Our baggage was returned. Harry came back with Jenkins, and the servant brought it up. He entered first my room and gazed at me with awe as though I might be a Princess in The Tower.
'We got 'em all, Miss. Bit of a fuss there was, but they stayed back. The master, he wouldn't have no truck with nonsense-nor would Y.
'I am so grateful, Jenkins. Bring them in, please do. I cannot lift them, or I would myself.' 'You don't have to do that, Miss.
It's what I'm here for, humping, carrying, and helping out. I don't grumble at it, though. It's a good life. Good beer, good vittals.
There is many as does not have those'. 'Is that your whole life, Jenkins? Is there nothing more that you desire?' 'Miss, there are many things a man desires, but dares not speak of them. When I was younger, I was put to ladies by the score-led in like a prize bull and did my deed, my service as I calls it. Well enough they praised me'.
'I am sure they did'. I felt myself upon the point of indiscretion and made room for him as he hauled the trunks within. A nervous itching was within me that I could not properly control, yet I was out of place with this rough man-wanted to die from him, not yet.
I wished myself a calmness that I did not have. Ten inches, Aramintha had proclaimed. I wondered nervously and naughtily as to the truth of that, and tried to turn my thoughts to otherness, but Jenkins seemed to sense my wondering, and hovered as he brought the last bag in. I turned my back, clasped my hands and brought my knuckles to my mouth like a child eager to open a parcel, and yet too excited to. 'I know what you're thinking, Miss, if I may make so bold. I seen it happen often. There's no harm to it. I wouldn't assault your person if you did not want. As to my freedom in respect of such, Miss Aramintha lets me have it full'. The last sentence, coming so quaintly to my ears, brought me to giggle, whereat I also blushed and dropped my head, still biting on my knuckles as I did. 'Does she?' I forced the words out, but I could not turn. He stepped away from me. I heard the key turn in the lock and would have screamed, and would have screamed, but held my tongue and-yes-my breath as well. 'You be nice and quiet, Miss-that's the best', I heard. I gasped out a little 'Oh!' and felt his large hands on my shoulders. 'Do not!', I gritted, hunched my shoulders, but he held them still. 'You has to move away, Miss, if you will not- that's the rule. A good one as it is. It gives consent without the words, you see. Tell you a good few stories, that I could, about such things.' 'I don't know what you mean', I burbled, but I did not move. His hands slid slowly down my back, curved underneath my bottom, and he held me there- my 'plum' again upon two lordly palms. Surely he would not ask me, dare not ask, if I had learned to kiss?-'J… J… J… J…!', I stammered, for his hands were carefully drawing up my skirt, calves bared, and then my knees, and then my stocking tops. 'Handsome legs you got, Miss-boo-tiful! Let's see your bum now. Don't be frit of words. My goodness, what a peach-a split peach, as I bin taught to call it, and it's true. I seen yours wobble as you walk, not fat but tight. Round as the moon, it is'. 'I w… won't let you, Jenkins!'-but my little cry dissolved in air as soon as it was spoke. I had not moved an inch. My toes were curled inside my shoes, my eyes half closed, his palms a-soothing round my bared, plump cheeks. 'OOOH!' came from me. He drew the cheeks apart and held me swaying, teetering. 'I can be rough or tender with you, Miss. Now that you've let me bare your bum. That is the rule of it, in this house and in others that I've bin. Some ladies like it rough, they do, but others not. Now roll your cheeks, Miss, on my palms. Lean back agin me-come up on tiptoe'.
'I can't!', I wailed. A small, thin wail that never would have escaped the door. 'Papa had said 'on tiptoe'-he had. 'I got a fair belt on, Miss. I can bring it to your arse, if that you want.
Some girls prefer it. Both my daughters do'. I turned, I did not mean to turn. I needed comforting, as Jane had said she needed or preferred. My hot face pressed into his shoulder-blind my eyes.
Tilting, my hands perched like two sparrows on his brawny shoulders, I came up on tiptoe while he cupped my arse again. It was a rare word to me then, and yet I used it to myself. More blatantly than I thought I could, I moved the silky bulb upon his palms. 'You haven't really, Jenkins? Do they? Do they really do?' 'As soon as they were ripe, Miss, yes. I scorched their bottoms several times, and then they saw the stand I had on me, a cockstand that I mean, and I saw that they saw' 'Just tell me, Jenkins. Talk to me'. 'Ah, you likes a bit of naughty talk! Well, many do. I'm up to it myself; it stirs the senses really well. Bertha-she were seventeen-and Mary was younger by two years. They used to roll their bottoms when I strapped them-sobbed they did, but never really howled. Their mother always told them to be quiet, you see, and when they were I give 'em only a dozen, not a score such as they often needed, traipsing all about and being idle, kicking up a dust about their shoes and frocks.
