1999. _ Vol. 60 (5—6). — P 351—356.

41. Kriss-Etherton Р. М., Harris W. S., et al. AHA Scientific Statement: Fish consomption, fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids, and cardiovascular disease. // Circulation. — 2002. — Vol. 106, —P. 2747—2757.

Глава 10. Прозак или «Адидас»?

1. McDonald D. G., Hogdon J. A. The Psychological Effects of Aerobic Fitness Training: Research and Theory. — New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991; Long В. C., Van Stavel R. Effects of exercise training on anxiety. A metaanalysis. // Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.

1995. _ Vol. 7,—P. 167—189.

2. DiLorenzo Т. М., Bargman E. P., et al. Long-term effects of aerobic exercise on psychological outcomes. // Preventive Medicine. — 1999. — Vol. 28 (1). — p. 75—85.

3. Kasch F. The effects of exercise on the aging process. // The Physician and Sports Medicine. — 1976. — Vol. 4. — P. 64—68; Palone A. М., Lewis R. R., et al. Results of two years of exercise training in middleaged men. 11 The Physician and Sports Medicine. — 1976. —: Vol. 4. — P. 72—77.

4. LaPemere A., Antoni М. H., et al. Exercise intervention attenuates emotional distress and natural killer cell decrements following notification of positive serologic status of HIV-1. // Biofeedback and Self-Regulation. — 1990. _ Vol. 15. — P. 229— 242.

5. Greist J. H., Klein М. H., et al. Running as treatment for depression. // Comprehensive Psychiatry. — 1979. — №20 (1). —P. 41— 54.

6. Beck A. Depression: Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical Aspects. — New York: Harper & Row, 1967;

Beck A. Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders. — New York: International Universities Press, 1976.

7. Babyak М., Blumenthal J. A., et al. Exercise treatment for major depression: Maintenance and therapeutic benefit at 10 months. // Psychosomatic Medicine. — 2000. — Vol. 62 (5).—P 633— 638.

8. Blumenthal/., Babyak М., et al. Effects of exercise training on older patients with major depression. 11 Archives of Internal Medicine. — 1999. — Vol. 159. — P. 2349— 2356.

9. Paffenbarger R. S., Lee I.-М., et al. Physical activity and personal characteristics associated with depression and suicide in American college men. // Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. — 1994. — Vol. 377. — P 16— 22.

10. Wise S. P., Herkenham M. Opiate receptor distribution in the cerebral cortex of the rhesus monkey. // Science. — 1982. — Vol. 218. — P. 387— 389.

11. Panksepp J., Siviy M., et al. Brain opiods and social emotions. / Reite М., Field T. The Psychobiology of Attachment and Separation. — New York: Academic Press, 1985.

12. Thoren P., Floras J. S., et al. Endorphins and exercise: Physiological mechanisms and clinical implications. // Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. — 1990. — Vol. 22 (4). — P. 417—428; Sher L. Exercise,wellbeing, and endogenous molecules of mood. // The Lancet.

1996. — Vol. 348 (9025). — P 477.

13. Jonsdottir I. H., Hoffmann P., et al. Physical exercise, endogenous opioids and immune function. /1 Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. — 1997. — Vol. 640. — P. 47—50.

14. Furlan R., Piazza D., et al. Early and late effects of exercise and athletic training on neural mechanisms controlling heart rate. // Cardiovasc Res. — 1993. — Vol. 27. — E 482—488.

15. George М., Nahas 2., et al. Vagus nerve stimulation therapy: A research update. // Neurology. — 2002. — Vol. 59 (6 suppl. 4). — E 56—61.

16. Lawlor D., Hopker S. The effectiveness of exercise as an intervention in the management of depression: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis of randomised controlled trials. // British Medical Journal. — 2001. — Vol. 322 (7289). — E 763—767.

Глава 11. Любовь — биологическая потребность

1. Великолепное исследование этой проблемы в человеческих взаимоотношениях предлагает книга Мари-Франс Иригойен о домогательствах. См.: Irigoyen M.-F. Le Harcelement moral: La violence perverse au quotidian.— Faris: Syros, 1999.

2. Еечь идет о сингулярном кортексе, который является самой «примитивной» и древней областью неокор-текса, строение его ткани ближе к ткани эмоционального мозга, чем у неокортекса. Mesulam М. М. Principles of Behavioral Neurology. — Fhiladelphia: F. A. Davis, 1985.

3. Schanberg S. Genetic basis for touch effects. / Touch in Early Development, by T. Field, 1994. — F. 67—80.

4. Spitz R. Hospitalism: An inquiry into the genesis of psychiatric conditions in early childhood. // Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. — 1945. — Vol. I. — E 53—74.

