Two nurses standing outside an exam room abruptly stopped talking. One of them threw a smirk her way.

Kim barely resisted the urge to scowl at the man. The same thing had been happening all morning. Obviously, Penny had wasted no time in spreading the news of seeing her and Jess. The way everyone is acting who knows how the hell she embellished the story.

Although Kim knew Jess was more than capable of taking care of herself, the situation still stirred her protective instincts. Why can't they just leave us alone? Jess's job is hard enough. She doesn't need this. She was thankful Jess was tied up in a quarterly budget meeting. Maybe everyone would get the childish behavior out of their system before Jess got back. Yeah. And pigs can fly.

Ignoring the nurses, Kim continued down the hall to the exam room she had been in earlier. She had misplaced her small notepad and was backtracking her movements in hope of finding it.

She smiled when she spotted her pad sticking out from under the edge of the gurney's base. The notebook contained drug references and dosage tables. Glad I don't have to start all over.

As she squatted down to pick the notepad up, she heard feminine voices and laughter from outside the exam room door.

Kim grabbed for her notebook as the door swung open.

A loud familiar voice became crystal clear when the women entered the room.

"I'm telling you. They were hot and heavy." Cindy snorted. "Talk about beauty and the beast. I wonder what Donovan calls her when they —"

Kim stood, making the women aware of her presence. Bitch. Jess has never treated you anything but fairly and this is how you repay her?

Nancy, one of the nurses' aides, had the grace to look embarrassed.

Cindy met Kim's gaze with a gloating expression that dared her to comment on what she had overheard. Ever since she had berated the woman a few months ago for gossiping about Jess, Cindy disliked her.

Kim met the look head on and refused to look away. Cindy seemed to have forgotten an important fact about the lack of privacy in a hospital — it went both ways.

As Kim moved toward the door, she paused close to Cindy. She pitched her voice for Cindy's ears alone. "This is just the kind of behavior that got you transferred out of pediatrics. It would be a shame if that happened again."

Kim tried not to take too much satisfaction from the woman's stunned face. Leave Jess alone. She made her exit before Cindy had a chance to respond.

* * *

Jess became aware of the speculative looks being thrown her way as soon as she stepped foot in the ER. Great. Penny didn't waste any time. She glanced around, hoping to spot Kim. Wonder how she's weathering the storm? Jess didn't like it, but she was used to the gossip. People knew so little about her, they made things up to fill the gap or, like Cindy, talked about the only thing they knew about — the Myra incident. The thought of people talking disparagingly about Kim set her teeth on edge.

She made her way to the nurses' station.

Several nurses as well as Bates and Aimee were gathered around Terrell near the status board. Penny was at the counter on the phone.

"You should have seen the look on Dr. Donovan's face when this guy —" Terrell stopped mid-sentence when he caught sight of Jess.

A spike of alarm hit as she flashed back to Kim with Brian. Calm down. Kim can take care of herself. And Terrell doesn't look upset.

"Morning, Dr. McKenna," Terrell said. "Dr. D —"

Penny cut him off. "So, did you have a... pleasurable weekend, Dr. McKenna?" she asked, her voice brimming with innuendo.

Jess turned to face Penny. She could feel the shift of everyone's attention to their conversation.

Penny tossed a smug look past Jess at the apparently rapt audience behind her.

You may have seen me with Kim. But I'm still your boss. Don't test me. "Yes. I did. Did you enjoy the holiday light festival?"

Penny's eyes went wide.

Weren't expecting that, were you? Jess could almost hear the 'oh shit' from Penny. "It was nice meeting your parents."

Someone snickered behind Jess.

A bright blush suffused Penny's face. "I'm ah..."

Not the story you told them, was it? Jess had suspected as much.

The phone rang, saving Penny further embarrassment. She dove for it.

Jess turned on her heel.

Everyone scattered like rats from a sinking ship except Terrell.

"As I was trying to tell you before, Dr. Donovan asked me to let you know as soon as you got here that she wanted to consult with you about her patient," Terrell said. He shook his head and grinned, then pointed to the status board. "He's one for the books."

Jess scanned the board, looking for what room Kim was in. Her eyebrows shot up when she found the entry. The patient's name was listed as Cat Guy. What the hell?

"Thanks." She spun around and headed for the exam room.

Jess heard the sound before she even reached the door.

It sounded like a cat meowing. Okay. That explains the Cat Guy.

She pushed open the exam room door and winced at the increase in the volume. Kim and Karen Armstrong flanked a gurney. A little man with delicate, surprisingly catlike features was crouched on his haunches at the head of the gurney. His greasy hair was slicked back so tightly it resembled a skullcap. He was meowing incessantly. What looked like the remains of a saucer of milk was on the bed tray in front of him.

