

N. B. Сокращения периодической литературы набраны прямым шрифтом, чтобы отличить их от сокращений названий книг, набранных курсивом..

AA ― Archaeologia Aeliana

AB ― Analecta Bollandiana

AC ― Archaeologia Cambrensis

AJ ― The Antiquaries Journal

APAW ― Abhandlungen der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Arch J ― The Archaeological Jounal

BBCS ― The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies

Beitr. ― Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur

BSHAB ― Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de Bretagne

BSL ― Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris

CHAJ ― Cork Historical and Archaeological Journal

DR ― The Dublin Review

EC ― Etudes Celtiques

JA ― Journal Asiatique

JBAA ― Journal of the British Archaeological Association

JRIC ― Journal of the Royal Institute of Cornwall, Second Series

JRS ― Journal of Roman Studies

JRSAI ― Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

MA ― Medieval Archaeology

MSHAB ― Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de Bretagne

MSL ― Memoires de la Societd de Linguistique

NA ― Neues Archiv fur Sachsische Geschichte

NTS ― Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap

PBA ― Proceedings of the British Academy

PRIA ― Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy

PSAS ― Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

RC ― Revue Celtique

SEC ― Societe d'Emulation des Cotes-du-Nord, Bulletins et Memoires

SGS ― Scottish Gaelic Studies

SH S― tudia Hibernica

SHR ― The Scottish Historical Review

SR ― The Scottish Review

TCWS ― Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society

TDGS ― Transactions of the Dumfiesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society

THSC ― Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion

TLCAS ― Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society

TPS ― Transactions of the Philological Society

ZCP ― Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie

ZDMG ― Zeitschrift fiir deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft

ZfdA ― Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Altertum


N. B. Выходные данные книг, ссылки на которые появляются в тексте лишь один раз, обычно приводятся в сносках и не включены в этот список сокращений.

AB ― Angles and Britons (O'Donnell Lectures, Cardiff, 1963).

ABR ― J. M. C. Toynbee, Art in Britain under the Romans (Oxford, 1964).

ACS ― H. O'Neill Hencken, The Archaeology of Cornwall and Stilly (London, 1932).

AG ― A. Varagnac, L'Art Gaulois (Yonne, 2nJ ed.. 1964).

AI ― F. Henry, L'Art Irlandais, 3 vols. (Yonne, 1963, 1964).

AID ― K. Meyer, Uber die altcste irische Dichtung, I–II (APAW Jahrgang 1913. Berlin, 1913–14).

A. Inisfallcn ― The Annals of Innisfallen, edited and translated be Sean Mac Airt (Dublin. 1951).

AIP K. Meyer, Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry (2"d ed., London, 1913).

AL ― Ancient Laws of Ireland, vol. 1–6, edited by W. M. Hennessy, W. N. Hancock, T. O'Mahony, A. G. Richey, R. Atkinson (Dublin, 1856–1901).

ALI ― Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, edited by Ancurin Owen (London, 1841).

ALMA ― Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, edited by R. S. Loomis (Oxford, 1959).

AMVR ― F. Benoit, L'Art Mediterraneen de la Vallee du Rhone (Aix-en-Provence, 1955).

ARE ― J. M. C. Toynbee, Art in Roman Britain (London, 1962).

AS ― N. K. Chadwick, The Age of the Saints in the Early Celtic Church (O. U. P. 1961, reprinted 1963).

ASC ― D. Whitelock, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. A Revised Translation (London. 1961).

ASE ― F. M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (2nd ed., Oxford, 1947).

ASG ― J. M. Clark, The Abbey of St. Gall (Cambridge, 1926).

AT ― The Annals of Tigernach, edited and translated by Whitley Stokes, R. C.. vols. XVI, 1895, 170ff.; XVII, 1896, 6ff.

AU ― The Annals of Ulster, in 4 vols. Vol. I edited and translated by W. M. Hennessy (Dublin, 1887); Vols. II–IV, B. MacCarthy (Dublin, 1893, 1895, 1901).

Bagendon ― E. M. Clifford, Bagendon (Cambridge, 1961).

