But the moment was approaching when I was to recover Conquette Ingenue; my keenest desire, even as I lay in the arms of Madame Maresquin (Victoire' s friend) was to make a cuckold of Vitnegre.
There came a day when I encountered my Conquette on the Pont Notre- Dame. She was most distraught, very tearful, and she cast herself into my arms. I was deeply moved and all my former anger evaporated at once. Although aggrieved, my delicious daughter was still beautiful, perhaps the more so for her unhappiness. My first impulse was to lay firm hold of her cunt, but I checked myself, for we were in the street. I went to see her the next evening, at the hour she had told me her husband, or rather her monster, was never at home. I did indeed find her alone and in the course of that first visit she confessed to me she had taken a lover. Infinitely pleased by this avowal, which proclaimed Vitnegre' s cuckoldry, I flattered her, spoke sweet nothings, coaxed her, got her to agree to open her cunt to Timon, her beau. But soon after I gathered this was a purely Platonic attachment wherein Conquette found consolation for the brutalities of a thoroughgoing debauchee by recounting her woes to a soft- pricked but sincere and spiritual poet. She liked to speak of her undemanding and patient lover, and as I was the only one with whom she could safely discuss these questions, I promised her I would arrange secret interviews for them. She was in seventh heaven.
On my second visit, Conquette mentioned some of Vitnegre' s recent infamies. Upon one occasion, stooping down to pick up something from the floor, he had one of his friends seize her cunt. She had protested.
" Why, it' s merely a cunt you' ve got there in your hand," Vitnegre said coolly to his colleague, " Didn' t I tell you her cunthair is softer than silk? Well, old man, would you believe it? The inside is softer still."
Conquette wished to leave the room but he caught her brutally by the arm, had her climb aboard him, drew her skirts high up above her thighs and clutched her cunt in his hand, bringing it into clear view of his friend and frigging her betimes. While all this was going on he described how much pleasure she was able to give her partner when she chose to be agreeable.
" But," he added, " she' s like every other whore: you' ve got to give her a good thrashing to make her do her duty." Next, he attempted to expose her breasts, but she broke away from him, whereupon he swung his booted foot and bestowed a lusty kick upon her ass. Some few days later the same friend having dined with them, Vitnegre, noticing that after coffee his wife had gone off to piss and then paid a visit to the bidet, said to his cohort, Culant by name, " There we have a damned clean cunt, and were we to employ a little dexterity, or if need be a little force, we might both be able to give it a lick or two. However, if it' s to be force, don' t be startled if you hear somewhat of an uproar. But if by milder means we are to obtain our way, here before you is the key. It opens the door which yields entrance to the corridor. You will step in when, weary myself, I shall say in a loud tone, ' Come, Madame, show me a smiling cunt and let' s begin again.' Then advance boldly, my dear chap, smite unsparingly, for I' d as soon have the whole wide world fuck this bitch. Her path' s still insufficiently trod and needs widening!"
Conquette was called back into the room and the husband had her sit down before the fire. He deployed his prick, uncovered his large brown balls and recommended that his friend do the same. As the latter hesitated, the husband said to his wife, " Untrouser him this very instant, buggress, or I' ll tear out your cunt- hair by the handful!" He did indeed reach forth his hand, Conquette uttered a cry. Culant immediately brought his prick and balls to light and in so doing asking Vitnegre to deal gently with her.
" Look sharp there, buggress. Frig us both, one with either hand. I am her master," went on that scoundrel, addressing Culant, " she does just what I tell her – how can she help but obey?"
Conquette was weeping; Culant sought to intercede in her behalf. " Very well, then, let her suck my prick, there, and that way, on her knees, for I think I' d like to squirt into her mouth. I used to discharge into my first wife' s – she died, you know, and perhaps from overdrinking, who knows? It used to be my greatest delight to slake her thirst!" Culant remarked to the effect that thus to use it would be to spoil the prettiest of mouths. " My God! Objections, objections, always objections! Then I' ll employ my own mouth-"
" The sight would make me come, I fear," Culant said.
