We were all seven still wonderstruck by Vitnegre' s innumerable encunteries, enmoutheries, and embuggeries when Trait- d' Amour, casting an eye upon the amiable hatmaker, naked like all the others, said to her, " Well, you' ve been depucelated, my pretty one, and ' twas my divine master who plucked your flower. ' Tis a very good thing – both you and I ought to be grateful and happy about it. I behold you now as pious believers gaze upon their Virgin Mary, who, fucked by the Angel Gabriel, then by the Holy Ghost, whose whore she was, came away from these set- tos only the more virginal. You are now dedicated to Lord Linguet' s prick. Religiously guard your cuntlet from all stray tupperings, preserve it for him. You may not give yourself save with his permission. And now, my celestial creature, your pretty bush is going to be clipped, soaped, and shaved clean."
Tendrelys objected, citing her mother' s reaction to this haircut. That mother, she averred, inspected her cunt regularly every night to determine whether anyone had impaired her mint condition, for she had already been sold and was soon to be delivered to someone who fancied new goods only.
" What the devil do I care for your mother, buggress?" Trait- d' Amour demanded seeing me deploying the Fransac and winding its spring. " We' ll tell her the whole story." And he thrust her upon the Fronsac, which went instantly to work. He soaped her and prepared his razor.
At this point arrived Mademoiselle Conquette Ingenue who had just finished rinsing her ass in well water so as to shrink it back to its normal dimensions. " What' s this? Mademoiselle' s cunt is to be shaven also?" There was a shade of irritation in her tone.
" Oh, my dear, don' t let them do it, for Mamma won' t understand what' s happened to me," Tendrelys implored, kissing one of Conquette' s hands, which she had contrived to grasp.
" No, Mademoiselle, I' ll not oppose their action. Once shaved, your cunt will all the better announce to your mother the fact that you have been deflowered by my unfaithful father. We shall also see, after that charming toupee has been removed, whether your gem is superior to mine, weary and sore as it is at present."
" Ah, my adorable friend, there' s no need for a trial, nothing exists to equal you."
" Very well, sir, shave away. I believe that, when ' tis done, my fickle lover, who depucelated this attractive gem, will have the kindness to allow you a moment' s lodging therein."
Trait- d' Amour, all the while he was shearing off the golden fleece, explained to Conquette that all the pucelages were mine by agreement and that, in conscience, I was under an obligation to take them, for if I did not there was a risk neophytes would be injured by the more sizable tools of my colleagues. Conquette did not know what to answer to that, but she maintained her air of arch disdain. I approached her and, as she was naked, kissed her breasts and deposited my prick in her hands. " You' d prefer to have Tendrelys hold it," she pouted.
" No," I protested, " I deny that. No one gives me an erection the way you do. But after you comes Tendrelys. Her bush' s being clipped. It must be done if we are properly to compare your heavenly cunts – and yours is heavenly despite its severe usage this evening. First, both with be tongued. Then I' ll see to which my sultan- prick grants the apple. The better re- empucelated of the two will have it."
Mademoiselle Conquette smiled the little smile of a pretty woman beside herself with delight because certain to triumph; she said not a word. The cunt- shaving finished, Tendrelys' s pretty trick was washed with rose water. Mademoiselle Linguet proposed that they both rinse their assholes again. Then the comparison was made. They were impartially scrutinized and judged the one as splendid as the other, which decision indeed awarded the prize to the lovely Conquette' s so frequently fucked cunt. That was the general opinion.
Rose- Mauve and Minonne stepped forward to be compared, but their cunts were far from possessing that virginal aspect which characterized those of Tendrelys and of my daughter. " Your cunts are eminently agreeable to see," Trait- d' Amour declared to them, " and a hundred times better than the garbage pails of whores, but I feel they do not belong to the same class as these two extraordinary articles we have just examined."
