Chapter Nine

Conquette was, as I say, naturally self- contained. She was only subject to libertinage' s frenzied exaggerations during lovemaking' s ecstasies, which with her, owing to her vigorous temperament, were overpoweringly strong.

Two wholehearted fuckings, a mere nothing for a younger man, left me exhausted. And yet, upon opening my eyes, I beheld a Conquette breathless with lust and eager for more. I dashed around to the rue de Buci, found number 16, and gained the third floor. I found the young man with the fifty louis to spend. He recognized me and I began at once to speak. " I am the father of the young lady to whom you offered fifty louis."

" The offer' s still good. Three fucks, an hours in all and cash on the spot."

" In my presence?"

" In yours and all France' s if you like. But no trouble, my good man. I' m not anxious to be rolled."

" Oh course not. And for my part I don' t want any noise. She' s yours for an hour – a quiet hour."

" By Jesus! Let' s be off." He placed fifty louis in his purse.

We arrived a few minutes later. " Here' s the gentleman who caught your fancy," I said to my daughter. " You need fifty louis; he' s got them for you in his pocket. Now you must earn them." The color mounted in Conquette' s cheeks. But she said not a word. The gentleman removed his breeches, approached her, seized her breasts, her cunt, then said to me: " Take the money. This satin- smooth cunt, these velvety breasts are worth the price." I took his purse.

He toppled Conquette upon the fucking- couch; she emitted a cry. " Oh, sir, my kind sir, please, don' t do me any harm."

" Have we a maid here?"

" Alas!" she sighed, " yes…" He encunted her like a shot. She sighed some more, made timid sounds, and discharged.

" She' s adorable," declared the embattled fucker, for he was fucking and refucking her without pity and without withdrawing; ' twas thus he exploded three times in a row.

My daughter now caressed him, now begged quarter, but went on discharging uninterruptedly. He decunted in the finest humor and, spying several drops of blood shed as a consequence of his furious fencing, affirmed, " Yes, you are honest people. A depucelage of that order is downright cheap at fifty louis. I' ll send you fifty more." My daughter had left the room to straighten her up. " Indeed, were I not already married," he added in a gentler tone, " I' d marry her for both her cunt and her affection. You' ll receive fifty additional louis. I' ll always remember her – but shall never see you again."

He departed. My daughter thanked me and told me she was satisfied. I turned her earnings over to her. " No, dearest Papa, that must go for our expenses." A little later, the remaining fifty arrived. Of that sum I could not prevail upon her to accept more than six louis. I left the other ninety- four in my storeroom and bade her use them if need arose.

When on the following day I appeared in the room, Conquette announced that she was afire. " Do you know where the fop lives?" she enquired.

" The one who pulled his prick from his breeches?"

" Yes," she said, " that one."

" He' s of no interest. That sort always proves a fool."

" Fool or not, I' m ablaze. Let' s go out. We' ll find someone and you' ll follow after me."

" Divine child, although I weary my feeble self in your heavenly cunt, my desires remain unimpaired. And if I were to die of pleasure in pleasure, I' d beg you to give your ass yet another jerk and let me expire in the depths of your exquisite trick."

" We' ll have a fuck, then – but just one. You are too dear and too necessary to me for me to neglect your welfare."

I climbed into the saddle. While she adjusted my prick at the gates of heaven, I said, " This outing you proposed strikes me as dangerous." And as she lay still, I continued, " No need to treat me with kid gloves. M… move your ass, my sweet, jump, d' ye hear? Skip, screw! discharge! There' s only one shot in the pistol, but it' s of a generous calibre. And, before you come to grips with some heavy prick or other, you need to be exercised a little." That inspired her. Her electrified ass and cunt vibrated like Marie Antoinette' s being fucked by a rascal of a gendarme in the Conciergerie. We discharged, Conquette and I, she like a queen, I like a stalwart revolutionary. I decunted, she washed.

On with the task, ' tis that and naught else which counts! We' ve a cunt to enlarge, and so there' s nothing for it; it' s got to be fucked.

The reader will recall the name of a certain Trait- d' Amour, formerly my secretary, Minonne' s brother and the lover of Connette, whom he, too thick- pricked himself, had me depucelate for him. He was a vigorous lad of twenty and he lived a stone' s- throw away. I went in search of him.

