Omar looked at the huddled group of hostages, deciding who would be first. Two of his men had hung a black banner with white Arabic letters against one of the walls. A third man was setting up a video camera.

Selena sat on the floor next to Ambassador Cathwaite. She was unbound. The terrorists hadn't bothered to tie anyone up. Selena couldn't blame them for feeling confident. Holding AKs against unarmed civilians tended to make you feel that way. Two men watched her and the other hostages.

She read the banner. It was a verse from the Quran about slaying the enemies of Allah. Black banners with verses calling for jihad were never a good sign. Neither was the video camera.

Two of Omar's men were setting charges all around the walls. It was clear they intended to destroy the building. One of the terrorists was standing next to her. She couldn't let Nick know, not right now. Selena wondered if anyone would leave the building alive, then pushed the thought away.

Omar walked over to her. "You, journalist, get up."

She got to her feet. Omar grabbed her arm and marched her over to the video camera. He handed her a piece of paper.

"These are our demands," he said. His breath was foul with the smell of fish. "There is a transmitter on this camera. The images will be relayed on television throughout the world. Read these demands, as they are written. It is, as they say, a scoop for you. Do you understand, slut?"

"Yes." Inside, she seethed. She could kill him before he moved but it wouldn't do any good. His men would cut her down and probably kill all the other hostages as well. "I understand," she said.

The terrorist leader signaled. A bright light came on over the camera. "Begin," he said. "Read the statement."

Selena started reading the terrorist demands. Immediate release of thirty-four Abu Sayyaf prisoners being held for trial by the Philippine government. Recognition of an independent Islamic Republic on Mindanao. Reparations for past offenses by the government in the amount of $100 million, to be brought to the embassy within twelve hours. All prisoners were to be released immediately. If the release was delayed, one hostage would be executed every hour, on the hour. Any attempt to assault the embassy would result in all hostages being executed.

They were impossible demands. Selena knew they wouldn't be met. It meant they would all die if nothing happened to stop it.

She finished reading. Omar stepped in front of the camera and pushed her out of the way. "Sit down, whore," he said. Selena went back over by the ambassador and sat down.

Omar spoke to the camera.

"You need to know we are serious," he said. "I will show you how serious we are."

He pointed at one of the hostages, a local girl who worked in the mailroom. The camera followed his gesture. He signaled one of his men. "Her," he said. The man grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. He brought her over to Omar and forced her down on her knees.

"No, wait," she said. "Wait."

Omar shot her in the head in front of the camera. Gray matter and bone sprayed out over the room. The body toppled over.

"You have one hour," Omar said to the camera. "If you do not begin releasing my people I will shoot another. Next time it will be an American." He made a slashing motion across his throat. The camera light went off.

Selena felt the ambassador grip her hand.

"Bastard," Cathwaite said. "She just had a baby. Three months ago." Her voice trembled with anger. Blood spread in a wide stain under the dead girl.

Outside the embassy, Nick considered his next move. Selena's voice sounded in his earpiece. She was whispering, but Nick could hear the stress in her voice.

"Nick, do you copy?"


"There are twelve of them. They've placed charges all around. They shot a hostage."

"We're outside the building looking for a way in." He paused. "You okay?"

"Nick, these people are crazy…"

Her voice cut off.

"Selena?" he said. There was no answer.
