of aggravation and sometimes disappointment. She’d despaired at her height and lack of breast size. At best, she’d seen her body as a well-oiled machine that enabled her to work hard. She’d taken pride in her strength. Very quickly, she was coming to see her body as an instrument of sensuality and pleasure, and she was starting to view it with pride. Her time with Abel was certainly changing her perceptions of herself for the better.

When she’d dumped her stuff off at home, Jackson was out mowing the grass in the orchards and Nathan had already left for work. It was lunchtime before she’d had to deal with Jackson and he’d been in a hurry to eat lunch and get back to work, so she hadn’t even had to answer any questions about her “supposed” evening with Carly. She was glad for that, because she hated lying to either of her brothers, even if she only considered it a little white lie to keep anyone from being hurt. It would be easier for her if the subject never came up. Hopefully by suppertime, last night would be the furthest thing from anyone’s mind.

Now it was mid-afternoon, and she was headed to the pond to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with Abel. Her stomach gave a loud rumble, announcing it was hungry. It was her own fault as her nerves had kept her from consuming more than a few mouthfuls of lunch. She only hoped that Abel had brought food and that her stomach would behave itself until she was able to finally eat.

The short path through the trees was well-worn from years of use and Erin enjoyed the shade from the leafy branches. She shivered slightly as her skin cooled. Goose bumps dotted her arms as she neared the end of the path, whether from the cool shade or anticipation of what was to come, she couldn’t say. It was probably a combination of both.

When she finally stepped into a lush field of grass and wildflowers, the sun was so brilliant that she had to shade her eyes with her hands. At first she didn’t see him and wondered if she was early, but as she scanned the area around the pond, a flash of color caught her eye. Stretched out on a blanket under the shade of a maple tree, he looked like a pagan warrior come to life.

Creeping closer as not to disturb him, her eyes got even wider. Naked. The man was totally naked ! His skin glistened as a light sheen of perspiration covered his entire body. His hands were stacked under his head, the muscles of his arms chiseled like a sculpture even though he was obviously relaxed. Because his eyes were closed, she felt free to enjoy the view.

Up close, she became aware again of just how large Abel was. His long, thick legs were like tree trunks and most men would envy the hard six-pack that rippled across his stomach. The planes of his face were prominently etched in his high cheekbones and square jaw. The only softening on his entire face was the fullness of his lips. Even his neck looked strong, and his shoulders were a mile wide.

Her gaze drifted lower once again, and her eyes were drawn to his groin area. The man was extremely well-built and his penis was no exception. Even semi-erect, as it was now, it was rather impressive. Abel was a large man, and his equipment was built on the same grand scale as he was. Erin grinned, for once glad that she was woman enough to take all of him inside her. She licked her lips as she imagined his cock deep inside her. The sensations made her shiver and she inched closer for a better look.

As she watched, his cock began to stir and grow. Her eyes flew to his face and he lay there with his eyes half-open and a sexy grin on his face. He looked tousled and much too handsome for her peace of mind. “Like what you see?” His comment sent the heat flowing to her cheeks.

Trying to be nonchalant, she allowed her eyes to flow over him in a slow look of perusal that encompassed his entire body. “Yeah, I like it just fine.”

“Why don’t you join me?” The carnal look on his face and his growing arousal sent heat flaring to her own groin. Her panties were already wet, as her body was ready for him instantly.

Taking her time, she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it towards him. He caught it in one large hand before bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply. “God, you smell hot.”

Erin knew she was blushing, but couldn’t seem to stop herself. She was no match to him when it came to sexual banter. He was just so darned self-assured and relaxed with his sexuality, but there was no way she was stopping now. Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra, leaned forward, and allowed the straps to slip down her arms. The scrap of cotton fell to the ground at her feet. Her breasts dangled free, and she intentionally jiggled them as she straightened once again. His eyes scorched her bare flesh worse than the sun ever could.