Conquette preened herself, but she was generous by nature and soon found the tactful thing to say. " Since our cunts are of equal beauty," she observed, kissing Tendrelys' s lips and petting her cunt in a friendly manner, " depucelate her and have your lieutenant refuck me, if he has strength enough left." She had not got the last syllable out of her mouth when she was encunted. " Fuck her for me!" she cried to me. " Fuck the wench!" I ran my machine into the little nymph. But, ready for discharge, Conquette Ingenue was plunging into an erotic fury, and after witnessing her I understood how it is that Sade' s heroes, when about to ejaculate, become cruel. The encunted girl cried: " All of you, all, do your hear? Fuck that damned Tendrelys, fuck that bloody little whore! Brisemotte, get into her at once, stuff her so that her anus and cunt are but one hole!" She discharged and, somewhat calmed, she asked Tendrelys' s forgiveness. " Excuse it, my little sister, fuck rose to my head and made me cruel. No, leave her cunt as it is – trim, tidy, sweet, a maid' s. Let my fucking Papa have it thus to himself. ' Tis surely enough that mine be martyrized. Come, come, Trait- d' Amour, push, my boy, fuck me, don' t spare me, I beg no quarter," she said to her rider. She began to buck and rear and prance more energetically than ever and this exhibition of enthusiasm and fire persuaded Rose- Mauve and Connette to lend themselves to some cunt- fuckery. Minonne still felt a little lame in her sensitive parts and so that obliging sister of Trait- d' Amour approached me and tickled my balls with such deftness that I ejaculated.
This business despatched, a period of rest ensued. We had dined lightly and now had a collation: we ate strawberries steeped in Muscatel wine and buns, then we drank the excellent coffee Trait- d' Amour brewed for us, and we sipped Benedictine afterwards. Then we chatted together.
" You' ve dipped your tool in these two pretty lasses, Minonne and Connette, and in Rose- Mauve too, and you' ve just depucelated Tendrelys before our eyes. Tell us the story of your first experience and tell us how you persuaded your first woman."
" Yes, tell us, tell us!" exclaimed Tendrelys, Rose- Mauve and everyone else.
" I' ll very willingly tell the story, but upon condition someone go and bring Madame Brideconin down here so that she too can hear. We' ll begin to initiate her in that way." My three blades, who envisioned her as one further morsel, were delighted with the suggestion. They took her away from her husband (who was at the moment holding her by the dugs) without even deigning to explain themselves and, two of them joining their hands under her naked ass and the third steadying her from behind, they bore her down the stairs, her skirts up around her waist, her bubs spilling gaily from her bodice. She was deposited upon Fransac' s wondrous machine and, had I not interfered and curbed their exuberance, they' d have told her a story rather than listened to mine. When peace was finally restored, I began.
" I entered as a pensionnaire in the home of Trait- d' Amour' s stepmother, a laundress in the rue d' Abbon, while my wife ran about the provincial countryside with a gallant fellow, the same who used so passionately to fuck her that he' d strip to his underwear the better to palpate and encunt her. Trait- d' Amour brought me my noonday meal every weekday, but on Sundays and holidays I went to dine at the house of the good Madame Wallon. One day, when we were going there together, Trait- d' Amour asked me if I would not teach his little sister how to write. I agreed at once. The lessons started. While instructing her, my eyes often strayed to her budding white breasts, breasts white as a lily."
" One moment," Madame Brideconin interrupted. " Get my husband to come down here. I' d like him to hear the story too."
Trait- d' Amour, receiving a nod from me, set off to fetch him immediately. I signaled to Brisemotte and Cordaboyau: the first laid hands on the landlady' s bush, the second on her bubs. She was thus shining happily between those two males when her husband appeared. Brideconin was flabbergasted at first, then, waking from his stupor, he made a bee- line for Rose- Mauve' s cunt and Connette' s teats. Trait- d' Amour handled his sister' s bubs. As for myself, I had Conquette sit on Tendrelys' s lap between my legs, from time to time letting my hand fall upon my daughter' s chest or her pretty rival' s; thus situated, I resumed my narrative.
