Hill С. Antichrist in Seventeenth Century England. — Oxford University Press, 1971; Idem. The Century of Revolution, 1603–1714. 2nd Ed. — Berkshire: Reinhold, 1988; Idem. Change and Continuity in the 17th Century England. — Cambridge (Mass.), 1975; The Collected Essays of С Hill. Religion and Politics in 17th Century England. — London, 1986. — Vol. II; Idem. The Economic Problems of the Church. From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament. — Oxford, 1956; Idem. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution. — Oxford, 1965; Idem. Puritanism and Revolution. Studies in the Interpretation of the English Revolution of the 17lK Century. — London, 1958; Idem. Reformation to Industrial Revolution. A Social and Economic History of Britain, 1530–1780. — London, 1968; Idem. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967.
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