“Don’t stop.” His command was deep and guttural, his jaw tight.

Erin slowly unzipped her shorts and pushed them down over her hips. When they hit the ground, she carefully stepped out of them. Turning sideways, she removed her sneakers and socks, and put them to one side. Hitching her fingers in the waistband of her panties, she slid them along the band but didn’t lower them at all.

Abel’s eyes narrowed as they followed the movement of her fingers. “Do it.”

A sultry smile covered Erin’s face and she allowed her hands to leave her panties and slide up her stomach to cover her breasts. Plumping them up in her hands, she skimmed her thumbs over her nipples, making the hard nubs even tighter.

“It’s not nice to tease, sweetheart.” Slowly, he raised himself to a seated position. “There’s always a price to pay.”

“Maybe I’m willing to pay that price.” Erin had never participated in this kind of sexual banter before, but her whole body felt energized and every nerve ending in her body tingled in anticipation.

He smiled a slow wicked grin before unhurriedly getting to his feet. “I’ll bet your pussy is nice and wet for me. Isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You want me hard and deep inside you. Don’t you?”

It never crossed her mind to deny him. “Yes.”

“Maybe I’ll have to teach you a lesson about being a cock-tease.” He ran his hand down the length of his penis. “Maybe you’ll have to convince me you’re sorry before I let you have what you want.”

“Maybe I won’t,” she countered. In one motion she whipped her panties off and flung them at him.

He grabbed them out of midair and rubbed them over his lips. “You want my lips on your hot pussy, lapping at your juices. Don’t you, baby?” he taunted. “I can smell your heat.”

Erin couldn’t take any more. If she didn’t cool off, she’d burst into flames on the spot. Pivoting, she raced for the water’s edge and dove deep. The cool water of the pond felt good on her skin, but instead of calming her arousal it seemed to stimulate her even further.

Strong arms enveloped her from behind and she was hauled to the surface. Both their bodies broke the surface, each gasping for breath. Erin only had time to take one mouthful of air before Abel’s mouth slammed down on top of hers. She couldn’t breathe as he consumed her with his kiss. As they both were sinking below the surface, he continued his ardent assault. Gripping his hair in her hands, she clutched him tight, trying to get even closer to his body.

When her own breath ran out, he gave her his as they rose to the surface of the water again. Erin’s heart pounded in her chest as her lungs worked hard, trying to provide her with air. If it weren’t for Abel’s strong grip, she would have sunk back down to the depths below. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, she noticed that Abel was having as much trouble breathing as she was. Raising her head, she looked at him and smiled.

Abel swore softly and once again lowered his head to hers. His lips covered hers, but this time, the kiss was softer, gentler. He trailed a line of heated kisses down her neck and shoulder. Gripping her bottom in his hands, he easily hoisted her higher in the water as he continued his downward path. He kept lifting her upward until her breasts were level with his mouth.

“Please,” she whispered.

Abel groaned and began to lick the moisture off her breasts. He tasted every inch of both of them before he finally rasped his tongue across one of her nipples. Erin’s breath hitched in her throat, and she wrapped her legs tight around his back, locking her ankles behind him. At his leisure, he suckled each nipple, one at a time. He seemed enthralled with her breasts and her reactions to his ministrations.

Erin could feel the tip of his cock at the opening to her vagina, but he held her out of reach, continuing to pleasure her breasts. She squirmed against him, wanting him inside her. One of his hands left her behind and inched forward to trace her opening. “Hot, little pussy,” he whispered against her breasts.

Erin retaliated by reaching one hand down into the water and wrapping her fingers around the very tip of his cock. She rolled her fingers around the tip, allowing one of them to stroke the very top.

Abel thrust two fingers deep inside her and suckled one of her nipples. Hard. She wavered on the edge for a moment, but he pushed his fingers to the front of her vagina as he withdrew them. She felt the contractions begin deep inside her and when he thrust his fingers in once again, she came apart in his arms. Waves of pleasure washed over her and she rode them to the very end.