" Why then, my sly one, pray go into this little room." Vitnegre thrust Conquette into a dimly lit cabinet and then urged Culant in after her, wherewith the wicked fellow adjusted his dress and left the house for another where he had the habit of gambling. Culant, left to his own devices, sucked and licked Conquette but dared not fuck her, having so diminutive a prick he was certain she would recognize that it did not belong to her master. Nevertheless, Culant discharged six times and Conquette did twice as well. When sated and spent, he gave her a blow of his fist, that she might persist in mistaking him for Vitnegre.
But that evening, returning from his adventures, the monster said to his wife, " Well, buggress, were you adequately tongued this afternoon? ' Twasn' t I toiled over you. I' d surely not have done you the honor of half a dozen discharges. My friend doubtless has taken a liking to you. But can you have failed to recognize him? For I heard you blew off twelve times in a row, and you never even stiffen with me. And the blow he gave you – a stout one, eh? You felt it, I trust?" And thereupon the wretch burst into laughter. " Well, there you are, bitch of a lawyer' s bastard, there you are, a whore to the teeth. I' ve nothing to do now but cash in on your cunt." Terrified, Conquette then and there formed the resolution to leave him. The following day we met on the bridge. Having made her decision, she intended to carry it out and be rid of that monster.
My daughter' s tale, although related in rather more subdued terms than in the version I have given, had revolted me. I assured her of speedy aid but, at the same time I sought to comfort her, my prick held a fine consistency and threatful slope, for all stories of libidinous brutality excite my prick into an erection.
I solicited her favors; my request was answered with blushes, but I was permitted to kiss the pretty green slipper she was wearing. I went no further, wishing to start things aright. However, during the visit I paid her on the morrow, I laughingly slid a hand between her blouse and her back, then came gradually around to her bubs which, to be sure, she undertook to protect, but which remained in my possession all the same. Shortly after achieving this success, I set out for another and began to stroke her hair. Then, eager to see to what point I could carry matters without encountering a determined resistance, I teased her about having a little tuft of coarse hair amidst the silky hairs upon her cunt. Which she gave me to fondle, all the while trembling lest her husband interrupt us. In order to put her at ease, I had her talk about her lover and while she prattled on, I proceeded from one liberty to another, finally inserting three fingers three inches into her cunt
She was so engrossed in her subject that I do believe she fancied it was Timon who was cheering her up. As I rubbed away, I told her I had located a pension for her and that she could go there directly she left Vitnegre. She reddened with pleasure and threw her arms about me. I darted my tongue into her mouth, then felt hers enter mine. Furiously happy, I was on the point of asking her to tell me in what manner she had been depucelated when, Vitnegre' s step sounding outside the door, I dashed into the same room Culant had used, thinking I would be able to get away through the door to the hallway. What was my surprise to see a monk enter by that same door. I retreated and hid behind a large sofa; he failed to notice me.
Vitnegre entered by the door leading from the room I had just left. " Salutations, my most reverend father. Will you fuck her before dinner, or after?" The monk, appearing to meditate over his reply and squinting through a glass panel which afforded him a view of Conquette, licked his lips.
" No, my son," he finally said, " no, ' twill be as we priorly agreed: go into the room, increase the light therein so that I shall have excellent opportunity to see all that comes to pass. Then amuse yourself with her: teats, asshole, cunt. I shall reserve my best for the night."
" Nonsense," said the generous husband with a large gesture, " I' m quite willing to throw this one into the bargain." But the man of God remained adamant. " No, I say, I like only bedtime fucking as you know: to suck tongue and bub, to encunt, to embugger, to be suckled, to sink good tooth into a pretty tit, to nip its extremities. Proceed, dear boy. Go into the other room with your prick aloft, warm her up, and, I beseech you, brutalize her just a little."