5. Hubei D. The visual cortex of normal and deprived monkeys. — American Scientist. — 1979. — Vol. 67 (5). — P. 532—543.

6. Chugani H. Т., Beben M. £., et al. Local brain functional activity following early deprivation: a study of postinstitutionalized Romanian orphans. // Neuroimage.

2001, —Vol. 14 (6). —P. 1290—1301.

7. Hofer M. A. Early social relationships: a psychobiologist’s view. // Child Development. — 1987. — Vol. 58. — P 633—647.

8. Katz L. £, Gottman J. M. Buffering children from marital conflict and dissolution. 11 Journal Clinical Child Psychology. — 1997. — Vol. 26. — P 157—171.

9. Murray Parkes C., Benjamin B., et al. Broken heart: a statistical study of increased mortality among widowers. // British Medical Journal. — 1969. — Vol. 646. — P 740— 743.

10.Medalie J. H., Goldbourt U. Angina pectoris among 10,000 men. II. Psychosocial and other risk factors as evidenced by a multivariate analysis of a five year incidence study. // American Journal of Medicine. — 1976. — Vol. 60 (6). —P. 910—921.

11. Medalie J. H., Stange К. C., et al. The importance of biopsychosocial factors in the development of duodenal ulcer in a cohort of middle-aged men. // American Journal of Epidemiology. — 1992. — Vol. 136 (10). — P. 1280—1287.

12. Reynolds P., Boyd P. Т., et al. The relationship between social ties and survival among black and white breast cancer patients. National Cancer Institute Black/White Cancer Survival Study Group. // Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. — 1994. — Vol. 3 (3). — P 253—259.

13. Levenson R., Carstensen L. L., et al. Long-term marriage: Age, gender, and satisfaction. // Psychology and Aging. — 1993. —Vol. 8 (2). —P. 301—313.

14. Graham C. A., McGrew W. C. Menstrual synchrony in female undergraduates living on a coeducational campus. // Psychoneuroendocrinology. — 1980. — Vol. 5. — P. 245—252.

15. Lewis Т., Amim F., et al. A General Theory of Love. — New York: Random House, 2000.

16. Friedman E., Thomas S. A. Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST). // American Journal of Cardiology. — 1995. — Vol. 76. — P. 1213—1217.

17. Siegel J. M. Stressful life events and use of physician services among the elderly: The moderating influence of pet ownership. // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. — 1990. — Vol. 58. — P 101—108.

18. Rodin J., Langer E. J. Long-term effects of a controlrelevant intervention with the institutionalized aged». // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. — 1977. — Vol. 35. — P 897—902.

19. Siegel J. М., Angulo F. /., et al. AIDS diagnosis and depression in the multicenter AIDS cohort study: The ameliorating impact of pet ownership. // AIDS Care.

1999. Vol. 11. —P 157—169.

20. Allen K., Blascovich J. The value of service dogs for people with severe ambulatory disabilities: A randomized controlled trial. // JAMA. — 1996. — Vol. 275. — P 1001—1006.

21. Lockwood R. The influence of animals on social perception. / Katcher A. H., Beck A. M. New Perspectives on

Our Lives with Companion Animals. — Philadelphia-University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983.

22. Allen K., Shykoff В. E., et al. Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses

to mental stress. // Hypertension. — 2001. —Vol. 38._

P 815—820.

23. Allen K., Izzo J. L. (irr submission). Social support and resting blood pressure among young and elderly women: The moderating role of pet ownership.

24. Simon S. Sarajevo Pets. / Simon S. Weed End Edition Saturday. — Washington: National Public Radio, 1993.

Глава 12. Эмоциональное общение

1. Hocker J. L., Wilmot W. W. Interpersonal Conflict. — Dubuque, I A, Wm. C. Brown, 1991.

2. Chang P. P., D. E. Ford, et al. Anger in young men and subsequent premature cardiovascular disease: The precursors study. // Archives of Internal Medicine.

2002. — Vol. 162. — P. 901—906.

3. Gottman J. Why Marriages Succeed of Fail. — New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994; Gottman, J., Silver N. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. — New York: Random House, 1999.

4. Levenson R., Carstensen L. L., et al. Long-term marriage: Age, gender, and satisfaction. // Psychology and Aging.

1993. —Vol. 8 (2). —P. 301—313.

5. Gottman J. What Predicts Divorce. — Mahwaw: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1994. — P 84; Goleman D. Emotional Intelligence. — New York: Bantam Books. —-1995. — P 135.

6. Rosenberg М. D. Les mots sont des fenetres ou des murs: initiation a la communication non violente. — Editions La Decouverte, 1999.