Contentedly, she lolled in the water, enjoying the slight lop of the waves against her skin. She could feel the tip of Abel’s cock brushing against her and realized that he hadn’t come. It took her a moment to gather her strength, but she finally managed to raise her head to look at him. Drops of water beaded on his skin and rolled down his neck and shoulders. Cupping his face in her hands, she brushed a kiss across his full, sensual lips. “Thank you,” she murmured.

Tenderly, he used one hand to brush the hair out of her eyes and carefully tuck it behind her ear. His other hand still supported her weight in the water. “You’re very welcome.”

It was the look on his face as he spoke that brought an ache to her heart. He looked pleased with himself, but there was gentle warmth in his eyes as he watched her. She felt her own eyes begin to well with tears, but they never got a chance to come to the surface. Abel suddenly laughed and allowed himself to fall backwards in the water, taking her down with him.

Erin broke away, sputtering and spitting as she swam to the surface. He brushed by her leg and tugged her back under the water. The game was on in earnest then, and they spent the next five minutes playing underwater tag, chasing one another around the confines of the pond. Erin tried her best to keep up with him, but she was beat after the late night and the hard work of the day. Giving up, she closed her eyes and relaxed, floating on the surface of the water.

Suddenly, he rose next to her and scooped her out of the pond. The water streamed off both of them as he carried up the grassy bank and deposited her on the blanket. He came down between her legs, spreading her thighs wide with his hands. “I’m not through with you yet. I don’t think you learned your lesson about being a tease.”

She levered herself up on her elbows, trying to sit, but fell back again the moment his lips traced her opening. He stroked the soft, pink flesh with his tongue, teasing her. Spreading her legs wider, she tilted her hips higher, encouraging him. He ignored her offering and used his thumbs to push back the folds of her labia until her clitoris was totally exposed to him. Taking his time, he made a circle around it without touching it.

“You beast.” She tried to move her legs, but his hands kept them clamped open.

“It’s your own fault for taunting me, honey. Now you’ve got to pay.” His fingers lightly stroked her already sensitive flesh as she continued to thrash on the blanket. Nothing she did helped. She was totally aroused, but he kept her perched on the edge. His tongue flicked and his teeth nibbled her clit, but the moment he sensed her starting to come, he stopped. Once she was calmed down, he began again. The sensual torture seemed to go on forever.

“Please,” she moaned.

“Please what?” His fingers dipped carefully in and out of her, stroking lightly, leaving her feeling empty and aching.

“I want you.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Make love to me,” she wailed.

“That’s not what you really want,” he countered.

She looked at him now, confusing evident on her face. His tongue pressed down on her clit making her moan again. “That’s too tame for you now. What you really want is for me to fuck you. Hard.”

“Yes,” she hissed through her teeth. Anything to end this torture.

“I warned you if you teased me, I’d make you beg for it.”

Erin’s eyes narrowed. Two could play this game. She remembered the one position the magazine said was a man’s absolute favorite. There was no way that she was letting him hold back on her any longer.

In one motion, she lifted one of her legs and flung it right over his head. The unexpected movement caused his head to jerk back, and this allowed her to roll up on her knees. Planting her hands and knees firmly on the blanket, she spread her legs wide, and turned her head over her shoulder to look at him. “Fuck me.”

His hands cover the cheeks of her ass, but he didn’t move. Instead, he stroked his hands over her behind, his fingers kneading her flesh. “You still need to be punished for teasing me.” One of his hands moved from her behind and came back down with a stinging slap.

Erin reared up, but he planted one hand in the middle of her back to keep her in position while his other hand spanked her bare bottom again. Abel rubbed her bottom and then slid his fingers inside her pussy again, chuckling when his fingers were coated in her juices. “I knew you’d like it.”

