Before moving on to the tableaux I have just promised, I must nevertheless devote a few lines to relating an extraordinary adventure I had during my stay in the rue Saint- Honore, at the age of twenty and while engaged in my studies of the law.
Directly opposite the house lived an old watchmaker who had a youthful and charming wife. She was his third. The first had rendered him very happy indeed for a dozen years – life with her had been uninterrupted drunkenness, delight – the second had also done mightily well, but for only eighteen months and with the aid of a younger sister who would replace her in the marital bed whenever the wife felt in the slightest way indisposed, because she did not want to have her husband fuck under unfavorable, and possibly disgusting, circumstances. This excellent and thoughtful wife having left this life, the watchmaker, then sixty, married the pretty and gracious Fidelette, putative offspring of an architect but in reality the child of a marquis.
For mellowness and poignancy, this third wife' s beauty had no equal. Her husband idolized her, but he was no longer young. However, being wealthy, he lavished upon her everything her heart could desire. But his gifts and kindnesses failed somehow of the mark, and with every passing day Fidelette grew more despondent.
" My angel," her good husband said, " I worship you, and you know it. All the same, you are unhappy, and I fear for your days. There is nothing I would not do for you. Tell me what it is you desire – anything, no matter what, provided it is in my power to secure your happiness, I shall do as you bid me…"
" Anything? No matter what?" asked the young woman.
" Anything, yes. Is there something wanting to your heart, or to your divine little cunt?"
" You fill my heart to overflowing, my dear, but elsewhere… I have a spirited temper and warm blood, and my trick itches terrible."
" Does it make any difference to you who undertakes to appease your dear little hungers? Or have you some special taste, some particular caprice?"
" I love no one but you."
" Is there not anyone who attracts your regard? Only speak and I shall this instant go and bring him hither."
" Ah, well… there is that neighbor of ours who lives across the way, the young man who looks at me and of whom I' ve already complained."
" I understand. ' Tis enough, my sweet. You must have thought me thick- skinned indeed. Go take your bath, my beloved one. I' ll return in a trice."
He dashed off to find me. " Neighbor," said he upon entering my room, "' tis rumored you are in love with Madame Folin, the watchmaker' s wife. Is it true?"
" Upon my soul," said I, " it is indeed, I am wild about her."
" Then come with me and we' ll see what' s to be done. Come at once." He seized me by the hand and led me to his house. " Remove your clothes. Then go into this bathroom which my wife has just left. There you see some of my undergarments. Put them on and go regale her. Play the new husband or settle the thing for some other night – for twenty other nights. Suit yourself so long as you also suit her. I worship my Fidelette and I would do anything for her and am content simply to see her happy, satisfied. After you' ve done fucking her, after she has had her fill of discharges and discharging, I' ll encunt her in my turn… and thus bestow my own modest little present."
He had me climb into the bed his wife had been occupying since finishing her bath and then he started to take himself off.
" Oh, dear friend," exclaimed that timid dove, " you leave me alone with a stranger? Will you not stay and witness the pleasures I owe to none but you?" And she kissed us both. The bed was wide and capacious. The considerate Folin got into it with us. I climbed upon his wife' s belly. The fires were already burning brightly and my own torch glowed red. There, before the husband' s eyes, I buried my prick in the wife' s cunt. She replied to my attack, and furiously.
" Courage, dearie," cried that excellent watchmaker, fingering my nuggets, " let fly, my duckie, raise your ass, get your tongue into his mouth! This brave young fucker' s ready to flood you. You, my buck, dig in, dig in, head for bottom, ring the bell!"
We discharged like a pair of angels. I fucked her six times before the night was over. Husband and wife were equally pleased with my performance.
I revelled in this remarkable situation and repeatedly tasted these celestial, more- than- human delights until Fidelette perished out of this world while in the act of bringing the fruit of our fuckery into it.