‘Have a good time?’ Ben asked.

‘Is that a question or an offer?’ Caroline released herself from the backpack and let it fall and gave him a hug and a kiss. She’d just returned to the house from Bristol Airport. ‘It was all right, but I’d rather have gone with you.’

‘Tea? Coffee?’

‘Just water. Hello, rascal.’ She picked up Claude the kitten.

They moved into the kitchen where something that tickled the taste buds was simmering in the slow cooker. Ben opened the fridge and handed her a bottle. ‘Did they behave themselves? No nasty surprises?’

‘Nothing I’d call nasty. Actually they spent most of the time on their phones trying to check what their boyfriends were up to. But Dublin is so cool. Live music everywhere and the Guinness is awesome.’

‘Nobody pinned an L-plate on you?’

‘Per-lease!’ She let the kitten run free and drank most of the water. ‘What’s been happening here?’

‘Very little. It’s spooky. We get married on Saturday and it’s all gone quiet. A few more cards and the gas bill.’

‘What’s the weather going to do?’

‘Hurricane Caroline is due to hit Bath at two o’clock Saturday, but apart from that...’

‘Be serious, Ben. Have you checked?’

He took out his phone. ‘Sunny intervals with the chance of showers. It’s been like that all week.’

‘You haven’t heard anything from Daddy?’

He shook his head. ‘My mum, fussing over flowers, that’s all.’

‘I had a call. He’s still insisting I spend the night before at his place, so he and I can leave together for the abbey. He’s so last century about the way things are done. Everyone knows you and I are already an item, for Christ’s sake.’

‘What did you say?’

‘I was like you’ve got to think this through, Daddy, because you’ll also have three hyped-up bridesmaids running riot in your home on Saturday morning, but he’s not bothered.’

‘You’ll go?’

‘Got to keep him on side, haven’t we? He’ll be picking up the tab. I mustn’t forget to take the kitten and his things.’

‘You’ll remember the kitten and forget your wedding dress.’

‘That’s well possible. Has that policeman been in touch?’

‘Peter Diamond? No.’

‘What do you make of him?’ she asked.

‘He’s just another plod, like my dad. He’ll do his job on the day and get a good tip. You and I don’t have to worry about him.’

‘I don’t think he likes Daddy.’

‘He wouldn’t, would he? They’re poles apart. He’s only coming for my dad’s peace of mind.’

‘Your mum made sure his plate was well filled. I think she fancies him.’

‘She’s like that with everyone. She’ll organise us all on the day.’

Caroline’s eyes flashed defiance. ‘She’d better not try. It’s my day... and yours. We’ll do things my way.’

Ben sighed. ‘I’m thinking this wedding is going to test everyone’s tolerance.’

‘Stop thinking it, then, misery guts. Man up. You’ll be the happiest guy alive on Saturday.’