The first slap had shocked her more than anything else had. Abel certainly hadn’t hurt her, but it had felt strange to have his large hand smacking her bottom. She could feel the blood rushing to the area, and it only served to heighten her arousal.

The sound of Abel’s hand landing on her behind once again made her moan. Her bottom and pussy were on fire and she could feel her juices sliding down her inner thighs. Erin was no longer in the mood to play. She wanted him now.

Shoving her bottom back towards him, she spread her legs as far as they would go, offering herself to him. “Fuck me, Abel,” she demanded. “Now.”

For a moment he didn’t move, and then he exploded in a flurry of movement. Grabbing her waist, he shoved her legs even wider with his own, and then plunged deep inside her. Erin cried out as he filled her completely. Her head fell between her shoulders and she froze, trying to absorb the sensations.

“Oh, God, did I hurt you?” Abel’s forehead was resting on her back and his arms were wrapped tight around her waist. His breathing was harsh, and she could feel the tension in his body.

She felt him start to withdraw from her and arched her back against him. “No.” He couldn’t stop now. She needed him.

“No, what? Talk to me, honey.” He remained motionless, not wanting to hurt her.

“Love me, Abel.” Her own voice was strained as desire built inside her. Her breasts felt heavy as they hung in front of her, and she longed for him to touch them again.

As if he’d read her mind, he moved his hands to her breasts and cupped them in his large hands. Slowly and carefully, he began to move inside her. As his cock slipped in and out of her moist body, the friction aroused her further. From this position, he filled her completely, and she loved it. With his wide stance behind her, he was totally in control of how deep and hard he thrust. There was something very hot about making a man totally crazy for you and then being at his sexual whim.

Even when Abel was as primed and ready as he was, he took his time pleasuring her. He stroked in and out of her for what seemed like forever, all the while fondling her breasts and gently rolling her turgid nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Erin bucked back against him, needing him harder and deeper.

One of his hands slipped back between her legs, while the other one cupped her breast once again. His thrusts became harder and faster as he stroked his fingers against her clit. He plunged into her again and again, and this time as his fingers touched her, she came, powerfully and deeply, shaking her entire body to its core. Abel gave a hoarse cry as he came. He emptied himself deep inside her as her muscles clamped hard around his cock, wringing him dry.

Lowering them to the blanket, they both lay there, unable and unwilling to move. Still inside her, he was half on, half off her body. His torso covered her back and his face was buried in her hair. Slowly, the sounds of the afternoon penetrated her foggy brain. She could hear the soft sound of his breathing near her ear and feel the slow thump of his heartbeat against her back. The water lapped quietly at the shore and the low buzz of various insects wafted through the still afternoon heart.

Erin stretched her entire body. Although, she didn’t want to, she needed to move. Abel stirred behind her and withdrew himself from her. Flopping to his back, he pulled her against him, unwilling to let her go. She snuggled contentedly for a few moments before she began to feel hot and sticky.

Sighing, she sat up, and avoided his attempts to pull her back down with him. “I need to clean up.” Her stomach chose that exact moment to give a gigantic growl.

Abel chuckled and sat up next to her. “After you’re done, I’ll feed you. You need to keep your strength up.”

Erin ducked her head and pressed her hand against her stomach, willing it to stop. Before she could become too embarrassed, Abel cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her. Thoroughly, he caressed every part of her lips before he pulled back from her. By the time he was finished, her toes were curled and her fingers were clamped around his shoulders. The man certainly knew how to kiss. Her stomach chose that moment to rumble once again.

Abel shook his head, stood, and offered her his hand. “We’ve definitely got to feed you.”

Together they waded into the pond and took a quick swim to clean themselves off. Abel was back on the blanket and spreading out lunch by the time she climbed out of the water. Ringing out her hair, she plopped down next to him, totally unconcerned about her nudity.

