Howie Kapowie was walking home from the store later that day when he was ambushed by Adam Spanker and his gang. They dangled him upside down and stuffed grass in his nose. Adam balled his huge, lumpy fists in front of Howie’s upside-down face. “Tell me what you saw at Funky’s place, or else.”

“Nothing, I swear,” wailed Howie as he blew grass out of his nose.

Adam grabbed Howie by his shirt. “I know that goofball’s involved with all the crazy stuff that’s happened. And you know about it. Now talk!”

“I know nothing!” shouted Howie.

Adam rubbed his four chins and studied the situation. “If you don’t talk I’ll make you give me the answers to all the tests in school.”

“I already do!” said Howie.

“Oh yeah. Hmmm. I know. I’ll break your bike in half.”

“I don’t care!”

“You don’t?”

“No, because I don’t have a bike.”

“I’ll steal your cat then.”

“I’m allergic to them.”

“I’ll take your dog.”

“I’m allergic to slobber too.”

“I’ll smash your computer.”

“I use my dad’s.”

“I’ll break your glasses.”

“My mom’s an eye doctor. I get ’em by the dozen. And besides, I’m loyal to Freddy. Nothing you can threaten will break me.” Howie started to laugh crazily. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with. A Kapowie never gives in. Never!”

One of Adam’s bully friends whispered something to him. Adam started smiling. “Right. I’m glad I thought of that.” He turned to Howie. “All right, if you don’t talk, I’ll make sure that you never, ever get another cheese cube to eat so long as you live.”

“I’ll tell you everything,” said Howie Kapowie.
