More NLP Resources

If you would like more NLP resources to help you in reaching your life goals, resolve problems, or just enhance your life, here is a "short list" we think you'll find useful:

FREE! NLP Blog by Steve Andreas

This blog gives you access to free articles on NLP. You'll also hear about occasional NLP training events or products that we think are special opportunities. Read Online and subscribe at


Like to read? Here are some excellent sources…

Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change through NLP, by Connirae & Steve Andreas. This unique introduction to the field of NLP is packed with specific methods you can use in many areas of your life. Each chapter focuses on a special area, including decision–making, motivation, getting over unwanted habits, overcoming anxiety, self–healing, healing trauma & abuse, parenting, and much more. Includes examples, short transcripts, and outlines you can use. Available on Kindle as well as quality paperback.

Core Transformation, by Connirae Andreas & Tamara Andreas. A deeply transforming method in which our limitations become the doorway to profound states many describe as spiritual, such as "presence" "peace" or "oneness. Available as a book and also on DVDs of a complete 3–day workshop.

To Order, and to See our complete list of NLP books from leading NLP Trainers & Developers, visit

NLP on CD:

Transforming Troublesome Internal Voices, CD, Steve Andreas. Listen to Steve presenting some of the key methods in this book. 120 min. 2 CDs, plus 4–page handout.

See complete list ofCDs, and Order at NLP on DVD:

Core Transformation — the Full 3–Day Workshop on DVD, Tamara Andreas. This amazingly powerful workshop is now available in easy–to–use DVD format. Experience the life–changing benefits that come from three gentle yet profound processes: Aligning Perceptual Positions, Core Transformation, and Parental Timeline Reimprinting. Aligning Perceptual Positions is not yet in book form — this is its most detailed presentation! No background needed. These processes are a direct route to experiences of wholeness, inner peace, and oneness, while transforming our lives for the better. 7 hrs on 4 DVDs, plus 39–page manual.

Eye Movement Integration, DVD, Steve Andreas. EMI, developed by Connirae and Steve Andreas, is NLP's kinder, gentler, more rapid and effective version of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). In this demonstration you will see the entire treatment process with a Veteran who had experienced repeated intrusive memories of a nighttime firefight — over a period of many years, and for whom other methods had not been effective. EMI is a very simple method that is particularly effective with problematic memories from the past, and anxieties about the future. Since EMI is a general way to integrate our brain's processing modes, it can also be used to resolve — or at least clarify — a wide range of other symptoms and problems. 50 min DVD with 6–page booklet.

Client Sessions Series: NEW! These single session DVDs demonstrate how NLP can be utilized effectively, often in one session, to improve the quality of our lives:

Resolving Musical Performance Anxiety.

Personal Boundaries: Preventing Burnout.

Resolving Night Terrors.

Visit for complete list of DVDs and to order.