Vitnegre, his loins bare, returned to his wife, who, as always, trembled at his approach. " Mark you, buggress, the condition my prick is in? It' s because of that neat little foot I see before me. The other day I overheard some poor sod behind you say he' d like to get his tool in you – get that kerchief away from your chest, I' ve got to see your dugs – pretty things they are, by God, white, firm. Ah, my little slut, I' d tear off these pink buttons if I weren' t afraid of damaging the merchandise. What a fuckable shape to those buttocks! Up with your petticoats, whore, up with them, above your waist, above the navel, let me see that mechanism. Very nice… now walk, presenting your cunt… now turn around and let' s have a look at your ass… excellent, capital… a very graceful movement you' ve got, bitch. Wiggle your ass, do you hear me? And wiggle your cunt too, agitate it, by God, and keep it up till I tell you to stop." She toured at least a hundred times around the room, alternately exhibiting her ass and her cunt.
His eyes fixed upon the spectacle, I heard the monk say: " That bugger' s prick isn' t as stout as mine. He wasn' t able to depucelate her. Ah, dear Jesus, how she' ll screech tonight! But I mustn' t have that. Screech? Then there' ll be scandal, the neighbors will come running," reasoned the ecclesiastic. " They' ll think someone is killing her and who knows? Maybe I shall. Shall I? Ha! Why not? What? But I' d best go now," and the old fellow did go, murmuring as he left on tiptoe: " She' s someone it' d be a delight to kill, that' s clear, and killed she' ll be."
At the same instant, Vitnegre gave Conquette the signal to stop parading: " Whoa there, bitch! Stand still a minute." He entered the room. " What do you think of her?" he demanded. " Like to have a go at her now?"
My prick was as hard as a rock. Attempting to simulate the monk' s voice, I said in a hoarse whisper that yes, I might try her after all.
Vitnegre went to fetch his wife and, driving her brutally ahead of him, said, " Get along with you, bitch, whore, or I' ll fuck your ass! Ah, but you' re going to howl like a cat, but see to it, you bloodycunted slut, see to it you don' t wake the neighbors. For if you do I' ll bring every blessed one of them in here. That wouldn' t bother me one damned bit. I' d keep your cunt corked even though all of Paris were here to watch me operating." With these words he pitched her head over heels onto the couch which had been placed in the room, then disappeared.
I leapt atop my daughter, who, feeling herself being almost painlessly probed, refrained from raising a fuss. " Scream!" I said to her in a low voice. And scream she did, she screamed to wake the dead upon discovering she had some stranger' s member in her trick. As soon as I had discharged, and discharged deliciously, by having her oscillate her cunt, I made my escape just before the neighbors put in their appearance, and, as she kept up the disturbance, I sent them in to rescue her. She was found standing on her feet.
"' Tis only my wife," said Vitnegre with an apologetic smile; " we were making love, a mere nothing, don' t you know. Look at the silly creature, she' s still soaking wet with pleasure, but she' s got the temperament of a wildcat. She bites and howls whenever you show her any kindness at all." Agreeing that Vitnegre was a very witty fellow indeed, the neighbors all laughed and withdrew.
Vitnegre dined and comported himself with a degree of politeness. He wondered whether his wife had identified her fucker as a monk and feared that she might chatter about what had happened. I took supper in a cabaret opposite Vitnegre' s house. When I had finished my meal and he had left the house, I returned to my daughter who related everything that had passed. I said not a word.
I induced her to describe the circumstances of her depucelation – for she believed herself a maid no more – because I had a strong taste for such narratives and hoped hers would sufficiently restore my vigor to enable me to fuck her once again. She launched into the story as soon as I had put her in the right mood by speaking of her lover.
