ncidentally, do you know how to spot a lyre? No? Wdl, in that case, lend me a tenner and I'll give it back to you tomorrow. Actually, as bad as that joke was, it was marginally less boring than me telling you that a harp looks like this: this time is very much an unwritten Tolkien novel. s» Old Kingdom' is the period in Egypt from around 2850 to 2052??; it was preceded by the period of 'the Two Kingdoms3 and followed by the 'Middle Kingdom' period. So you see - the history of music at this time is very much an unwritten???™*./»«*/ whereas a lyre looks like this: Got that? Good. Well, maybe write it down, alongside the name of the Early Dynastic III period's leading pop star - Pa-Pab-Bi-gaggir gal, remember? The minute you've written it down, fold up the piece of paper, carefully, and place in the bin. Hopefully you'll never need the information ever again. If you do find yourself using this information again, then… well, I think I've sat next to you at a dinner party from hell once.
