The following day, after I had completed my work, I went to visit my daughter. She was in the storeroom and embraced me directly I arrived. " In heaven' s name, dear Papa, look out for your health. My need for your paternal kindness is greater than ever. What would become of me were I to lose you? You are the best of fathers, you give me all my necessities and much pleasure besides. I have an insatiable gem, but your Trait- d' Amour appeases it and satisfies me wonderfully well. I am well aware of the gift you have given me, and am grateful for it. My gratitude and tenderness belong entirely to you, I give no one else anything but fuck."
" My adorable daughter, you are always so faultlessly modest."
" I am also obliged to Trait- d' Amour for having brought along his little sister and his pretty mistress, especially for having turned them over to his two comrades so that he was able to devote all his attentions to me and relieve you in the hour of need, for I was very hot indeed. The girls are dear little creatures and are at least as accomplished as Rose- Mauve, who, I must say, is not without her merits. But you must be careful not to overdo it, Papa. Stay close to me, I' ll keep you busy enough. And no more than one party a week – I' m thinking of your capacities now, not of mine. Trait- d' Amour will give me most of what I need between parties. By only making love on Sundays, the boys and girls will find their appetite increased and their pleasure greater. We' ll devote half the day to the games and it will be delightful. But I' m jealous of you and Trait- d' Amour. Don' t put it in anyone but me, tell them all you don' t want any cunt but mine. I am jealous by nature, and, then again, where will you find a wife or a girl better than the one you have? I' m always clean and neat, whenever I do pee- pee I wash, as much for the fun of it as for the sake of fastidiousness, since this part of me, which you find charming, is always so hot that I never bring water into its neighborhood without feeling voluptuous sensations approaching those of lovemaking. And so don' t put it in me during the week, wait until Sunday, your pleasure will be greater and you' ll avoid killing yourself. Touch neither my fur nor my bubbies."
" You' re quite right," I admitted, " During the week I' ll kiss nothing other than your pretty feet, and I want constantly to have one of your slippers on my mantelpiece at home."
" By all means. There' s nothing more flattering than thus to be worshipped even down to one' s last articles of apparel. Because you adore them, I take the very best care of my feet. I wash them in rose water twice each day, morning and evening and whenever I come back from a walk."
" Ah, celestial fuckeress, let me kiss them! Let me kiss them!"
" None of that during the week; it arouses you. Kiss your idol. My face is as sensitive as most other parts of me. But go no further. Apart from that, I' m yours, do with me what you like, sell me, surrender me whenever you wish. I' ll give myself with pleasure, knowing it is for you."
Despite my inclinations, I fasted dutifully; I kept control over myself because it was necessary to do so. But there on my mantel lay her slipper, pink with green heels. I rendered it a daily homage in honor of my daughter, the most pious and most devoted child any man ever had. On Saturday I told Conquette of this ritual; she was transported with joy. She darted her tongue into my mouth, gave me her nipples to suck, her silken cunt hair to fondle, and said lovingly: " I thank heaven for having given me such a good father. He took the best care of me during my childhood and I am happy now to be able to make some return for his kindness by giving him a little pleasure. I am the charm and delight of his life, he is the charm and delight of mine. In love, and this I know by experience, nothing equals the voluptuousness of incest."
A few minutes later, at eight o' clock, the whole of our little society, Trait- d' Amour, his sister Minonne, his mistress Connette, Rose- Mauve, Cordaboyau, Brisemotte, came to talk over the next day' s get- together. I gave them the password and asked them to stay for supper. We had a fine eight- pound roast leg of lamb and quantities of Burgundy with hot pate. After the meal, eager to inject a little fire into them and into myself too, I related in the Brideconins' s presence, the following story.
" You enjoy stories," I said, pushing aside the plate containing my pate, which I did not wish to eat. " We' ll have very different business on our hands tomorrow. While you are finishing your supper I propose to entertain you with a tale." My friends laughed merrily and then fell silent and listened.
" There was in the city of Sens a widow, still beautiful although the mother of six girls, the eldest of whom was nearing twenty- three and was named Adelaide; the second, Sophie, was less than twenty- two; Julie, the third, was almost twenty- one; Justine twenty, Aglae nineteen, and finally, the youngest, Emilie eighteen. The mother, Madame Linars – that was her name – had as well two nieces, Lucie and Annette Baco. Also in the household were a pretty chambermaid of eighteen and the cook, a tall and handsome girl of twenty years. The husband had mismanaged his financial affairs before he died; his widow had only the income from her dowry, roughly five or six thousand pounds, with which to support her numerous entourage. The nieces had, between the two of them, only fifteen hundred pounds a years. Thus there were eleven persons to maintain on at the most seven thousand five hundred pounds.
" There then appeared in Sens a large and handsome man whose face indicated an age of thirty, whereas he was actually ten years younger than that. He was said to be exceedingly rich, and indeed he was. His arms and chest were covered with a thicket of hair; his regard was direct, penetrating, even fierce but his smile was sweet and gave him a mild aspect. And it was often he smiled, and unfailingly when he saw a pretty woman.
" The eldest of the Linars girls was charming. Fysistere fell head over heels in love with her even though in his seraglio he already had at the time a married woman whom he' d spirited away from Paris with her husband' s consent. He had also this unfortunate lady' s sister, sold him by her father. Thirdly, he had a superb Carmelite nun, their cousin, who had given herself of her own accord to him, because, doubtless, she was hysterical or, if you prefer, a nymphomaniac. But all his mistresses were pregnant at the time: Fysistere employed them exclusively for the begetting of children. He went to Madame Linars' s house to ask for Adelaide' s hand.
" The hairy rascal, discovering no fewer than eleven women in the establishment, fairly trembled, so at home did he feel. He produced an inventory of his goods, reckoned up his fortune, and proposed to marry the eldest. An annual income of thirty thousand francs and documents he exhibited induced Madame Linars to accept without having to be asked a second time. Thereafter, appearing the prefect gentleman, he paid the family visits until the marriage, and he distributed presents, not only to his intended, but to her mother, the sister- inlaw, to Lucie and Annette, the two nieces, as well as to Geoline and Mariette, the servants. ' Twas by means of these gifts he laid siege to their virtue.
" But a few details are required to be better acquainted with this personage.
" Fysistere was one of those hirsute men who have descended from a mingling of our species with that of the strange men with tails who dwell in the isthmus of Panama and upon the island of Borneo. He had the vigor of ten ordinary men, that is to say he might have beaten ten if they' d fought with the same weapons and on an equal footing, and he needed, all for himself, as many women as ten men would require. In Paris, he had bought the wife of a person named Guac, a scoundrel who' d sold and surrendered her to him. Fysistere had since then been keeping her under lock and key. He took his pleasure with this luckless creature (the most enticing woman imaginable and one furnished with a passionate temper) ten or twelve times each day, which usage so fatigued her that she had recommended he consult her father and arrange to buy her sister too, Doucette by name, who would share her work with her. He did as she suggested, but these two women were soon worn to a frazzle; happily, a nun' s confessor at about the same period located the hysterical nun for our satyr. She was the cousin of the two sisters. The confessor got her from her convent by a ruse, saying he planned to take her to a health resort. He delivered her instead to Fysistere. She serviced him alone for a fortnight. Her two cousins thereby got some much needed rest.
"' Twas at this period the man with the tail came to Sens and met the Linars family. Before he had acquired Madame Guac, he had been brought three dressmaker' s apprentices every morning. But the precautions he was obliged to take for the sake of his health when dealing with creatures who, after having seen him, circulated freely about town, these safety measures, I say, annoyed and hampered him no end and spoiled the pleasure he took with the girls he had procured. Moreover, as he had decided upon a plan to increase the size of the race of tailed men, and to populate all of Borneo, his native island, with them, he was eager to be able to keep an eye on the children he sired. His three women were gravid, he preferred not to fatigue them further for the time being. As soon as he had gained entry into the Linars home, he would have undertaken without delay to deflower his future wife, or stuff one of the nieces, or the cook or the maid, had he not noticed that this would have brought on complications. He decided to postpone this supplementary recruiting until after his marriage. The first whom he assailed was his mother- in- law- to- be. He gave her a gift of two thousand crowns in cash one day, and, she flying into an ecstasy of gratitude, he slid his hand under her skirt. ' You' ll have an identical sum every six months," said he, " if you let me put it in you now. Nor need you worry lest your submission prove prejudicial to your daughter. There' s more than enough left for her.' As he was uncommonly powerful, he stirred and stuffed her all the while he was talking. The lady found herself caught. She' d been very far from expecting this. She was fucked at least ten times over, so vigorous was her opponent. At last, released, she gasped: ' My stars! what a man!'
"' I am indeed an uncommon one,' said he. ' When both you and your daughter shall have had to do with me, of your own accord you' ll go scouting after mistresses for me. I am excessively demanding.' The lady, who was fond of love- sport, blushed to the eyes with anticipation and pleasure. She was exploited every day while they waited for that upon which the wedding was to be celebrated.
" When this day arrived, seriously worried about her virgin daughter' s inexperience, she besought the tireless Fysistere to treat her gently. ' Six times,' he replied, ' no more, provided you promise to receive me immediately afterwards or to give me the elder of your nieces.'
"' No, but I' ll give you Geoline or Mariette, whichever of the two is more willing.'
" On the evening of the wedding- day, Fysistere, although he had been furnishing Madame Linars regularly every night, was on pins and needles with impatience to have at his bride. Immediately after the supper, he picked her up like a feather, bore her to the marital couch, and attacked her without further ceremony. She uttered dreadful screams. The mother, alarmed, ran in with Geoline in tow at the very moment Fysistere, largely unconcerned about the young woman' s groans, was preparing to begin afresh. The mother let him finish, then, heeding her daughter' s urgent pleas, she took her from the bed to wash out the blood and semen with which her wounded cunt was brimming. No sooner were they gone from the room than Fysistere laid hands on Geoline and raped her despite her loud remonstrances. He repeated his prodigious performance four or five times. She took advantage of an interval to break away from him; but Fysistere threatened Madame Linars, saying that, if she did not offer herself in her daughter' s place, he' d torment Adelaide till daybreak. The lady was tired; she went in search of Mariette, whom she locked into the nuptial chamber. Fysistere violated her and kept his seat until he' d discharged four times. Then he allowed her to get some sleep.
" The next morning he soothed the injured feelings of the young domestics and even won them over by awarding each of them an income of twelve hundred pounds a year, but they insisted upon having the following night off. That evening, Fysistere, reencunted his new wife six times. She was beginning to conceive somewhat of a taste for the game, then, her mother, rested, was in her turn reamed clean and dry six times in a row; that sufficed the man with the tail. Came the evening of the third day, he reencunted his wife only once, for she begged quarter. After her, he had Geoline six times, then Mariette five, which made the round dozen he was accustomed to. The fourth night, he had his wife once, his mother- in- law four times, Geoline three, Mariette four: twelve all told. And so it went for two months.
"' But, my dear boy,' Madame Linars exclaimed, ' you' re wearing yourself out! What is the good of doing it so often?'
"' My aim is to beget children. I intend to populate an island in the Indies where the men of my race originally come from. When I find you are pregnant, I' ll cease tuppering you. You' ll bring me other women, especially your daughters and your nieces, because the blood in your family is distinguished. Every member of it you bring me will receive an annuity of six thousand pounds. I' ll give only twelve hundred for those not of your line.' Madame Linars was amazed at this proposition, but she was tempted by the six thousand pounds for her daughters and nieces. Six weeks later, Madame Linars, the bride, and the two servants, Geoline and Mariette, were all pregnant. Fysistere declared he' d have nothing more to do with them until after they' d given birth, and he pressed Madame Linars to bring him her nieces and two of her other daughters. She was obliged to consent. She led them in herself, after having fully explained what was expected of them, and she assisted at their deflowering, quieting their fears and stilling their cries by her words and caresses.
