Akron's directions took them to a grassy field outside the city surrounded by a rusted chain link fence. A metal hangar with a white roof was the only building. A weathered wooden tower with an orange windsock stood at the far end of the field. A large sign next to the gate advertised sightseeing tours and special excursions. It listed a phone number. The helicopter was parked on a concrete pad in front of the hangar.

"Where the hell did he get that?" Nick asked. "An Army-Navy surplus store?"

"That bird's gotta be fifty years old," Lamont said.

"What are you talking about?" Selena asked.

"That's a Huey," Nick said. "An old one. You can see where the U.S. markings are painted out."

"I'll bet it's left over from Vietnam," Lamont said. "Be about right for this guy. It's what he flew over there."

The Huey was painted olive drab and had seen better days. The big side cargo doors were open. A row of seats had been fitted inside for sightseers but they didn't appear comfortable or like they belonged there. The bird still had the military look. The only things missing were M60s mounted at the doors.

Akron came out of the hangar. His cowboy hat was gone. In its place was an olive green radio helmet. He wore faded green fatigues with his name stenciled in black on the breast pocket, combat boots and aviator style sunglasses. Nick hadn't seen that style of uniform for years.

"You sure about this?" Lamont said. "He looks like he thinks it's 1968."

"We don't have a choice," Nick said. "We need him."

"Afternoon," Akron said. "Nice day for a tour."

"You really get sightseers?" Nick asked, pointing at the sign.

"Oh, yeah. Not many, but some. Enough to pay for gas."

"How come they let you run a business here?"

"It's a long story. A couple of people owed me favors. A little grease from the Agency didn't hurt either."

"The Indians know you're an agent?" Selena asked.

"Nope. They think I'm a crazy ex-pat with money. Long as I don't make trouble, they leave me alone. It's a pretty tolerant place here, or at least it used to be. That's changing, though. I'm thinking of getting out, going back to the States. Do some hunting and fishing."

While they were talking, they'd drifted over to the helicopter.

"What did you fly in Vietnam?" Nick said.

"Hueys, just like this. Sharks."

"Sharks?" Selena looked confused.

"What we called the gunships," Akron said. "The transports were Dolphins."

He patted the side of the craft. "She's a good bird. Where are we going?"

"I don't know yet," Nick said. "Let me make a call."

Harker answered. "Great minds, Nick. I was about to call you."

"You know where we're going yet?"

"Cobra took off ten minutes ago. We're tracking him now. There's only one site in Kashmir, near a place called Pahalgam."

"Where's Pahalgam?"

Akron heard him. He said, "I know where it is. It's southeast of here. Lots of old temples, health resorts, mountains and rivers."

"They keep a half dozen missiles and their launchers in a tunnel complex there," Elizabeth said. "It's got to be where he's going."

"Send the coordinates."

"On the way," Elizabeth said.

Nick's phone chirped.

"Got it."

"I talked with Rice. He's going to do what he can but I don't think it will be in time to help."

"Any rules of engagement?"

"Just stop him," Elizabeth said. "However you can." She disconnected.

Nick looked at Akron. "You got any weapons?"

Akron smiled. "I figured you might ask. Follow me."

He led them into the hangar. The back was partitioned off for living quarters. Akron went into what passed for a living room and pulled up a faded oriental rug, exposing a trap door in the concrete floor.

"Give me a hand," he said.

They pulled up the heavy door. A narrow ladder led below. Akron picked up a flashlight and started down.

"Wait there," he said. "There isn't a lot of room down here."

They heard him moving crates aside.

"Here you go," he said. He handed up an M-16, then two more, then belts weighted down with loaded 30 round magazines. He handed up a Colt Model 1911 .45 in a leather holster.

"That one's for me," he said.

Akron climbed up and turned off the flash. They closed the trap door and put the rug back in place.

Akron gestured at the M-16 Selena held. "You know how to use that, Sweet Pea?"

Selena started to move toward him. Nick put his hand on her arm.

"Hey Akron?" he said.


"Sweet Pea here can shoot rings around you with one hand and kick your ass while she's doing it. So knock off the sexist bullshit, okay?"

"Sorry," he said. He didn't look sorry. "Old habit. I just wanted to know."

They checked out the rifles. Clean and oiled, in good shape. They inserted the magazines. Akron belted on the holster and .45.

Nick said, "Let's get going."
