I said nothing to the others of my new encounter with that strange and yet magnetic man. Had I thought less of him, I would. I felt a pity for his state, the utter loneliness that must enfold him in between the stagings of the same play on and on, his grapplings for the words he wished to hear from the mouths of whimpering girls whose legs he spread. Perhaps it was a case of age and youth, I thought, but then remembered James' warm, eager eyes, his hands that groped me up beneath my skirt, and knew it not to be so.

'Shall we not go home?', I asked of Jane the next morning when Julie said she had to leave. Her uncle was to come for her: an invasion by a visitor from a far world. 'I suppose so', Jane said. She had a feeling in her, as she said, that she wished to go somewhere, do something, but she knew not what it was nor where: a sensation not unfamiliar to me, too, and one that stirs me often still, like a branch that shakes itself in a wild wind, pretending it would leave the mother trunk. 'We shall have cock wherever we go-that is for certain', Julie said. Her tone was placid, and no smiling wrinkles round her eyes. Sometimes she had solemnity and was not always fey and bright. But her moods, like those of mine and Jane's, were ever at a change. I was to see a new side to her now, but knew it not until we disengaged ourselves from Harry and Aramintha and went off. 'It may rain today', said Julie's Uncle Herbert in the carriage, she beside him and we facing them. He was a small man who forever preened himself, wore silk cravats and purple spats, and had but a nibbler of a moustache upon his upper lip. 'It may or it may not. We shall know it if the cows lie down. Be quiet. I have not said that you might speak. My friends, dear Uncle, are not as you think, and will not have your sauciness'. If one can hear another gape, then I heard Jane do so. My own face flushed. I knew not where to look- her words so brusque. She whom Papa had carried limp and willing from our bed to say her prayers so many weeks before. I expected her uncle to bluster or to shout. Instead he looked more meek and bowed his head. The motions of the carriage jolted him more than it did myself. 'What were we talking of?', asked Julie to me then, as though he were not there. I covered up confusion by replying something quite mundane. Her uncle raised his face and was expressionless. A tubular protrusion showed between his thighs. I must have stared at it, for Julie laughed and said, 'He likes to have his quietness when with ladies. Do you not?', she asked him, and he nodded, dumb. Thereat she placed her hand upon his thigh and put her thumb upon his covered tool whose knob outlined itself beneath the cloth. -in a moment we shall stop to have a drink', she said, and called out something to the driver who then hollered back. Julie sat quietly then-sat like a queen. Her thumb brushed back and forth.

Each time it did, her uncle quivered and compressed his lips. His eyes were pebbles-were expressionless. I stared at passing fields on one side-Jane the other. A desire came over me to smack Julie; I knew not why. The impudent power that she exploited puzzled me and set me all awry. I knew not whence it came and sensed that Jane was equally bewildered-tense with an unknowing. We need not stop so soon, I wished to say, but did not speak for fear of an embarrassing reply. I felt as if all were a knot that I could not untie. Five minutes passed along the dusty road, and then the coach wheeled in and stopped outside an inn. Its keeper stood, arms folded, gazed upon our vehicle and then went in as though to lay a carpet down. Julie got out the first-then I and Jane. Her uncle stayed within, stayed sat. His penis was more prominent from her sly thumbings. 'He will wait', said Julie, and no sooner had we reached the door than she began to giggle, rushed within the rather dark interior and took up seat at a rough table. 'What?', Julie asked. It sounded like a general question to the world at large. 'Oh, he has been like that for years. You must not think it over-bold or strange of me. My aunt has trained him', Julie quaintly said, and ordered white wine for the three of us. I wanted to tell that he was a man. The male was paramount. That had for long been dinned into our minds. Papa had pushed his trousers down. Julie had knelt with maidenly obedience and… 'Tell us!', said Jane across my thoughts. 'Oh, what's to tell? He does as he is told. Only be females though. I do not understand it much myself. He has a perky strut with other men, quaffs whiskey well and shoots and smokes cigars, and yet…' 'Yet, what?', I asked, my nose all wrinkled up. 'Oho, you have seen for yourself. My aunt says he is childlike in the female grip. Many a time she smothers him between her thighs while talking with another lady in their house. He kneels obedient, his face between. When she releases him at last, oh you should see his cheeks, how red they are!'