BB ― Book of Ballymote, facsimile edition by R. Alkinson (Dublin, 1887).

Bede ― C. Plummer, Venerabilis Baedae Opera Historica, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1896).

Bordeaux ― C. Jullian, Histoire de Bordeaux depuis les Origines jusqu'en 1895 (Bordeaux, 1895).

BRA ― G. Simpson, Britons and the Roman Army (London, 1964).

Bruchst. ― K. Meyer, Bruchstiicke der alteren Lyrik Irlands (APAW, Berlin, 1919).

CA ― Ifor Williams, Canu Aneirin, Cardiff, 1938.

Caspari ― Caspari, Briefe Abhandlungen und Predigten (Christiania, 1890). Английский перевод R. S. Haselhurst под названием The Letters of Fastidius (London, 1927). B наших ссылках приводится нумерация страниц английского перевода.

CB ― N. K. Chadwick, Celtic Britain (London, 1964).

CB ― John Rhys, Celtic Britain (London, 1904).

CC ― Olivier Loyer, Les Chre'tiente's Celtiques (Paris, 1965).

CCH ― Jan Filip, Celtic Civilization and its Heritage (Prague, 1960. английский перевод R. F. Samsour, 1962). — Русский перевод Филип Ян, Кельтская цивилизация и её наследие, 1961.

CCL ― Louis Gougaud, Christianity in Celtic Lands. Перевод с авторской рукописи Maud Joynt (London, 1932).

CE ― I. LI. Foster and L. Alcock, Culture and Environment (London, 1963).

CG ― D. A. Binchy, Crith Gablach (Dublin, 1941).

CGG ― Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh, edited and translated by J. H. Todd (London, 1867).

CI ― E. MacNeill, Celtic Ireland (Dublin, 1921).

CIIC ― R. A. S. Macalister, Corpus Inscriptionum Insularum Celticarum, 2 vols. (Dublin, 1945, 1949).

CIL ― Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.

CK ― Myles Dillon, The Cycles of the Kings (Oxford, 1946).

CM ― K. H. Jackson, A Celtic Miscellany (London, 1951).

CPS ― W. J. Watson, History of the Celtic Place-Names of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1926).

CRB ― Hugh Williams, Christianity in Roman Britain (Oxford, 1912).

CS ― W. F. Skene, Celtic Scotland, 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1926)

DF ― Duanaire Finn, Irish text and translation by E. MacNeill and Gerard Murphy, 3 vols. (London, 1908, 1933, 1953).

DHC ― M.-L. Sjoestedt, Dieux et Heros des Celtes (Paris, 1940). Английский перевод с дополнительными примечаниями Myles Dillon (London, 1949).

EA ― Episcopal Acts and cognate documents relating to Welsh Dioceses 1066–1272, 2 vols., edited by James Conway Davies (Hist. Soc. Church in Wales, 1,3,4, 1946–48).

EB ― J. Loth, L'Emigration Bretonne en Armorique du Ve au Vile Siecle de Notre Ere (Paris, 1883).

EC ― The Early Cultures of North-West Europe, edited by Sir C. Fox and B. Diekins (Cambridge, 1950).

EGA ― P. Jacobsthal, Early Celtic Art (Oxford, 1944).

ECI ― M. and L. de Paor, Early Christian Ireland (London, 1958).

ECMW ― V. E. Nash-Williams, The Early Christian Monuments of Wales (Cardiff, 1950).

ECPM ― S. Cruden, The Early Christian and Pictish Monuments of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1957).

EGC ― T. H. Bindley, The Epistle of the Gallican Churches (London, 1900).

EHC ― L. Duchesne, The Early History of the Church. Английский перевод с первого издания, репринт (London, 1950).

EIHM ― T. F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish History and Mythology (Dublin, 1946).

ELL ― Myles Dillon, Early Irish Literature (Chicago, 1948).

EIS ― Early Irish Society, edited by Myles Dillon (Dublin, 1954).

ES ― H. M. Chadwick, Early Scotland (Cambridge, 1949).

ESEM ― Essays and Studies presented to Professor E. MacNeill, edited by Rev. J. Ryan (Dublin, 1940).

