Charlie at Home, Landlady and Servant Our hero was glad to stay in his own rooms and rest the next evening, and felt rather too used up to indulge in much more than a mild joke and a kiss with the pretty Fanny, who had a rather pouting expression on her face as she bid him good night after what she considered to be a decidedly languid kind of kiss.
"He isn't so fresh as when he arrived, but perhaps he will be more lively at breakfast time," she mused, going downstairs to the lower regions of the house. "I hope Mrs. Letsam won't get at him, that's all!"
Charlie was so done up that he went to bed by ten o'clock, and slept so soundly that he awoke quite early, feeling as frisky as a lark, and with the peculiar elevation of spirits which most healthy young fellows are subject to when they first open their eyes in the morning.
"J. T. is quite himself again," exclaimed Charlie, as he threw off the bed-clothes to survey the grand proportions of that part of his anatomy sacred to the service of the fair sex. Then looking at his watch by the aid of the lamp which he had left burning, "By Jove, how early; only half-past four.
I'll look outside in the corridor in search of adventure, there is just a chance I might find Fanny's room, as this is the top story; she can't go higher up, and isn't likely to be lower down."
Quick as the idea flashed across his mind he stepped out of bed, and taking the little lamp in his hand opened his door very gently and stepped into the corridor, which was a long passage with three or four doors of rooms besides those of his own apartments. He listened at the first one, but hearing nothing passed on to the next, which was slightly ajar; hesitating for a moment he heard the loud stentorian breathing of a heavy sleeper, so shading the lamp with his hand he pushed the door gently open, when what should he see but his fat landlady, Mrs. Letsam, lying on her back in bed with her knees up and mouth open. Although so bulky Mrs. L. was what some would term a truly splendid woman, not more than forty, very pleasing face, and rich brown hair; whilst her open night dress displayed all the splendours of her mature bosom's magnificent orbs, as white as snow and ornamented by the most seductive strawberry nipples. In reality it was only a chemise, not a proper night dress, she was sleeping in, so that, as well as the bosom, a large but finely moulded arm was exposed to his searching gaze, and gave him such curious ideas as to the development of other unseen charms, that he resolved to satisfy his curiosity by a manual exploration under the bed-clothes. Turning down his lamp he put it outside the door in the corridor, then in the darkness knelt down by the bedside, and slowly insinuating his hand till he touched her thigh, rested till it got warm, then trembling all over with emotion he continued his investigations. His touches seemed marvellously to agitate the sleeper, for after one or two slight involuntary kind of starts, she stiffened her body out quite straight as she turned on her side with something very much like a deep sigh, and Charlie withdrew his impudent fingers, just as he felt the flow of bliss consequent on his exciting touches.
"She'll think it was a dream; most likely the old girl doesn't often feel like that," laughed Charlie to himself as he sneaked out of the room, little guessing that Mrs. Letsam had been thoroughly awakened, and stepped out of bed the moment he was gone, peeping out into the corridor to see who it was.
"Ha, Mr. Warner, it's you, is it? It won't take me long to be even with you for this lark!" she said to herself as she got into bed again. "I wish the dear boy had got into bed though; his touches gave me most exquisite pleasure."
Meanwhile Charlie had got to a door at the furthest end of the corridor, which opened at once as he turned the handle, and sure enough it was Fanny's room, for there lay the object of his desires in a broken restless sleep, with nearly all the bed-clothes tossed off. What a sight for an impressionable youth! There she lay almost uncovered as it were, her right hand on the spot which so many men who scandalise the fair sex say they always protect instinctively with their hand whilst asleep for fear of being ravished unawares.
However that may be, Fanny's hand was there, and Charlie conjectured that it was not so much for protection as digitation, judging from the girl's agitated restless dreams; for she was softly murmuring,
"Don't! Pray, don't. You tease me so. Oh! Oh!"
He could see everything as he shaded his little lamp so as not to let the light fall on her eyes — her lovely thighs and heaving mount of love, shaded by the softest golden-coloured down, whilst one finger was fairly hidden within the fair lips of the pinkest possible slit below the dewy moisture which glistened in the light.
"By heavens! What a chance!" said Charlie to himself.
"Perhaps I can give her an agreeable surprise."
Quick as thought he extinguished his lamp, which he placed on a table, then in the dark groped towards the bed where the pretty Fanny lay quite unconscious of his presence.
The sleeper having tossed off most of the bed covering it was quite easy for him to lay himself by her side; he kissed the inviting globes of her firm plump bosom, but without awakening her, she simply moaned soft endearing words; as if she felt herself caressed by someone she loved so much.
His right hand pushed hers aside and took possession of the tender cleft it had been guarding and pressing at the same time; then he gently placed one leg over hers, pressing his naked person close to her body. What thrills of delighted expectation shot through his whole frame, he quivered from head to foot. The temptation and the intensity of his feelings would stand no further delay. So, he glued his lips to hers in a long luscious kiss, whilst one arm held her firmly embraced, and the other was delkiously occupied in manual preliminaries for the attack on her virgin fortress below.
