Chapter 34

Thorne flew to London, then changed to a Finnair flight to Helsinki. The new push for economic austerity had forced him to travel in economy class. By the time he landed in Finland, he'd used up the better part of a day and was stiff from the lousy seats and hours in the air.

A lot of that time had been spent thinking about Jenna's call. Finding out the trip to Helsinki was a set-up didn't surprise him. Carlson was a master of underhanded manipulation. It was typical of him to do something like this.

Thorne's passport said he was Canadian. Titanium framed designer glasses and a good suit, combined with a trim mustache and goatee, gave him the look of a prosperous businessman. He cleared passport control and took a cab to the hotel where the conference was being held. A room had been reserved for him. If anyone asked, he was here to look into importing Finnish saunas to Canada.

There was no reason anyone would think he was anything other than what he appeared to be, unless one of the people on Carlson's list had betrayed him to the opposition. If that were the case, they'd come after him soon. If they did, he'd be ready for them, thanks to Jenna.

The conference was scheduled to begin in two days. Delegations from the United States, Syria, and the Russian Federation were arriving tomorrow, along with representatives of Turkey and the EU. There had been a lot of bickering about who would attend the meetings as interested observers or participants. An Egyptian Nobel Peace Prize winner had been chosen to moderate the discussions, someone who could reasonably be seen as neutral to both sides.

Security was already heavy at the hotel. Thorne spotted half a dozen men and women in the lobby sporting discrete earpieces.

Thorne's room was typical of European hotels. Small but comfortable. Enough room for a bed, a corner desk and chair, a wall-mounted TV, an armchair, and a bathroom. The view was of another wing of the hotel, but he wasn't there for the view.

It was after seven in the evening, Helsinki time. Long experience had taught him the best way to defeat jet lag was to adapt to local time and act accordingly. That meant it was almost time for dinner.

He stripped and went into the bathroom. A cold shower brought him back to alertness. He dressed in slacks, a gray shirt open at the collar, and a sport jacket, casual business style.

By now the bar would be filling up. It was time to go downstairs and mix. If the opposition knew he was here, they'd watch for an opportunity to engage.

The wall behind the bar was filled with bottles from floor to ceiling, liquors of every kind and description. Like everything else in the hotel, the bar was clean and modern, open and light. The floor was made of granite tile. Red rugs placed under chairs and tables helped keep the noise down to a bearable level. Most of the tables were occupied.

A man at the bar stood and left. Thorne slid onto the vacant stool. The bartender came over, a woman with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail

"Mitä haluaisit juoda?" she said.

"Sorry, I don't speak Finnish. Do you speak English?" Thorne said.

"Yes, I do. I asked you, what you would like to drink?"

He thought of Jenna and ordered a vodka martini.

The drink came. He took a sip and looked about the room. A group of reporters had commandeered several tables and pushed them together. Judging from their loud voices, they'd been there a while. There were a number of people he pegged as locals; others were probably staying at the hotel. The hotel and bar were right in the middle of town, making it a popular watering spot.

If the Russians had agents here, they weren't easy to spot.

The man sitting on his right got up and left. A woman sat down on the empty stool. She was attractive, with the look common to Scandinavia. Her eyes were blue, her cheekbones high and well defined, her skin milk-white fair. Her blonde hair was cropped short, feathered against her skull. She wore expensive clothes. Dark gray slacks, a red silk blouse, black designer shoes with sturdy raised heels. Gold and ruby earrings, gold bracelets. The faintest hint of high-end perfume.

No wedding ring.

"Hei," she said.

Her voice was pleasant.


"You are English?" she said.

"No, Canadian. I'm here on business."

"Finland is a very good place to do business."

"I hope so," Thorne said.

"You are long here?"

"Only a few days."

"What kind of business do you do?"

"Import/export. I import saunas for home use. I'm hoping to get a better deal here than in Sweden."

"Finnish saunas are much better," she said. "Have you tried one yet?"

Thorne laughed. "No, not yet. I only got here a few hours ago."

"I'm Sofi. Welcome to Finland."

She held out her hand. They shook.

"Hello, Sofi. I'm Calvin. My friends call me Cal."

"Well, Cal, would you like to buy me a drink?"

"It would be my pleasure."

Thorne signaled the bartender. What were the odds a woman who looked like this would sit down next to him two minutes after he appeared in public? Going out of her way to be friendly? She was either a hooker or a spy.

Right. Game on.
