Acronym Key

AFC — America First Corporation

AG — Attorney General

AI — Artificial Intelligence

AIR — Advanced Infantry Rifle

AMRAAM — Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

AOR — Area of Responsibility

APFV — Anti-Personnel Fighting Vehicle

BDA — Battle Damage Assessment

BH — Battle Helmet

CENTCOM — Central Command (located in Tampa, FL, covers the Middle East AOR)

CG — Commanding General

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CO — Commanding Officer

CP — Company Post

COG — Continuance of Government

COMSUBLANT — Commander Submarine Force Atlantic

CONUS — Continental United States

DARPA — Defense Advance Research Projects Agency

DHS — Department of Homeland Security

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DoD — Department of Defense

EAM — Emergency Action Message

EF — Expeditionary Force (Chinese)

EFP — Explosively Formed Penetrators

EMP — Electromagnetic Pulse

EMT — Emergency Medical Technician

EU — European Union

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigation

FEMA — Federal Emergency Management Agency

FISA — Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

HEAT — High Explosive Anti-Tank

HUD — Heads Up Display

ICBM — Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

ID — Infantry Division

IDF — Israeli Defensive Force

IFV — Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IIF — Individual Identification Frequency

IR — Islamic Republic

JSTAR — Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

MANPAD — Man Portable Missile

MBT — Main Battle Tanks

MEF — Marine Expeditionary Force

MIRV — Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles

MLRS — Multiple Launch Rocket System

NAD — New American Dollars

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCDC — National Control Defense Center

NCO — Non-Commissioned Officer

NSA — National Security Agency

NSC — National Security Council

OCONUS — Outside Continental United States

PE — Private Equity

PLA — People’s Liberation Army (Chinese Army)

PLAAF — People’s Liberation Army Air Force (Chinese Air Force)

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army Navy (Chinese Navy)

PM — Prime Minister

PMC — Private Military Corporation

PRC — People’s Republic of China

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

RA — Royal Army (British)

RAF — Royal Air Force

RFID — Radio Frequency Identification

ROK — Republic of Korea (North Korea)

ROKAF — Republic of Korea Air Force (North Korea)

SACEUR — NATO Supreme Allied Commander

SAEF — South American Expeditionary Force

SAM — Surface to Air Missile

SCZ — Suez Canal Zone

SecDef — Secretary of Defense

SD — Science Division

SF — Special Forces

SFC — Sergeant First Class

SLBM — Submarine Launch Ballistic Missile

SSBM — Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarines

SUD — Swordfish Underwater Drone

UD — Underwater Drone

XO — Executive Officer (second in charge)

3C — Command, Control & Communication
