I think he must have taken one look at me and known everything.

With badly fumbling fingers I untied his wrists. It was no surprise

that he'd already rid himself of the rope around his ankles. I blurted

out the story. I watched his eyes get wider and wider.

"This is no joke?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"Let's get Kim."

I handed him a flashlight and we ran down the hall. Our feet sounded

heavy on the old rough floorboards. Beams of light swooped and

skittered along the walls.

Kim was exactly as I'd left her. Except now she looked scared. I went

after the rope around her wrists and Steve freed her legs.

"Jesus! What's going on? It was sort of fun till I heard you guys

running around out there-" Her words played out into something like

understanding. Her voice went harsh and bloodless. "Where's Casey?"


"There's a hole in the wall down there and some kind of tunnel. I

found her book bag there. Two of the flashlights were in it. The

other was lying in the tunnel. I don't think she left it there on


She looked at me. I could tell it wasn't registering with her.