"' My reasonable child,' she said to Lucie who was lying on her back and being readied for the operation, '' tis pleasant indeed to have six thousand pound a year. That comes to five hundred a month,' she added while pommading her. ' Think of it! Five hundred all for yourself!' and she directed the stout device into her crack. Although a virgin, the lovely Lucie made no outcry thanks to her Madame Linard' s sustained and effective prattle. Then up stepped Annette. Her aunt exhorted her, pommaded her, inserted an index finger as deep as possible into her cunt, so as to clear the way. She introduced the member into the thus readied trick. Nevertheless, once perforated, Annette uttered shrill cries, but they had not the slightest effect upon Fysistere whose hairy tail, quivering with animation, Madame Linars was stroking. ' Ah, Mother dear,' said he to her, ' get on top of me and bury it in your cunt, you' ll find it is agreeable.' She did so and was so delighted she called in her eldest daughter and the two servants to procure them the same pleasure.
" Annette having been sufficiently often encunted and pleading for respite, Geoline took her away to wash the blood and sperm from her muddied gem, and Madame Linars went in quest of Sophie, her second oldest daughter. Adelaide refused to submit to a skewering, so Geoline popped the tail into her cunt. Sophie moaned very little when exposed to the initial onslaught. She gave back a few blows during the two succeeding ones, even though she was bleeding. Geoline scraped herself with the tail throughout the whole seance. Fysistere had discharged a mere nine times; he had still three more shots in his chamber. Julie was sent for. She was the third daughter and eighteen years old. Her mother oiled her, which did not prevent her from screeching, since she was very narrowly constructed. Neither Julie nor her cousin took significant pleasure in coitus for the first fortnight. Lucie was impregnated at once, three days later Sophie was too, but they held their tongues, and went on tasting pleasure, which they were fond of. As for Julie and Annette, three months passed before they became pregnant, Annette warming herself with the tail while Julie weathered the prick' s attacks.
" When it became plainly evident that the four beauties' s bellies were laden, Madame Linars was required to supply her three last daughters and a first cousin named Naturelle Linars. They were surrendered, both Justine and Aglae, and so was Emilie, although only fourteen: they were all deflowered in a single night, notwithstanding their screams and the damage sustained by their delicate machinery. Naturelle was twenty- one. Here was a superb morsel the man with the tail had kept in store for the end of the feast. She was impregnated straight off, and the three others, young though they were, did not get through the month empty- bellied. They were stuffed, each of them, three times a night, but, whether because they lacked spirit or zest, or because they were too narrowly made, they suffered upon every encounter, and were thoroughly delighted when they were pronounced gravid.
" The tailed man was mightily pleased with himself. To date, he had fecundated fourteen females who held out the promise of at least fourteen children. ' Twas at this period Madame Linars gave birth to a girl. A month later, Adelaide, or Madame Betoiled, also brought a girl into the world. Then Geoline and Mariette each produced a boy and Annette and Lucie each a daughter. All six wished to nurse their offspring, and so they were packed off to an estate in the vicinity of Seignelai, considerably removed from the main- traveled roads in the Yonne, but situated by a little stream called the Serin.
" What with some of them nursing children and others in confinement, Fysistere needed new women. He asked Madame Linars' s permission to fecundate his three earliest concubines: Madame Guac, her sister Doucette and the Carmelite whose hysterics had quieted down since her childbirth. The good woman agreed most heartily, for she was having a difficult time finding fecundable material for her son- inlaw. She had already cast an appraising eye upon the four least ugly maidens in the village and even upon a fifth, the prettiest of them all, a married woman who had had no success in attempting to get a child by her husband. Madame Linars had virtually won them all over my means of the twelve hundred pounds per year, but she was not yet sure of their discretion.
" The three concubines were summoned to headquarters. They arrived late the same evening and were all three placed in a huge bed large enough to accommodate five. Fysistere lay down in the midst of his harem. He palpated them all, then selected Madame Guac, the most voluptuous, and fucked her furiously three times over. He next fastened upon Doucette, whose timid sighs and little moans transformed his prick into a pile- driver. Leaving her, he sprang upon Victoire, whom he drenched with six copious outpourings in succession; she had assured him she was over her illness and besought him to distribute his blessings impartially amongst the three of them. He agreed.
" On the morrow, Madame Linars, who had overheard everything that had happened during the night, enquired of the three kinswomen how they had come to belong to Fysistere. ' We shall tell you our story,' replied Madame Guac. ' It will surely strike you as an odd one and will also give you a clear idea of our common husband. He has a strange nature.' Madame Linars was nothing if not eager to hear the story, but she pointed out that it would also be relished by Fysistere' s twelve other wives. Madame Guac fancied it would be indeed and so Justine, Aglae, Emilie, Lucie, Annette, Geoline, Naturelle, and Mariette. All took seats and prepared to listen to the lovely Madame Guac, who spoke in the presence also of her sister Doucette and of Victoire, the former Carmelite nun.'"
Men have always desired me. When I was still at home, a laborer doing carpentry in the house took hold of my gem and I uttered no protest. He niched his member between my thighs, bade me squeeze them together, and inundated my legs with his seminal liquor. I reported all this to my mother. She washed my buttocks and caused a row about that carpenter and finally had him sacked. This beginning indicates that my story will be rather free. But one must be sincere.
When I was young, my father, untrousered, would have me sit naked on his bare thighs, make his member go to and fro between my legs like the clapper in a bell and when well- warmed he used to go off to stuff my mother, or a young and petulant creature who was her sister, or my governess. The cottonlike fluff on my gem was so pretty my father would come and lick it at night while I slept. Then came the time when he felt my flanks heave in sympathy with the movements of his tongue. He knew I was enjoying the sport. His tongue probed farther and I discharged. Immediately, my father got upon me, sucked my burgeoning little titties, posed his member at the entrance to my little cuntlet, and gummed my cottony hair with his sperm. After that, he washed me clean with rose water. When I was older, a young man, my seamstress' s brother, grasped my cunt with his hand while I chanced to be looking out the window. He sought to tickle my clitoris with his finger, but hurt me and I gave him a slap.
My father, obliged now to exercise prudence, had given up sitting me bare- assed on his knees and making me discharge by licking my cunt. He would cease his activities as soon as I gave the first sign of awaking; but as even then I had pretty feet and as Monsieur Dardevit, like every man of sensibility, had the most emphatic weakness for such charms, he ordered my shoes from a skillful shoemaker, the same one who was employed to make my mother' s and Marquise de Marigny' s. My lecherous father would only present a new pair to me when I paid him a visit. He would have me put them on with cotton stockings, have me walk about for him, have me stand near the window or upon a stool so as to display my leg to better advantage, and then he would kiss them. Next, he would have me sit down, would take off one of my slippers, plunge his prick into it, have me rub his balls with my shod foot, and would heave deep sighs. Then he would knock on the floor; upon hearing the signal, Madame Mezieres, the neighbor downstairs, would come up, take off my remaining shoe or slipper, and lie down on her back. He would raise her petticoats and go into her, meanwhile having me lift my skirt to the knees and stand so that he would see my reflection in a mirror. " Your father' s doing to me what he dare not do to you," Madame Mazieres used to say, " because you are his daughter. But you' re the one who stiffens his prick, you know. Ah, if you were to show him your pretty little cunt, how he' d jump! What wonderful blows of his prick he' d aim into my cunt!" Touched by her pleas, I' d often hoist my skirts and exhibit a downy, silky- haired cunt my father considered exquisite. I could tell that it pleased him, for the sight would inspire him and he' d charge with redoubled fury into the lady' s trick. Leaving her, he' d himself put my shoes back on, but Mezieres prevented him sometimes, and, raging with lust, she' d push me onto the bed, lick my cunt, and into hers thrust the toe of either my slipper or shoe, wielding it like a godemiche. While this was going on, my father would gently fondle my buttocks or my breasts. " You' ll fuck her, you bugger," said Madame Mezieres, " you' ll depucelate her, you' ll get her pregnant, you' ll have to marry her."
These oft- repeated remarks led me finally to ask my father' s leave to marry.
I had an uncle, my aunt' s husband. The stairway leading to their apartment was poorly lit. One day as I was climbing up, my uncle followed me. When halfway up, he slid his hand beneath my skirts and laid hold of what he called my cunterino. I started in fright. " Keep still," said he. " Do you want to raise the roof?" I fell silent and he fingered my cunterino, his one hand straying now and again to my asshole, his other fastened securely on my breasts. He put his member into my hand, had me squeeze it, swore softly and while sucking my nipples, discharged between my fingers.
I was blushing furiously when we entered my aunt' s apartment, but I said nothing. My uncle kept a stern eye fixed upon me and when I set out for home, he said he would accompany me thither. " You are going to marry soon," said he; " and I have someone suitable in mind for you. But only I can persuade your father to agree to the match, and I' ll persuade him upon condition you let me stuff you just three times before the wedding once the alliance has been made a certain thing."
" Stuff me? With what?" I played the innocent, although I had witnessed my father cavorting with Mezieres. We were in an obscure little alley. He brought his prick forth out of his breeches and grasped my cunt."
" This, and into what I' m holding." I edged away, but said nothing. We were not far from my father' s door; I broke away from my uncle and ran home. No one was at home. I waited for my father to arrive.
Alone with my own thoughts, I resolved to sound my father out on the question of my marrying, When he appeared I was less retrained with him than usual. When kissing him, I placed my lips not upon his cheek but upon his mouth. He was delighted with that. I darted my tongue into his mouth, just as I had seen Mezieres do it. He put his hand between my thighs, but not under my skirts. I abandoned myself, saying: " I want to marry, and you' ll be well caressed, you may be sure, if you give your consent."
" With all my heart, upon one condition: have you someone in view?"
" My uncle has. I' ve never seen him, however."
" Very well. ' Tis then no passing fancy on your part. I' d better give you a cunt- licking, it should seem to me."
" A what?"
" I' ll lick you there," he explained, putting a hand upon my gem. I pouted.
" Now, now, be a clever girl. Take this soft sponge and wash yourself thoroughly. Scrub that pretty growth of fine hair down there, and the inside too. You' ll find this enjoyable, believe me. You' ll feel very silly for having been reluctant."
" He gently sucked my little nipples while my cuntlet, my buttocks and my rosebud were swimming in a rinse of luke- warm water.
My impassioned father afforded me no time to pause and consider. As soon as I' d dried myself, he lay me down upon the bed, raised my clothing above my waist, and applied his mouth to my crack, into which he inserted his tongue, licking energetically until, after fifteen minutes of this, I gave out hints of an impending discharge. Observing I was on the verge of an ejaculation, my father got up and returned with a large lump of butter which he put into my cunterino, and then inserted his prick after it, causing me considerable pain. He squirmed and shoved, I discharged, such was my pleasure that I squirmed and shoved too despite my sufferings. Fortunately, my father' s prick was not excessively stout, but it was long. He gave me the most complete pleasure, for he tickled the bottom of my womb, and because I was very narrow there, he filled my cunt just as if I' d had a stallion' s member between my cunt lips. And that was how I lost my maidenhead.
