So. I’m finally getting to the part where my life gets ruined by Mom, and also Earl’s life. Go get some popcorn! This is gonna be awesome. I’ll wait right here.
Mmmm. Buttery, salty popcorn.
Actually, I’m gonna go make some popcorn, too. Hang on.
Fuck, this is the diet kind. This is disgusting. This tastes like the inside of a couch.
So in the making of Rachel the Film, I fell behind on schoolwork sort of a lot. I already kind of told you about that, but during Rachel the Film, things reached sort of an embarrassing point. Basically, I was getting gangbanger-level grades, and teachers were starting to take me aside after class to tell me that I was destroying my own life. And finally, the day after I delivered the one copy of Rachel the Film to Rachel, Mr. McCarthy staged an intervention. He went to Mom and Dad, and the three of them agreed that Mr. McCarthy was allowed to keep me after school every day for hours to prevent me from failing my classes.
Did this happen to Earl? No. Earl takes classes where you don’t fail, period. It doesn’t matter what work you do or how often you show up. You could staple a dead animal to your homework and you wouldn’t fail. You could show up one day and pelt your teacher with bags of narcotics and poop. They’d probably just send you to the vice principal’s office or something.
So suddenly I was doing schoolwork all the time, under the watchful, quietly insane eye of Mr. McCarthy. I guess I was actually sort of grateful that someone else was taking over my life. I mean, I’m obviously pretty terrible at managing my own life, so it was nice to know that it was in good hands. But also it was nice to have all these concrete tasks to do and be sort of distracted and consumed by them. It kept me from thinking about every depressing weird thing that was going on at that time.
Unfortunately, it also prevented me from noticing that Mom was suddenly behaving abnormally.
Normally, when I’m home, she likes to do some annoying check-in at least every hour. There is no end to the reasons moms can use for annoying check-ins.
• Just seeing how things are going
• Just seeing if you need any help with anything
• Just wanted to say it’s a beautiful day outside and maybe you should think about getting some exercise
• Just letting you know that I’m going to spin class
• Just letting you know I’m back from spin class
• Just letting you know that Gretchen is being A Little Difficult Right Now so please don’t aggravate her
• Just wondering if you want beef tips for dinner or do you eat lamb because I was heading out to Whole Foods but I forget if you eat lamb
• Just had a question for you but now I forget what it is, so I’ll just ask you later, unless you might know what the question was, but you probably don’t, so I’ll just come back later, so things are going OK? They are? Honey, you need to turn some lights on in here or you’ll destroy your eyes
For a few days, this came to an unprecedented halt. I wasn’t home as much, and then when I was home, there were no check-ins. In hindsight, I really should have suspected something was up. But I was busy, and also, I was probably unconsciously grateful for the temporary lack of annoying check-ins, and unwilling to risk re-triggering them.
The hammer fell during eighth period.
One great thing about eighth-period lunch is that pep rallies are always scheduled for eighth period, so Earl and I never have to go to them. However, at least in theory, they’re mandatory attendance for the whole school, and for some reason Mr. McCarthy was a jerk about this one.
“Sorry, guys,” he said, standing in the doorway as his ninth-grade history class milled around outside like disoriented toddlers. “I’d get in big trouble if anyone found you here during the pep rally.”
So we left our lunches on his desk and tagged along with the ninth graders to the auditorium.
For most pep rallies, the marching band’s drum section is onstage, pounding out some repetitive beat, and maybe some of the bolder athletes grab a microphone and try to freestyle over it, until they get too sexually explicit or accidentally say the F- or N-word, at which point a vice principal shuts them down. However, there was just a massive projector screen onstage, and no drummers; just Principal Stewart. We were among the last classes to arrive, and so we had barely sat down among the ninth graders when Principal Stewart took the microphone and spoke.
Principal Stewart is a giant, terrifying black man. There’s no other way to put it. He is extremely authoritative, and his default facial expression, like Earl’s, is Pissed. I had never been directly addressed by him, and I was hoping to keep it that way until graduation.
His speaking style is hard to describe. There’s sort of an angry undercurrent to everything he says, even when the words aren’t angry at all, and there are a lot of pauses. He definitely sounded pissed at the pep rally.
“Students and teachers. Of Benson High School. Welcome to this pep rally. We are here. To cheer the Trojans. To certain victory over Allderdice. Tonight on the football field.”
Cheering and hollering that Principal Stewart, glaring at all of us, brought to an abrupt end.
“However. It is for a greater purpose. That I have assembled everyone. Here on this afternoon. I will make my words brief. On this subject.”
Major pause.
“A member of the Benson family. Is in the fight of her life. Against cancer. You may know her personally. And if not you have certainly heard. Her name. Her name is Rachel Kushner. We have all. At one time or another. Sent our prayers. Out to her and her family. They are needed.”
The anger sort of made this sound ironic, which made me sort of giggle quietly. And then Principal Stewart was staring right at me, and I had this dumb smile frozen on my face, and words cannot describe to you the terror I felt at that moment.
“But two students. Have gone further. Much further. They have spent countless hours. Creating a film.”
Next to me, I heard Earl make a strangled noise.
“A film to lift Rachel’s spirits. A film to give her company. And hope. And love. A film to make her laugh. And feel cherished.”
For every word that Principal Stewart was saying, I wanted to punch myself in the face.
“They did not intend. For anyone but Rachel. To see this film. They did this for her. And her alone. However, gestures of love. Of this quality. Are surely worth seeing. And appreciating. And applauding.”
A new feeling came over me. I wanted to punch myself in the junk.
“Gregory Gaines. Earl Jackson. Please come to the stage.”
My legs felt weak. I couldn’t stand up. The back of my throat tasted like barf. Earl had a look on his face like a dead man. I was trying to black out on command. I wasn’t quite able to do it.
What had happened was, Denise had found the film. Rachel had put it on and then fallen asleep. And Denise walked into the room, found it, and watched it. And then Denise shared it with Mom. And Mom told Denise about how Earl and I never let anyone see anything. And Denise and Mom decided that everyone should see this film. And without letting us know, they went to some teachers at the school. And the teachers saw it. And Principal Stewart saw it. And now everyone was about to see it.
Onstage, as people halfheartedly applauded, Principal Stewart clapped his giant hands on our shoulders, glared at us as though he was about to eat our flesh, and said quietly, “I am very moved. By what you boys have done. You are a credit to this school.” Then the three of us sat in chairs off to one side, and Earl’s giant head and my somehow even gianter head appeared on the screen, and for twenty-eight minutes, everyone at Benson sat through Rachel the Film.