The feast on the blanket was simple but inspiring. Fresh grapes, slices of peaches, strawberries and chunks of melon were piled high in a bowl. Another container lay open, revealing several types of crackers and chunks of various cheeses. But the thing that caught her immediate attention was the two slabs of cheesecake set to one side. She reached for the cake as he filled a glass with iced tea. The ice cubes were almost melted, but the tea was cold and refreshing as she took a sip from the one he handed her.

“Dessert first?” He propped himself on one arm and reached for his own piece.

“I thought we’d already had dessert?” She batted her eyelashes playfully at him.

“We certainly did.” Desire flared in his eyes again and his cock began to stir again.

“You’re impossible,” she informed him before taking a large forkful of cheesecake. She allowed the flavors to roll across her tongue before slowly chewing and swallowing it. Carefully, she licked the fork clean before reaching for another bite.

Abel groaned. “Not impossible at all. In fact, very likely if you keep that up.”

Erin grinned, and scooped up another bite. “Eat first. I don’t want to wear you out.”

He waited until she’d finished her cheesecake before urging her to lie flat on her back. Erin settled comfortably and watched him as he removed several containers from a thermal bag. Leaning over, he leisurely kissed her lips. “Close your eyes,” he whispered as he kissed both her eyelids shut. Erin relaxed and waited to see what he would do.

The only sound was the one of containers being opened. Then she felt something cool and light on her breasts. Her eyes twitched, almost opening, but she caught herself before they actually opened. The sensation was arousing and she squirmed on the blanket.

“Open your mouth.” She opened her mouth and felt the soft slide of something sweet on her lips. The sweet scent of strawberries tickled her nose, and she flicked her tongue out to taste before she took a bite.

Abel groaned, but held another one to her lips. She took that one from his fingers, pausing to lick the sticky tips before chewing and swallowing the luscious fruit. Strawberries had never tasted this good before. With her eyes closed all her senses were heightened and she was eagerly anticipating what would come next.

Her lips parted, waiting for another strawberry. She gasped when she felt Abel’s lips on her breasts, licking at whatever he had coated them with. His lips came up to graze hers and she tasted fresh whipped cream. “Umm, that tastes good.” The combination of strawberry juice, fresh cream, and Abel was better than anything she’d ever imagined.

Abel returned to her breasts, licking the cream from her flesh. His teeth flicked the hard nubs of her nipples before swirling back over the plump mound. Every inch was suckled until all the cream was gone. Erin just lay there, lost in the wicked sensations. Being unable to see him, and not knowing what he was going to do next, aroused her to new heights.

He kissed a trail down her stomach, pausing to nibble on her hipbones before continuing down to her pussy. She could feel him shifting as he spread her lips wide with one hand and poured something onto her skin with the other. Thick liquid oozed slipped down her folds, making her shiver.

Abel nuzzled her pubic hair before lowering his lips to lap at her slick folds. “Honey, sweet and thick,” he murmured as he sucked her clit. “But not as sweet as the honey from your body.” His tongue plunged deep inside her pussy making her cry out with desire.

“Abel,” she groaned, not quite knowing what she wanted.

“You’re so sweet.” Abel’s tongue was all over her pussy, licking and sucking the honey from every crevice of her body. His fingers slipped inside her, stroking her, as he continued to pleasure her with her mouth.

Her entire body was on fire now as she clenched her eyes shut and rode the waves of pleasure that racked her body. She was just about to come, when Abel moved. “No,” she cried, reaching out her hands to pull him back to her.

His hands gripped her hips as he plunged his cock deep into her pussy. Erin almost cried the relief was so great. There was no more teasing now as he slammed into her, his strokes getting harder and deeper with each thrust. Erin could feel her muscles clench and then she was soaring as she came.

Her eyes popped open as she screamed her release. Abel was like some dark warrior between her thighs, taking what was his. His eyes were closed, his face a mask of concentration as his large body strained for completion. He gave one long, hard thrust and then he came, his entire body jerking as he grunted and continued to drive into her, prolonging his orgasm.