" Our first night and the three succeeding ones each netted Vitnegre five hundred louis, or so I subsequently learned from him. Directly we reached the house in which we were to dwell together, he lit four candles and disposed them around the bed. He had me lie down with my skirts raised above my waist. He turned me this way and that way, examining and kissing me everywhere. He had me lift my legs in the air and then stand up on the bed. ' Wiggle your ass,' said he, ' no, this way, the way I' m doing it' – he showed me how – ' as if I were busy fucking you.' I pointed out to him that this was indecent. ' Indecent! Bah! A wife is her husband' s whore,' he observed philosophically and fell to sucking my cunt and then bawled at the top of his lungs: ' She' s discharging! look at her squirt!' Then he had me grasp his thick member, as heavy as a horse' s and of the same color. ' Down on your back,' he cried, ' I' m going to fuck you now.' He flung himself upon my belly, but could accomplish nothing. ' They who say your father popped your cherry are a pack of bloody liars. You' re as mint as a six- months- old babe. Would that all of Europe were here to bear witness to this marvel. A knitting needle couldn' t go into it.' He lubricated me with some preparation, oiling me before and behind, extinguished the candles (my maidenhead had been sold) and pretended to climb into bed. Actually, it was someone else who lay down beside me, for all night long I was harassed by a fat member which got nowhere in the face of my narrow avenues."
At the point in her story when she had quoted Vitnegre' s exclamation, " She' s discharging!" I had slid a hand between her thighs. She felt it there but offered no resistance. I sank a finger into her cunt. " Ah, Papa," said she, " you' ll be just as hard on me as the others when the day comes that I am depucelated."
" How' s that? Depucelated? Is this true, my heavenly child?"
" Never has anyone entered into what you are holding with your hand at this minute."
" Oh, adorable girl, I am a god, not a mortal man! But you' ve given me too fierce an erection! I must have your precious favor, else I' ll have a frightful spermatic colic." Without further ado I picked her up in my arms and carried her into the adjoining cabinet.
" You are all of you alike," she sighed, " and even my own papa cares for me only on account of that hole."
" And on account also of yours breasts, your nipples, your mouth, your eyes, your voluptuous figure, your inspiring curves, your legs, your prick- lifting feet, your soul, naive and virginal still despite all that has been done to make a whore of you." As I pronounced these words, I raised her skirts from behind – she was bent forward over the couch placed in the room for purposes of fuckery – and I readied myself to attack her from the rear, but pommade was necessary to effect the introduction.
" It' s all my own fault," she continued, " if these stories I tell inflame every man who listens to them. Timon only once threatened my virtue and that was after he had heard the same tale, although I didn' t go into all the particulars." She sprang away from me, for my device was hovering within an inch of success.
" And so you wish to make me ill, downright ill," I said in the most plaintive accents.
They melted her, her lovely blue eyes became moist, she came back and leaned forward and inserted my prick herself, and aiding me despite some sharp pains, which the pommade only partially lessened, she said, " Whenever my sister and I would watch you stick it into Mother – and we saw you doing it all the time – you used to roar with pleasure, but you must not roar now, Vitnegre might walk in."
I promised to labor in silence. Ah, what delights were mine! I encunted her and my beloved partner' s trick twitched and gripped my prick. Never was satin so smooth as the celestial cuntlet' s interior, the cuntlet yet unfledged is not narrower. " Ah, if that rascal of a husband of yours had really known what your cunt is worth, he' d have battled his way into it even at the price of dying in the attempt."
" No, his member is too thick, you see. He was afraid of spoiling me. He frigs himself, or has me frig him, while holding me by the hair or buttocks and when he discharges he swears and blasphemes." She contracted. She discharged, whereupon I too came, deliciously, ecstatically, crying aloud notwithstanding my promise.
" Move, move, shake, stir your ass," I said again and again, " squeeze your cunt, my angel, good… good… choke it to death… ah again… and again!" She wrung my spouting prick and herself discharged repeatedly. I felt the last depths of her cunt pinch and suck the end of my prick. I discharged three times running without budging from her cunt, and she shot off perhaps ten ejaculations, which I could sense from her convulsive shudderings, her spasms, her jerking up and down. At last she was spent, panting for breath. I disencunted as soon as I felt she had ceased to emit. She washed herself at once, for Vitnegre had the whimsical habit, upon his return and even in the presence of anyone he brought home with him, of seizing and sniffing her cunt.
