Our sojourn in the metropolis was to broaden our experience of life, said Mama. She also intended it, I believe, as a recompense for my unfortunate experiences, of which she said little but had much understanding. To her undoubted sense of guilt at my ill-chosen marriage was added much petulance with Papa who had in part already restored a measure of his wealth by some fortunate bartering, or whatever it may be called, on the Stock Exchange. Our servants had been reduced to two, however, so I felt that he had not made so much progress as he hoped. There are people far worse off than we', Mama said in a practical manner and several times extolled me that, were I able to achieve a divorce and to marry again, I was to bully my husband into purchasing so much bed linen, crockery, and other total necessities that half a lifetime would pass before one needed to spend any more on replenishments. It is a philosophy that I find eminently practical. Eveline was full of bounce. James had creamed her bun, I was sure of that, but was not so tactless as to ask her directly.

There were few enough potential suitors for such an attractive young thing in the surrounding countryside and, once her titties, her cunny and her bottom had been tickled up, she was bound to seek appeasement of her natural desires. James put on an air of dolefulness and solemnity when our departure was announced. He would not grieve for long, though, for I did not doubt that Mary accommodated him as well-a matter to which many a master and mistress of a house lend silent understanding, the latter showing the utmost discretion provided that her own furrow continues to be well-ploughed. We were to stay in Kensington with the Harringtons-friends of our parents, it had been arranged. 'They are neither over-bold nor staid and so will suit you admirably', said Mama, which caused Jane to say that they sounded dull. 'As to that, dear, do not be too flighty or you will never find a nest', was the reply. There was much such badinage, but always a merry understanding underneath that we might do as we would, but should not talk too much about it as regards ourselves, though we might do so in a roundabout way by reference to others. Upon my mentioning that we had visited Julie's uncle and aunt, Mama responded that he was a strange man, and so caused our eyebrows to lift, for we had naively thought it something of a secret. 'Men may be obedient, just as women have to be, but they must withal be manly still', Mama said and regaled us with several tales of ladies and their valets, the latter covering or servicing them when they wished, but with the utmost humbleness and respect, and never otherwise taking advantage of the willing, unveiled limbs unless they were bidden to. -in such circumstances', continued Mama with an openness she did not normally have, but which seemed in a subtle way to pay obeisance to my 'married' state, 'the servant is rarely if ever permitted to kiss the lady, but…' 'He merely puts his cock to her', Jane interrupted, for the three of us were then alone, though joined immediately after this interpolation by Eveline who sat flushed-face with eagerness to listen to our chatter. 'Oh, shush!', I said, for Eveline had caught the last three words and had quite a look of mischief in her eyes which she endeavoured to subdue with no success at all.

'Well, you naughty girl, now that you have said it-yes, he does', Mama replied, and thus set a seal upon Eveline's state of knowledge insofar as she then knew it for herself. 'I wonder what he says to her?', asked Jane, and wrinkled up her nose. 'Ah, as to that… but Eveline, you really should go out', Mama declared.

'Oh, Mama, let her stay!', said Jane. Mama shrugged and said 'Very well', and then proceeded to describe in details rather lightly sketched how a young aunt of hers had secretly watched her husband at play with a young girl on the lawn. Being thus occupied, and having the good sense (and indeed, I suppose, the interest in the erotic scene) not to cry out or scold them, she remained in hiding while her husband's valet silently approached her from the rear and-without warning-thrust her skirts up to her hips and poked his poker warmly in her dell, grasping her thighs so firmly that she could not help but receive his salute to the full, supporting herself against a tree trunk as she did. In a moment, said Mama, the pair were at full bounce just as were the observed ones on the lawn. 'Ah, Sylvia, I have long wanted to!', uttered the valet. Even amid her pleasure though-which was added to by the delightful scene before her eyes-the lady replied (with doubtless panting breath), 'Tell me later, Hawkins', at which he humbly murmured his assent and continued working her, to her delight. Afterwards, she scolded him for using her Christian name, would only offer herself to him bottom-up thereafter and never permitted him to kiss a single part of her fair form. He was bidden to call her 'Mistress' only when they were at play, and to retire as soon as he had satisfied her whim. 'Thus it should be,'

Mama said, 'though, of course, it is not to be recommended with the lower orders, dears, so be advised.' Eveline nodded, wide-eyed and wide-mouthed, and clearly preened herself to be 'accepted' in the vale of such a conversation. Jane gave her an approving nod as if to say, 'Well-listen to Mama'. I smiled at her, and all was well.

