They drove to the airport and were cleared to leave Kashmir. The Eye was concealed with the guns in the camera equipment. Nick waited until they were in the air and Srinagar was receding below before he asked Selena what she was going to do.

"What would you do?" she said.

"You heard what Harker said. Turn it in. There must be a national museum for antiquities. That's where it belongs."

"I gave my word."

"To a dead man who tried to get us all killed. And then there's Ronnie."

"That's a cheap shot," Selena said. "You know damn well I haven't forgotten Cobra was responsible for what happened in Manila."

"You're right. Sorry, I didn't mean it to come across like that."

"I gave my word," Selena said again.

"It's a historic treasure," Nick said. "It's priceless. How long do you think it will last if those priests put it back on display?"

"That's not my problem," Selena said. "Besides, if you didn't think it was the right thing, why did you tell Elizabeth you couldn't understand what she was saying?"

"Because I wanted to give you the choice. Like you said, you gave your word."

"Did you tell the pilot we're going to New Delhi?"

Nick sighed. "Yes. I thought you might be stubborn about it. But I think it's a mistake."

Nick looked out the window. They were already in the approach pattern for New Delhi.

They got a cab at the airport and went to the temple. A Hindu man gave them a disapproving look as they stood by the entrance. Three foreigners.

"We have to take our shoes off," Selena said.

She pointed at a stone shelf by the temple entrance. They placed their shoes on the shelf and entered the temple.

Inside, it was cool and dim, the air heavy with powerful incense. Lamont looked up at the high ceiling and then at the fierce statue of Shiva.

"I wouldn't want to mess with that guy," he said. His voice was quiet.

The head priest stood motionless in front of the statue, watching them. He was old. It was hard to say how many years he was carrying. His face was like the weathered side of a mountain. He wore an orange robe and had a red dot painted on the center of his forehead.

"I think he's waiting for us," Selena said.

"How could he be? He couldn't know we were coming."

Selena said. "Wait here."

Selena stopped in front of the priest, steepled her hands together and made a slight bow.

"Namaste," she said.

He returned the gesture. "Namaste." His voice was soft, deep. Selena sensed hidden depth in it.

"I have something for you," she said in Hindi.

The priest showed no surprise. "I know," he said. "You are an honorable woman."

How did he know about that? she thought. She withdrew the jewel from her pocket. It felt hot in her hands. She held it out to him.

"Ah," the priest said. "Thank you."

There was a sudden smell of jasmine in the air. The priest took the stone and looked at her.

"Perhaps you don't believe in karma," he said. "No matter."

He bowed and turned away. He went through a beaded doorway.

That was weird, she thought.