ESSH ― A. O. Anderson, Early Sources of Scottish History, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1922).

EWP ― Ifor Williams, Lectures on Early Welsh Poetry (Dublin, 1944).

FABW ― W. F. Skene, The Four Ancient Books of Wales, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1868). Vol. I Translation, Vol. II Welsh texts.

FCL ― The Fate of the Children of Lir, edited and translated by R. J. O'Duffy (5lh ed., Dublin, 1908).

FCT ― The Fate of the Children of Tuireann, edited and translated by R. J. O'Duffy (Dublin, 1901).

FCU ― The Fate of the Children of Uisneach, edited and translated by R. J. O'Duffy (Dublin, 1914).

FEIA ― C. Fox, A Find of the Early Iron Age from Llyn Cerrig Bach, Anglesey (Cardiff, 1946).

Fontes ― I. Zwicker, Fontes Historiae Religionis Celticae, 3 parts (Berlin, 1 934–36).

FPRB ― P. Salway, The Frontier People of Romain Britain (Cambridge, 1965).

FWS ― Festschrift fiir Whitley Stokes (Leipzig, 1900).

GC ― Elie Griffe, La Gaule Chretienne a l'Epoque Romaine, I (Paris et Toulouse, 1947).

GL ― H. M. and N. K. Chadwick, The Growth of Literature, 3 vols. (Cambridge, 1932–40).

GLL ― M. Manitius, Geschichte der lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters, 3 vols. (Munich, 1911, 1923, 1931).

Groupement ― H. Pedersen, Le Groupement des Dialectes Indo-Europeens (Kоbenhavn, 1925).

HB ― H. Waquet, Histoire de la Bretagne (Paris, 1950).

HB ― L. A. Le Moyne de la Borderie, Histoire de la Bretagne, 6 vols. (Rennes et Paris, 1896–1914).

HB ― E. Durtelle de Saint-Sauveur, Histoire de la Bretagne, 2 vols. (4th ed., Rennes, 1947).

HB ― A. Rebillon, Histoire de la Bretagne (Paris, 1957).

Heldensage ― R. Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Konigsage (Halle, 1921).

HG ― C. Jullian, Histoire de la Gaule, 8 vols (Paris, 1908–1926).

Hill-Forts ― R. E. M. Wheeler and K. Richardson, Hill-Forts of Northern France (Oxford, 1957).

HIM ― R. H. Kinvig, A History of the Isle of Man (2"J ed., Liverpool, 1950).

Hist. Brit. ― The Historia Brittonum by Nennius. Ed. by T. Mommsen, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, auctores antiquissimi, t. XIII (Berlin, 1898, reprinted 1961); также by F. Lot (Paris, 1934). Translated by A. W. Wade-Evans, Nennius's History of the Britons (London, 1938). — Русский перевод: А.С.Бобович, Ненний, История бриттов в книге: Гальфрид Монмутский, История бриттов. Жизнь Мерлина, M., 1984.

HW ― J. E. Lloyd, History of Wales, 2 vols. (3rJ ed., London, 1939).

HWL ― T. Parry, A History of Welsh Literature. Translated by H. I. Bell (Oxford, 1955).

IA ― F. Henry, Irish Art in the Early Christian Period to A. D. 800 (London, 1965).

IAECP ― F. Henry, Irish Art in the Early Christian Period (2nd ed., London 1947).

ICCS ― Proceedings of the International Congress of Celtic Studies (Dublin, 1962).

IDPP ― T. F. O'Rahilly, Irish Dialects Past and Present (London, 1932).

IHC ― F. Henry, Irish High Crosses (Dublin, 1964).

IM ― J. Ryan, Irish Monasticism (Dublin and Cork, 1931).

Invasions ― L. Musset, Les Invasions: Les Vagues Germaniques (Paris, 1965).

IPD ― C. S. Boswell, An Irish Precursor of Dante (London, 1908).

IPG ― E. MacNeill, Early Irish Population Groups (PRIA XXIX C 1911).

