I’m not the only GP to have made a mistake; compensation payouts for medical negligence are going up, not just the number of cases but in the cost of the payouts. As a way of combating this, it has been suggested by the government that doctors should be named and shamed by publishing our mistakes and performance data online. The idea is that this will allow patients to choose their GP based on his or her track record, and that the resulting possibility of losing ‘customers’ (patients) will motivate us to improve.
It might also be suggested that the best way for GPs to reduce the chances of missing a serious diagnosis is for GPs to have a very low threshold for referring patients on for specialist care. The problem with this is that we are also under massive pressure to keep our referral figures down. The NHS is able to keep costs down in part because GPs successfully triage the ‘worried well’ away from busy hospitals and costly specialists. High levels of referrals are expensive and push up waiting time. Often those referred are already better by the time they see the specialist or could be equally well treated by their GP. There may well come a time when those doctors who are over-eager to send their patients to hospital will be penalised for using up too many resources.
GPs are under pressure from all sides, but at the same time there are some slip-ups for which we have to step up and take responsibility. I made a mistake with Ted and it is one for which I will hold up my hands up. If the current proposals go ahead, would my patients have the right to know about that previous blunder? Would they register with another doctor as a result? In an attempt at redemption I now ask all my smoking patients if they have a cough. If they have even the slightest throat tickle, they get sent for a chest X-ray. My practice has changed because I am scared that a future patient might come to harm due to my misjudgment. I’m not convinced that the added forfeit of damaging performance stats would really make that much difference.
I am ready to own up and take responsibility for my mistakes, but wouldn’t we all agree that the real key is trying to prevent errors being made in the future? Rather than spending money on dredging up my past in order to rank me in a series of performance data statistics, perhaps it would be better to look for more positive ways to prevent future slip-ups. In our practice we have found talking openly about our errors helps. If a patient had a serious condition that was missed, all the staff look through the notes together to try to work out what we could do differently next time. If there is a field of medicine we feel our knowledge levels are lacking in, we encourage each other to get up to date on the latest research.
There were 300 million GP consultations in England in 2011 and just over 7,000 complaints made to the General Medical Council. That works out at around one serious complaint for every 42,000 consultations. Most GPs are good at their job and this is reflected in the ongoing high levels of trust in our profession. When mistakes are made we need to take responsibility for them, but we should also be encouraged to learn from them in an open and supportive environment. It really doesn’t seem to me that name and shame proposals are offering this. I would also suggest that they don’t really tackle the issue of persistently poor GPs either. If a doctor can’t learn from their errors and makes the same mistake time after time then surely something more serious needs to be done than simply publicly denouncing them on a government website?