'Oh!', I ejaculated. So did Jane. The mastery of Jenkins on me, yet he too had cried. Were males so pliable beneath? I could not bring myself to think they were as frail as we. The world and all its people jumbled in my head. Elizabeth's husband saying 'Hold her down!' -and Aramintha's uncle… Ah… Ah yes. She said that she had peed down on his chest. I had not even pictured it when she said that, but now I did, and felt a strange, warm flush. 'He would wait an hour if I told him so-but come, this is just a lesson to him', Julie said and emptied quick her glass, we leaving ours half drunk and going out into the sun again. 'Have you ever peed on him?', I asked. The words escaped me, sudden as they were. I would not have her think me wholly ignorant. 'Aha! You know!', she laughed, 'Yes, sometimes, yes.

How messy, though, it is. He has to lie down in the bath without his trousers on, his shirt tucked up. He has a fair prick on him, not too small. You soon will see'. 'I never thought', said Jane, and then she stopped. We had seen our uncle only several times, and that when we were younger. He had been no more than just an adult shape, a voice, within the house. So many came and went-we took no note, and in any case were ushered early into bed for reasons I had long since understood. Uncle Herbert sat erect in every sense, cock tenting up his trouser front. A holy silence was maintained as we drove on. I felt it must not break, and so did Jane, for she said nothing, too. I did not mind; I had so much to dwell upon. In fifteen minutes we arrived. 'May I…?', he quavered as we reached the house. The carriage swayed as we got down. 'Yes! Out with you and follow at our heels', said Julie. There was mischief in her eyes. Also a touch of fear, I saw. She was not too much accustomed to her role, and feared to appear before her aunt as other than that lady wished her to. With us she had dissembled just enough-bubbling with the surprise she had created. I watched deflation in her when we met her aunt, but then that lady seemed to recharge her with energy, her flashing eyes and her large bosom holding court all by themselves. 'Herbert!

Stand in the corner facing us!', she proclaimed the moment we all gained the drawing room. He did not speak, say yes, but merely went and stood head bowed, arms at his sides. 'Has he behaved himself?', she asked. 'No, Aunty, no-he showed his thing. You can see it sticking up, just as we could. Poor Emily and Jane were quite embarrassed, just as you might guess'. 'Of course they were, the pets! Oh, such a wicked, wicked, naughty man he is. Herbert! Undo your trousers, push them down, tuck up your shirt and put your hands behind your neck. If you are to display yourself, then you will do so properly-you understand?' We had seated ourselves by then in quite grand chairs. The bell was rung. A maid of no more than my years came in precisely as Herbert's cock was brought to view. The girl did not jerk her head nor blush, but stood quiescent as such servants do.

'Wine, Mary, please-the white'. 'Yes, ma'am-and shall I, shall I…' 'After you have served the wine, then yes. And now, my dears, have you enjoyed yourselves?', she asked in seeming oblivion of her husband-shorter, slimmer than she was-who stood then with his trousers down, his pink-knobbed prick exposed, as were his balls. The servant girl had seen him thus, and had not screamed. 'There were VERY naughty parties, Aunty. We will tell you later of them if you wish'. 'Julie, indeed you must. I am really all agog to hear.

Your parents-Emily and Jane-are well? Oh good. So long as you have both been nourished, then I am sure they will be satisfied. You understand that nourishment does not mean food, for that is taken even more for granted, yes? I'm sure you understand'. The maid entered at that moment with a tray, and Uncle Herbert standing immobile.

'Shall I now, ma'am?', Mary asked. She moved smoothly, had our glasses filled. 'She loves to do this. One day she will marry well', our hostess said. She beckoned Mary and the maid went and stood close to her, head bowed expectantly, a fey look on her face. -'What is it you do first, Mary?', she was asked. 'Kiss you, ma'am'.

'And, for your sins, you show your bottom?' 'Yes'. A breathless yes such as I might myself have offered to the waiting room. 'It is permitted, Mary, then. Julie, will you uncover her?'

Her aunt then drew the maid quite roughly down and brought her mouth to hers, fumbling at Mary's dress which she unbuttoned to the waist and so revealed the girl's round breasts which dangled to her waiting palm. Julie had risen and drew up Mary's skirt at the same time to bare her naked bottom to us. All the while came the wet sounds of tongues and lips until I felt the maid was being veritably devoured. Ringing Mary's waist with her left arm, and facing us with the girl's bottom bulging to our eyes, Julie gave us a superior look and began to caress it with her fingertip, parting the furrow to expose the crinkled rose. 'You may spank her, if you wish; I often do', she said. I felt constraint, though, at the scene and simply gave a vacant smile, as Jane did also, whereat Julie smirked and put her fingertip between the sweet, plump hemispheres and eased it into Mary's bottomhole, bringing a grinding sound from her which the sucking sounds of kisses partly hid. Julie's face took on a flushed and puffy look. Her little finger, curled beneath, tickled Mary's nest at the same time and caused the girl to wriggle much.

