I Did Not Kill It!
(Here is a warning. Those of you who are ‘of a nervous disposition’ – and that means wet – had better skip this chapter. It isn’t nice.)
I tramped the streets. The hours went by. And I got hungrier.
And hungrier.
And hungrier.
Everyone’s wheelie bin lids were fixed on tight. I went through one garden after another on the prowl, hoping that someone had at least put out a dish of milk for a hedgehog to keep me going.
But there was nothing.
I made my way right to the end of a row of gardens.
Sighing, I made my way back again. That’s when I saw it lying on the grass under my feet.
A baby bird.
I did not kill it! Understand? It must have fallen out of its nest after I went by the first time. (Possibly from fright.)
But it was dead. (And fresh.)
And I was hungry.
I gave the thing a little poke. ‘Come on!’ I told myself. ‘Don’t be so mimsy! It’s meat. It’s fresh. It’s nice and traditional. And you are very hungry.’
Alas! Nowhere near hungry enough, my friend. Nowhere near hungry enough.
Bella and Tiger and Snowball were right.