A man like me, Miss, don't have the coins to spend on such. Don't squeeze your bumcheeks, Miss, too tight. Just let me get my finger in'. 'Ooooh, Jenkins!' The thick tip of his digit in my rose. It moved around the puckered rim, then slipped quite delicately in. I absorbed an inch of it, then it was still. 'What did they say, do, Jenkins, when you d… d… d… did this?' 'It's the first surprise of it that catches them. You straps them, gets their bottoms hot, then whirls them round upright and corks them with your fingertip. Beat at me first with her fists did Bertha until I growled at her and told her as she yet might have another dose. Did all her sobbing then, she did. I held her corked like this, Miss, then I lifted her chemise and felt her titties. Nice and round they were, the nipples up and sparky from the strap. First time I gives her just a kiss or two and eased my finger in and out, but not enough to startle her too much. Her knees sagged, and I knew she had the feel of it.'
'It makes me d… d… dizzy, Jenkins!' 'Course it does-and holds you helpless, don't it, all a-stirring in your belly. Yes, I knows the way of it all right. She felt my cock, as you can, through my clothes. Fair frantically it ticked, but then I eased my finger out and told her to get dressed. I was in a rare state, that I tell you, so was she. Her face was flushed. I saw her eagerness'. 'And then you did it to her?' 'No, Miss, no. I knew she'd be expectant more, the next time that the leather scorched her cheeks. I told my wife, and asked her what to do. You'd better let me kiss you, Miss. I likes to feel the tongues of girls when they're coming up on heat'.
'I can't, no, Jenkins!' Even as I spoke, I roamed my hand down to his great projection, felt its enormous length and girth beneath his trouser cloth, and allowed my lips to come beneath his own. Timid my tongue. He growled into my mouth, snapped my head back and sought it, sucked it in, making me so swoony that he had to hold me up by invading my bottomhole a little more. I sobbed with pleasure and he liked the sound. '“Martha,” she said to me, “You give it to the girl, if that she needs. Farm boys will cover her, if you don't first”. I took her word for it and had the girl upstairs that night.
Real coy she were. She knew what she were in for. “No, I won't", she says, and sets to giggling when I got her dress off, but I saw she had a fresh chemise on, so expected it. I had to lambast her first, Miss, and she knew I did'. My eyes were rolling up into my head. My bottom-hole was open to his finger's probe, felt hot and spongy, ready to receive. 'Oh, Jenkins, take me on the bed!' 'I will that, Miss. Now, lie upon the bed, your legs apart. I likes to see 'em thus, bush boldly shown and belly nice and flat and thighs held wide'.
'Oooh!' His finger had uncorked itself. He urged me gently back and let me fall, stripped off his jacket as I swung my legs and lay obedient, one arm across my eyes, though-peeping-I could see his trousers coming down and saw the hugeness of him, stark and bold, emerging. Thick as a stave it was and quite as long as Aramintha had declared, the crest enormous, glowing purplish-pink. But 'OW!' I uttered then, for as he neared the bed, he smacked my nearest leg and bid me draw my knees up. 'You be quiet, Miss. Keep your arm across your eyes and when I tries to take it off, don't let me do. You understand?' 'Yes!', I quavered, heard him lift his shirt, then felt his hairy belly come on mine. His knob grazed in my cunthairs, then descended slowly to the waiting lips whose puffiness and moisture brought a pleased grunt from his throat. I wanted to cry out-compressed my lips-and held my forearm tightly across my eyes. A little 'Oh!' escaped me as the plum parted the convoluted waves of flesh and urged within the bubbling of my dell. The helmet seemed to split me, and I bucked. 'No, Miss, I got to hold you down', he growled. His elbows pressed against my inner thighs, hands grasped the curving of my hips. 'Don't-don't!', I moaned, but even so I lifted up my bottom as I spoke, the better to present myself to him, whereat he tried to draw my arm away, but I resisted, whimpered.
'Just like Bertha were', he said, and at that I could not help myself but threw my arms around his neck and strained and strained to slowly draw him in. 'She let you fuck her. Oh, you naughty man!', I mouthed. 'A real good fuck she is, Miss, too. Yes, even now- she's married but comes back to have a lathering from her Dad's cock.
It fills her like no other does, as it do yours'. 'Goo-goo! Oh, it's too big! No! Oh yes!' My god, what a delirium! All thoughts of wickedness, desire and love embraced me all at once. The man's huge penis was embedded inch by inch. The apples of his balls (I cannot call them less) bulged up beneath my bottom. Ah, what ecstasies of thoughts, sensations, entrance one in such moments! I moaned, I clawed at him, said words I never thought to speak, had visions that I never thought to have. The walls of my honeypot expanded to his stave most wondrously and gripped the throbbing veins. 'I got yer as I wanted to! From the first moment that I saw you, Miss, I meant to get between your legs'. 'Did you? Oh tell me, do I then feel nice?'
'More luscious than I ever had. Better by far you are than all of 'em. You wants to feel me spunk in you?'