'Mama, tell us more,' I ventured. 'More? My goodness, many were the rumplings- just as many as there are today. One does not fret about them, but enjoys what comes'. 'And from whatever quarter, eh, provided that one's mood is good?', asked Jane incautiously.

Mama pursed up her lips and wondered, so I guessed, how to put an answer tactfully to that. 'Keep your doors closed at all times and your voices quiet', was all that she would say. Then Papa entered, fresh from riding out, slapping his crop against his thigh, joyous to see his womenfolk together. Not unusually, a silence held for a moment, then Mama said, 'I was telling them about young Sylvia'.

Eveline drew in her breath, got up, and rushed out of the room.

Jane and I looked serious and tried to hide our smiles. 'Ah, Sylvia, your aunt. Yes, dear. An adorable creature, was she not.

So…' 'You ought to know', Mama said, interrupting him, whereat he perched himself on the arm of her chair and squeezed her shoulders lovingly, donating a kiss upon her bunched-up hair. 'I was about to say, a very quiet lady', he declared, and looked straight at me, and at Jane. 'That is precisely what I told them, dear', Mama said, and looked very sweetly smug at the way that he was hugging her.

In fact, they kissed, and Jane and I held hands. A merriness, like Christmas, was upon us then. On the night before our departure-half asleep, I felt my bed invaded and James nibbled at my ear, urging his hard young prick against my bottom's cleft. 'Go 'way', I uttered drowsily and tried without success to shake him off.

Lying behind me as he was, he forced my knees up with his own and brought his knob to nestle underneath my furry quim, my nightgown being all rucked up. I felt its throbbing and the urge of it.

'No, James', I gritted. 'Yes', he said, and murmured urgently, 'Do not disturb them-they are still awake'. He meant, Mama, Papa. 'You beast', I whispered. -'Draw your legs up more', he croaked. I hissed, 'No, no!', but then he pushed my knees up till they touched my belly and, at that, nestled his crest between my sleep-moist lips and, biting at my shoulder, pushed it slowly up, parting the spongy walls until it was full in. 'Oh, James!', I moaned. His cock throbbed red-hot in my purse of love. 'Ask me to fuck you, Emily!'-'No, won't! Oh, take it out, you wicked… AAAH!'

'Mmmm… darling… you're as tight as Eveline'. 'D… d… don't!', I stammered, but the sweetly stinging, burning upthrusts of his cock made my head swim. I turned my neck-our mouths, tongues, met.

The sibilant juiciness of our desire came sweet to both our ears from down below. His balls squashed under me for a long moment as we kissed, and then he drew it out, wet, long, and rolled me swiftly on my back. He hovered over me, cock-twitching, and I stared at him, his legs between my own-he vulture-poised. 'Ask me to do it to you'. 'No!' I would not say, and yet he knew that I remembered all. The memories of Mary sucking on his penis still obtained. Papa was looking at me, and my drawers were down. Mama had said to keep our doors closed and be quiet. I had been quiet. Many a girl is rucked in silence in the night-only the muffled sounds of kisses and the slurping of a cock within her nest. And then in passion I drew James on top of me, widened my legs and brought him to my thatch. He groaned. The lips enfolded his proud crest. I quivered, arched my back as it sank up and feverishly brought his hands beneath my bottom as it did. 'Say it!', he begged again, mouth blurting moist upon my own. 'Mmmm… yes,… all right. Come on, but do it slow. OOOOH! Put your finger in my bottomhole'. His thighs were naked to my own. My curls grazed his, our bellies bumped. Tongue wet to tongue and all the night was ours, the pumpings and the moanings. I was blind to all save to draw his sperm out, gushing up my honeypot, his young loins vibrant, twitching, as he came, spilling our surpluses upon the sheet until it rucked up stickily beneath my open rose-then sleep, then waking, and James stumbling out into the colder dark beyond. I curled my toes and knew no sense of sin. I had made him do it twice to me within an hour, and felt as cosy as a queen. 'I heard your bed a-tinkle in the night', Jane said next morning when the carriage took us off. 'Did you? I must have turned a lot', I said and threw a sideways glance at her and added, 'I did not hear yours'.

'Oh, mine is quieter', she said with a laugh, but had the grace to blush and look away.