We went into the salon to rest ourselves and to talk. I divulged the entire adventure of the monk in whose interests Vitnegre had made her display her breasts, her ass, her cunt. I described the huge proportions of the monk' s engine, assuring her that it was twice the size of her husband' s. I provided her with a picture of the barbarous joy of the ecclesiastic near whom I had lain in hiding and who in the most unequivocal language had expressed his desire to split her open like a ripe melon with his massive prick. Shuddering, Conquette cast herself into my arms upon hearing of all this. " Oh, save me, dearest Papa, only save me and I shall be devoted to you forever!"
" I shall save you," I affirmed. I explained how and why the beastly monk had gone, swearing that, had he remained and tried to violate her, I would have stabbed him to death without hesitation. I explained also how her abominable husband had surrendered her to me, thinking he was giving her to the monk who had paid for her. " You know, oh, adorable child, how I put it in you. ' Tis I who, contrary to all hope and all likelihood, ' tis I who snatched your maidenhead from the clutches of our enemies."
Conquette kissed me prettily upon the lips. " But how are you going to rescue me?" she wanted to know.
" I shall come to fetch you an hour from now, I' ll lead you away, and you' ll stay at your pension. As soon as you are safe and sound, I' ll bring an attractive and talented whore to Vitnerge – I' ve got your key to the house and I' ve already found the whore and she' s agreed. I' ll make a noise immediately when I hear Vitnegre and the monk arriving. Then, I' ll skip out. I' ll listen to what goes on, and tomorrow we' ll see what' s to be done."
This scheme delighted my daughter who saw her sufferings about to be brought to an end. I ought to have taken her away without wasting an instant, but instead I amused myself by having her tell me what had befallen upon the second and third nights of her marriage.
My matchless daughter resumed her woeful story in these terms:
" Vitnegre repeated the same things the second night. He took light hold of by breasts and said ' These seem of an admirable firmness.' Then he stationed me as though he were exhibiting me on the auctioneer' s block to a crowd of imaginary buyers (one of whom was only too real). After having placed my fur in view, he turned me around and showed my buttocks. ' Still a virgin,' said he, as if speaking to himself. ' In order to perforate her you' ll have to grease her like a pig and dip your own prick in butter.' He sucked and violently pumped my cunt and, when I was wet enough to satisfy him, he let me catch my breath.
" After a brief nap I woke to find that I was lying on my belly, and that astride me sat a man who was struggling to drive his exceedingly massive member into my fundament. But, although he cared not a whit for my groans and sighs, he failed over and over again to open a passage through my anal rosebud – that was his expression as he spoke in a low whisper to someone nearby. I next heard someone else in this room say: ' Well, I' m not the one to be of much help. My prick' s far too heavy to blaze the trail. Here have a look. Much too thick, isn' t it?' I understood nothing, fell back to sleep and did not awake again.
" The next day, towards noon, having first buttered my rosebud and steeped his member in olive oil, Vitnegre bade me lie down upon my belly and pull my skirts up, then he mounted into the saddle. ' I' ve got to try out this buggering club on you,' he muttered. I reminded him he had spent the whole night trying me out. ' That will be enough from you,' said he; ' all we need to do is enlarge the vent. Ah, by God, what a fortune these two gems are going to bring me once the rumor gets abroad!' He strove with might and main, tortured me for a good two hours, and all for nothing. He had to suspend his experiment, a copious discharge deprived him of rigidity and strength.
" And the third night he once again repeated what he had done on each of the previous ones. Upon awakening and while still sleepy, I found myself lying upon my back. Above me was a man frantically attacking my gem with everything in his power. I uttered a protest. ' Are you discharging, my dear?" inquired Vitnegre. My rider dismounted, and he added: ' Beware lest you cry wolf the moment you see something hairy coming your way. Buck up, my heart. Fist this prick of mine. I' ve a yen to discharge. Tickle my balls with your free hand, that' s it, do what I' m doing to your cunt… fine… splendid… ah!' But ' twasn' t he I fondled, I discovered that afterwards. Someone discharged no fewer than six times in succession. I served that man steadily for more than an hour, and he devoted another to tonguing me. I was at the end of my strength. And then he had me with his mouth and he lost not a drop: he swallowed it all and left me at last."