While he was at work washing my cunt, I besought my father not to delay giving his approval, which I did not want to owe to my uncle' s intervention, and explained why. " Ah, ha!" said my father. " So that' s it! Don' t let that bugger stick you, my dear. His prick' s huge, he' ll widen you noticeably, whereas I' ll not harm things. Your future husband, or any other of your fuckers, will swear you are a maid." I promised I' d not grant my uncle what he was after. " Oh, but you can amuse him all the same, you know. Frig him when he reaches for your cunt. You might even let him embugger you if he appears willing to be content to go no further."
" How does one do that?"
" Embuggery? I' ll show you."
And he embuggered me. It pleased me, for I discharged. " As for my consent," my father resumed, " send your suitor to see me. If he' s the ugly rascal of a fellow I' m thinking of, you' ll not be wild about him." Highly pleased, I returned to my uncle' s. His wife and he introduced me to their protege, a sort of mulatto they presented as a Monsieur Guac.
That same day I had a very spirited interview with Monsieur Guac. During it, he did his level best to get at my cunt. His ugliness and stupidity did not repel me, since my uncle and aunt had forewarned me that he was no beauty but nevertheless popular with women. This intrigued me. I informed him that my father was not opposed to me marrying. Would he have the kindness to pay him a call? Indeed he would and he asked me to take him to my home. We agreed to confront my father the following day at noon.
We arrived at a moment when my father was about to leave the house. Guac had fondled my ass upon the stairs and had engaged me to fist his prick, which put a glowing color in my cheeks. I was radiant. I presented Guac as my fiance. His dreadful face and mean appearance caused my father to smile and dispelled all his jealousy. " My children," he said, " I have some urgent business to attend to. It shan' t take long. Please await my return." He left. When we were alone, Guac said to me: " From his tone it seems as though he' ll keep his word to you and say yes."
" I believe he will, for he never hides his reaction if something displeases him."
" My beloved," Guac went on, his black eyes glinting with pleasure and lust, " allow me to put it in you here, right now, on your father' s bed. Do let me." I thought it a fine idea: after all, I had already been depucelated and furthermore, my gem had been itching me furiously ever since my father had perforated it. However, I replied: " Oh my, no! What if my father were to come in? And he' ll be back soon."
" Why, when he sees you being screwed, he' ll do nothing if not hasten your marriage."
He lowered me upon the bed. I resisted feebly and clumsily. He thrust his prick between my cunt- lips, then pushed but could not advance, even though he interrupted his struggles to wet the head of his device. He increased his effort, which resulted in his losing a bucket of sperm all over my pubic hair, my belly, and my thighs.
I slipped away to wash myself. " Indeed, you are very thoroughly a virgin, ' tis clear," said he, putting his clothes back in order. While wiping and drying myself, from out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed my father in a hiding place. I pretended not to have noticed. An instant after I returned to Guac, that cunning father of mine entered the room. Guac requested my hand in marriage. My father answered that he would allow me to make my own choice. He signed the documents. He then told Guac that he would like to have a talk with me and that he would conduct me to my aunt' s – he wished also to speak to her. We would all meet there. Guac left.
" Have you been fucked?" my father demanded directly Guac had gone. He seized my cunt and drew me towards him. " Have you, eh?"
" You saw very plainly that I have not been."
" Where did he discharge? Upon the hair? Did some of it get between the lips?"
" Yes."
" Good enough. That will sometimes suffice to impregnate. You' ve nothing more to fear. Go visit him in his lodgings and give him a free rein. Between now and then I might just as well dig the ditch a little deeper." Aided by a large spoonful of butter, he penetrated me with some ease, and repeated the operation three times, excited by what he had just been watching and because I was extremely well shod in new silk slippers. I discharged three times within each encuntage: that totaled nine. My father affirmed I was a mettlesome, high- spirited girl and that I should turn into a good fuckeress. I washed with care and he took me to my aunt' s.
We found Guac there upon our arrival. My appetite was rather whetted than satisfied by my father' s triple stuffing. Said I to my fiance: " Go to your place. I' ll join you there, for I wish to have a conversation with you." He dashed off. My father spoke to my aunt, suggesting that the wedding- day be advanced. He feared, from the manner in which I had discharged, that I might become pregnant because of him and at the same time he desired that it happen; but at any rate I had to marry. My aunt went out with him.
I too was about to leave, in order to let Guac essay a complete encuntage, when my uncle appeared. I was in such a sweat of lust that I was by no means sorry to see him, even though he did not please me personally. He turned the key in the lock and approached. " So you are going to marry? Well then, come along. Let' s have a look at the goods that are to be made over to him. You know, Guac has such a large prick he' s likely to damage you lest we loosen things a little." This observation convinced me I ought to yield. He seized me.
" Leave me, leave me." I pronounced in a weak voice. My uncle paid no attention and seeing I was not going to cry out or scratch, he bore me to the bed, had up my clothes, and directed his prick into my vagina. I feigned self- defense, but managed simultaneously to facilitate matters. He hurt me, I did indeed moan, and observing that my complaints were of some aid to him, I began to scream at the top of my lungs which brought him trembling in to the hilt. It caused me such pleasure that my groans were those of ecstasy. I struggled fiercely, but my cunt hugged his thick member. My body thrashed, my ass heaved with such fine effect that I discharged with terrible convulsions. My cunt contracted so tightly that it pinched my uncle' s gland. He bellowed and half fainted from pleasure. " You fuck damned bloody well for a virgin! What will you not be able to accomplish in time! Let' s begin again." He had at me three times in all, heedless of my tears, for I thought it wise to weep. When he had had his fill, he decunted. " Oh celestial fuckery!" he exclaimed, " were your cunt' s merits more generally known, it would make you your fortune."
" Yes, you have given me an excellent start," I answered between sobs.
He unlocked the door, emptied the bidet containing a mixture of water, blood, and fuck. Then, fearing his wife' s return, he went out, saying, " You owe me your thanks. Without that preparation, Guac would have disemboweled you. Come see me again if I can be of further help."
This kind of language neither surprised nor upset me. As soon as he had gone, I dried my tears and adopted an air of perfect gaiety. My aunt returned; I notified her of her husband' s attack, but omitted to mention its success: my aim was to encourage her to expedite my marriage. I begged her to say nothing to my fiance of what had transpired, pointing out that this might lead him to change his mind. I promised always to protect my virtue with the same dauntless courage which had just animated me, and while I was speaking in this vein the itch returned my cunt. I asked to be excused, left the apartment and raced to Guac' s hoping that, prepared as I was, he' d drive it home this time. He was awaiting me. " I have a quantity of things to tell you," I began. But he did not allow me to continue further. He made for my cunt. " We' ll fuck first of all," quoth he, guiding me onto my back. His impetuosity rather relieved me, for, in truth, I had nothing new to say to him. I put up a calculatedly awkward resistance, as I had with my uncle and my father, but, enlarged though I was, his attempts were in vain. I dared not tell him to resort to butter. That would have struck him as no virgin' s advice. I waited for the idea to occur to him. It didn' t. " You' re devilishly mint in there," he muttered, rolling me over on my belly and spitting into my asshole. Wherewith, by dint of an unheard- of effort, he hammered his engine into that small orifice. I emitted ghastly shrieks, but he held me in such a grip while embuggering me that I was unable to budge. I endeavored to reply to his buffets in order to minimize my suffering and hasten the denouement, and my bouncing ass did bring an end to the drama. The member in my ass seemed to have the proportions of a siegegun' s barrel. To feel it withdraw was a not unpleasant sensation. " You' re worth your weight in gold, even bumwise, excellent." Then he asked my pardon. " Your lovely cunt, your lovely ass, your white breasts were driving me out of my mind. Unable to encunt you, I embuggered you, in despair, as it were. Forgive me, my dear creature. I have all sorts of plans for recompensing your sterling behaviour." My ass hurt. Guac dipped it in warm water, then he kissed it, licked it also, occasionally running his tongue as far around as my cunt. He had stiffened anew, but I wished to leave. He was obliged to bring me home in a carriage: to walk caused me pain, but the carriage afforded him an opportunity to frig me while he sniffed one of the shoes he had removed from my feet and into which he finally discharged a full pint of fuck. Delirious with pleasure, " My queen," said he, " my prick is over- large for you. Pick out some handsome young lad by whom to be depucelated and I' ll find a way to arrange everything without compromising you." The suggestion appealed to me. Guac got out and carried me into the house. I went to bed. The pangs in my asshole diminished and then vanished with sleep.
The next day I went to my father and related everything Guac had done and said to me. " Good," he commented; " you are a fiery creature. You' ll be fucked forward and backwards and orally too and you' ll adore it. You shall be married within a week' s time. Between now and then I' ll find you a more sturdily furnished fucker than I. For the time being, we' ll do our best with a makeshift. Ready yourself, I intend to put it in you. Impossible to give so pretty a cunt too many stretchings." My father encunted me thrice. " And still a maid, damn my eyes!" said he.
" But that awful uncle of mine," I protested, " with his massive prick, has already raped me upon three occasions."
" Three!" my father exclaimed. " What the devil kind of a cunt could God have given you! You could be sold a thousand times over as a virgin. Here, I' d better refuck you." He refucked me.
While I was rinsing my cunt with warm water, my father had gone to the window and was chatting with a young solicitor, his next- door neighbor, a strapping handsome buck of thirty. My cunt washed, I went to have a peep, raising the curtain, but, having been observed by the young man, I withdrew. " Who is that heavenly creature?" he enquired. My father replied with a casual gesture which was probably meant to signify that I was his mistress. He was still gesturing when the solicitor took his leave.
' My father spoke to me at once. " How would you like that lad to put it in you? He' d pay."
" Oh, Father!"
" Call me Sir in front of him." There was a knock. My father answered the door and I heard him ask in a low voice, " You brought it?"
" Here you are. Fifty louis."
" Mademoiselle," my father thereupon said to me, " you know that I love you for what you are. This young man, one of my very best friends, has come to make you a present. I am going out now. Show him you are capable of expressing your gratitude." My father concealed himself; the solicitor fancied he had left.
" Have you been fucked today?" he enquired, coming up to me and grasping by breasts.
I slapped his face. " Monsieur," I said, " we are in my father' s house."
" You are… Mademoiselle."
" Quite, Sir, and am to be married next week."
" A marriage, that would be, of interest or one born of affection?"
Having learned of my attachment, my father met my fiance and discovered him monstrous. Being a thoughtful father, he undertook to have me prepared for what lies in store for me. " I thought you a friend of his. I consented after having seen you." The solicitor fell to his knees, and begged my forgiveness a thousand times over. " Therefore behave properly," I continued. Wherewith he caressed me. I at last returned one of his kisses. He drew me to the bed. His prick belonged to the same category as my uncle' s, but he was less adroit. I called out loudly for pommade. " My fiance once enticed me to his chambers. He shut and bolted the door and attempted to violate me," I explained. " Unable to make any headway, he pommaded me and still had no luck. But pommade me nonetheless." While saying this to him, his fumbling efforts caused me to discharge; I sighed ecstatically, panting. My father mistook these sound for those of pain; he emerged from hiding, pommaded me and guided my fucker' s prick into my cunt.
" Thrust." he said to me. " Lift your ass, squeeze him in your arms. For every blow your depucelator gives you, reply with one of your flanks. Lock your legs around his body and tighten them as you move about. Good, that' s it… excellent!… jump, my dear, throw caution to the winds."
" Great God! What pleasure." exclaimed my fucker, " How narrow her cunt is. How deliciously she moves under me."
