Jess froze, a ball of ice solidifying in her stomach. Her gaze darted around the living room, making sure everything was in place. It had been almost two years since anyone other than Sam had been in her home. Come on. This is Kim. It'll be fine. A vision of warm, caring blue eyes flashed through her mind, melting the icy feeling in her belly. She blew out a breath and headed for the door.

"Hey, Kim." Jess smiled at Kim through the screen door. A single porch light draped with cobwebs cast a pallid swath of light across the covered porch.

"Hi. Wow. The decorations look great," Kim said. "I love the carved pumpkins on the steps. They look spooky all lit up. And the skeletons and bats hanging from the eves are a great touch."

"Thanks. I loved Halloween as a kid and I guess I never grew out of it. It's still one of my favorite holidays." She couldn't help but compare Kim's genuine enjoyment of the decorations to Myra's more jaded reaction. Not to mention her patronizing comments.

Should I? Jess debated with herself... for about half a second. Her mouth quirked up in a lop-sided smile as she unobtrusively reached for a switch next to the door.

Kim's expression turned wary. Her eyes flittered around the porch.

Ah. She's getting too good at reading me. Jess slowly pushed open the screen door that separated her from Kim.

The hanging skeletons lurched to life.

The bats’ wings fluttered.

An eerie high-pitched cry emanated from overhead.

Kim ducked and did a little backward hop.

The bag in her hand dropped to the porch with a resounding thump.

Quickly regaining her composure, Kim mock scowled at Jess. Her hands went to her hips. "Very funny."

Jess grinned as she stepped out onto the porch to join Kim. "Happy Halloween."

Kim laughed. "Happy Halloween to you too." She reached down and picked up the bag she had dropped. Opening it, she peered inside. "You got lucky." She reached into the bag and pulled out a six pack of beer. "Your trick didn't break your treat."

Reaching out to accept the beer, Jess smiled warmly. "My favorite. Thank you." Jess was once again reminded of Kim's thoughtfulness. She had ordered the beer twice at their favorite Mexican restaurant. Kim had obviously taken note of that and gone out of her way to buy the beer for her. It wasn't available in local stores and had to be purchased directly from the microbrewery.

"You're welcome. I was going to bring a bottle of wine, but I thought the beer would go better with pizza."

At dinner the previous evening, Jess had invited Kim to stay for pizza after they handed out candy.

Childish laughter sounded. Jess glanced down the street and spotted a group of young children with several adults accompanying them heading their way. "Ah. Here they come." Jess set the beer down on the half wall surrounding the porch. "Hang on a sec." She headed down the steps. She turned on the luminaries positioned along the walkway, then returned to the porch. Jess picked up the beer. "All set. Let's head inside. I've already got the candy ready to go."

"The luminaries are a great idea with all the little kids running around." Kim looked down at the lighted bags lining the walkway. "I've seen ones with small LEDs in them, but those look like they have real candles burning inside even though I know that's not the case."

"They do have candles in them. But you're right they aren't real. They're battery powered." Jess reached for the screen door.

As the door swung open, the skeletons and bats once again sprang to life.

Kim walked close to one of the cardboard skeletons hanging from the covered porch roof and looked up. "Are they attached to a motion sensor?"

Jess reached in the door and flipped the switch. The dancing skeletons and fluttering bats stilled. "Yeah. It's rigged to the screen door. I normally don't turn it on until after all the really young children have gone in for the night. I want their introduction to Halloween to be fun and not scary." Jess grinned. "The older kids love it, though."

Shaking her head, Kim laughed. "I bet they do."

"After you," Jess said, motioning into the house.

* * *

"That was fun," Kim said as she flopped down onto the overstuffed leather couch. It was surprising just how quickly she had gotten comfortable in Jess's living room. The warm and cozy setting had drawn her in immediately. "When I saw all the candy you had, I thought for sure you'd be eating it for weeks. I still can't believe we gave all of it out." Kim grinned up at Jess. "Of course, being the good friend that I am, I would've offered to help you finish it off."

Jess snorted, her mouth pulling up in a smile. "Oh. I'm sure it would have been a terrible imposition." She sank down into the padded chair opposite Kim.