" Well, my boy, how would you like to give a charming woman four or five substantial fuckings? I' m anxious to do her a kind turn and think with your aid she' ll have the highest opinion of me. You' ll have to work in the dark, but I' ll arrange for you to get a glimpse of her before them. One glimpse, my good fellow, and you' ll serve her royally well."

" Excellent, excellent. It' s been a fort- night since I dipped my engine and I haven' t any one at hand to fuck."

We reached the front of the house. Conquette was seated in the salon and was visible through the window. " Ah ah! But she is a provocative lass! Charming and eminently fuckable."

I entered alone. " Unlimber your bubs," I said to Madame Poilsoyeux, " and raise your skirts, a young man is watching you from the street. A handsome, splendid lad of twenty."

" My fop?"

" No another… he' s named Trait- d' Amour. That' s it, show your cunt while washing it; I' m going out to join him."

" Now look sharp," I said to my young stallion once I stood at his side again, " she' s about to rinse her ass and scrub her cunt." My new- found son- in- law' s soul stood up in his eyes. Conquette uncovered her breasts and lightly sprinkled rose- water over their pink extremities. Next, she lifted her clothing above her midriff, anointed her ass and cunt with perfume, arched her neck, stroked her breasts, rubbed her cunt languorously, and finally, before drawing the curtains, lay down full length upon a couch. I recommended to Traitd' Amour that he follow me in a moment, and went in to prepare Madame Poilsoyeux for her visitor. I stretched out and encunted her as Traitd' Amour made his entrance and set to tickling my balls. I discharged like a field- piece. My fuckeress uttered exclamations of voluptuous joy and I hastened to decunt. Trait- d' Amour had been waiting in readiness, his prick deployed, his breeches removed. He leapt aboard my daughter. Bending low over the encunter' s head, I whispered, " Stir yourself, my beloved. Flex your muscles for me. I' m far from done with you." However, Trait- d' Amour was scarce able to bury his massive device in that strait cunt, even though my fuck, liberally distributed thereabouts, served him as pommade. Conquette, jolly well jammed, intermittently gasped, whimpered and sighed but nevertheless met each forward thrust of the prick with a doughty heave of her loins. I had a new erection, but without once deserting his post, Trait- d' Amour ran off three emphatic fucks characterized by three copious discharges. I had virtually to drag him away from work. " Rest yourself," I whispered in his ear. " I' m going to join the party."

" I' ll stay," he replied, " for you' ll need me. Your prick' s not what it used to be, you know, and this cunt deserves the best. It' s presently full of fuck. If she doesn' t wash she' ll never even feel your little prick inside her." Conquette did indeed repair to the bidet and, at the sight of her snowy thighs, her marvelous legs, and perfect feet, her ass, her cunt, her belly of ivory, her sweet navel, her proud firm beasts, my prick hardened considerably and lengthened a little.

" Noble fucker," I intoned in a voice loud enough for her to hear, " reveal yourself, that my goddess may behold the superb prick I have placed at her disposal."

Trait- d' Amour appeared, his spear in hand. He was not the hopedfor fop, but was more handsome, doubtless better furnished, and my daughter smiled contentedly. Then, lowering her gaze upon that upstanding masterpiece at his groin, the lovely girl, having taken it in her fair hand, said with a sigh: "' Tis then this princely object has given me such trouble and so much pleasure, too."

Trait- d' Amour thrust her towards me, spread her thighs wide, lay me down upon her, and clapped my engine into her cunt. " Your beloved has too gentle a hand," said he. " She' s got to put you in a sweat. One must encunt stiff- limbed. Thrust, my good master, spur with both heels, the steed' s a fine one. And you, my fairly encunted goddess, make your ass fly, lift your cunt. ' Tis a lively fellow of much virtue who' s about to moisten your cunt with an honorable liquor."

This harangue brought a smile to the befucked' s face. She, to disguise the source of her amusement, replied, " Ah, Monsieur Vitnegre, how many horns you wear today!"