I darted my tongue into his mouth, murmuring: " My heart… my beloved… I adore you."
" Ah, the dear little thing. What tenderness. I' m discharging… fucking her…"
" Oh, Father, he' s fucking me! Do all men then fuck this way? Ah, Father, what joy! My soul is going to flow out of the hole he is in." I discharged, my whole body becoming rigid.
" The little princess!" expostulated the solicitor, " look at her come! My good man, give her to me to be my wife. I' ve depucelated her, I' ll marry her!"
My father, who had his own designs upon me, refused. As a result the solicitor few into a rage, hurled himself back into my hole, and fucked me eighteen times. My father was obliged to pluck him off my belly and convey him home, for he was unable to walk. As for myself, I was hardly out of breath. Once I' d washed my cunt and refreshed it, I felt as good as new. Upon my father' s return, seeing he was deeply moved by the sight of my naked bubs, I told him that, if he was stiff, he might as well satisfy himself by fucking me two or three times. " What a scene that was!" he gasped. " But you have a pitiless cunt and a ferocious taste for the game. Your cunt and taste will make our fortune. Let' s see if you can discharge again, my dearie. Let' s have it!"
And while encunting me, he praised me highly for having avowed I was his daughter and given that slap to the solicitor. " Fuckers," he observed, " have a certain disdain for the fucked, but in your case it shall be the contrary. I' d like to put you above those buggers."
" I' m discharging!" I cried.
" And so am I," said he, shaking me with his thumpings. He reencunted twice over and I matched his discharges; indeed, I outdistanced him. " I believe I' d work ten men dry," I said as I washed. I asked him to advise my fiance of what had to be done in order justly to encunt me. I shot my tongue into his mouth, smiled and left.
I had been fucked twenty- five times in the course of the day, seven by my own father. I returned to my house, but every man upon whom my glance stopped tempted me. How happy whores must be! I thought. They accost whomever they please. All of a sudden an idea popped into my head. I' ll go to see Guac, I' ll tell him to pommade me. Let him cleave to me in two, no matter so long as he fucks me! I quickened my pace.
He was with an attractive young man whom he told to hide directly he heard my footsteps approach. But I saw the young man through the keyhole. Guac received me with a mysterious air and led me into the half- lit room where I' d seen him conceal his visitor. " My darling, my beloved wife- to- be," he began, " I believe I might stuff you today; you need but give evidence of some complaisance."
" To be sure, but don' t overlook the pommade"
" I understand." I felt him turn me over to some gentler hands. Someone seized my breasts, my cunt, a tongue insinuated itself into my mouth. I replied with caresses. A hand lifted my skirts. I advanced my cunt prettily. A body got upon me. I felt a lump of butter being inserted into the entrance of my cunt, another into my rosebud. There was a push, I responded. To my astonishment, I sensed virtually no pain at all. Finally, the invading prick reached the depths of my womb – still no pain – and now a discharge. The abundance and sweet warmth of the fuck brought words to my lips. With an incredible pleasure, with wildest transports, I cried, " Dearest lover… divine lover… I am expiring from happiness and voluptuousness… I adore you!" The young man decunted. He sucked my nipples, my lips, had me stick forth my tongue. Then, without a moment' s delay, he reencunted me furiously. I had as much pleasure this second time as before. To be brief, he did it again and again, incessantly, and it was Guac who took him away at last. For my part, already fucked twenty- five times that day, I believe I could have stood at least another twenty- five with these two men simultaneously, if both of them had been able to stuff me.
Guac, noticing that I was having difficulty walking, sent for a cab while I rinsed out my cunt. " Well, my charming queen," quoth he, " have you been satisfactorily fucked?" I blushed. " Far from being tired," he pursued, " I' m dying to fit my shaft in your asshole."
" Oh, no, no, you mustn' t!" I cried, alarmed.
" As you like, my dearie. But you will frig me a little, won' t you? Frig me with both hands, just as you are there with your ass in the bidet." I frigged his heavy member, so bulky I could barely get my hands around it. When fuck was about to spurt forth, he fell to shouting with pleasure. " Your mouth," he roared, " your mouth, else I' ll dip it in your ass!" I slipped the foreskin clear of the gland, pressed the latter between my lips; the fuck spurted forth. Fearing lest it spill on my bubs, I opened my mouth and a torrent of fuck shot down my gullet. I swallowed it as one would a draught of good ale, a right copious tankard of ale, and warm. " Fuck! Fuck!" howled Guac. " I' m getting dizzy. Ah, celestial slut, you' re worth more than all the rest of the women in the world. Is it good, the drink? What causes so much pleasure coming out must surely be good going in. Ah, divine whore! I' ll feed you a diet of that stuff!"
The cab arrived at the door. Guac carried me out – I' d been fucked for the thirty- seventh time that day.
My aunt' s brother was alone in the house when I reached it. " Mademoiselle Conveloute," he complained, " you are cruel to me. I hear you are preparing to marry. It would seem to me you ought to favor a young man who adores you rather than this fiance of yours who is ugly and a widower. You are a virgin and so extremely lovely! What is more, he' s very thickly equipped – so at least your uncle has given me to understand – and he' ll certainly hurt you. What if a more youthful prick were to ready you for your marital career? Look at it," – and he fetched out a truly charming prick. "' Tis a real maidenhead- tickler, and it' ll never give you so much as a twinge of regret. I know my business, Mademoiselle. My sister' s husband had a nervous device and is very quick on the trigger, and she has the good sense to call me in now and then to clean the cobwebs out of her trick."
This language pleased me and the prick I was staring at looked inviting. " I, however," I replied, " have no cobwebs to be swept out." He saw from my manner that I was in a cheery mood, and laid hands on my breasts. " Have done, libertine," I said coaxingly, retreating in no great haste before his advances. His hand reached my cunt. " Oh, indeed! Have done, this is too much." His breeches lay on the floor, his prick was nodding in the air. He deposited me upon his sister' s bed, cleared away my clothes and got aboard me, whilst I said nonchalantly, " Ha, Sirrah! You are then capable of resorting to violence?" I defended myself in a way intended to further his ends.
" Ah, heavenly girl, innocent thing, lamb, I' m stuffing my prick into your fleece." In it went. I replied by twitching my ass in a feigned attempt to avoid what I desired and managed to swallow two more inches of sausage. " No," he cried, opening the sluices, " no, nothing can be compared to encunted innocence!" However, fearing least I get away, he thrice renewed his attacks without once decunting – that brought the day' s total to forty – and did not leave me until he heard the approach of footsteps. I ran off to wash.
It was my aunt. She said to her brother, " Fortunately you' re with Miss Conveloute. Anyone else would have lost her nerve before the possibility of an interruption. Tell me, did you attack her?"
" I did."
" Well, then I suppose you' re about done in. Come here, I' ll comfort you." There was still some oil left in his lamp. The young man bolted the door, thus encloseting the three of us, and then sprang upon his sister whom he penetrated in a trice. Great heavens, how her flanks heaved! " Stuff it deep!" she exhorted him. " I' m getting ready to discharge, fuck me, dig deeper yet, hug me, fuck me, gouge me, fuck me blue in the face!" I watched them. Revived by the spectacle, my insatiable cunt was starting to yearn for a prick when a soft knock was heard at the door. I hoped it would be a cousin of my aunt' s who had for a long time been eager to put it in me, and I was determined to push him into an adjoining room and satisfy his ambition. But no, ' twas a handsome youth who looked very much like the young man who had fucked me with Guac a little earlier in the day.
" Mademoiselle," he began, " your name is Aglae Conveloute?"
" It is, Monsieur."
" Mademoiselle is the fiancee of Monsieur Guac?"
" That is correct."
" Do you greatly love that gentleman?"
" Sir, reason rather than passion makes for a wise marriage."
" In that case, Mademoiselle, it shall cause you no distress if I reveal a secret to you."
" And what secret would that be?"
" This: a short while ago you supposed it was your fiance who was possessing you."
" What tales are you bearing hither, Monsieur?"
" I was there, but hidden out of sight, Mademoiselle. His battleaxe being unable to cleave you, he sold me your maidenhead for one hundred louis: I deflowered you, no other. Might you prefer me to him?"
" But can all this you tell me be possible?"
"' Tis the truth. His member is too thick. One was just inserted into you. It was mine." (I knew all this perfectly well.) " There is but one thing to say," he pursued. " Will you marry me?"
" Ah, can you marry me?" I demanded in my turn.
He hesitated. " Mademoiselle, I am already married to an old crone of seventy- eight. She bestowed her fortune upon me. I am obliged to wait until she dies."
" And were I to become pregnant, Monsieur? No. I shall wed Monsieur Guac."
" Do you wish to be my mistress?"
" That would not, I think, suit me."
" But with his consent?"
" Do you then have his consent? Why then," said I, " since you have had me once already, and since he agrees to the thing, I' ll do as you like provided he is not told that I know of his agreeing."
" Splendid! This signifies your correctness and honesty. Are you presently alone?"
" No, my aunt is here."
" Could I have you tonight, after dinner?"
" Gracious! I should never be able to creep out of the house, unless I were to give the excuse I was going out to look after my father, supposing that he was ill… but he isn' t ill. No, it' s out of the question."
" With your permission I shall go and have a talk with your father. I am wealthy. Better that I should give to you rather than to that poor wretch Guac the price of your favors."
" Very well, speak to my father."
" I' ll come back to fetch you if he honors my request."
" But don' t come back alone. I want to hear his decision from the lips of one of his servants."
" As you wish. Be easy."
He repaired to my father' s house. He related how Guac, unable to depucelate me himself, had sold my maidenhead to him for one hundred louis, which sum was in payment for four seances. A quarter of the total was already in Guac' s hands. He told as well how he had encunted after pommading me; how he had found my gem delicious and so satin- like that he wanted no other; how he had asked to go to bed with me and how it had been by my advice he had addressed himself to my father. He then offered the balance of the fixed price: seventyfive louis for the three remaining nights. " Since Guac wanted to be a cuckold," my father answered him, " so be it. I agree, Monsieur, that you sleep with my daughter if you were the one who plucked her rose – and she will verify that. Go bring her here. I' ll give you a note for her." He wrote a short message, then accompanied my beau as far as the door of my aunt' s house, within which she was still being fucked by her brother.
Meanwhile, I was enjoying myself watching the amorous progress on the bed. I was all afire when the young man reappeared with my father' s note in hand. Through the window I caught sight of the latter: he was waiting in my pretended depucelator' s carriage. I left the house, saying I was going to keep my sick father company. When we arrived, the gallant ordered a fine supper brought in and handed twenty- five louis d' or to the cashier. We ate, we drank, then I was tucked into bed. The young man demanded that my father undress me and wash my cunt. He removed every stitch he was wearing in a flash and donned an out- sized nightshirt he had brought along. This garment permitted him greater freedom of movement. He summoned my father in insert his prick in the entrance of my cunt. That done, he pushed; and he had no less trouble now than previously at Guac' s. This surprised me. He remarked to my father, " Her cunt is really tight. She' d grow a new hymen in a week if she were left alone." He fucked me six times. My father, lying next to us, each time inserted his blade into the scabbard. Soon after, my fucker fell asleep and I did also. The following morning he had chocolate brought in. I felt refreshed and refused the offer of his coach when he proposed to take me home to my aunt' s in it.
For it was not to my aunt' s I wished to go. I had heard it said that fuck swallowed warm was excellent for the chest, fortifying it and whitening the tint of the skin. I wanted to quaff off a goodly dose of it, and my thoughts focused on sucking Guac' s prick. As soon as I was free, I dashed to his lodgings and found him getting ready to go out. " I' ve come to give you some pleasure," I said, " but shall not take any, for yesterday you wearied my dreadfully."