"Fanny," he whispered, as she unconsciously responded to his kissing. "It's me, darling; let me love you now?"
At first he thought she was going to scream, but he sealed her lips by the renewal of his fiery kisses, which seemed fairly to stop her breath. She did not speak but appeared awfully discomposed; deep, long drawn sighs came from her as her bosom heaved with excitement, and her hands feebly tried to push away his intrusive fingers. But desire evidently over48 came modesty; her return of his willing kisses became more ardent, and her legs gradually gave way to his efforts to get between them, and instead of repulsing his advances her arms were entwined round his body.
"By Jove!" thought Charlie. 'Tm not the first; she's too easy!" but to his delight he did not find the citadel of her chastity had been stormed before; the battering ram of love had to be vigorously applied before a breach was made sufficient to effect a lodgement. What sighs; what murmurs of love and endearment were mixed with her moans of pain.
"My pet, you are a woman now," he whispered, lovingly, at the conclusion of the first act, kissing her again and again.
"Oh, Charlie, what a darling; you have been so gentle with me. How I love you now; you will always love me, won't you, dearest? But you can't, you can't marry me, I know." Here she sobbed hysterically as that thought broke upon her mind.
Our hero did all he could to comfort her, but found nothing so conducive to that end as drawing up the curtain for a second scene in the drama of love.
"I don't know what upset me so in my sleep; but dear, I went off thinking of you, and suppose I must have wanted you; your kissing has made me feel so uneasy and all-overish since you came to the house. No one ever upset me like that before," she confessed to him in her simplicity, as they lay toying and kissing till daylight. She advised Charlie to take leave of his new love, and retreat to his own room for fear of discovery.
Charlie was so enamoured of Fanny that when she brought up his breakfast he urged upon her a repetition of the pleasures of the night.
"How dare you, Sir, talk to me like that by daylight?" she answered, repulsing his bold advances. "What I may do in the dark is no excuse for this. Mrs. Letsam is always watching me like a cat, to see I don't stop in the lodgers' rooms a moment too long."
It was very reluctantly he let her go. After breakfast having nothing particular to do, and feeling rather sleepy, he tried to take a nap on the sofa, when just as he was dozing off there was a light tap at the door, and in answer to his "Come in," who should it be but the landlady with his night lamp in her hand.
There was quite a grin upon her full, round, good-looking face, showing a beautiful set of pearly teeth.
"Mr. Warner," she said, seating herself quite familiarly by his side on the sofa. "I didn't think you were such a young rake as to ravish my maid servant only a couple of days after coming here. Don't say a word; I know all about it, and have seen the stains in the girl's bed, as well as found your lamp in her room; a pretty scrape you'll be in if the girl falls in the family way!"
Her eyes sparkled, and she looked so curiously towards a certain part of his person, that Charlie saw at once he would have to square the fat, fair, and forty lady to prevent unpleasantness.
"My dear Mrs. Letsam, how can you accuse me of such things? Now if it had been you — " he said, laughing.
"That's exactly it, Mr. Warner, you despised my more mature charms for a chit like Fanny. Pray what were you doing in my room last night — as if I could sleep and not be woke up by the rude hand you pushed under my bed-clothes.
I ought to call a policeman and give you in charge for an indecent assault."
Her soft hand had been placed on his thigh, right over Adam's needle, which fairly throbbed under the pressure.
"And this is the thing to run away from a lady? I shall now take as great liberties with you, young Sir," she said, proceeding to take possession of his manly jewel as it now sprang forth in all its grandeur when she opened the front of his dressing gown.
"The love! Now it's mine! What a beauty!" she exclaimed, leaning over him, and imprinting hot, wanton kisses on the head of the rampant prisoner. Charlie fairly sighed and heaved with excitement under such an osculation, he had never felt such an ecstatic thrill before, it was almost a new sensation to him; a simple kiss or two by an enraptured girl, who had just experienced the delights such a darling could give, he understood as a token of extraordinary desire, but the tonguing and pressures of the sucking lips of this wanton woman opened up such a new source of delight, that he almost fainted under her caresses.
"There," she said, "you darling, that is my style of love, and beats all the vulgar, straightforward ways of enjoyment. You may have Fanny as much as you like, but let me suck a little of your honey now and then or I will get rid of her; I don't care for a man any other way; besides, I'm not so old but I ought to be careful."
Charlie kissed her pretty mouth, and told her how delighted he was to have got into such a nice house, adding, "I never felt such pleasure before, so you may be sure the least touch or kiss will put me in a state to meet and rise to your requirements in a moment," as he stood kissing her when she rose to go. "No one ever excited me as you have done. Were you ever struck by lightning? I have heard that such people have an electric touch."
"No, dear," she replied, smiling, and showing her lovely teeth, which fascinated him so. "Although I'm stout, I'm only three-and-thirty and have the misfortune to come of a particularly warm family. Good-bye, now."
(Continued on page 87)