Jess strode up to the end of the stretcher. "Dr. Donovan, what do we have here?"

Cat Guy hissed like an angry feline.

Jess took a half step back and shot a look at Kim. What's this, an early start on the full moon tonight?

Kim bit her lip and struggled to keep a straight face. "I don't think he likes you, Dr. McKenna."

Karen laughed, then slapped her hand over her mouth.

Cat Guy resumed meowing.

"Let's step out into the hall," Jess said. She headed for the door.

Kim followed. Karen remained at the patient's bedside.

"Is he okay alone in here?"

"Sure. He should be as long as I can keep an eye on him through the door," Kim said.

Jess pulled open the door. "Join us, Dr. Armstrong."

Karen threw Jess a relieved look and hurried after them.

As soon as the door closed behind them, the meowing turned to yowling. He sounded like a tomcat in rut.

"What's his story?" Jess asked.

"Police brought him in. They picked him up in the park. He was approaching people and rubbing himself against them and meowing." Kim glanced in the exam room window. "He's been meowing or yowling like that since they brought him in. I haven't gotten anything from him. No name, nothing."

"And he tries to rub against you if you get too close," Karen said with a shudder.

"Any injuries?" Jess asked, directing her question to Karen.

"Small cut on his palm. I cleaned it." Karen's face twisted. "He kept trying to lick me and the cut. It was nothing. Didn't even need stitches."

"Did you do a complete physical exam?" Jess asked. The man was dirty and smelled bad. She knew the resident might have been tempted to skimp on the exam.

Karen nodded. It was clear from her expression it had not been a pleasant experience. "I didn't find anything else of significance on exam. He does have some fungus on his toenails. And lots of dirt," she added under her breath.

"Good job," Jess said. After a rough start to her residency, Karen had really turned things around. She was becoming one of the best of the first-year residents.

Karen beamed at the praise.

Jess turned back to Kim. "So why didn't the police take him straight to Gateway? They have the facilities for dealing with this type of thing. He doesn't need to be in the ER."

"I asked that too. They claimed it was because he was bleeding." Kim scowled. "I think they dumped him on us because they didn't want to deal with him and we were the closest place."

God. Jess rubbed her ears as the yowling continued unabated. "How long can he keep that up?"

"He's been here almost two hours," Kim said.

Oh great. She had only been here a few minutes and was already getting a headache. "So what can I do? Is there a problem with Gateway taking him? Do I need to contact them?"

"No. I wanted to find out if you'd seen him in the ER before. I'm convinced this guy is playing us. The tox screen came back negative. And as far as I've been able to tell, he doesn't fully meet the criteria for an axis I or axis II disorder." Kim rubbed her neck. "He's done this before. I'm sure of it. I'm willing to bet he's using this as a way to get a couple of days rest and some hot meals. He doesn't fit what I would expect to see with a furry gone too far either."

Jess peered in the window. "Well, he looks kind of catlike to me."

Kim laughed. "I noticed that. But I still don't believe that's what we're dealing with. You can almost see the calculation in his eyes."

"Excuse me, but what the heck is a furry?" Karen asked.

Jess made a go-ahead motion to Kim.

"It's not seen as a true psychiatric disorder. 'Furries' is an umbrella term that covers a group of people who prefer to interact with others as animals rather than as human beings. It feels safer for them."

"Seriously?" Karen shook her head. "So they what... dress up like animals or something?"

"They can. At the extreme end of the spectrum, some people modify their physical appearance with tattoos and implants to better match their 'inner' animal."


"So back to Cat Guy," Jess said. He still had not shut up and her headache was getting worse. "I haven't seen him in the ER before. And I'm sure I would have heard about it if he had come in while I wasn't here. What do you want to do with him?"

Kim shrugged. "I'd like to just street him. Maybe it would convince him to give up on this." Kim raked her fingers through her hair. "There are lots of ways to get shelter and a hot meal without draining an ER's limited resources. But as long as he's like that, I can't take the chance, in case I'm wrong."

Jess racked her brain, then grinned to herself when inspiration struck. Oh, yeah. This will flush you out, buddy. "So you're sure he's faking?"

"As sure as I can be. Nothing in psychiatry is a hundred percent," Kim said.

"Okay. I've got an idea." Jess looked at Karen. "Now, don't ever try something like this on your own without consulting Dr. Donovan or myself first. Understood?"

Karen nodded. Jess could see the questions in her eyes, but Karen resisted asking.