Uncle Herbert looked the more forlorn the more she did so, yet in his forlorn stance, too, was something of a lustful eagerness, I being quite unable to explain the mixture of his sentiments, and expecting him at any moment to advance upon the maid. His prick and nose both quivered, and his eyes were glazed. Julie turned round her head to him-seeing my glance in his direction- and said 'NO!' at him with biting sharpness, much as one might speak to a pet dog. Thereat his face took on the look of a schoolboy who is caught with the jam spoon in his mouth. 'Very well-she may be put to him… or he to her', said Julie's aunt, and pushed the girl up as she did, while Julie took her finger out. 'M… may I, mistress?', Mary quavered, straightening up and her dress in crumpled folds around her waist. Her stockings sagged and looked not as they should have done. 'You must do as you are told, Mary. Must not we all? Come, girl. Julie-sit down and do not preen yourself too much. He may be put to you as well this afternoon, if not to our dear friends as well'. The maid was led then by her mistress to the corner where stood Uncle Herbert. At their approach, he blinked but did not move. Mary had a flushed look, her mouth agape. 'Bend your knees, Herbert! Let the girl be entertained', we heard, and at that the simpleton-for I could not then think of him as other than such-placed his hands behind him at the junction of the walls to support himself and flexed his then bared knees, his trousers at his ankles. Mary's thighs were plump and rich. I rather liked the look of them and fain would have run my tongue around the inner surfaces above her stocking tops. She did not keep her stockings straight, though, and looked sloppy, which was a bad fault. Nudged forward by her mistress, her belly then approached his own with his knob a-waggle at her bush. 'Down more, you fool!' was said to Herbert by his wife. His hands groped desperately at the smooth wallpaper-then he bent his knees more till his cock was jutting up beneath the girl's smooth belly. 'I will hold him, Mary, or the idiot will fall. Perform on him'. 'Yes, mistress'. Herbert's wife then slewed one hand behind his head and grasped his further ear while she gripped the other with her nearer hand and held him like a rabbit. Mary, being then a full two heads taller than he in his stricken pose, came up a little on tiptoe and urged his knob within her slit before subsiding slowly and so sheathing it. Ah my, how that man groaned! 'Place your hands on his shoulders, Mary; that will be the best for you. Should he come too soon, he will pay the penalty'. 'Yes, m… m… ma'am'.

Her face flushed, Mary nested him tight in, her legs distinctly quivering, and tossing her hair back with a jerk of hair that gave her for a moment an appealing look. Her swollen titties bobbled at his forehead, nipples pecking at his wrinkled brow. And such was their posture that it was she who had to thresh up-down, and he groaningly to be quite still. Her breath hissed out, her bottom squirmed.

'Let me finger her, Aunt Hilda', Julie begged. 'No, you may not, girl. Sit and learn. Be quiet, Herbert, and do not groan so much, you stupid little oaf, or I will bring the birch to you. The maid is at her pleasure; you are not!' Mary then pressed herself more vigourously to him, emboldened by her mistress's stern words. Her hips surged up and down, her legs apart. Her bottom wobbled cheekily. Now and then she hung her head back, uttered little moaning sounds, but was chided for that, too, and so fell quiet. Moist noises came from up between her thighs. Occasionally we could see his pendant balls.

'Have you come, Mary?' 'Oh-hoo, yes-I am coming now-again!'

'Then do it, Herbert-fill her up. Come, slave, you have been taught to do so well enough through all the years!' 'AH!', Uncle Herbert gasped. His ears were shining red beneath her pinching thumbs and fingers as his cock slipped in and out. 'He's d… d… doing it, mistress! OOOOH!' 'All right now, Mary, let him splash-and quickly, girl, get off of him, or his pleasure will be too intense.'

Mary's heels tipped higher then. His spouting prick emerged and splashed her thighs, she pulling off and back so suddenly that he spurted his white come over her black dress. 'Get off with you now, Mary. Get about your work'. 'Yes, ma'am'. Nose wrinkling up, the girl sped out, holding her skirt up with a touch of maidenly fastidiousness. Uncle Herbert, ears pulled, was drawn up and left like a weak puppet in his corner, knob a-glisten, pendent scraggy testicles. A horrid sight, I thought. Nothing of what I had seen had filled me with desire. 'Papa will be waiting for us, Jane', I said. She flicked a look of gratitude at me. Despite the protestations of our hostess and of Julie, we departed, leaving her uncle like the stricken chicken that he looked.