Kim tipped her head back as laughter bubbled up. The evening had been wonderful so far. Kim knew that had a lot to do with being with Jess. It was hard to figure, but she enjoyed spending time with Jess more than she had the women she dated. The Jess that she had seen tonight was a far cry from the overly emotionally controlled ER chief at work. Even compared to their other outings, tonight had been different. By being invited into Jess's home, Kim felt as if she had finally been allowed into the life of the real Jess McKenna. It was a heady experience.

"Well, since the candy is gone, could I interest you in a pepperoni and black olive pizza and a beer?" Jess asked.

She remembered. Warmth filled Kim at Jess's thoughtfulness. They had gone out for pizza only once, and that was what Kim had ordered. "That sounds great. Now all we need is a scary movie and we'd be all set."

"Actually I have some movies..." Jess's gaze flittered away from Kim. She ducked her head, and her right leg began to bounce up and down.

Brows furrowed, Kim studied Jess. What's going on here? Not wanting Jess to be uncomfortable, Kim said, "Pizza and a beer would hit the spot. It's getting kind of late for a movie anyway."

The breath left Jess in a blast hard enough to ruffle the hair hanging in her face. Kim could almost see her squaring her mental shoulders. Huh? Confusion reigned.

"It's not that late." Jess popped up from her chair and walked over to one of the oak bookcases next to the fireplace. After lifting the leaded glass door, she reached in and pulled out three DVD cases. "Take your pick," Jess said as she set them down on the coffee table before resuming her seat.

While still unsure just what was causing Jess's unusual behavior, Kim did as asked. She surveyed the DVD boxes. The first was a vampire movie. The second, a classic monster flick. It was the third one that made her grin. 'Under The Stairs'. Kim laughed. "I love it. Where did you find it? I didn't know her early movies were even available." Colleen Bryce had begun her career making B grade horror movies before hitting it big as the action-hero, Deven Masters. Kim had raved about the actress after they had finally managed to see her latest movie.

The corner of Jess's eyes crinkled with the brightness of her smile. "I thought you might like that one. I found a place online that has all sorts of eclectic titles. I don't watch much TV, but I do love movies. I have a pretty big movie collection."

"I haven't seen one of her scream queen movies in years," Kim said as she picked up the DVD and handed it to Jess. She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. "I can't wait to see it again."

Jess's earlier awkward demeanor immediately returned. "Um... well, the thing is..." Jess turned the DVD case over and over in her hands. "The living room really isn't that big..."

At this point, Kim was beyond puzzled by Jess's confounding behavior. She had no idea what Jess was trying to get at. Kim looked around the room. The room was on the small side but typical of a Craftsman bungalow. A fireplace with a deep stone hearth dominated the far wall. Built-in oak bookcases flanked the fireplace. The remainder of the room was taken up with the overstuffed leather couch where she was sitting, a low set coffee table, the antique Morris chair Jess was sitting in, and a large dog bed tucked in the corner. One more glance around the room and the obvious finally hit Kim. There was no TV in the room. So where is it that she's so uncomfortable? The answer hit Kim right between the eyes. Oh shit. Her gaze darted to Jess.

The flush on Jess's face substantiated what Kim suspected. She confirmed it a moment later. "The television is in my bedroom."

A flash of Jess and her entwined on Jess's bed seared through Kim's mind. Heat flooded her face and body. Oh God. Kim quickly scrubbed her hands over her face, willing the blush to fade. You're a grown woman. Act like it. Get your hormones under control. You can share a bed with a friend to watch a movie. She glanced over at Jess.

While Jess met Kim's gaze, her leg was once again bouncing up and down in an apparently unconscious gesture.

Kim was sure that Jess could sense her arousal. It was the last thing she wanted. Jess had made it quite clear right from the start, in action, if not words, that she was only interested in being friends. And she respected that and Jess.

Acting on impulse, Kim rose from the couch and moved over to stand next to Jess's chair. "It's okay." She gently squeezed Jess's shoulder. "Maybe we could save the movie for another time? We could just call it a night?"

Jess's gaze locked with hers. Kim's breath caught. Jess's eyes turned a dark, bluish silver. Emotion Kim couldn't decipher churned in those striking depths.

Jess cleared her throat and broke the spell. "I promised you pizza and a beer." She stood and offered a shy smile. "I'd like to see the movie too. So if you really wouldn't mind hanging out in my bedroom..."