"When we get inside, I need you to follow my lead, no questions asked."

"I can do that," Karen said.

"What are you going to do?" Kim asked.

Jess smiled at Kim. I knew you'd ask. Although Kim thought the patient was faking, he was still her first concern.

She hadn't missed Karen's shocked expression on seeing her smile. Maybe it is time to loosen up a little. Kim was showing her that it was possible to be professional without keeping everyone at arm's length. Myra has claimed enough of your life. It's time to let all that go.

Turning her focus back to the business at hand, Jess said, "Sometimes an unusual situation calls for a unique solution." She pushed open the door and entered the room before Kim could question her further. For this to work, she needed the patient to see Kim's and Karen's shocked reactions.

As soon as they entered the room, Cat Guy ceased to yowl and began to meow again.

Jess strode up to the side of the gurney and met the patient's eyes. He stared right back and hissed. There was none of the gaze avoidance or any of the other behaviors she would have expected to see in a patient this dissociated from reality. Kim was right. This guy knew exactly what he was doing.

Karen took up position on the opposite side of the gurney.

"Dr. Armstrong, would you get a suture kit, please."

Karen's eyebrows shot up, but she turned and headed for the cabinet holding the trays.

Totally ignoring the patient, Jess turned to Kim. "This is a very interesting case. I've read studies about this. Once they devolve into their pure animal state, there is no going back."

Cat Guy's meowing got quieter with longer pauses. He was clearly worried about where Jess was going with this.

Karen returned with the requested suture tray.

"Ah, good. Thank you." Jess pushed the over-the-bed table away. She grabbed a stand and placed the instrument tray on it and then opened the tray, exposing the contents.

Kim's expression grew wide-eyed. "Ah... Dr. McKenna?"

Perfect. Kim sounded honestly concerned.

A glance out of the corner of her eye showed Cat Guy looking nervous. Jess could see sweat beginning to form on his forehead. Not such a great gimmick now, is it, bud?

"Don't worry, Dr. Donovan. It's a very simple procedure to neuter him. Believe me, it's the best thing for him. It will make him much calmer... and quieter."

Cat Guy squeaked, then his meowing stopped. Sweat ran down the sides of his face.

"But... don't you need permission," Karen asked. Her eyes sparkled with interest.

Good job, Karen. Jess sent her an impressed look.

"Well. I would, Dr. Armstrong, if he was a person. But as he has clearly demonstrated to us, he's a cat." Come on, guy. Break. I can't go much further with this. "A person could speak up and refuse the procedure."

Jess took her time setting up the tray before pulling on sterile latex gloves. Shit. He's not going for it. There was one more thing she could try. She moved over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a disposable scalpel. On her way back to the bed, she pulled off the outer wrapper, but left the sheath on the blade.

She faced Cat Guy. "Ready?"

Kim and Karen gasped simultaneously.

"Wait. No. You can't do that. I refuse." The words burst rapid fire from Cat Guy. He pressed himself against the opposite side of the gurney, as far away from Jess as he could get.

About time! Jess didn't relent. "People give their names when asked. Cats don't. What's your name?"

"Donny. Donny Nowicki. I swear. I'll give you my social security number. You can check."

Jess turned her back on Donny and Karen to hide her grin. "All yours, Dr. Donovan."

She tossed the scalpel in and then scooped up the open suture kit. As she moved past Kim, she lowered her voice, "Good luck with your cat. As you know, I'm much more a dog person myself."

* * *

Jess pulled off her gown and tossed it into the marked hamper near the door. She glanced back at one of the nurses. "Check the pulses in that leg every five minutes until ortho arrives to take him to the OR. If there is any change before they get here, page me."

"Sure thing, Dr. McKenna."

Jess's stomach growled, reminding her it was time for lunch. She had gotten pulled into a trauma right after leaving Kim and Karen.

Wonder how Kim did with her cat.

She turned the corner and headed for her office. An automatic smile blossomed when she spotted Kim ahead of her in the corridor. "Dr. Donovan."

Kim stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"How did it go with Donny?" Jess asked as they resumed walking.

"I can't believe you did that," Kim said, nudging her with an elbow.

"Hey. I never touched him."

"True." Kim shook her head. "Well, it was certainly effective, I'll give you that. Once he started talking, I didn't think I was ever going to get him to quit."

"Did you street him?" Jess asked.

"No. He's not a bad guy. He lost his mother and then their apartment. He just made bad choices."

Ah. I'm not surprised. You always go that extra mile for your patients.

"I contacted the Homeless Services Authority," Kim said. "They'll get him situated temporarily and then find a therapist to work with him."