" Well, my dear, what' s on your mind? An embuggery, a little thigh- fuckery? A frotch between the shoulderblades or under the armpit? I can contrive to squirt into your ear, upon your neck, between your bubs if you' ll squeeze ' em, over your navel, between your calves – if it' s your calves, you' ll have to squeeze them too. Or would you like me to glove my prick in one of your slippers? You have only to ask and I shall do anything for you, save encunt you. We seem rather a mismatch in that sense." Instead of replying to this harangue, which was pure Greek to me, I unbuttoned his fly and set to frigging him with one hand while, by instinct, I tickled his nuggets with the other. He began to howl with delight: " Goddess… bleeding sacred bitch, divine whore… frig, frig, tickle… tickle my balls
… oh! Oh! What sensations! Buggress, slut, tramp… whore… angelic creature… my fuck' s coming!" Upon hearing this last exclamation I mouthed his large prick, rubbing the gland with my tongue. ' Twas then the good Guac, hurled into delirium, through a wealth of allusions gave evidence of a learning which only increased his stature in my eyes: " Fuck! Heavenly mouth! Aphrodite' s cunt, cunt of Cleopatra, Egypt' s queen, encunted my Anthony, Lais' s cunt, Aspasia' s, Phryne' s, the cunt of Dame Agnes Sorel, of Marion Delorme, of Ninon, of Madame d' Aubigne, of Mesdames la Valliere and Pompadour and Duthe and la Lange, of the pretty Marc, of the adorable and provocative Mezerai, of the youthful and naive Henry, you are as nought compared to this mouth! Oh, I' m fucking… fucking… fucking- ing- ing… discharging… oh, swallow it, swallow it! Gorge yourself on fuck, my empress!" And he spewed forth half a keg of it. I kept on pumping at the source. "' Tis too much," he cried, " one dies of that sort of pleasure." He had me take some coffee to rinse my mouth. Then I began to frig him anew. He sucked my nipples, my tongue and would have sucked my cunt; but I demurred, expecting to be fucked later than evening. He got stiff again, I shook and twiddled and stoked his machine. I tickled his spheres, more fuck appeared and I swallowed another brimming measure of it. This happened a third time; mere lack of time forced us to separate.
At nine that evening, a coach came to take me to my father' s. There, we supped, fucked, and slept as upon the previous night. On the morrow, after chocolate, I went to Guac' s for my breakfast of fuck. Returning to my aunt' s, her husband, probably having conferred with his wife' s brother, was eager to put it in me; I gave him a firm refusal. He complained to his wife, who in turn reproached me, but, once I had informed him that my fiance had stuffed me ten times in succession with my father as witness, she begged my pardon and advised her husband to wait his turn in line.
I was to be called for that evening. Before going, my aunt whispered in my ear, " Try to avoid a fucking so that your uncle can put it in you tomorrow; he' s dying to." I found my lover at my father' s house. We talked of Guac during supper. My lover said that, having been encunted in his presence, I ought not fear becoming pregnant. " That," he added, " is why I headed straight in and discharged in the cellar."
"' Tis a great pleasure for me to put your prick in my daughter' s cunt." my father remarked. " I enjoy thinking of the horns growing on that confounded and most dishonest Guac who had the temerity to sell your pucelage."
" That is just what brings me to a boil when I fuck his fiancee." my gallant affirmed. " One more antler on that bugger Guac' s head – the very idea refills my balls no matter how often I' ve emptied them. It even occurred to me," he went on, " to give each of you fifty louis if you' d fuck together: the knave would thus be recornified and supercornute!"
" Capital notion!" my father exclaimed, " Very original indeed! After you' ve seen to your business, you can pop my prick into my daughter' s cunt for me."
" Oh no!" I cried. " Gracious!"
" You' ll hold on to her if she appears recalcitrant."
" Those aren' t my ideas." I told them. " If I wiggle my ass the way I do when my lover fucks me, it is because I love him. As for Monsieur Guac, I have much to be grateful to him for. He is like a nurse to me, you know. One might even say he suckles me." Neither precisely caught my meaning; they led me to bed.
My lover fucked me six times. Upon the sixth, he said to my father, " That' s it, my friend. Get aboard and fuck her. I' ll insert the engine." My father climbed onto me. The young man slid his prick into my cunt. Father pushed. As I was more fond of him than of any other living person, I put my flesh furiously into motion, doing as nobly as any princess fucking a page- boy. Inspired by our frenetic activity, the young man waxed so violently hot upon beholding us discharge that he rolled us on our sides and embuggered me even while I was still encunted. I went to wash and then we three went to sleep.
At breakfast the next morning, the young man seemed wild with joy. " Ah, by God! That one' s been smartly cuckolded!" he cried. " Here, my good chap, here' s the hundred louis. You' ll really have to fuck her after she' s married and I' ll pay twenty- five louis per shot." He left and I hastened off to find Guac whom I was growing to love as much as I love my father.
He greeted me with rapture, calling me his divine slut, his heavenly whore. I milked out his fuck six times over, and this hurled me into such an erotic panic that I dashed away to locate my father. " Your solicitor," I panted, completely out of breath, " must surely have recuperated from his losses by now. I' m burning… run fetch him, Father dear, if you love me!" He went, calling me Cleopatra. He found the young man outside the door, his erect prick in his fist. " I was standing here when a moment ago I saw your daughter enter and I am frigging myself in her honor," he explained.
" Don' t you do it, my boy. You' ve not a drop to waste. Come back in with me and stuff her, if you please."
" Twenty- five louis-"
" Nonsense. That' s an outrageous price to charge a steady client. One louis per shot, that should be fair enough. But, who knows? She may earn the twenty- five from you after all." They entered the room where I was awaiting them. As he came in, the solicitor tossed his purse upon the foot of the bed. " Come, show your calves, girl," my father said heartily. " that many fucks, that many louis. But you mustn' t kill yourself, my little friend. He was frigging himself when I found him out on the sidewalk. He says he was thinking of you." Upon hearing this I cast my arms around his neck, thrust my tongue in his mouth, agitated, then withdrew it, and said, " Ah, dearest, most beloved friend! I adore you."
" And I you," he replied, fondling my breasts and cunt. I fell backwards, he fell on top of me. I plunged his prick into my cunt and in four heaves of my ass I felt him strike bottom. He discharged when he sensed that I was melting. He fucked me ten times. " I' ve credited you with fifteen louis," said my father as the solicitor cleaned himself and drew back on his breeches. " Come back whenever you like."
It was but two days before my scheduled wedding. Guac had nursed me every morning, and the effects of this new beverage were to whiten my skin, brighten my coloring, make my cunt hair softer and fluffier, and to give me such violent penchants that I was not one minute at my ease unless I had a prick in my cunt. That morning, my solicitor said as we were taking breakfast, " Guac must be wondering what has become of me. We' ve not seen one another for a time. Perhaps he has conceived some erroneous ideas about my lovely fuckeress' s cunt. Since the inflexible Agnes simply has got to marry, I' d like to buy her for the wedding night." I had repeated my intention to marry while we had been fucking, and my father had applauded me. But as he was accompanying me to Guac' s, where I was to have my ration of milk, that good father made the following observations:
" You are not the common sort of bride. What would slake almost anyone else' s thirst is but a drop of fuck to you. I have an idea. I think I can arrange to provide you a feast for the day after tomorrow. I' ll recruit a team of fuckers who' ll work you over until you' ve had enough. Let me see. I' ll begin the thing, then your uncle, the solicitor will come next, then your aunt' s brother and perhaps the neighborhood butcher. If I can find any stray buggers, they' ll sodomize you. We' ll say we are anxious to keep your maidenhead intact for the groom. ' Tis delightful to embugger a bride on her weddingday. They' ll all pay handsomely. I' ll consult Guac and we' ll make all the necessary preparations." We arrived before his door. Transported with gratitude, I embraced my father and urged him to try to follow me into the house without being seen, for I wanted him to see me drinking my milk. I went in and he crept after me. Guac, his face wreathed in smiles, strode towards me, unbuttoning his fly. He kissed my feet, legs, ass, cunt and bubs. I prodded his gullet with my tongue, and after that he entrusted his prick to my hands. I was busily stroking it in a lively manner when he said, " Wench, I' m a reasonable man. I don' t encunt you, but your father and uncle ought to fuck you on your wedding- day. I' ll have three fresh pricks ready for our first night together. One of them will be that which depucelated you. Ah, the idea of you being encunted by your father is sure to make me release a pint of fuck – beware, here it comes, open your mouth wide! Come, wench, it' s beginning to rise, get your lips around my prick… ah! ah! ah! The bugger fucks his daughter… your father is fucking you, slut… fucking you, whore… ah, that divine image makes me discharge… houah!"'
He nearly collapsed. During the obligatory interruption I went to bring my father from his hiding place. " Fuck me," I said, " for ' tis essential to my fiance' s happiness."
" Ah, goddess!" cried Guac, casting himself to his knees. " You commit incest for me, all for me?" He introduced the paternal device into me. " Jump, skip! Fling your ass hither and yon," he cried.
" I' m dis- dis- discharging," I stammered.
" Come to me, my true love, let me frig you." Guac whinnied with pleasure as he sensed the fuck rising in him. He stoppered my mouth the while my father fucked me, and at the same instant I swallowed fuck I received a quantity of it in my cunt and ejaculated my own. My father had fucked me four times and Guac had four times given me pap when there came a knock at the door. Guac answered it at once, while I hastily rinsed my mouth and cunt. It was my uncle.
" You arrive just at the night moment." said Guac, welcoming him. " We are trying to depucelate my fiancee and need your help." Further explanations were contributed by my father. Guac stretched me out on the fucking- couch and my uncle encunted me. He detonated six charges. Guac launched six more into my mouth. After that I was given a moment to catch my breath. Subsequently, it was decided that a dozen fuckers would entertain me, one after the other, on my wedding- day. I' d present my ass or my cunt as a target, whichever I chose. Guac would enjoy the exclusive privilege of my mouth. During the night he would have me fucked by three new pricks – these he would choose.
Awestruck, my uncle exclaimed: " But she' ll be a whore!"
" Quite so, and such she must be if I am to adore her. However, neither of you need complain about it since you two will be the only ones who' ll have free use of her." As he finished pronouncing these words, he prostrated himself before me, acknowledging me as his goddess.
I went back to my aunt' s. Her brother was there. Both of them argued with me, both tried to persuade me to open my cunt. " Just once, dearie, before you are a married women," wheedled my aunt. They redoubled their importunings. I yielded. She guided her brother' s prick into my cunt. I was fucked only once, this being a fair fellow and his sister being eager to get stuffed directly he was done with me. And now it was my hand which directed the sibling and irresolute prick into her blazing cunt. This operation concluded and indeed repeated, I bade them adieu and left the house; they wept to see me go. " One thing consoles me, since we much lose you: at least my husband and brother have fucked you. You have been an inspiration to them both. Thanks to you, they now fuck me very frequently." As I was leaving, my uncle arrived; his wife told him what had happened. He said nothing, but took me aside, or rather to the bed, laid me upon it, and fucked me in their presence, all this in complete silence. He wanted to begin anew; I refused, inviting him and his brother- in- law to come the day after the next, and stuff me on my wedding day. They both thanked me.