" I took Trait- d' Amour aside. ' Look here,' said I, ' I must stop teaching the little one. She gives me a fierce erection and I' ll surely stuff her the first chance I get.'
"' Oh, my good sir, ' twould be very fine indeed for all concerned were you to depucelate her. The poor orphan has little enough pleasure as it is.' (Their mother was dead; their father, remarried to a close friend of his deceased wife, whom he had chosen in deference to his dying wife' s urgent request, had himself, as he died, left as stepmother to the two orphans this good friend of their tender and loving mother.) I replied, saying the thing would involve difficulties, for the child would doubtless talk. ' No, I guarantee she won' t. Minonne has already conceived desires for you. She' s already told me she likes it when you touch the thing under her skirts.' This speech emboldened me. One Sunday, when Minonne and I were alone together having a lesson, I could not resist an impulse to kiss her pretty mouth, then a bub, and from there my hand descended rapidly to her hairless cuntlet. I sustained a terrible erection. My prick was all but bursting from my breeches, so I freed it, allowing it to protrude through my fly, which I unbuttoned: it sprang nobly out.
"' What have you there?' asked the child.
"' A prick, my dear.'
"' What' s it for?'
"' To put in cunts.'
"' But I have a cunt my brother says, and he says my stepmother has a bucket- cunt. Since he' s been grown up and since he' s got what he calls fuck, he puts his thing in my stepmother' s bucket- cunt, and that makes her shout and wail and laugh and cry. He wanted to put it in me, but my cunt' s too little or his thing' s too big, he never managed to do it. My stepmother saw him trying to do it and scolded him. " Go fuck yourself," that' s what he said to her, and then he changed his mind. " No," he said, " come here, I' ll encunt you, you old rascal, for I can' t do without it, I' m so hot." And he laid her on the bed and pulled up her skirts and he fucked her, as he calls it. Oh, how she giggled, how she swore! And how pleased she was with what he did to her! And he said to me, " You see how much fun it is, Minonne, you see how crazy the old bitch is to suck the sugar- cane! Come on, show me your little cuntlet, so I can discharge for you.'
" Minonne' s little speech put the finishing touches to my erection, which had reached outlandish proportions. I asked the child whether there were any butter available in the house. She fetched me some. I was on the point of greasing her when her stepmother, as good a woman as you could possible find, returned, having gone out forgetting her fan. She spied my embarrassment, the tumult I was in, and saw the child' s flushed cheeks. ' I wager you were about to torment her,' she said. ' You ought not: she' s not yet ripe for that. Come along with me.' The old girl dragged me off by the wrist. We got to her bed, up went her skirts and petticoats in a flash. She pulled me down upon her and engulfed me despite my resistance. To save her stepchild' s maidenhead, she kept me busy for a solid hour. During it, however, I discharged only once to the old biddy' s ten – I noticed she found me to her taste. When this battle was over, she left the house without bothering to wash. ' I walk better with a little oil on the hinges.'
" As soon as she had gone, I went straight to Minonne, who' d witnessed everything through the partly opened door. I cleared her skirts away, buttered her cuntlet, and my prick shot rigidly up immediately. As we started off, I told the little one to arch her back so that her little hole would be within fair and easy reach of the prick that would soon pierce it. She took infinite pains to do her best, which was not at all bad, thanks to the way she wiggled her pretty ass and I, on my part, managed well, too, because of the disgust I had experienced in futtering the old woman' s gray- haired tunnel. I took Minonne from behind and worked my way to the bottom of her, for I felt her dear little matrix nipping and squeezing my inflamed gland. Following my orders, the child agitated her body, but did not discharge. Her brother' s intrusion occurred just as I thought I was going to erupt. Trait- d' Amour surveyed us, transported with joy.
"' Ha!' said he. ' So you' re depucelating her, eh! Splendid! She' s getting the best possible initiation. Does she discharge? Are you enjoying yourself, Minonne?'
