makes no sense. It never has. It must run very deep, as deep as

blood and bone, much deeper than even you knew.

We watched and listened. Even tasted the air I think for some scent of

him. But I didn't think I'd be taken unawares. There had been too

much connection between us before. In that black war of nerves I had

absorbed too deep a sense of him. I'd know when he was near. And this

time he'd know I'd come to kill him.

Still I was careful. I knew enough not to trust sixth senses. I was

trusting to care and brains and muscle- and sharp contact. And to

Steven too, my backup. Moving along with a will for it behind me.

Look out, I thought.

You've made both of us damned unhappy.

I refused to look for more blood along that track. I tried to push

back all thoughts of Casey. I didn't want them weakening me.

I thought I was being very strong and clever.

By the time we reached the end of that section the palms of my hands

were dappled red.

The walls opened up into a cavern.