Upon reaching my father' s house, I brought him up to date, relating all these latest developments. " You know," he observed, " when one has so much paid work at hand, one should not accept to perform any for nothing. A chap with a rather agreeable appearance came today and offered an impressive sum for the privilege of sharing your company tonight. He looked vigorous to me, for he is darkskinned and covered virtually everywhere with hair.
" I hope you did not discourage him," I replied with a smile. " Little things of that order are no bother to me at all."
Reassured, my father had me take a hot bath, then a cold one. He put me in bed clad in a generous nightgown and had me swallow some excellent broth. Then he allowed me to sleep. It was five in the afternoon when I shut my eyes. I opened them at midnight, feeling someone lick my cunt. I requested my assailant to show himself. He lifted his head and I saw before me an exceedingly handsome and exceedingly swarthy man. I smiled, he sucked my breasts, the while saying complimentary things: " You have a magnificent cunt, a superb mons Veneris, the belly of a maiden, an alabaster behind, breasts white as snow, voluptuous lips, fine teeth, the most lovely hair! Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair that could belong to Aphrodite, a perfectly turned leg, feet yet better formed! After I' ve fucked you, I' ll have more to say." My father bade me get up and come to supper. The swarthy man lifted and carried me, naked as I was, to the table, which was laid near the fireplace. There, to my great surprise, I saw Guac. Fysistere, as the dark- skinned man was called, laced up my corset, indicating that he appreciated an amply exposed breasts. My father put stocking and shoe on one of my legs and feet, Guac attended to the other: my stockings and slippers were of silk, and dazzlingly white. We sat down at table. My fucker asked me to uncover my breasts somewhat more. We supped and I was hungry. That dark fellow ate and drank like Hercules. Upon quitting the table, he said to my father and to Guac: " You have not deceived me. She even surpasses the enthusiastic description you gave of her. If the interior of her cunt is anything like the outside, I shall have her at whatever the price."
" Let' s have a look at your prick," said Guac. The dark man revealed himself. " Ah, yes, that should make a very nice fit, a perfect one. A glance at mine will explain why I' ve not been able to encunt her, as Monsieur Conveloute-"
" But, ye gods, Monsieur Guac! What' s that you' ve got between your legs! An appalling prick, I say! Mademoiselle, fist that object, if you please, I' d like to see how hard it is."
I seized Guac' s prick. He straightway began to roar with pleasure.
" I' m stiffening also." Fysistere remarked. " Make your father rigid too, and we' ll compare engines." And I grasped Father' s member, which swelled as I squeezed my hand. Then the comparing took place. Guac' s was three times the hairy man' s, whose was twice my father' s.
" I' d like to have a word with her," said Guac, furious with lust. He steered me into a corner, drew a curtain to conceal us, and discharged into my mouth. Only my father guessed what Guac had just done. As for myself, that mouthful of custard braced me wonderfully; I too was afire.
Fysistere' s first words delighted me: " I must fuck her fully dressed to begin with," said he. We retired to the bed. He removed his breeches and exhibited a body no less hirsute than an ape' s. He had me take hold of his device, saying," Introduce this thing into your cunt, and raise your ass in the approved style every time I give a thrust." I encunted myself at once. He pushed; I uttered a cry, for he was tearing me, having a prick larger than my uncle' s and, indeed, than all the other pricks which had fucked me hitherto. " Don' t be upset," he said, " I am deflowering you, depucelating you is the technical term. Move your ass, gyrate it." I moved and gyrated it as best I could, sighing with pleasure as I repaid his prick- strokes with heaves of my ass. He finally rammed his way to the bottom, my nippers closed upon his gland. " Adorable wench!" he exclaimed between shouts of lewd delight. " Your satin- smooth cunt' s biting the sausage! Your fortune is made, your future secure, as are your father' s and your fiance' s, for selling you to me. Come now, let' s fuck seriously!" I twisted and writhed, I leapt in the fashion my father and Guac too recommended. " Ah, this is sublime!" Fysistere rhapsodized. " She' s discharging… ah, she' ll get me a little short- tailed bugger!" To my fiance: " Come here, scoundrel, put your hand on my back, lower down, lower still – that' s it. Now with one hand tickle what you find there, and with the other hand give my balls a massage." Guac obeyed.
Later, I discovered that at the base of his spine the hirsute man had a stub of a tail, shaped just like a prick. But like the rest of his body, it was covered with hair, and it was that tail my husbandto- be fondled. " This celestial cunt isn' t something to be abandoned in a minute or two. No, I' ll be at work for a good hour," said Fysistere, agitating himself happily. " Tickle away, bugger, tickle away, both my tail and my balls." He discharged six times before he come out for air. I asked leave to wash myself. My fiance sponged my cunt and kissed me, calling me his cornucopia, his magical goose. Meanwhile, my father sucked my bubs.
Said Guac to the dark- skinned man: " She' s yours, but I' m as stiff as a goat. Permit me to embugger her."
" Embugger her? No, ' tis good fuck wasted; nor shall you encunt her, for I want her to bear me a little one with a tail. But were she disposed to drink some fuck – and I' ve known a few high- spirited women who have a taste for it – I' d agree to let you enmouth her." Upon hearing this, I laid firm hold of my fiance' s prick and I' d have swallowed it had it been loose and not so bulky. He discharged while well within my gullet. He let go with guttural sounds, and the boiling seed splashed down into my stomach. " Ah, she likes fuck!" observed Fysistere. " She has every virtue, every quality, and she' ll be lovely so long as she is fecund. Well there, Papa, put yours into her mouth. Of all fucks, paternal has the best flavor." I hurled myself upon my father, threw him down on the bed, seized his risen prick, and made it move in and out of my mouth until he erupted. I savoured and swallowed his fuck delightedly. " Good!" exclaimed Fysistere. " She has had an exemplary upbringing, ' tis clear. The girl' s priceless." He took off my nightdress and shoes and stockings. My father and Guac assisted him. I was stripped to the skin, handled, caressed, kissed from top to bottom while I rinsed out my mouth. They passed me the nightdress. Completely naked now, the tailed man raised it and got next to me, sucked my nipples and my tongue. Then he told my father to insert his prick in my cunt.
Fysistere fucked me another six times without pausing to decunt. I felt tired. I wished to tidy myself. For an hour I sat astride the bidet, my cunt steeping in soothing tepid water. Fysistere amused himself by making Guac stiff and having him release packets of semen into my mouth. Then he summoned me, saying, " You have had ample rest, come to the couch so that I can give you the bouquet." He had my father introduce his member.
" Courage, my child," Papa said, " This fucker is worth ten ordinary men. I' ll try to provide you with some relief if this goes on for too long." Six more fuckings followed, fucking of such extraordinary vehemence that I simply could not stand any more. I said I' d had quite enough.
" But," Fysistere explained, " the bouquet is twice the usual attack."
" What' s this? How many shots do you propose to give her, then?" my father demanded to know.
" Twenty- four in all. That' s my accustomed dose."
" That' s too many, you' ll drown the child if you' ve impregnated her, my good fellow. I have suggestion. She has a younger sister, just as pretty as she is. I' ll give her to you, for this poor girl won' t be able to keep up with you."
" I accept your offer," said Fysistere, " and I' ll need a lot of others, for I stop fucking them as soon as they are full, or while they are nursing the little ones. Is the younger girl about?" he enquired, fucking me uninterruptedly.
" No, you' ll not be able to have her until tomorrow night."
" In that case, I' ll finish giving this one all twenty- four. You may wash now," he said to me, decunting. " I' ve only five more to go. If your fiance feels fit, let him give you a drink of fuck – ' twill strengthen you for the rest." Guac immediately brought me his balls to fondle and his prick to frig. I acquitted myself so brilliantly that he was neighing before three minutes had gone by and I had just enough time to get my mouth around his prick when he discharged, swearing like a trooper. " Yes, there' s nothing missing in this girl. She has every talent a man could ask for." Fysistere declared as he reencunted. " If her younger sister is half as gifted, there are two matchless athletes." He ran off his last five fucks, one after the other. I can say in my own behalf that I discharged in reply to every shot he fired into the target. Indeed, I sometimes answered with two or three to his one, whence the active Fysistere' s admiring comments. He called me a fuckeress worthy of him. Wherewith my father said, " I doubt whether, even with the little one, you' ll be well enough supplied. But I' ve got just what you' re looking for: a niece. She' s a nun and has the hysteric vapors, it seems. She' ll be useful, however, in giving my daughters some respite."
" A niece, eh? Excellent, I' ll take all three and will give each an annual income of twelve thousand pounds," the dark- skinned man promised. " Bring them to see me every day, except for tomorrow. I' ll be busy stuffing a tall blonde who has heard me spoken of and wishes to have a try." And he left.
That scene altered all our plans. I slept till noon. We arrayed ourselves and were married at one o' clock. The wedding feast was gay. My sister was there, as was my hysterical Carmelite cousin, my father having found the means to have her there by alleging her need of the waters she had been for a considerable period requesting. I felt the most genuine pity for my sister Doucette' s little cunt, and resolved to see her at some time during the day. My father cunt- sucked her while I looked on, explaining to her that such treatment was excellent for her health and prevented illness. Ah, how pretty she was! I' d have got my tongue in her cunt, too, had it not been for my bridal dress and coiffure, for her dear little fuck tempted me sorely. Our father warned her that she would have probably to aid me in the course of my wedding night, and the amiable child naively and graciously agreed to do whatever would be of help. I also saw the cunt that belonged to my Carmelite cousin, the beautiful Victoire Loudo. It wasn' t exactly sweet to see, nor cute, but was covered by rich, superb black upholstery. One had but to touch it with the tip of one' s finger to plunge her into an erotic frenzy and my father was obliged to screw her in front of my sister and me; this quieted the poor thing for no more than a moment. We called my uncle; he fucked her three times. Then we put the young man to work; he was soon exhausted. Then we enlisted the solicitor' s services. And finally we one by one applied to all those who were to stuff me on that glorious day. The embuggerers came afterwards: she was fucked, refucked, and fucked again, nailed, hammered, cleated, planed, sealed, and painted – and calmed at last. But we did not resort to Monsieur Guac – I was jealous of him. While all this multiple fuckery was proceeding, my father frigged my sister. The nun' s embuggerage had caused Papa such an erection that he thrust Doucette into a small chamber (I went with them) and there and then he depucelated her. I inserted the paternal scepter into her dear little cuntlet – my function in this commerce was indispensable, for her gem, new and bright, was also very narrow.
The nun was given a washing. Noticing that Guac coveted her, I expressed jealousy, which flattered him. He made me a promise to save all his fuck and his thick prick for my mouth while waiting for children to increase my cunt' s diameter. " But you rented me out," I told him, " before having turned me over to the hairy man, in order to be fucked before and behind on my wedding night. How many cuntfuckers and embuggerers am I to have?"
" Six, at two thousand crowns a piece."
" You see, then," I returned, " I shall need a little rest – but we should not let so pretty a sum go by. And have you insisted upon silence and no bright light?"
" I have, yes, my beloved queen. I have contracted simply to produce you naked, without any night garment, and to be naked myself in the room. Silence and obscurity are essential – the six buggers have been discreet with me so far. After having seen you together in the salon, each of them will be placed in a separate room. You will move from one to the next: each will behold your entrance, survey and aspire after your charms, and suppose he is the unique possessor of all that tempts him. We will arrange everything by means of signals."