"' No,' I replied, ' no discharges thus far. The poor sweetheart' s been suffering, though courageously. Do you see the way her ass writhes? That' s rare and augurs well.' Touched, Trait- d' Amour slipped his hand down his little sister' s belly and began to tickle the tiny clitoris lurking in her unfledged crack. The child' s eyes became glassy, her body tensed, and, turning her sweet mouth towards mine, she put her tongue between my lips, did indeed discharge, this being for the first time, and moaned with delight. I discharged too; never had I sensed such pleasure.
" Once I' d decunted her, her brother asked me if I were a jealous lover. ' Yes,' said I, ' jealous of every rival but yourself.'
"' Well then, your fuck will serve as pommade to help me ease into her pretty cuntlet.' However, Minonne was less willing to be stuffed by her brother and undertook to repel his assaults, but Trait- d' Amour was soon master of the situation: he flung his sister upon the bed and was a moment later within the portal, making a difficult entry, for his prick, even in those days, was not by any means puny; his sister was alarmed.
"' Wiggle your ass and discharge,' he recommended, thrusting vigorously. '' Tis lovingly you are being encunted, my sweet little orphan sister.' She discharged no fewer than three times over and then could do no more. Trait- d' Amour helped me clean my instrument and I went back into the fray. I had even more pleasure this time, because the youngster had by now got somewhat accustomed to the game, and because with his bulky prick her brother had cleared the way free.
" From that day onward, Trait- d' Amour and I fucked Minonne every Sunday and holiday. The stepmother was aware of what I was up to, but did not interfere. And then Trait- d' Amour one day asked me whether I would also mind giving some instruction in writing to Connette, presently his mistress and the girl he was later to marry, since Tendrelys' s mother, always fearing lest she be depucelated, had ruined all his hopes of getting at her daughter. ' Certainly,' was my reply. I went therewith to pay court to Connette. Two months went by. Then, that young lady, being one day standing at the window and leaning out of it, I caught a glimpse of some first- rate legs. Minonne, at the time, practicing her penmanship, looked up from her work and noticed me staring avidly at Connette' s behind. I grasped Minonne' s bublets and requested her to take hold of my balls. She rose from her chair, approached Connette, and said to her in a subdued voice. ' Don' t object to anything we do to you.' She raised her skirts, led me to her, buttered her cunt for me, and oiled my prick too. " Arch your back," she said to Connette, " be a good girl." And to me: " Run in square and true. You should find the way without any trouble." Connette arched her back, obeyed her friend' s every command, so that, although she was exceedingly tight, I penetrated admirably. In came Trait- d' Amour, always on time. He drew us to the bed, lay down on his belly, had his mistress lie with her back upon his, then bade me encunt her, asking his sister to guide my prick. With each thrust I made, he replied with a heave of his ass. These shocks imparted to his mistress' s ass wedged me an inch farther in every time. Connette' s sufferings were perfectly dreadful. But when at last I struck rock bottom, thanks to a final heave of Trait- d' Amour' s flanks, Connette winked, smiled blissfully and soon emitted with ineffable joy.
" I supposed Trait- d' Amour would hurl himself upon her and encunt her while she was hot. But, no. ' We are engaged,' he explained. ' Were she to have a child by you, it would ennoble my family.' He fucked his sister while I refucked his mistress. And thus it is that since then I have shared my most precious belongings with him."
" He merits your trust," all the company agreed. " Indeed he does," said Brideconin, who was at the moment employing both hands to do an homage to Rose- Mauve' s cunt whilst Brisemotte and Cordaboyau were one of them handling his wife' s cunt, the other her dugs. My story had made all those gay blades stiffen like honest Republicans, even though we were nearing the close of a trying lay. The ladies, even those Vitnegre had encunted, were positively in rut.
" How clever you were, and how delightful your instruction has made them turn out to be," said Conquette, darting her tongue into my mouth.
" Oh, indeed yes!" Tendrelys concurred, kissing me in like manner.