7. Harvey O. J. Conceptual Systems and Personality Organization. — New York: Harper & Row, 1961; Rosenberg M. D. Op. cit.

Глава 13. Слушаем сердцем

1. Stuart M. R., Lieberman J. A. The Fifteen Minute Hour: Applied Psychotherapy for the Primary Care Physician. — Westport: Prager. 2, 1993.

2. Ibid.

Глава 14. Наша связь с другими

1. La Fatigue d’etre soi. Paris: Odile Jacob, 1999.

2. Cherlin A. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. — Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.

3. Klerman G. L., Weissman М. M. Increasing rates of depression. // JAMA. —1989. — Vol. 261 (15). — P. 2229— 2235.

4. Wilson E. O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition. — Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000.

5. Walsh R. Les Chemins de Peveil. — Montre'al: Le Tour, 2001.

6. Myers D. G., Diener E. The pursuit of happiness. // Scientific American. — 1996. — Vol. 274. — P 70—72; Ar-gyle M. The Psychology of Happiness; 2-e ed. — New York: Routledge, 2001.

7. Durkbeim Е. Le Suicide.'Une etude sociologique. — Par_ is: Alcan, 1897.

8. Zuckerman D. М., Kasl S. V., et al. Psychosocial predictors of mortality among the elderly poor. // The American Journal of Cardiology. — 1984. — Vol. 119. — P 410—423.

9. House J. S., Landis K. R., et al. Social relationships and health. // Science. — 1988. — Vol. 241. — P 540—545.

10. Frankl V. E. Man’s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy. — New York: Mass Market Paper Back, 1976.

11. Walsh R. Mere Teresa citee dans. / Les Chemins de I’eveil, 2001.

12. Цит. no: Walsh R. Op. cit.

13.McCraty R., Atkinson М., et al. The effects of emotions on short-term power spectrum analysis and heart rate variability. // The American Journal of Cardiology.

1995.—Vol. 76 (14). —P. 1089—1093.

Глава 15. С чего начать?

1. Aristotel. Ethique a Nicomaque.

2. Я благодарен доктору Скотту Шеннону из Американской ассоциации холистической медицины за то, что он обратил мое внимание на связь между Аристотелем, Юнгом и Маслоу, сквозь разделяющие их две с половиной тысячи лет, в своем предисловии к книге о естественных методах лечения в сфере психического здоровья. См.: Shannon S. Integration and Holism. Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Mental Health. — San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. —P. 21—42.

3. McCraty R., Atkinson М., et al. The effects of emotions on short-term power spectrum analysis and heart rate variability. // The American Journal of Cardiology.

1995. — Vol. 76 (14). — P 1089—1093; Wilson D., Silver

S. М., et al. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: Effectiveness and autonomic correlates. // Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

1996. — Vol. 27. — P. 219—229; RechlinT., Weis М., et al. Does bright-light therapy influence autonomic heart-rate parameters? // Journal of Affective Disorders. — 1995. — Vol. 34 (2). — P. 131—137; Haker E., Egekvist

H., et al. Effect of sensory stimulation (acupuncture) on sympathetic and parasympathetic activities in healthy subjects. // Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System.

2000. — Vol. 79 (1). — P. 52—59; Christensen J. H., Christensen M. S., et al. Heart rate variability and fatty acid content of blood cell membranes: a dose-response study with n-3 fatty acids. // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. — 1999. — Vol. 70. — P 331—337; Furlan R., Piazza D., et al. Early and late effects of exercise and athletic training on neural mechanisms controlling heart rate. // Cardiovasc Res. — 1993. — Vol. 27. — P. 482— 488; Porges S. W., Doussard-Roosevelt J. A, et al. Vagal tone and the physiological regulation of emotion. // Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. — Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. — Vol. 59 (2—3). — P. 167—186, 250—283.

4. Keller М., McCullough/., et al. A comparison of Nefazo-done, the cognitive behavioral-analysis system of psychotherapy, and their combination for the treatment of chronic depression. // New England Journal of Medicine. — 2000. — Vol. 342. — P. 1462—1470.

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Редакторы: Т. К. Варламова, Ю. В. Зубцов Ведущий редактор Е. И. Колябина Выпускающий редактор Л. А. Данкова Фотография на обложке: shutterstock.com, Emmanuel Robert-Espalieu / OPALE /East News Художественное оформление: E. А. Калугина Компьютерная верстка: А. В. Дятлов Корректор Е. В. Ершова

Подписано в печать 18.02.2013 г.

Формат 60x90/16. Гарнитура «OriginalGaramond ВТ». Уел. печ. л. 22,0. Тираж 8000 экз.

Заказ № 300/1

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