" And, I take it, I shall be replaced by three persons? We' ll allot my sister the smallest and most delicate prick. The Carmelite will get the most brutal and vigorous. I shall see you fuck my aunt – leave that to me. She' d like nothing better than to be fucked were the conditions such as would ensure her against compromise. See to it that each woman comes to grips with two men – you should have little trouble managing it, for only the men are to be deceived."
Guac admired my grasp of the situation and my sense of economy. He promised he would submit completely to my orders and asked leave to call my sister or the nun, saying he wished to be frigged. I summoned them both. Uncovering her breasts, I bade the Carmelite take hold of my husband' s prick and balls. Next, I placed my sister in the appropriate position, raised her skirts to above her waist, and adjusted her so that she would exhibit a view of her ass, which was exceedingly attractive to look upon. I stood beside her, likewise exposed, but showing Guac my forequarters. He, titillated by a soft and gentle hand and relishing the prospect of three eminently agreeable women, soon began to mutter and whinny with pleasure. From this amiable mood he went into a furious one and he would without any doubt have encunted that nun had I not leapt to his prick and shoved it into my mouth. He discharged into my throat, howling with joy. We all four went out together to the dance and my sister, my cousin, and I were greeted most warmly by the merry- makers come to the wedding.
My six fuckers for that night had arrived. Guac, taking great care not to show me to any of those who were to have me, made much ado about me to those who were not. They were, taken all together, six monsters of ugliness. Guac found a way to get them to take off all their clothes: he led them into an isolated room, bade them strip, and rubbed their bodies with what he described as an invigorating balm. I observed this scene through the keyhole.
The first was a fleshless skeleton having a prick resembling my father' s. His nose was so long it touched his chin. He was hollowchested, bright- eyed, and he had warts all over his body. I decided to bestow him upon my sister because of his prick' s moderate proportions – and I imagined I' d find few moderately proportioned ones amongst these gentlemen. His name was Widewit.
The second was a stocky, stout little man with a considerable belly and a prick the equal of my uncle' s. His hide was the color of boiled lobster, by way of a nose he was furnished with a large beet. He had bushy eyebrows, a funnel- shaped mouth and the slack lips of a great eater. He, too, was to be destined for Doucette if I failed to find anyone better. His name: Witencon de la Cowillardiere.
The third proved to be constructed like a heron or like a dromedary: he was hoisted up on long stilt- like legs or poles, lacking entirely in calves. Upon his shoulders he carried a conical head; his visage was sharp and dark. His skinny thighs were mere continuations of his meager legs, separated only by enormous knobby knees. Everything that was wanting in the rest of him was found in his prick, this article being sturdy, nay, massive, more so even than our betailed man' s and twice the diameter of Guac' s. I selected Towtenwit for my aunt, who was hot- blooded, big- gaped and barren.
The fourth was an important corn- factor as broad as he was tall, covered with black hair and with pimples, having balls weighing sixteen or twenty ounces each, and a very long prick, as thick as my uncle' s. I chose Witplongeardow for my cousin because of his balls.
The face belonging to the fifth had the hue of a toad' s belly. His head was monstrous and might also have been a reptile' s. His belly was modeled after Desessarts', his prick after Guac' s. (He was to embugger me – that had been decided in advance.) His glance was dreadful, his mouth disgusting, and his nose yet more so. Witerwell was there to occupy himself with my aunt' s ample cunt.
Round- shouldered and stooped, bandy- legged, red- haired, and rheumy about the eyes, the sixth and last was a tall man. He had a vaguely shaped, lumpy prick, exceedingly long. He had, however, brought along an auxiliary and a artificial member which, strapped into place, was to be used to embugger me. Perceawant was to be my ardent cousin' s second lover.
Night fell. I was put to bed. Each of these six originals fancied he was going to have the pleasure of plying the carving knife upon my unsliced flesh. Guac conducted me into the nuptial chamber and made as if to tuck me in, but he distributed us, one to a room, and the lights were extinguished. As for myself I remained up and walked about, providing each of my co- workers with a glowing portrait of the Prince Charming she was going to clasp in her arms. In all conscience I felt obliged to give them at least imaginary pleasures in the default of real ones. " My dearest," I said to my sister, " with what unlimited joy you' d sacrifice your night' s quiet rest for me if only you could see the delicious young man who is to make gentle use of your sweet charms! He' s a sylph, he' s an Apollo, the very god of love, I assure you!" Next, I went to where the nun lay in great expectation. " You are going fully to sense the difference between the cot in your convent cell and a newlywed girl' s bed," I told my mettlesome cousin. " A superb man, a majestic prick!" I betook myself to the room where my aunt was awaiting she knew not what. " Ah, you shall have your fill of what you love so, my dear Auntie: a matchless youth and perhaps two who desire me with all the passion of their young years. They' re going to fuck me in your cunt, your burning cunt, and continue until their forces finally desert them. Think of it! Their pricks are solid; and so I advise you to grease yourself as though ' twere for the first time. Pretend to be a maid and swallow those enormous joints of beef." My aunt thanked me and besought me to bring these champions in with all possible despatch. I ran off to get her Towtenwit, the third.
Leapt upon by the horror she fancied an angel, my timid sister sighed happily. I heard her being cunt- tongued, I heard it when she discharged. " I' m dying," she murmured.
" How sweet your voice is, my beloved bride," Widewit whispered to her and he straightway climbed aboard and encunted her. Although depucelated, the poor little thing uttered a cry. I spoke from the doorway close at hand, to disguise her trouble and distract her fucker: that old monster was literally eating her alive, caressing her, fingering her everywhere; she discharged afresh. Thanks to me, she had just as much pleasure as if she had been fucked by Don Juan. Seeing that she was well enskewered, I went to find out how the nun was faring.
Witplongeardow had decided not to employ his misshapen device, but rather his artificial one, and was nonetheless evoking groans from the poor martyr under his belly. I ran and informed Guac of what was happening. He came at once, plucked the villain from the breach and gave him a few cuffs. I heard him say in a very low voice: " Do you want to kill my wife, you scoundrel? Put in her cunt that damnable prick God gave you!" The fucker did as he was ordered and the fuckeress thenceforth knew pleasure only.
Next, I repaired to my aunt' s room. Owing to his awkwardness, Towtenwit had been so far unable to encunt her. I lowered my head to the pillow and, between sighs, said, " Ask my father to introduce it for you." Guac, who had followed me on tiptoes, arrived to negotiate the insertion, and subsequently all went well.
Each of the three girls was twice cunt- fucked. Then, as though in concert, the three buggers wheeled as one and attacked the fort from the rear. Two of the three were therewith handselled asswise. My aunt naively supposed her cunt was about to be stuffed from behind, but the two others had not even as erroneous notion of what was about to befall them. Those three asses were pierced at the same instant and despite the instructions they had been given to avoid all outcry, they all screeched in chorus. " Oh! the anus!"
My aunt: " Ah! The asshole!" No one paid the least attention to these protests. Happily, my sister had a large ass, consequently, she suffered less than the others. As for the Carmelite, whom Witplongeardow was buggering with his infamous member, she had a veritable yardstick in her entrails and could feel it nudging her navel. She suffered much pain from this rude intrusion, for he withdrew and plunged back in again brutally. She had no pleasure until he discharged and she felt the agreeable warmth of his fuck flow into her large intestine.
My aunt was the worst treated by Towtenwit: her asshole was tight as her cunt was slack. His enormous prick was cleaving her in two. She gritted her teeth to stifle her curses. The discharged came at last, she imitated it with one of her own, his prick grew smaller, she felt much better.
The three old lechers had had as much as they needed. Guac came to fetch them off their prey, and led them away without permitting the women a glimpse of the creatures with whom they had been struggling. The three cunts were wiped and dried and set to rights, the beds were made, the sheets changed, the three brides were tucked in, again, and Guac brought in the three new actors.
He and I deposited Witencon in the arms and upon the belly of my sister, by now somewhat toughened by the battle. She tenderly caressed the monster who encunted her, his prick guided by Guac to the mark (Guac took advantage of this opportunity to fondle and tickle my sister, which caused the poor little thing to tremble so that her fucker exclaimed, imagining me to be his auditor: " Ah, but you are a bloody little whore, aren' t you!").
In that Guac seemed to have forgot everything but his immediate problem – namely, cunt- stuffing my sister. I left him to his affairs and went on alone to arrange the two other men. Perceawant I gave to the nun and saw to it his own prick was erect. "' Tis a gentle hand indeed that touches me," said he, wishing to seize mine, but I eluded him. " Get your ass to quivering, buggress," he told his steed. " I' m entering your cunt. You can' t get away from me now. I' m not your husband. I' ve paid hard cash to lie with you and depucelate you, and so you' re my whore. Fuck, slut, and keep your ass in motion, that' s what I' ve paid for." Guac heard him; he came in directly and seized him by the throat.
" You' ve not fulfilled your end of the bargain, I need not fulfill mine. Get out of her, knave!"
" Yes, but I was to have embuggered her!" And he charged into the Carmelite' s ass despite the hail of blows Guac was showering upon him. The nun screamed like one of the damned.
By this time I was at my aunt' s bedside. I matched her with the massively outfitted Witerwell. He had contracted to embugger only, but the hot- blooded rascal he had beneath him herself directed his prick into her cunt. " Ah ha! So, wench, you' re not a virgin after all," he declared (to me, he supposed). " How is it you know so much about prick- management? Well then, whore, if you are experienced, fuck like someone who knows a little of the world. Fuck, do you hear? For I' ve paid your pimp of a husband!" As she replied in earnest to all his thrusts, he went on, saying, " Ah, she' s a whore, she is a whore, I say, she' s what the others left me," and as he discharged he pinched and slapped her. She protested and defended herself. " Into your mouth it goes, bleeding whore that you are," he said, drawing out of her cunt. " And if you don' t swallow my fuck to the last drop you' ll wish you had!"
Guac, having a moment ago driven out the nun' s brutal fucker, after he' d been allowed to embugger her, now heard the hub- bub in my aunt' s room and hastened thither. He apostrophized that unclean wretch Witenwell, gave him a powerful blow in the face. " You might at least wash yourself before sticking it in her mouth, dog! I never give my prick to be sucked, never, do you hear, without first washing it in rose water and soaking it in milk. Execrable bugger! You behave like that swine the Marquis de Sade. Are you trying to nauseate us all? You' ve broken the agreement, and you don' t deserve to spend another minute here."
" There are a hundred louis in my coat pocket," said Witerwell. " Take them in addition."
" Wash yourself. Here' s some rose water. Some milk' s over here. Well, my dearest, you' ll have to put up with whatever comes along. He' s got a hundred louis in his pocket, just as he says."
The old reprobate shouted like a lad of eighteen, enmouthed, embuggered, encunted, between- titted to his heart' s delight. " Ah, by Jesus! What a whore they' ve given me!" Guac wished for nothing more than to prove to him he' d not got the partner he imagined, and, when Witerwell was finished and dressed, Guac escorted him to the door, passing down a hallway and leading him straight past where I happened to be, fully clothed. It was as though he had seen a ghost, for I sprang out of sight. " Oh, I' ve been cheated!" the monster roared. " Damn my eyes, he gave me a whore instead of his wife!" He swore and cursed till he had stamped out of the house. While these scenes were in progress I was observing my young sister' s fuckery: The poor little thing was encunted, embuggered and enmouthed like the others by her paramour Witencon de la Cowillardiere, who did not pause before he had exhausted his last particle of strength. He adored me; what finally did for him was that, when he felt himself drained dry, he had Doucette suck his prick (priorly very thoroughly washed in warm water) and kiss his balls. Again, he niched his prick and balls between her bubs and in the cleft between her buttocks, then he had his gland given a further sucking, wherewith he did get somewhat of an erection and promptly popped his device in Doucette' s ass. He repeated this trick and, this last time, had a dry orgasm. He collapsed soon thereafter.
