Dead Mice and Birds? Eee-



Out on the wall, the gang were waiting.

‘So,’ Bella said. ‘You’re really off?’

‘Yes,’ I said proudly. ‘I’m not going to stay where I’m not wanted.’

They were still anxious. ‘But, Tuffy, if no one in Ellie’s family is there to put your food in front of you, what are you going to eat?’

I had a think. In the end I said, ‘I am a cat, so if I don’t find anything else, there’s always the old traditional stand-by.’

They all looked blank.

‘Dead mice and birds,’ I said.

I don’t think I have ever seen three faces look more disgusted.

‘Dead mice and birds? Eee-yuk!’

‘You’re joking!’

‘What, pick off all that hair and fur and feathers and stuff, and actually eat the things?’


‘Horror-show idea!’

‘Full gross-out!’

‘What a sick plan! You must be off your head.’

‘Listen,’ I said. ‘Dead mice and birds is what cats used to eat.’

They weren’t convinced. ‘Yes. Back in the Stone Age!’

‘Before cat food was invented.’

‘About a million years ago.’

‘Don’t be such wimps,’ I told them. ‘Why, I can remember my mother telling me proudly that my own great-grandfather was known as a splendid mouser.’

‘I bet he didn’t eat the things he caught.’

‘I bet he did,’ I argued.

Tiger was determined. ‘No way. He’d have been sick.’

‘I’d have been sick just watching him,’ added Snowball.

I wasn’t going to hang around and argue. It was getting dark. So I got Bella and Snowball to hold my collar tight while I slipped out of it.

Then, ‘Farewell, gang!’ I said. ‘I’m off to seek my fortune. Wish me luck!’

They all came further along the wall to watch me go. Tiger waved a forlorn paw. ‘Don’t you forget us, Tuffy!’

‘No, don’t forget us. We won’t ever forget you.’

‘No, never.’