Meanwhile, Madame Brideconin was being pulled in opposite directions by her two young suitors, each of whom had absolutely to stuff her without an instant' s delay. " I' ve only accommodations for one, dear boys," she explained in all modesty. " Had I room for two, believe me, I' d keep neither one of you waiting outside in the cold. One first," said the landlady, " then the other."
However, a happy expedient was discovered. Cordaboyau ploughed into her cunt, Brisemotte into her asshole. " They' re doublefucking my wife!" cried Brideconin. " But what do I care? I' ve got a tidy little cunt around my prick." Trait- d' Amour, furiously ribald, laid hands on Conquette. I thought he was preparing to encunt her; I was mistaken. He lay upon his back and drew her down over his rigid prick; Minonne and Connette held her under the arms. She slowly lowered herself upon the veritable spear which Tendrelys' s hand held steady in the exact position: thus Conquette managed her own embuggerment. The weight of her lovely body made it a profound introduction.
When his massive device was buried to the hilt in her fundament, Trait- d' Amour called to me: " Ah, Sire! The world' s most beautiful cunt beckons to you." I headed directly for my daughter' s gem, the helpful Tendrelys guiding my prick.
Madame Brideconin, a whore if ever there was one, since at this point she was having both her holes battered, made three signs of the cross. She was asked what the trouble was. " I' m being fucked in front of my husband, but I' m on some queer contraption which prevents me from protecting myself. My husband, seeing me cuckold him, cornutes me… all very well. But our master is fucking, is encunting his embuggered daughter!"
" His daughter?"
" Yes, his very own," Rose- Mauve stammered, discharging under Brideconin. " And what does that matter!"
" Ha!" chorused the four fuckers and the four fuckeresses. " That gives us an appetite for the prick and for the cunt." They swore to fuck till they could fuck no more.
The encunters and the encuntees, the embuggerers and the embuggerees struggled and scrapped and one more vigorously than the other, underneath and above, in and out, to and fro, like so many devils and she- devils at a sabbath. Tendrelys tickled both my nuggets and Trait- d' Amour' s. Minonne excited Brisemotte' s and Cordaboyau' s. Connette concentrated all her attention upon Brideconin' s while poking her index finger in Rose- Mauve' s anus. The fucker to whom these refinements were novelties, exclaimed: " Ye gods, but you folks fuck wonderfully well. Compared to this everything else I' ve seen is mere messing about." He discharged like a siege- gun.
" Oh, you' re very right, my friend," said his wife as she discharged also. " I' ve never been given the working over I' m getting from these two dear boys each of whose pricks is planting a horn, one in my asshole and the other in my cunt."
Remarking that I managed more satisfactorily when Tendrelys fingered my privities. She said " Dear little companion, my hand will do the same for your encunter when you get your hole plugged. And you, Madame Brideconin, are you being suitably fucked?" This agreeable word " fucked" had so much grace when Conquette' s pretty lips pronounced it, that I would undoubtedly have pitched into her cunt anew had not Trait- d' Amour, retiring from her ass and going off to wash, besought me in great earnestness to allow him to encunt her.
But my emotions were too great to permit me to remain an idle bystander; I ordered Tendrelys to bring her cunt to the fore. Minonne and Connette toppled her upon her back and spread wide her thighs. Before being encunted by her indefatigable fucker, my daughter was fain to insert my prick into Tendrelys' s tidy crack. " Move your ass, my beloved." she said to the dear girl, kissing her on the mouth, " and be sure to give Papa all the pleasure you can." As she had noticed what a splendid impression the word " fucked" had produced upon me, the while seconding the extremely active Trait- d' Amour' s efforts, she shouted a resounding: " FUCK! Fuck, my bleeding Jesus, oh, blessed prick, FUCK my bloody cunt… oh Father, stab her, bury it in Tendrelys, tear her to pieces, dear Father, oh I' m discharging! Dischar- ging!"
" How that modest lady does fuck!" murmured Brideconin.
That' s how the seance concluded.