The taking of the embassy dominated the news. In Virginia, Elizabeth and Stephanie watched Selena reading Abu Sayyaf 's demands. Part of her team, in harm's way. They watched the hostage die.

"We have to help Nick find a way in," Elizabeth said.

Steph had put the plans of the American Embassy up on her monitor. The two women studied the image.

"Abu Sayyaf will be watching the ground floor," Elizabeth said. "I don't see how they can get in that way."

"Twelve hostiles," Stephanie said. "It's not enough to cover everything."

"The main focus has to be on the lower level."

Stephanie pointed at the plans. "Nick could get in from the roof. There's an access door and stairs to the top floor."

"That might work, but how do they get up there? There's no fire escape."

"That would be too easy, wouldn't it?"

"They could climb an outside wall." Elizabeth peered at the architectural drawings on the monitor. "There doesn't seem to be much they could use for footholds."

"The windows have blast grills over them," Stephanie said. "They can't get through those."

"The more I look at it," Elizabeth said, "it seems like the roof is the only way in. How about trees? Is there a tree they could climb to put them on the roof?"

Stephanie entered a few commands. An angled, overhead shot of the embassy grounds appeared on her monitor. She zoomed in.

"If they could get over to the opposite side of the building, there's a tree tall enough to get them onto the roof."

Elizabeth spoke into the comm link.

"Nick, do you copy?"


"It looks like there's only one way in. There's a tree on the south side of the building. You can climb it and get onto the roof. There's access up there."

"Copy. Climb the tree to the roof."

"It's the only way in," Harker said again.

"Copy. Out."

"Doesn't talk much, does he?" Steph said.

Elizabeth laughed.