The sound of raised voices interrupted.

What the? Jess lengthened her stride.

As Jess neared the junction of the two corridors, Karen's voice became clear. "Knock it off, Peter. No one wants to hear that garbage. Who cares if they're together? More power to them."

"You're just pissed 'cause Donovan wouldn't give you the time of day," Terrell said.

Jess stopped just short of the corner. She glanced back at Kim and could tell from her expression she had heard what had been said.

Without a word, they quickly backtracked down the hall and took a different route to Jess's office.

Kim spoke up as soon as the office door closed behind them. "I'm sorry. I wish you didn't have to put up with all this." She sighed. "But I don't see any way to stop it."

"It's not just about me. I don't want you to have to put up with this either." Jess gave Kim's arm a gentle squeeze. "Once everyone figures out that we're not making any attempt to hide the fact that you're my girlfriend, it'll be no big deal anymore. They'll move on to the next hot gossip."

Kim stared at Jess for several stunned seconds. A brilliant smile lit her face. "Your girlfriend?"

Jess realized she had talked about their future, but never actually told Kim that was how she thought of her. She knew her smile rivaled Kim's. "If you'll have me?" She's a lot more than your girlfriend. You need to tell her how you feel.

Moving close, Kim said, "Girlfriend. I like that."

Jess closed the small distance between them. "Me too." She brushed her lips softly against Kim's, then stepped back before she gave in to temptation. Jess wondered if Kim had any idea the power she held over her. If she knew how much I lov — no. Jess cut the thought short; she wasn't ready to acknowledge that just yet.

Kim walked over to the couch and flopped down gracelessly. "We still have to deal with this crap until word spreads throughout the hospital."

"Well, we know the word is out in the ER." Jess joined Kim on the couch. "Heck, two of my residents are even sticking up for us." She nudged Kim in the side and smiled. "How I feel about you wouldn't change even if they weren't, but it's still nice."

"You're right. I just don't want you to get sick of dealing with this," Kim said. She met Jess's gaze.

Jess could see the worry and vulnerability in her eyes. "I won't." After finding out the full extent of Anna's mistreatment of Kim, anger and sorrow warred within Jess. She did not want Kim to ever feel like that again, not even for a moment. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

What else can I do?

Her eyes popped open. "Come on." Jess stood and held her hand out.

"Where are we going?" Kim asked even as she put her hand in Jess's.

"The cafeteria."

* * *

As they approached the entrance to the cafeteria, Kim's stomach fluttered. This was a big step for both of them. It was almost like coming out at work all over again. She glanced over at Jess. The resolved but calm look on her face helped Kim's nerves settle. This is what you wanted.

Jess pushed open the swinging door. "Ready?"

"You don't have a scalpel, do you?"

Laughing, they stepped into the cafeteria together.

Their entrance immediately attracted attention.

As they made their way through the food line, heads turned and people started to whisper.

Jess paid for their lunch. "Come on."

Kim's steps faltered for a moment when she realized where Jess planned for them to sit. The two-person tables in the back corner of the room were routinely used by couples seeking a little privacy.

"Are you sure about this?" Kim asked quietly.

"Yes." Jess's gaze and voice were rock-solid. She set the tray on the small table and sat down. She smiled at Kim as she joined her. "This should pretty much assure that word gets out to the greatest number of people."

You are amazing. Just when I think I have you figured out, you surprise the hell out of me. Kim shook her head.

"What?" Jess asked.

"You never cease to surprise me."

"That's a good thing... right?"

Kim gave Jess's arm a quick squeeze. "So far."

"Well, then let's see if I can keep my streak going."

Kim tensed. She had learned to be a little wary of just what Jess might do when that little half smirk appeared.

Jess laughed. "Gotcha."

Scowling, Kim looked around. As she suspected several people were staring.

A tug on her sleeve brought her attention back to Jess.

"Ignore them." Jess suddenly looked a little nervous. "I did have something I wanted to ask you." She cleared her throat. "Will you come with me to San Diego to meet Sam?"

You are just full of surprises today. "Sure. When?"

Jess fiddled with the tray. "Well, Christmas is on a Friday, and as you know I'm working. But I'm going to Sam's on Saturday. Come with me?"

Wow. Christmas? "Are you sure you want me to go then? I mean won't Sam mind me barging in on your Christmas celebration?"

"Heck, no. She's been pestering me to meet you." Jess clasped her hands together. "Unless you have other plans?"

Kim smiled. "You know I don't. I'd really like to meet Sam."

"Then it's settled."

As if on cue, Jess's pager shrilled. She glanced down at it. "Back to the trenches."