Irland ― L. Bieler, Irland (Lausanne and Freiburg, 1961). Английское издание Ireland (London, 1963).

Ir. T ― Irische Texte, ed. W. Stokes and E. Windisch (Leipzig, 1880–1905).

IT ― R. Flower, The Irish Tradition (Oxford, 1947).

LB ― Leabhar Breac, the Speckled Book, facsimile edition by S. Ferguson (Dublin, 1876).

LBS ― S. Baring-Gould and J. Fisher, The Lives of the British Saints, 4 vols. (London, 1907–1913).

LC ― Lebor na Cert (The Book of Rights), edited and translated by Myles Dillon (Dublin, 1962).

Leс. ― The Book of Lecan, facsimile edition by Kathleen Mulchrone (Dublin, 1937).

Legende ― J. Marx, La Legende Arthurienne et le Graal (Paris, 1952).

LHEB ― K. H. Jackson, Language and History in Early Britain (Edinburgh, 1953).

LIFC ― K. Meyer, Learning in Ireland in the Fifth Century and the Transmission of Letters (Dublin, 1913).

LIS ― C. Plummer, Bethada Naem nErenn (Lives of Irish Saints), 2 vols. (Oxford, 1922).

LL ― The Book of Leinster, facsimile edition by R. Atkinson (Dublin, 1880).

LP ― M. P. Charlesworth, The Lost Province (Cardiff, 1949).

LRB ― A. Birley, Life in Roman Britain (London, 1964).

LRE ― A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire, 3 vols., + один том с картами (Oxford, 1964).

LRV ― G. W. Meates, Lullingstone Roman Villa (London, 1955).

LS ― D. A. White, Litus Saxonicum (Madison, Wisconsin, 1961).

LU ― Lebor na hUidre, ed. R. Best and O. Bergin (Dublin, 1929).

Lughnasa ― Maire MacNeill, The Festival of Lughnasa (Oxford, 1962).

Manuel ― J. Dechelette, Manuel d'Archdologie Prehistorique Celtique et Gallo-Romaine, II (Paris, 1914).

Manuel ― G. Dottin, Manuel pour servir a FEtude de l'Antiquite Celtique (2nd ed., Paris, 1915).

Math ― W. J. Gruffydd, Math vab Mathonwy (Cardiff, 1928).

MD ― The Metrical Dindshenchas. Edited and translated by E. Gwynn in 5 parts (Dublin, R. I. A., 1903–1935).

ND ― O. Seeck (editor), Notitia Dignitatum (Berlin, 1876).

OCR ― P. W. Joyce, Old Celtic Romances (London, 1914).

OEN ― H. M. Chadwick, The Origin of the English Nation (Cambridge, 1907).

OIT ― K. H. Jackson, The Oldest Irish Tradition: A Window on the Iron Age (Cambridge, 1964).

ON ― P. Hunter Blair, The Origins of Northumbria (Gateshead-on-Tyne, 1948).

Onomasticon ― E. Hogan, Onomasticon Goidelicum (Dublin, 1910).

P and P ― C. Fox, Pattern and Purpose (Cardiff, 1958).

P and S ― W. F. Skene, Chronicles of the Picts and Scots (Edinburgh, 1867).

Pelage ― G. de Plinval, Pelage, Ses Ecrits, Sa Vie, et sa Rdforme (Lausanne, 1943).

Pelagius ― J. Ferguson, Pelagius (Cambridge, 1956).

Phases ― E. MacNeill, Phases of Irish History (Dublin, 1920).

PLECG ― N. K. Chadwick, Poetry and Letters in Early Christian Gaul (London, 1955).

PP ― The Problem of the Picts, edited by F. T. Wainwright (Edinburgh, 1965).

Rawl. ― Rawlinson B 502, facsimile edition, ed. K. Meyer (Oxford, 1909).

RB ― I. A. Richmond, Roman Britain (Harmdonsworth, 1955; 2nd ed., 1963).

RBEE ― P. Hunter Blair, Roman Britain and Early England (Edinburgh, 1963).

RBES ― F. G. Collingwood and J. N. L. Myres, Roman Britain and the English Settlements (Oxford, 1936).