" Come, come, my nymph," Trait- d' Amour continued, " think now that ' tis for you to bear three- quarters of the burden. We require movement here… fine! That has the look of something done in friendship, and you have the ass- play of a princess. The flanks now, the hips, I say, fling them about. With your satin- smooth cunt you' re putting your fucker in seventh heaven. Courage, master, be stiff, go squarely at it. There' s joy to be had there, a splendid ride is yours if you' ll deal firmly with your mount. Ah! What a breakneck pace, how she capers! My stars, ' tis a discharge on the mare' s part. Ply your spurs! How she rolls her ass! The dear creature is all in a lather but likes a free gallop, ' tis plain. Here, I' ll tickle your balls, for you must keep up with her. You' re discharging too? Well done, I say. What action, what verve! And now she returns blow for blow…"

My modest daughter never swore save when profoundly moved and when fast gripped in lust' s delirium; but the present goings- on loosened her tongue: " Bugger!" she cried. " Oh, fuck me, for Christ' s sweet sake! Fuck my cunt to pieces… fuck my soul out of my body… I' m melting… melting into fuck… I' m discharging!… oh, but what I' d do to have two pricks in this bloody cunt!"

"' Twould never do, my dear, you' re too narrowly constructed," Trait- d' Amour explained. " Otherwise we' d find some way of giving you that pleasure. But someday perhaps we' ll fit a prick into your ass while a second stuffs your cunt." I was weary after a delicious discharge. I decunted in a trice, in another Trait- d' Amour took over my station. Conquette was still in a ferment and Trait- d' Amour speedily filled her hungry cunt. " You," he said to me, " you fucked my younger sister, and I fucked her after you. You depucelated Connette for me. Tell me now, do their cunts match the one which by your kindness is giving my prick a squeeze at this very minute? No, sir, no. This one' s of satin and velvet. However, to judge by its silken fledging, I dare fancy the interior of the cunt of my pretty hatmaker in the rue Bordet will approach it. Am I hurting you, my queen?"

" Yes, and delighting me… go on, go on, more… fuck, good friend!"

" Ah, what satin! What sweet humidity! I' m well in, eh? I' m fucking aright, am I not? And I' m coming! Jerk, wring my prick. Oh, divine, oh, sacred, oh, heavenly cunt of my life! A dear, darling little nipper she has deep inside her. Squeeze bite, pinch me, beloved little one. Make me convulse in your pretty cunt. Do you like fucking, oh goddess? Have you a taste for fuck? Four discharges are going to flood this dear hole. Go drown, go drown – there' s my second!"

" Fuck me a third, screw!" cried Conquette. " Don' t fail me, don' t falter, dear love- stick!"

" Don' t leave her until well after your discharge," I told my former secretary. " Let her relish the final pulsations of your goad. How beautiful she is the befucked. The sight arouses me afresh. She looks a very goddess. Let her have her fill. Hammer it home, rub her raw and ragged. She' s still yearning for it. Good, good, she' s squirting! What a picture of joy as she discharges! I believe she' s dry, my lad."

" Dry? I think not. She burst four times running, that makes seven all told," said Trait- d' Amour, washing the ecstatic child' s cunt. " But she' s got a furious talent for this. Refuck her while I catch my breath. I' m going to try to make it an even dozen."

" You will injure to try to make it an even dozen."

" You will injure your health," Conquette said to him, " You' ve encunted me seven times already!"

" Never fear," said Trait- de' Amour.

" Twelve for you, then," said she, " and that will come to sixteen for me." I went into prompt action and as she darted her tongue into my mouth, I slid my rock- hard prick into her cunt. Trait- d' Amour took her when I was done and did not let her go, despite her pleadings, until, good as his word, he had sprayed her five more times and brought the count to twelve.

She rose gloriously; directly he decunted. " Take this pitiless young man away from me," she said, " and leave me by myself. I need rest, believe me, and at least thirty minutes on the bidet; my poor fur is in tatters."

We left her and went to Madame Brideconin' s kitchen and had each a good plate of bouillon. I asked the landlady to keep some soup hot for Madame Poilsoyeux.

Set to rights, Conquette arrived and appeared as demure, as decent, as modest as if she had never been fucked in her life. Traitd' Amour left the house, well satisfied but no better informed. Madame Brideconin, very discreet in these matter, told him nothing of my relations with my daughter.
