
Day 152
03 May 2041
Anchor Point, Alaska

Sergeant Paul Allen had been transferred to the 12th Infantry Division, XI Army Group, Second Army, in Alaska after he had recovered from his wounds a month ago. He had been part of the 1st Infantry Division and was wounded during the battle of Jerusalem. After taking several bullets to the chest and surviving, he was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to a brand new infantry division, the 12th, to help form the new NCO cadre and bring some combat experience to the group. Close to half of the NCOs and officers had been previously wounded in the Middle East or Europe, and rather than being transferred back to their old units, they were becoming part of the nucleus of the new infantry divisions being formed in the US.

Anchor Point, Alaska was a small town, but it controlled the inlet leading to Anchorage, making it a critically important area to defend. If the Chinese wanted to secure Anchorage by sea, then they were going to have to dislodge the American positions at Anchor Point, and Homer. The engineers had been building numerous reinforced trenches, bombardment bunkers and gun emplacement positions for the 20mm heavy railguns. These railguns were going to be the primary land-based weapon in preventing the landing craft from getting ashore.

Two kilometers behind the primary defensive positions at the beach was a secondary defensive stronghold. The engineers were building defensive positions that were between two and four kilometers apart. They were ensuring the Chinese infantry would have to fight every position, one at a time, in order to clear the peninsula to get at Anchorage. The fight for Alaska was going to be a bloody fight; if the Chinese and Russians thought they could invade America and find a weak and defenseless population, they were in for a real surprise. Dozens of civilian militia units had also formed, and were being armed by the military as well. They were being given specific hit and run targets to go after, while the regular army focused on the main enemy units. With tens of thousands of US Soldiers arriving in Alaska a day, this fight was brewing up to be one of the nastiest of the war.