RC ― I. A. Richmond and O. G. S. Crawford, The British Section of the Ravenna Cosmography (Oxford, 1949).

RCB ― G. Webster and D. R. Dudley, The Roman Conquest of Britain (London, 1965).

RG ― O. Brogan, Roman Gaul (London, 1953).

RIB ― R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain (Oxford, 1965).

RIN ― C. G. Stair, The Roman Imperial Navy (Ithaca, N. Y., 1941).

RNNB ― I. A. Richmond, Roman and Native in North Britain (Edinburgh, 1958).

ROB ― F. Haverfield and G. Macdonald, The Roman Occupation of Britain (Oxford, 1924).

RRB ― F. Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain (Revised by G. Macdonald, Oxford, 1923).

SC ― Sanas Cormaic, An Old-Irish Glossary, edited by Kuno Meyer (Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts iv, Halle, 1912).

Schools of Gaul ― T. Haarhoff, Schools of Gaul: A Study of Pagan and Christian Education in the Last Century of the Western Empire (Oxford, 1920).

SCO ― G. S. M. Walker, Sancti Columbani Opera (Dublin, 1957).

SEBC ― Studies in the Early British Church by N. K. Chadwick, K. Hughes, Christopher Brooke, K. Jackson (Cambridge, 1958).

SEBH ― Studies in Early British History, by H M. Chadwick and others (Cambridge, 1954, reprinted 1959).

SECT ― J. Anderson, Scotland in Early Christian Times (Edinburgh, 1881).

SG ― S. H. O'Grady, Silva Gadelica (London, 1892). Vol. I Irish Texts. Vol. II Translations.

SI ― F. Henry, La Sculpture Irlandaise (Paris, 1933).

SILH ― J. Carney, Studies in Irish Literature and History (Dublin, 1955).

SM ― G. Murphy, Saga and Myth in Ancient Ireland (Dublin, 1961).

Sources ― J. F. Kenney, The Sources for the Early History of Ireland (New York, 1929).

SS ― S. Hellmann, Sedulius Scottus (Munich, 1906).

ST ― Stith Thompson, Motif-Index of Folk Literature, 6 vols. (Copenhagen, 1955–1958).

Stanwick ― R. E. M. Wheeler, The Stanwick Fortifications (Oxford, 1954).

Tain ― Die altirische Heldensage Tain Bo Ciialnge, edited and translated by E. Windisch (Leipzig, 1905). [Новое издание и перевод C. O'Rahilly, Dublin, 1967.]

TIG ― Three Irish Glossaries, edited by Whitley Stokes (London, 1862).

TL ― M. L. W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in Western Europe A. D. 500–900 (2nd ed., London, 1957).

TP ― T. F. O'Rahilly, The Two Patricks (Dublin, 1942).

Triads ― Trioedd Ynys Prydein. The Welsh Triads, edited and translated by R. Bromwich (Cardiff, 1961).

Tripartite Life ― The Tripartite Life of Patrick with other Documents relating to that Saint. 2 vols., edited by Whitley Stokes (London, 1887). I. Tripartite Life, ирландский текст и перевод. II. Документы о св. Патрике, ирландский текст и перевод

TRS ― O. G. S. Crawford, Topography of Roman Scotland (Cambridge, 1949).

TSC ― J. Earle and C. Plummer, Two Saxon Chronicles, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1899).

TT ― A. O. Curie, The Treasure of Traprain: A Scottish Hoard of Roman Silver (Glasgow, 1923).

VA ― Viking Antiquities in Great Britain and Ireland, 6 parts (Oslo, 1940–54).

VB ― K. Meyer, The Voyage of Bran, 2 vols. (Dublin: I, 1895, II, 1897).

VSBG ― A. W. Wade-Evans, Vitae Sanctorum Britanniae et Genealogiae (Cardiff, 1944).

VSH ― C. Plummer, Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1910).

WK ― J. Moreau, Die Welt der Kelten (3rJ ed., Stutthart, 1961).

YBL ― The Yellow Book of Lecan.
