The Invasion Begins

Day 180
31 May 2041
Nome, Alaska
Operation Red Dawn

As the Russian fleet approached the city of Nome, Alaska, they encountered the Navy’s new Swordfish underwater drone for the first time. The drone was able to launch four torpedoes before the Russians even knew it was in the area. It sank a troop carrier, and damaged one of the two Russian carriers. The other two torpedoes hit an ammunition ship and a troop transport, sinking both ships.

The Russian fleet began to launch a massive missile barrage in coordination with the carrier air wings, heavily damaging the airport and city of Nome. While the bombardment was underway, hundreds of smaller amphibious landing crafts were making preparations for the first Russian seaborne invasion of America.

While the amphibious landing was taking place, the sky was being filled with drones and aircraft vying for control of the battlespace. Dozens of transport aircraft were dropping thousands of Russian paratroopers deep behind enemy lines to sow as much confusion and chaos as possible. As the first wave of infantry hit the beaches, they met heavy resistance from the American positions near the coastline. The battle for the beach raged on for nearly three hours; it was not until the Russians landed their third wave of forces (intermixed with tanks) that they broke through the American positions.

The shore and several hundred meters inland were littered with the dead and dying. Hundreds of bodies could be seen floating in the water and crashing against the shore as the waves continued to push their lifeless bodies against the sand and rocks. The water became red from their blood.

Once the beach area was lost, the Americans began a quick retreat to their secondary positions. The troops returning from the coast were exhausted, beat up, dirty, and low on ammunition. They passed through the secondary defensive line and the troops assigned to defend it, giving them as much information about the oncoming Russians as they could before they were loaded into waiting vehicles and driven to the third line of defense. That is where they would reform and prepare to meet the Russians once again.
