Field of Blood

Day 181
01 June 2041
Kodiak, Alaska

General Jing Zhu stepped off the landing craft on the beach near the city of Kodiak, Alaska. What he saw made his stomach churn; the water around the beach was still red with blood and gore soaked the beach. Bodies could be seen floating in the water and strung all along the beach for as far as they eye could see in both directions. Clearly, the Americans had fought hard for this section of land, and the Chinese had paid dearly to capture this beach head. Off in the distance, General Zhu could hear the rumble of artillery fire and the continuous cacophony of machine gun fire as both sides tried relentlessly to kill each other.

Overhead, the screams of aircraft could be heard as Chinese drones and manned fighters continued to fight for dominance of the skies. General Zhu turned his head slightly and watched as a group of eight attack helicopters headed towards the frontlines. Then he saw a large landing craft drop its front ramp; a large main battle tank came to life and rumbled off of the landing craft and began to head towards the frontlines.

“General Zhu,” an aid said, interrupting his thoughts. “The Command Post is over here; the rest of your staff if ready.”

As General Jing Zhu entered the half blown-out town hall that was now operating as the command post for the ground operations, he saw the commander of the PLAN infantry along with his army commanders present.

He smiled as he began, “Generals, Operation Red Dragon has been a huge success. For the first time in modern history, a foreign army has invaded America. Today marks the end of America and the rise of the Dragon—”