He slumped to his forearms, still buried in her depths. She could feel him still pulsing within her and her own body responded by clamping down hard around his cock. Erin was feeling wonderful, but sticky, and although she would have liked to stay as she was, she desperately needed to rinse her body. She pushed at his shoulder, but it was like trying to move an immovable object.

“Abel, we’re going to attract ants if I don’t get cleaned up.” That thought made her glance around the blanket. So far, so good, but that wouldn’t last if she didn’t get cleaned up.

Abel raised his head, and a huge grin split his face. Easing his cock from her body, he reared back on his knees, hauled her over his shoulder, gained his feet, and sauntered towards the water.

Erin laughed as she hung upside down and took the opportunity to ogle his tight butt. He gave her no warning, but suddenly flipped her over and dropped her into the pond. His wicked grin was the last thing she saw before the water covered her head and she began to sink.

Planting her feet on his stomach, she pushed off and felt smug when she heard a very satisfying splash as Abel fell backwards into the water. She tried to swim away, but his large hand wrapped around her thigh, pulling her backwards. Erin didn’t even try to fight, but instead allowed him to pull her to the surface.

Abel hauled her tight against his chest and kissed her, deep and long. Flinging her arms around his neck, she returned the heated embrace. Then her stomach growled again.

Abel laughed and tugged her out of the water behind him. “Obviously, we haven’t fed you enough.”

Erin allowed him to lead her back to the blanket where they both collapsed and began eating their picnic feast.

The next hour flew as they ate and talked. She told him about the upcoming harvest and Abel told her that he was halfway through his parent’s papers. He popped a cracker topped with a piece of cheese in his mouth before offering her one. They’d been taking turns feeding each other. He chewed and swallowed before taking a sip of iced tea.

“I found an old journal of my mother’s. It seems to be quite old.”

“Really.” Erin was intrigued. “Are you going to read it?”

“Of course,” Abel replied. “Giving my chosen profession, how could you think that I wouldn’t?”

“That’s right,” she teased. “You’re a professional snoop.”

Abel didn’t take offense. Instead, he popped a grape in her mouth. “I think it’s from the year I was born. It’s a chance to maybe understand what she was thinking and feeling at the time.” He ate a fresh strawberry before continuing. “It’s strange to see your parents as people in their own right and not just as your parents.”

“I imagine it would be. I know I’ve never really thought about it before.” Erin’s mind drifted to her father and her brothers, as well as to the mother she’d never really known.

They fell into a comfortable silence until Abel began to put away the remains of their picnic. “As much as I hate it, you have to get ready to go if you’re not going to be late for supper.”

Reluctantly, Erin stood and began to search for her clothing. It took her awhile to find most of it, but she couldn’t find her panties anywhere. Finally, she gave up and hauled her shorts up over her bare butt. When she’d retied her sneakers, she shook out the blanket and handed it to Abel. He placed it on the top of the satchel he’d brought and turned to her. She slipped easily into his arms, not wanting to ever let him go.

“Thank you for this afternoon.” She nuzzled her nose against his chest, loving the feel of his hot skin. He hadn’t buttoned his shirt and she was taking full advantage of that fact.

“You’re very welcome. But I should be thanking you.” He kissed the top of her head before he took a step away from her.

“Go, before I change my mind and keep you here with me.” From the look on his face, Erin could tell he was only half kidding.

“I’ll be over first thing tomorrow morning.” With that, she turned and ran towards home. She never looked back, afraid that if she did, she’d never find the strength to leave him. He was fast becoming the most important thing in her life and she didn’t want to imagine what her life would be like after he was gone.

He watched her until she totally disappeared from sight before he reached into his back pocket and withdrew a bundle of white cloth. Shaking it out, he rubbed the soft fabric against his cheek and inhaled the rich perfume of a woman’s arousal before placing it back in his pocket. It was a way of keeping her close even when she wasn’t here, and he rationalized, she wouldn’t miss one pair of panties.