Spunk? I had never heard the word before, but in my wild excitement knew what it must mean.
'Spunk me, sperm me, if you want to, yes', I moaned. His shaft was oily with my exudations. Hissing breath against each other's nostrils we began to thresh. Each drawing out and plunging in of his huge corker was sheer ecstasy. 'Not yet, Miss. I likes to bring you on. A girl has to have her pleasure first, or won't come back before. When Bertha come, she squealed and bit my shoulder, then I squirted her. All right now, wrap your legs up over mine and work yer lovely arse to it. I'll hold it for you-swing it back and forth'.
'Yes, yes, come on. Do it, do it-I don't care what you do! Ah, Jenkins, what a prick you have!' 'Don't call me that, Miss. Call me Dad, or darling, dear, and put your tongue in as you talk. Ah, little devil, you are coming, I can feel!' 'D… d… d… Dad, oh darling, dear!', I stammered quite berserk and spilled and spilled, my belly tightening and relaxing with each squirt, my tongue a-lashing in his mouth. Torrents of lust. I felt no other then. Lust was the devil that drew up one's skirts and pinned one down and rode one in a torment of delight, knowing no other than the thrill of it. -'Come in me, come!', I blethered, clawed his back and knotted up my legs around his waist and jerked and gasped. 'You wait for it, you little bitch!' 'Oh-woh!', I moaned. He had the power to keep me pinned beneath him all the day if he so wished, moving his heavy loins back-forth, rubbing his bristly pubic hairs to mine, balls slapping. -'Oooh! Your balls!', I gasped, and knew myself to be a thousand women all at once, the high, the low, submissive, ardent underneath the mastering weight of him, the purposeful, deep surging of his cock.
'Say that you want my cock', he growled. 'I want, I want, I want!', I sobbed and heard him utter a deep 'AAH!', his oily helmet all but slipping out. And then he poised himself, so poised, and held me in attendant agony, seizing my face and making me upstare into his burning eyes. For one long moment so we stared. I knew the mystery of that anguished stare, the moment frozen as if we had ever been thus, cock to cunt, the hot deliberation of the moment held. 'Say yes!'
His strange insistence was a spell on me, I rimming with my tightened lovelips his stilled helmet, pulsing as it was. 'Har, yes! Oh Dad, oh darling, dear, oh yes! F… f… fuck me, do it in me, do!' 'Good girl! You knows to do it now, all right. Now you remember that and how it's done. Right up you now, my little pet, and take it all!' 'WAH-HAH!' I sobbed. He came down on me flat again, tongue to my tongue and urged himself up in. He groaned, he jerked, he held it for a moment longer while I clenched my velvet walls around his conqueror and pouted up my lips to him in such wise as I knew I must, seeping my warm breath in his mouth as with insensate gasps he loosed his first jet. The thick porridge spattered, swirled and pelleted with ardent force and caused my walls to palpitate around his tool. 'C… coming in you like I said I would', he moaned.
'Yes, yes! Oh, do it more! Oh, lovely, yes!' His jets, so powerful, made a foaming flood that wet the coverlet beneath. I spent again, I sobbed, repeating all the wild obscenities he flooded at the same time in my ear-repeated them by rote, yet knew the tang of them, knew them as salt and pepper to the feast. 'GRRR!', came his grunt. Embedded in my spermy channel full, he came and quivered, came again, then sank down on my breast. My drumming heels scraped at his buttocks, then we sighed a huge deep sigh, were still, the thick cock of him pulsing and expending pearly raindrops of delight. 'You'll lie still now and keep your legs apart as I get up'. And I said 'Yes', I said, said 'Yes'. The cork drew slowly out. I let my legs relax, let them slip down and held them wide. The weeping crest of him kissed both my lovelips, rubbed around my spot and made me quiver, then he rose. 'I filled you up, Miss, that I did'.
The bed sagged and sprang up again as he got off and looked down at my thick, cream-spattered bush. I did not answer, did not know the words to say. Splayed open, so I waited while he drew his trousers up and gathered up his jacket from a chair. 'Best to be silent for the moment, Miss. It shows consent, you see, to what we done.
Keeping your legs apart says 'Yes'. I taught my Bertha that, and Mary, too. You've learned from what I've taught you, and I know you have.'
I threw my arms once more across my eyes to hide the sight of him, said 'Yes'. I knew that he expected it. 'Keep all your learning, Miss, inside your head. Some gents, they likes you to be shy, while others don't. Best to be shy if you ain't sure. Struggle a bit, you can, but not too much. Wait till the knob is in, that's what I always say. Wriggle your bottom, be tempestuous. It always brings the passion up. I'll let you tidy up yourself, Miss, now'. Then he was gone, the door unlocked again. I closed my thighs, then opened them, and giggled tightly up against my hand. 'I care not who does it to me now', I thought. And knew it almost to be true.