I called for Guac who pried him loose from Doucette' s ass. He was unconscious and in that state was borne to his carriage. Upon reaching home, liqueurs were given him in accordance with Guac' s instructions to his footmen. Alcohol revived the aged libertine. " Ah," he cried, opening his eyes, " I am still alive, and I wanted to die in that asshole! I' m still hard. Go fetch her here, bring her to me. I' ve got to stuff her again and… oh… oh… expire… oh-" and, indeed, he did expire.
" An heroic death!" Trait- d' Amour commented, and the whole company agreed it had been.
Madame Guac' s story continued. ' And that was how I passed the first night of my marriage. Guac was, upon his return, furious with lust. He wanted to embugger everyone in sight, then enmouth us; we disposed ourselves. He enmouthed me, embuggered my sister and cousin, encunted my aunt, who ached for a month from his huge prick' s effects and was furthermore impregnated thereby, and that probably was what prevented Fysistere from buying her too.
As for Guac, Madame Guac remains his mistress and his thick prick still fortifies me with its nourishing fuck. She' ll be encunted by him soon after she' s had her second child – he and Fysistere have agreed to that."
No one ever knew how the fiery man with the tail discovered that Guac had hired me out on my marriage night. He arrived in a towering rage; he demanded to know where I was. I was in bed – such was Guac' s reply. " I daresay," Fysistere muttered. " And a man has died of exhaustion in her arms."
" She spent the entire night attending to her duties," Guac explained, " but they were not lethal. Her cousin, the nun, having been somewhat wooed during the day, was attacked by her hysterics in the course of the night – she had a nightmare in which she fancied she was being fucked. I was summoned to her room; being unable to encunt her, I embuggered her instead. As for my wife, she' s asleep and you' ll be able to ascertain by the freshness of her cunt and asshole that she' s not been touched."
" We' ll have a look at the Carmelite to begin with."
" She too is sleeping." But they went in search of her.
Guac drew back her bedclothes and pulled up her nightgown without awakening her. She lay on her side, unable to rest on her back because of her smarting ass – it was in dreadful shape. " She looks rather bad to me. And her cunt?"
" It was less seriously maltreated. I strained it, but not gravely, by my vain efforts. After that she frigged herself."
" Now let' s see the bride." They came into my room. I believe I had mentioned I knit up the raveled sleeve of care with a little repose preceded by a bath. My cunt and my asshole were found so appetizing and pretty that Fysistere kissed them both, then he informed the good Guac that he had a secluded dwelling where he planned to sequester us, my sister, my cousin, and me, during the whole of the time we produced children for him. When he looked in upon Doucette he found her dressed; she enchanted him.
The next day he took the three of us away, saying that, until the time our pregnancies were well underway, no one would approach us and we would speak to no one save through a grilled window.
Fysistere is extremely wealthy; he feeds Guac to the tune of twenty thousand pounds a year. My father receives forty thousand for my sister and my cousin. After a good supper, in the evening he has us all lie in a wide bed and he climbs into our midst. He fucks me first, then my sister, lastly the Carmelite. Each of us gets two successive discharges between which he never decunts. Then he returns to me, goes next to my sister, and soon, in a word, we are each given eight shots a night, meaning that Fysistere fires twenty- four times. While he is fucking one, the two others excite him, one attending to his sensitive tail, the other to his equally sensitive balls. That' s how it was. We all three became pregnant simultaneously. He announced we were to have no more until we had given birth and finished nursing our offspring. He came here to Sens, he saw you, he fucked you, Madame, he married your eldest daughter, encunted your five other children, fucked your two nieces, got into your husband' s bastard, raped your two servants, and made every last one of you pregnant. An unusual man. During the time he was operating here, we gave birth, nursed, found ourselves in a case to start in again, and he has fetched us here and he is going to fuck us some more. You too ought to try to be free – available, that is to say – when we are gravid once more. That way we will be fucked alternately.
There you have our story. And now you know more about the man with the tail. I shall simply add that, when Monsieur Fysistere was not fucking us, we nevertheless did have desires to be fucked, and we satisfied them by resorting to my father, my uncle, and the stalwart Guac as well as to the solicitor and my first beau. They furbished us indiscriminately, Guac spilling his seed in our mouths, the others moistening our cunts. However, we all wanted Guac when the first pangs of labor began: his prick, as bulky as an infant, opened up the passage and his fuck greased it.
After childbirth, we besought my father to hunt us up some pretty little boys not yet at the age of puberty, but capable of stout little erections, who would be able to keep our cunts from getting rusty. These youngsters were located. We used to oil their little members. They' d not discharge, but were able to keep us as clean as a whistle.
The twelve women were greatly aroused by this narration and some of them got up and went forthwith to have Fysistere give their cunts a polishing. He was greatly surprised by their eagerness and fell to with a right good will. He used his tail as well as his prick, thus handling two at a time, one on top of him, the other beneath. When this storm had blown over Fysistere returned to his three tried and true women. But it was not long before they were all pregnant. Whereupon he requested them, and Madame Linars too, to find him three or four new companions while his original three remained hors de combat. Madame Guac managed all by herself to procure three for him: one was Tetonnette, a childhood friend; the others were two sisters: Bienouverte, tall and blond, and Dardenbouche, a pretty brunette, very affectionate and given to discharging like a fire hydrant. Tetonnette was one of those dark- haired but fair- skinned girls who are always found to have splendid breasts. Fysistere signed over twelve hundred pounds a year to each of Madame Guac' s three discoveries, took upon himself the responsibility for their maintenance during the period of their fecundity, laid them side by side in the capacious bed and depucelated each eight times the first night. He began things with Dardenbouche, the youngest. She was so amourous, although a maid, that she replied to the initial prick- thrust with a veteran heave of her flanks. It was with nothing less than heroical courage she sustained the eight successive assaults. Next, Fysistere turned to Bienouverte. Her behavour was more reserved; she wept and exclaimed, although not very narrowly cunted, because, not discharging from the outset, he only mildly wetted her cunt. Nevertheless, she was a maid and acted like one. Despite her languor, she was fucked the standard eight times – Fysistere would have been mortified had he failed even by one to live up to his lights. After Bienouverte came Tetonnette. She was less readily penetrated than the former, but so deliciously did she go into the dance, her bubs were so appetizing, her cuntlet fitted so snugly, that she gave him quite as much pleasure as had Dardenbouche.
His two dozen attacks completed, Fysistere let his new wives sleep. Early the next morning, three menservants entered to receive his orders. He was awake but feigned still to be asleep, his mouth fastened upon one of Tetonnette' s nipples and a hand on one of the breasts of the others. " Look ye at the bugger," murmured one servant. " He looks peaceful and contented, don' t he?"
" Aye," replied the other and they fell to frigging themselves.
Whereupon Fysistere pretended suddenly to awake and said to the pair, ' I heard you two rascals. You' ll not encunt them, no, by God. I want them to be pregnant thanks exclusively to me, but turn two of them over on their bellies and embugger them both, if you' d do me a favor.' He had scarcely concluded his sentence when the three sleeping beauties uttered simultaneous cries motivated by the three pricks burrowing into their assholes. Fysistere exhorted them to be patient and to think of all the encuntments they regularly had to every embuggerment. Moreover, he assured them that the two servants and himself were going to eject their seed upon the floor. They were won over by these arguments and vied with one another in giving furious motion to their asses. A superior diplomat, the man with the tail!"
Everyone' s reaction to this long story was the same: " What indeed are we but puny operators compared with those fuckers and fuckeresses! But we do make the most of our limited abilities, don' t we? A pity ' tis not tomorrow, wouldst that we could put our small wits to work!"
" Now don' t start frigging yourselves, my friends," I warned them. " Save what little you have."
" Never fear; our fuck is not our own. It belongs to these lovely creatures." Who was surprised to hear us converse thus in my daughter' s presence? Monsieur Brideconin and his good dame. But they were to have an even greater earful and see yet more.
It was Sunday. A fine dinner was prepared and served in the storeroom. Apart from the bed and the old sofa, I had had a third comfortable piece of fucking furniture brought down there: I' d chanced across it in a locksmith' s shop in the rue de la Parcheminerie. The locksmith had bought it merely for the steel and iron at an auction of a certain duke' s belongings. I related the history of this object to the society.
" This armchair you see before you has unusual properties. It is more than at first glance it appears to be. The locksmith one evening shortly after acquiring it was about to sit down in it, for he had noticed it has an interior mechanism. The plump young wife of his old neighbor, the wigmaker Aupetit, arrived in his shop. All out of breath, the pretty woman sat down wearily in that devilish contraption; her arms were pinioned upon the spot, a spring mechanism drew up her skirts, another spread her thighs, a third forced her cunt forward, and a fourth made it oscillate. ' Eh, what the devil sort of a thingumabob is this?' she cried.
"' I' ve not the faintest idea,' the honest lockmaker answered. ' I was getting ready to try it out myself when you came in. Apparently it' s what the Duc de Fronsac used to employ when dealing with recalcitrant girls sold to him by unwise parents. If you like, neighbor, I' ll deal a little with you.'
"' Come, my good man! Is a woman ever to be raped against her wishes? I' ll bite, I warn you.' The locksmith removes his breeches and gets aboard her. The lady attempts to bite him and a gentle but irresistible device forces her mouth open and, exerting pressure, compels her to stick forth her tongue. Vulcan' s minion takes full advantage of all that and nips into the wigmaker' s wife, who' s powerless to prevent it and even unable to scream. The operation completed, the spring and gear mechanism in the chair unwound and Madame Aupetit was released. ' Twas then she began to weep and sniffle, to complain about how she' d been used – ' twas as though she were in the depths of despair.'
"' Why, you' re a great silly,' said the smith. ' I managed so well you' re certain to become pregnant. You' ll have a baby the likes of which your old scoundrel of a husband would never have given you. But you' ve got to be clever. Tell him today that you' ve been doing penance or something of the sort, that you' ve got to go to the church tonight to receive some kind of a blessing, and, when the cure gives it to you, stir your ass, say a few things to warm him up, and, when he discharges in you, make as though you' re swooning and tell him he' s shot to your gullet.' Madame Aupetit left the shop with her head full of these instructions and she followed them to the letter; the armchair was sold to me the next day.
" Having seen me passing in the street, the locksmith called me in, showed me his prize, praised it and explained its use to me. I bought it upon condition I obtained satisfaction from the apparatus. We' ll use it on prudes should we find any in the course of our orgies. We' ll not have anyone sit in it until the proper time comes, otherwise the charm of its secret will be spoiled."
We were four at dinner: Madame Poilsoyeux, a pretty hatmaker from the rue Bordet or Bordel whom Trait- d' Amour had brought with him and whose name was Tendrelys, and myself. In petto, I decided to try the mechanical chair on the attractive Tendrelys, who was still a virgin although Trait- d' Amour had made a steady practice of sodomizing her and had upon several occasions discharged between her thighs. Or, if the hat- maker proved docile and complaint, I' d use it on Rose- Mauve or on her blonde sister Rosalie, or again on our landlady, for I was eager to initiate Madame Brideconin into our mysteries and her husband too, wishing to cuckold him in his own presence. We dined royally well, but avoided eating and drinking too much. Furthermore, we were served fowl and other readily digested things. The reader will soon see how I put my plans into execution.