I restiffened despite my four discharges and said to my daughter: " I can bear it not another second, oh, divinely becunted angel. I' ll not try to hide it from you, my delicious little friend. Apart from my passion for you, quite as inexplicable as your beauty, something else powerfully stimulates me. ' Tis the desire to cuckold Vitnegre. Wouldst such a thing were possible without obliterating your heavenly charms. Wouldst that all the men in the world could make use of your cunt that he might be universally cornute! Come, come give me my happiness." I was bearing her towards the divan when we heard a key turn in the door. I immediately hid myself in the other room. Vitnegre appeared with a young man in tow. We clearly heard him say before entering: " You' ve got the sort of prick that should fill the bill, and that' s why for six bumfucked louis I' m letting you have a pucelage that' s worth a thousand. Here' s the way we' ll go about it: I' ll precede you and make as if to kill her. You' ll beg me to spare her, and I' ll only let her off if she seconds you in wishing to be encunted by you. My big- pricked clients are all annoyed not to be able to fuck or embugger her. They pay like the devil, you know. We get on very well from what she earns. I feed her excellent dinners.
Look at her: Chubby, wouldn' t you say? But first of all you' re to encunt her, that' s a matter of pressing urgency. Tomorrow you' ll stick it into her ass. That is an operation of secondary importance. Mind you, I adore her. If I treat her a little roughly, that' s only to make her pliable, so that she' ll bend to my will. I' ve earned three thousand francs from her and we' ve not been married longer than three months. Let' s go in now. She' ll ravish you. But show her no pity." Such was the monstrous Vitnegre' s speech.
We did not wait to greet them. I pushed Conquette ahead of me, out of the house and straight to the pension. She wished however to accompany me back to get Connilette, the whore, an appetizing, welldecked specimen. Conquette preceded us. Fortified by my presence, she opened the door and entered. We followed her. I told Connilette to stretch out fuckably on the bed. My ' daughter' received the two libertines. They found her in superior form. The young man – he went by the name of L' Enfonceur – and Vitnegre himself vied with one another in praising her. Vitnegre, who was mad about her feet thus shod in high- heeled shoes, kissed her nether extremities, saying, " Ah, that' s it, my dearie, let' s go softly to work. I' d be the world' s most unhappy man if I had to give up the idea of fucking you. You' ve got to be trimmed to measure, or rather enlarged: my prick' s too stout. Unprepared, it would do you damage. Here' s a betterproportioned device, which, without discharging, is going to perforate you. Thus pierced, you' ll manage to accommodate my weightier instrument tonight – and I intend to bury it deep. Here, look at what I' ve brought you," and he pulled L' Enfonceur' s prick out of hiding. L' Enfonceur? or was in Timon, the modestly- furnished poet? Yes, it seemed as though Vitnegre had not discovered his wife' s predilection for that handsome taffy- haired youth, and he employed him in the following manner.
Upon recognizing her lover in the man her husband was bringing home to encunt her, my daughter blushed with modesty and desire. She found an opportunity to whisper in my ear: " Tell the whore to leave, we shan' t be needing her tonight." I saw very clearly that Conquette was in a lather to be fucked by her gallant. I did not send away but concealed the whore, and there follows an account of what took place next.
Just as soon as Connilette was installed out of sight behind the large sofa, Conquette went in to join the two men who conveyed her to the locale selected for sport and had her sit bare- assed down upon their clasped hands. " Well, my little harlot of a wife, you' re going to be depucelated at long last, thoroughly fucked upon this occasion," declared Vitnegre. " But never fear later on tonight you' ll be bale to cope with a thick prick." He disposed her skirts and adjusted her. " Excellent. Now, L' Enfonceur, let me put your prick into the works. No, better still, by little helpmate will insert it herself. She must become accustomed to performing these chores." Vitnegre left the room. I remarked, however, that he had left the door ajar: whence I augured some villainous stunt, but I was there in case of need.