Kim had no doubt that this was well outside of Jess's comfort zone, but she was doing it anyway. "I don't mind if you don't." This is one special woman. Too bad I have such a lousy track record with women. Kim stifled a sigh. Not that Jess is interested in me that way anyway.

"Pizza and a movie it is, then," Jess said.

Kim blew out a breath, which was echoed by Jess. She grinned and Jess laughed, banishing the last of the tension.

"Want a beer while we wait for the pizza?" Jess asked.


"Come on in the kitchen. I'll call for the pizza and you can grab us each one of the beers you brought."

Kim smiled. "Lead the way."

* * *

Slowly drifting to awareness, Jess sleepily blinked open her eyes as she tried to orientate herself. The first thing she became aware of was Kim's head resting on her shoulder. The TV mounted on the wall opposite the foot of the bed was displaying the screensaver. Guess we fell asleep. Too much pizza and beer.

Jess's thoughts went back to earlier in the evening. When she picked out some movies for them to watch before Kim arrived, she had been so nervous about Kim coming over, she had totally forgotten about the television being in her bedroom. Then, as soon as Kim had mentioned the movies, realization struck along with a swift surge of arousal at the thought of Kim in her bed. A resigned sigh escaped. It can never happen. Not like that. She would never respect you again.

Turning her attention back to Kim, Jess took the opportunity to study her face in repose. It just reinforced what she was already well aware of. God, she's beautiful. Resisting the temptation to stroke Kim's face, instead she gently shook her shoulder. "Kim. Time to wake up."

A sleepy little smile appeared. With an unintelligible murmur, Kim rolled closer and threw her arm across Jess's belly. She sighed deeply as she settled herself snuggly against Jess's body.

Jess bit back a groan. The feel of Kim's body intimately pressed to hers was exquisite torture. Without conscious intent, her hand moved up to stroke silky blond hair. Regret at what could never be darkened Jess's thoughts. She forcibly pushed the longing away.

"Kim. Time to wake up," Jess said again, putting a bit more force behind her words. Despite the situation, she couldn't bring herself to physically push Kim away.

With a protesting whimper, Kim tightened her hold on Jess. Her eyes fluttered open. Jess could see the confusion in them. "We fell asleep," Jess said.

That's when Kim seemed to realize just where she was lying. Her body stiffened against Jess's. "Shit!" she blurted as she rolled away.

Jess couldn't help but laugh. "It's no big deal."

Kim sat up on the side of the bed. Her head dropped into her hands with an embarrassed groan.

Shaking her head, Jess got off the bed. She moved around to the other side where Kim sat. "Hey," Jess said softly. When Kim finally looked up, Jess offered a warm smile.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you... literally," Kim said. A smile twisted her lips even as a blush colored her cheeks.

"No biggie. I fell asleep too." Jess was determined not to make Kim feel any more awkward than she already did. "Guess it's time to call it a night. Are you okay to drive?"

"I'm good." Kim stood and moved toward the bedroom door. "I'll get out of your hair and let you get some rest."


Kim turned back toward Jess.

Butterflies danced in Jess's belly. It was important to her that Kim know how much tonight meant. She didn't want any lingering awkwardness between them. "I had a great time tonight. I'm really glad you came over."

"I am too, Jess."

They made their way to the front door in companionable silence.

* * *

Kim followed Jess as she moved down the porch steps. Kim stopped on the middle step. Leaning down, she once again admired the jack-o'-lanterns. Jess had left the lights illuminating the pumpkins earlier when she extinguished the luminaries. "Did you carve these?"

A smile lit Jess's face. "Yeah. Sam and I usually do them, but she couldn't get away earlier in the week. So I was on my own this year."

"You did a great job. I especially like this one." Kim pointed to a pumpkin with an intricately carved face. "It looks like it could come alive at any moment. I always loved making jack-o'-lanterns with my dad when I was a kid." Painful memories swirled close to the surface. Kim pushed them away. She didn't know what had made her mention her father. She never talked about him.

"Thanks." Jess glanced at Kim through lowered lashes. "Maybe next year, if you wanted, you could help."

Next year! Kim's heart leaped in anticipation. Jess was coming to mean more to her with each passing day. "That would be great, Jess." Kim's heart was light as she walked with Jess toward her Jeep. However, that did not stop the part of her, deep down inside that yearned for more than friendship with Jess.
