One Good Reason to Stay

That night I told the gang, ‘I’m going to run away.’

They all stared. ‘Run away? But why?’

‘Because I’m not happy at home.’

‘What’s wrong with your home?’ demanded Tiger. ‘The place is warm, isn’t it?’

‘Well, yes,’ I had to admit. ‘The place is warm.’

‘And comfy enough,’ said Bella.

‘Yes, I grant you it’s comfy enough,’ I said reluctantly.

Snowball said, ‘And the grub in your house is very good indeed.’

‘Obviously the grub is good,’ I said, ‘or I wouldn’t still be there.’ I waved an irritable paw. ‘But give me one good reason why I ought to stay.’

‘Apart from the fact that it’s warm, and comfy, and the grub is good?’

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Apart from that.’

They all had a good long think. But none of them could come up with a single reason why I ought to stay (apart from the fact that the house is warm and comfy, and the grub is good).

‘Well, there you go,’ I said triumphantly when they had racked their brains. ‘Not one of you can think of anything. So I have no choice but to run away.’
