WERE AFRAID TO ASK, LIKE: 'WHAT ABOUT 1850, HMM?' Ј"io. 1850. Right, well, let's see, Chopin has been dead for a year, vJMendelssohn for two years, and even Edgar Allen??? has finally found out whether death puts on a red masque or not. In England, William Wordsworth has shuffled off, too, and is replaced as Poet Laureate by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. California is the newest recruit to the American state roster - not surprising after the Gold Rush of a couple of years back - and, over in China, the Taiping rebellion is causing all sorts of trouble, with; Hun Hiu-tsuen proclaiming himself Emperor.
Actually, what a jolly good wheeze - proclaiming yourself Emperor, I mean. Great idea. In fact, I might try it now. Let's see: '3???? amp;?. p/wclaim nuf amp;eif ЈmpЈ*w of the United Jiingdem, and of all it amp; colonies, including- all of.WovfoM, of, comae, and not forgetting, the. Qnand??Ј? of SheppeyJ Mmm. Well. I don't feel any different.
Wonder if it's worked. I might be Emperor now, for all I know. I'll see if I can annex a small country, maybe, or - an even better test - see if I can't get a cabbie to take me south of the river.