Speaking in a muffled voice, Timon said to my daughter: " Shall I put it in you?"
" No, no, he' s gone off to get some listeners" – this word sent a chill through Timon. " But he' ll maim you, you' ll end up a cripple!"
" I don' t sleep here anymore."
Satisfied by her short reply, the lover set forthwith to tonguing her cunt with great gentleness. The voluptuous girl discharged nonetheless. She was beside herself when I heard Vitnegre return with, I supposed, the monk. He entered rapidly, followed by three neighbors. " I' m going to show you precisely what I mean," said he and indeed he showed them something in the room.
At this point, however, my love- smitten daughter, yet impaled by her lover' s vibrant tongue, pronounced a deep sigh. The three neighbors pricked up their ears. " Why, that must be my wife," said Vitnegre. " I didn' t realize she was in the house. I' ve purchased that cloth for her."
" Oh, but she must see it, you must fetch her in," chorused the three neighbors. The monster bade them wait a moment – one of the neighbors indeed was about to go in search of Conquette. He took a candle, saying that he would find out first whether she were asleep. He reached the door, halted, and feigned a look of scorn and anger. He drew back, but over his shoulder the three neighbors had seen quite as well and as much as he: Conquette, half- naked, stretched out on her back upon the bed, a man' s head nestled between her thighs. Vitnegre ushered the neighbors out by the corridor, all the while striking his forehead and uttering confused sentences.
He had attained his object: if during the night his wife were to scream and weep, the three neighbors would now know the reason why and would explain it to anyone else. If Madame Vitnegre were to perish, rent asunder by the monk' s claymore (the monk, who was very rich, was to pay sixty thousands francs for his victim, several others of whom he had killed, since he always chose narrow- cunted prey) then it would be she who was in the wrong.
And now Vitnegre returned to the two lovers, who had altered their position. L' Enfonceur, after having spilled his seed upon the floor, had remounted upon my daughter' s belly.
" Ha!" said the infamous husband, " have you run your peg all the way into her? Encunted her solidly? Have you discharged? And has she?"
" We have both discharged," replied Timon L' Enfonceur.
" I am going out now," said Vitnegre; " keep raking her out while I' m gone. I' ll be back in thirty minutes. Don' t be alarmed by what you are going to hear. I have my reasons for all this." He went into the hallway, opened the door quietly, and began to shout as if he were kicking his wife about like a football: " Bitch! Slut! Whore! You fuck when I' m abroad, do you! Slime! Fuck- bibbler! Ass- wipe! You screw, eh! Well, I' m going to the police, do you understand? I' ve had enough of this." He noisily opened the door, then slammed it, but before departing he whispered to the impassioned couple: " Wiggle your ass, bounce it, my dearie. Courage, L' Enfonceur, dig in, scrape the barrel clean." L' Enfonceur, puzzled, watched Vitnegre go.
" A nasty ruse, that one," I whispered to my daughter. " The monk plans to kill you, and Vitnegre is neglecting nothing to motivate your death."
" Save us," she said, terror in her voice.
" No, we' re numerous enough to protect you. Pretend to Timon that I' m about to arrive here."
Timon re- entered the boudoir. " Here is Papa," said Conquette. " He' s just come, thank heaven."
" Ah, yes," said Timon, " his presence will shield us, for I was about to propose that we flee from this place. But let' s wait and see what happens." Timon and I conferred. I pointed to where Connilette lay hiding and outlined our scheme, which he thought marvelous. However, time was rushing by. Timon carried the light back into the boudoir, my daughter and I hid ourselves while the young man and Connilette adopted an intimate posture upon the bed.
" Be careful," she warned him. " Keep your prick at a distance, for I' m in bad shape, my boy, don' t let yours balls touch my hair, I' ve got crabs."
Wherewith Vitnegre and the monk made their entry. The neighbors clustered at the window took the holy man for the chief of police.