Alaskan Blues

Day 152
03 May 2041
Nome, Alaska
Nome Airport

Pvt. Lopez hated Alaska. From the first day they arrived in Nome two weeks ago it had been miserable. It was cloudy, raining most of the time and the temperature stayed in the mid-50s. The weather had finally started to get better, but all they had done since they arrived was dig trenches, build bunkers and prepare machine gun nests. Now his platoon was working on building several anti-tank ditches and wiring them up with explosives.

Word had it a Russian invasion force had already set sail for Nome and was expected to arrive within the next two weeks. Their lieutenant kept telling them they had to hurry, they did not have much time left to get the city and airport ready to defend, but Pvt. Lopez wondered what the point was. This was a small airport in the middle of nowhere Alaska. The real fight was going to be down near Anchorage.
