Список сокращений

Add. Ch. Add. Ms AHR AN ― Additional Charter Additional Manuscript American Historical Review Archives Nationales

Annales ES ― CAnnales: Economies, Societes, Civilisations

Arch. comm. ― Archives communales

Arch. dep. ― Archives departementales

BBCS ― Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies

BEC ― Bibliotheque de l"Ecole des Chartes

BIHR ― Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research

BJRL ― Bulletin of the John Rylands Library

BL ― British Library

BN ― Bibliotheque Nationale

CCR ― Calendar of Close Rolls

CPR ― Calendar of Patent Rolls

CS ― Camden Society

C&YS ― Canterbury and York Society

DCO ― Duchy of Cornwall Office

DL ― Duchy of Lancaster

DKR ― Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records

EETS ― Early English Text Society

EconHR ― Economic History Review

EHR ― English Historical Review

Foedera ― T. Rymer, Foedera (The Hague edn, 1739–45)

LQR ― Law Quarterly Review

PPC ― Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England

PRO ― Public Record Office

RHistS ― Royal Historical Society

RP ― Rotuli Parliamentorum

RS ― Rolls Series

SHF ― Societe de l’Histoire de France

SHN ― Societe de l’Histoire de Normandie

TRHistS ― Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

VCH ― Victoria County History

WAM ― Westminster Abbey Muniments
