The following letter was found onboard a ship in the Downs, with tobacco rolled in it.

Lovin der Charls- This with my kind lov to yow, it to tell yow, after all our sport an fon I um like to pay fort, for j am with child, and wereof my sister Nan knos it, and calls, me hore and bech, and is redy to ter my sol owt, and curs Jack Seny kices her evry time he cums ashore, and the saci dog wold have lade with me to, but i wold let him, for I wold be alwais honest to yow, therefor, der Charls cum ashor, and let us be marred to save mi virtu, and if you have no moni, I will paun mi nu stais and sell mi to new srooks you gave me, and that will pay the parson and find us a dinner, and pray der der Charls cum ashor, and done be afraid for wont of a. ring for i have stole our Nans, and the nasty tode shant never have it mor for she tells me I am go in to hav a basterd, and god bles yowr lovin sol cum ashor, and let us get marred accorden to yower promis, and i will be yowr dear vertus wife till deth.

Fey 7. Sarah Hartop.

Pray dont let yowr mesmat Jack see this, if yow do, he'l tel our Nan and shel ter my hert owt then.
